
lord734Hi. i just installed lubuntu. im trying to add another language to my keyboard. how can i do that ?11:06
JohnDoe_71Ruslord734: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhyDeuakmtY11:12
lord734i have not configured my vpn yet. so i cant access youtube :(11:12
system16umm where is settings ?11:18
system16there is an option for language but thats for the whole system.11:19
LargePrimei need to remap mouse buttons.  please advise.  btnx is dead and i do not understand easystroke16:31
LargePrimeplease ping16:32
wqqHello, I have a question. If I copy files from Win10, can I simply paste them onto lubuntu and they will work?16:58
diogenes_wqq, that's how you copy files, copy/paste17:04
wqqbut will there be any compatibility issues?17:05
wqqif I transfer the files grom win to lubuntu?17:05
diogenes_of course no, you can transfer back and forth whatever files you want17:06
wqqHi! It's me again. I have a story to tell and qestion to ask. I had to learn how to install Linux Mint in promptu, because laptop of my friend was dying, and that seemed like a good solution, to giving it so more time. I made a clear intallation, w created /, swap and /home partition (and maybe /root - can't recall). It worked. Now, for a long time I was planning to swap my own OS to Ubuntu/Lubuntu. And here's my question: if I want to make clear installation, w20:04
wqqhich option should I choose while installing? The default ,,clear and install'' or ,,sth else'' and try to divide HDD myself? I'm not going to use the laptop heavily, so will the default setting work for me?20:04
wqqThanks, sorry for textwall20:04
tsimonq2wqq: The default settings should work fine for you.20:12
tsimonq2No problem.20:14
sklei4For clock format, how do I change from military time to AM/PM?20:57
tsimonq2sklei4: `man strftime` has all the options20:58
sklei4excellent, thanks tsimonq220:59
sklei4change %R to %r for AM/PM21:01
egysklei4: I am sorry what command did you apply ? I'd like to know how21:05
sklei4egy: strftime is not on my machine locally, so I consulted an online manpage. Did you want to know how to change your clock display from military time to AM/PM?21:08
egysklei4: yes, I want to.21:39
egymore precisely, I want to know where is the string that has the "%R" so that I can change it to "%r"21:41
tsimonq2egy: Right-click your clock and go to Settings.21:41
tsimonq2Should be right there.21:41
egyaha I see now21:41
egyyes that should do the work, thanks tsimonq21:42
tsimonq2No problem.21:42

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