
=== otubo3 is now known as otubo
blackboxswsmoser: pushed changes to https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34908116:35
smoserblackboxsw: it seems wrong to have sles and opensuse retain their old behavior though, doesnt it ?16:55
smosercaribou: please ping me if you need any help for scaleway datasource stuff17:11
blackboxswsmoser: probably, and I don't think that value in sles is actually used anywhere in cloud-init either so aligning that with other distros would be helpful more than harmful17:48
blackboxswI'm adding a comment to the branch right now17:48
blackboxswpushed that branch using load_shell_content, thanks for the review17:52
smoserblackboxsw: c-i doenst like you18:08
powersjc-i doens't like anyone right now18:11
powersjlxc seems to be hosed18:11
smoserhttps://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-ci/145/console i dont think was generic18:11
powersjah ok he hasn't gotten that far :D18:11
smoserugh. but also doesnt seem related to branch18:12
smoseroh. yes it does18:12
blackboxswgot it18:18
smoserblackboxsw: use of 'dedent' on OS_RELASE_DEBIAN is unnecessary18:33
smoserprobably want to indent that like the others tehre.18:33
blackboxswpushed fixes. will land it once ci passes again19:10
blackboxswpowersj: smoser also for today (for cosmic plus SRU) doc changes https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/349209/+edit-description19:45
blackboxswhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/349209 rather19:45
blackboxswpowersj: so I can rely on https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/admin-lp-git-autoland/11/ to land the following right?  https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34908119:51
powersjblackboxsw: it is in testing now19:52
powersjblackboxsw: landed: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/admin-lp-git-autoland/12/console19:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1780481 in cloud-init "ubuntu/centos/debian: get_linux_distro has different behavior than platform.dist" [High,Fix committed]19:59
powersjbug marked fix committed :D19:59
blackboxswthanks for the review smoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/349209 is approved now20:01
* blackboxsw kicks the autoland-trigger job20:03
blackboxswsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/349210 is for cosmic20:19
blackboxswand bionic https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34921220:22
blackboxswbah dentist appt, back in an hour20:23
smoserblackboxsw: i think i might miss you here..21:10
blackboxswNo smoser wrapping up21:13
blackboxswNo prob21:13
smoseri'll come in and upload for you late.r21:20
blackboxswThx will address it in 10 mins21:21
smoserblackboxsw: add the bug reference21:51
blackboxswhrm smoser: shall I remove  it from the previous changelog?21:51
blackboxswahh you mean geT_linux_distro21:52
blackboxswok. not SRU bug21:52
smosermake sense ?21:52
blackboxswwas wondering again what we do about SRU bug# that was on previous changelog21:52
smoseryeah, i think you have it right now21:52
blackboxswleave the previous changelog alone right?it alone right21:52
blackboxswleave the previous changelog alone right?21:52
smoseryes. you leave the old in place21:52
smoserit is "burned"21:52
blackboxswok doing that now21:52
smoserand then i have to remember when i upload to use '-v18.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.1' to debuild21:53
smoserand /me has to run... back in 2 hours or so to upload for you.21:53
blackboxswpushed xenial, artful, bionic21:58
blackboxswxenial: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34922321:58
blackboxswartful: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34922221:58
blackboxswbionic: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34921221:59

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