[01:43] 안녕하세요~ [04:10] 안녕하세여 [04:42] 삽질에 삽질을 거쳐 [04:42] 백업서버 복구했습니다~ ㅎㅎ [05:11] hi [05:12] Is there a ploace to meet GNU/Linux people? [05:13] (in Seoul) [05:13] I took a look in hackerspace, but many of them seems to be dead, and people are always fond of GNU/Linux [05:13] aren't* [05:26] Often Linux or Opensource Software Seminar open in Seoul . [05:26] Hello Megagolgoth, we are planning to host meetup in September. You can find our event info at loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ko or event.ububtu-kr.org [05:48] 한국 로코팀 7일 후에 인증 끝난다고 메일 온 거 같네요... [05:49] 운영진들께서는 빨리 처리하셔야겠어요. 이거 재인증받는데 시간이 좀 걸려서... [05:53] 연장은 그나마 쉬워서 끝나기 전에 연장을 받아야 하는데 말이지요 ㅜㅜ [05:57] 네 저희 인증에 쓸 문서 작성 하고 있습니다 [06:38] bridgebot, ok thx, but I won't be in south koreau in september [06:39] I'm here in South Koreau for holydays, for july/august only [06:39] that's already a lot of holydays! [07:06] if I find some offline event about linux , hacking and computer then send the infomation to you . : ) [07:16] autowiz_, ok thx! === g2anj is now known as g2anj__ === g2anj__ is now known as g2anj_[ [21:14]