slm2 | [04:41] *demp* fuck off with your channel #israel from freenode this is not a political or a place for cyberwars!! i mail already rivlin! [04:42] *demp* if your channel not present i 24h a new concept i will destry you and your frieds!!! [04:42] Can't use this command in this window [04:42] *demp* likud fucker [04:43] *demp* ou don't like support FOSS and PEACE in Israel tha n fuck off wwith your friends from FN! | 01:52 |
slm2 | [04:41] *demp* fuck off with your channel #israel from freenode this is not a political or a place for cyberwars!! i mail already rivlin! [04:42] *demp* if your channel not present i 24h a new concept i will destry you and your frieds!!! [04:42] Can't use this command in this window [04:42] *demp* likud fucker [04:43] *demp* ou don't like support FOSS and PEACE in Israel tha n fuck off wwith your friends from FN! | 01:52 |
slm2 | [04:41] *demp* fuck off with your channel #israel from freenode this is not a political or a place for cyberwars!! i mail already rivlin! [04:42] *demp* if your channel not present i 24h a new concept i will destry you and your frieds!!! [04:42] Can't use this command in this window [04:42] *demp* likud fucker [04:43] *demp* ou don't like support FOSS and PEACE in Israel tha n fuck off wwith your friends from FN! | 01:52 |
slm2 | [04:31] == slm2 [4d8b5d9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##linux-il [04:32] <slm2> amitar[m]1: [04:32] <slm2> bug2000: [04:32] <slm2> davix: [04:32] <slm2> efraim: [04:32] <slm2> gooly: [04:33] <slm2> HeN: [04:33] <slm2> shaib: [04:33] <slm2> slm2: [04:33] <slm2> tzafrir: [04:33] <slm2> yoavz: [04:33] <slm2> hi, shalom peace salam this is freenode and a israeli linux channel [04:34] <slm2> demp bann me again [04:34 | 01:52 |
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