
=== pinguik4 is now known as avargas
someone_I have an old problem with wifi on Kubuntu, its speed decrease without reason and sometimes I lose the connection, Is there any package or a driver could help in that , I think it is a general problem, I remmber I have used opensuse and the same problem appeared, I'm not sure it is problem in the kernel or in KDE.02:36
avargassomeone, r u sure is not the wifi source device02:43
vespertatiatry wireshark, maybe someone's deauthenticating you someone_02:43
someone_vespertatia I don't think so, but How I can know, I have wireshark and the router in the next room.02:46
vespertatiamaybe driver problems too, try wpa_supplicant, also monitor your logs, what does it say02:49
someone_vespertatia the result https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r2hrS7nCRp/02:50
someone_vespertatia What do you see?02:55
vespertatiasomeone_: that's an overview of how to use wpa_suppicant, try looking in to /var/log03:16
vespertatiabut please remove private information if there's any03:16
someone_vespertatia :)03:30
someone_Ok looking for what there are a lot of files there.03:30
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=== Katnip is now known as Guest61328
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hingridaHello, my children have set something on the kubuntu desktop so that it is bigger than the actual monitor and when moving mouse it the screen moves to travel to the place I am going to08:16
hingridaI think the screen resolution is now lower than the native 1920x108008:17
hingridabecause when I set it to 1920x1080 then it happens too08:17
hingridaWhere an be the setting to reset this to the default?08:18
acheronukDisplays in systemsettings08:19
hingridaIt's set to 1920x1080 there08:21
IrcsomeBot1jpweb7 was added by: jpweb709:45
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BluesKajHiyas all11:52
user|34529Where is kuser in Kubutu 18.04 in order to activate vbox checkbox. You need to check the box in order to use the USB in Virtualbox.11:58
user__hey guys12:31
user__anyone here12:31
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SzykCechIs Kubuntu 30bit depth color palete capable!?!? I mean 10bits per color...18:36
SzykCechI swear you if I won't get this answer!!!18:46
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> Hey there! … Sometimes my Kubuntu seems to be very slow. What options do I have, to accelerate my system and performance (without changing the hardware) ? … Software Information: Kubuntu 18.04, KDE-Plasma-Version: 5.12.5, KDE-Frameworks-Version: 5.46.0, Qt-Version: 5.9.5, Kernel-Version: 4.15.0-23-generic, 64-bit System … Hardware Information: Acer Aspire E1-571, 4 x Intel-Core i5-2450M (2.50 GHz), about 4 GB RAM19:17
diogenes_and what about graphics?19:20
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> I think it was Intel HD Graphics 300019:21
diogenes_well "sometimes" any pc can be slow and no matter how powerful it is, for instance when you transcoding some videos and at the same time you have like 20 tabs opened in the web browser + listening to the music and playing some games etc.19:24
diogenes_it would be a problem is it's slow all the time19:24
SzykCechIs Kubuntu 30bit depth color palete capable!?!? I mean 10bits per color...19:29
SzykCechI must know this before I decide to buy expensive hadrware (monitor and professional graphic card)19:30
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> @diogenes_, Yes, sounds legit. … But sometimes my performance is also slow, when I have only Telegram, a PDF (Okular) and Firefox with 1 or 2 tabs opened :/ … Should I close in ''htop'' some applications ? And is there a way, to reduce the RAM usage of some programs (which are running background) ?19:35
diogenes_Faszinosium4 i can assume this behavior might occur after a few days running the pc without shuting down or rebooting?19:37
=== pan is now known as Guest14404
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> Oh ... yes 😅19:43
diogenes_Faszinosium4 then most likely it's one of the applications eating up memory, there was this behavior when you leave firefox opened for a few days, it will constantly eating up memory so that's one example how you find yourself out of memory and the system start using swwap, as a result system becomes very slow and sluggish.19:45
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> When I open ''htop'', the Swp shows 685M/2.00G (the bar is red)19:46
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> What is this ''Swp'' and how can I reduce it ? Does it have an influence on my performance ?19:47
diogenes_yes, if the system is short on ram, it starting to use swap (you can read what is that on internet) and when the system is using swap it's always becoming slow (expect for the cases when you got a super fast SSD), a quick reboot will get your fast system back.19:49
IrcsomeBot1<Faszinosium42> Thanks for the information!  … Is there maybe a command to reduce/clean the swap (without rebooting my system) ? … It takes some time to reboot :D19:52
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Guest20999i need help to install nvidia nvs 5200m driver ubuntu 1823:24
Guest20999i need help to install nvidia nvs 5200m driver kbuntu 1823:25
claydohGuest20999: Use the Driver Manager found in System Settings23:26
Guest20999i think it's buggy23:27
Guest20999i prerfer to do it by termnal way23:27
claydohwhich driver version supports your card?23:30
Guest20999nvidia 34023:30
claydohit seems that 390 supports that card23:32
Guest20999i don't have any idea :"323:32
claydohwhat driver, if any have you tried to i stall?23:33
Guest20999i try with 390 ,, but i broke my xserver23:33
Guest20999i make a fresh install and came to here23:33
claydohhow did you try installing it?23:34
claydohGuest20999:  That way we don't try to do the same thing again, perhaps23:40
dcatch69Hello, is it possible yet to do an update from 16.04 to 18.04?23:41
Guest20999i try to modfiy somehow file in xorg dir23:42
Guest20999i forget :323:42
dcatch69Ok thanks23:42
claydohdcatch69: you can, the upgrade notifier won''t pop up until 18.04.1 later this mointh23:43
claydohbut you can do it manually, ill look for the command23:44
Guest20999how to cheak any driver that alread working at my system rightnow23:44
claydohGuest20999: the driver manager23:45
claydohfor some things23:46
Guest20999by termnal23:46
Guest20999how to do it23:46
claydohdcatch69:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BionicUpgrades/Kubuntu23:47
claydohGuest20999: depends on the device23:48
dcatch69Thank you claydoh23:51
claydohif you want to see the video driver, this will show it (among lots opf other things)23:51
claydohlshw -c video23:51
claydohGuest20999: I may have to run off, work calls :(23:54
claydohI may be a long time between answers23:54
Guest20999any time you avalb we can talk23:56

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