
tomreyni realized this mistake all too soon00:02
tomreyni guess there will be no ssh tunneling with this user00:03
tomreynBashing-om: did you know unmkinitramfs nad the current initrd file format? i learnt something new today during my PEBCAK session this afternoon00:05
Bashing-omtomreyn: not in the leaast .. the term " unmkinitramfs ' is UNfamiliar :(00:18
tomreynBashing-om: i didnt know it either, just wondered how to peek into an initramfs in 2018 <tomreyn> binwalk to the rescue! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MQ296gq7RQ/00:19
tomreyn(or rather: since the past few years, where i never did)00:20
tomreynthere's not a huge trove of documentation on this format which every systemd based distro seems to use nowadays.00:21
Bashing-omtomreyn: a new toy :) .. I had always done 'cpio' direct to extract the ramfs .00:22
tomreynBashing-om: so didi, and ended up with https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mbZKvWfMzz/00:23
tomreyn*did i00:23
tomreynwhich made me think it was broken, since my desktop would not boot at the time, stopping after "Loading initrd". took me a while to realize it was this other issue.00:24
Bashing-omadded to my notes on the to-do list :)00:24
Bashing-omtomreyn: I had followed along with what you were doing .. but as I am booting 18.10, I did not feel I could add anything .00:26
Bashing-omtomreyn: Also kinda procrastinating on doing UWN - can not seem to get in the frame of mind to do article summaries .00:27
tomreynBashing-om: thanks for following my chat there. is 18.10 different in terms of initrd?UWN = ubuntu weekly news?00:29
Bashing-omtomreyn: can not say what may have changed in the cosmic kernel space as I have yet to look and see . // Yes, UWN us Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter . Got to get hot on it if it is to meet the Monday deadline .00:32
Bashing-omtomreyn: to tell the truth. last time I seriously looked at the kernel was the change from 10.04 to 12.04 .00:34
tomreyntime flies00:36
Bashing-omTime - Tell me ! .. Can not believe tghe time lapse since I was *forced* to relinguish 10.04 .. it is now 18.10 time . A lot of support time !00:41
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:07
lotuspsychje!info clonezilla05:40
ubot5clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.27.16-2 (bionic), package size 754 kB, installed size 2915 kB05:40
Bashing-omToddl'n off to bed ,,, G Night \o05:49
ducassegood morning06:39
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lotuspsychjeany of you guys saw automatic kernel cleanup in update-manager yet?11:14
lotuspsychjei seen it once GUI11:14
lotuspsychjehmm seems like my bug about it dissapeared11:17
ubot5For information about removing old kernels to free up space on /boot, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels11:20
BluesKajHiyas all11:52
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj11:52
lotuspsychjesupport is ZZZzzzZZZ at the moment11:53
blackflowSat afternoon for the european shift :)11:54
lotuspsychjeand sunny, and vacation, and grocerys11:54
lotuspsychjeandroid is safe heh, what a joke12:03
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje12:03
BluesKaji don't bank on my phone unless I feel safe on the network i'm using12:04
BluesKajthink i did it once only a few weeks ago12:04
blackflowto be fair, the problem is not really in android, it's in malicious vendors.12:07
blackflowthe lower the price of something, the higher the "price" of it :)12:08
lotuspsychjethats only what they know, im sure many other rootkits floating around unknown tru all kinds of mobile Oses12:12
lotuspsychjewelcome revenant12:14
revenantHello world.  I've got a friend claiming Ubuntu's full of proprietary awfulness and lots of restrictions, but I've never seen any restrictions.  Does anyone see practical differences between Ubuntu and Debian?12:15
blackflowyou sure she didn't mean Apple/OSX/IOS?12:16
blackflow(it's UNIX, you know, so maybe there's the confusion with (Ubuntu) Linux)12:17
lotuspsychje!debian | revenant12:22
ubot5revenant: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!12:22
revenantblackflow - she definitely didn't mean Apple. She's just pretty extreme about the FOSS stuff.  I wonder how much truth there is to it, because the only thing I have trouble modifying is the Gnome terminal, nothing to do with Ubuntu.12:33
blackflowrevenant: there's no truth to it. Ubuntu _may_ be opinionated on how certain things are pre-set, but it's all open and GPL compliant (and compliant to any other license some software might come with, in official Ubuntu repositories).12:35
blackflowon the other side of the spectrum, it is not strict wrt Libre software, and thus it support installation of non-libre software, like nvidia proprietary drivers, for example.12:35
revenantblackflow: that's been my experience.  I've seen some nice things about the Debian repositories, but Ubuntu seems more up to date, and I wonder if installing drivers for my NVidia graphics card would be difficult under Debian.12:38
blackflowDebian supports "nonfree" repositories.12:38
BluesKajsometimes debian permissions can be a pita, but otherwise it's a top notch OS IMO12:52
BluesKajtheir support chat is populated by some really pedantic assh*les too12:53
blackflowit's a quality OS, no doubt about it. personally I prefer the better hardware and software support, and the whole release model of Ubuntu, esp. LTS + 6-month dev versions inbetween for some new software love affair :)12:54
BluesKajyeah, I like testing new Kubuntu dev releases12:55
blackflowsometimes the NIH stuff like netplan can be a bit annoying :)13:01
blackflowbut Unity was awesomest thing. bestest DE out there. I have had sads that it's no longer officially supported.13:01
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
EriC^^hello all19:23
Bashing-omEriC^^: :)19:26
pauljwhi everyone23:09

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