
veeberswallyworld: sweet, looks like I can remove the patch and just use the bootstrapped-ed-ed config for charmstore00:00
vinowallyworld: stub calls check u have mentioned is done via CheckCall/ChaeckCallNames00:01
kelvin_hi wallyworld can i get ur 5 minutes on HO?00:58
wallyworldkelvin_: talking to vino, give m 500:59
kelvin_wallyworld, yup, thanks00:59
veeberswallyworld: I've pushed the test fix up as a non-squashed commit. You're a popular guy today though, I'll ask babbageclunk to take a quick look if he's free https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8896/commits/eff1dc23ed0e400a21afa0d74e3a8c764e34ce3901:06
babbageclunkveebers: I'm free enough!01:06
veebersbabbageclunk: awesome, cheers!01:06
wallyworldkelvin_: free now01:15
wallyworldveebers: yeah, "popular"01:15
kelvin_wallyworld, c u soon01:15
wallyworldveebers: that worked out nicely by the looks01:25
wallyworldwas worth the time to avoid another patch of a global var01:26
veeberswallyworld: aye, wanted a sanity check on it to make sure the creation of that session wasn;t going to introduce some obscure issue01:26
veebersaye, just fixing another test (might get the same treatment) and should be able to land it01:26
babbageclunkSorry, got distracted - it looks nice to me too.01:27
veeberswallyworld, babbageclunk sweet, I did the same for UpgradeCharmStoreResourceSuite too01:45
wallyworldgreat ty01:45
veeberswallyworld: where are controller config options documented? For now I'll file a bug and assign it to me to follow up (for charmstore url)01:48
wallyworldthere's a page in juju docs somewhere01:48
wallyworldnot sure of exact url off hand01:48
veeberswallyworld: ack, I;ll file bug and keep track01:49
veeberswallyworld: if a test does this: s.AddCall("NewCharmAdder", conn, bakeryClient, csURL, channel), can I do a check that "NewCharmAdder" was called, but I only care about one of the args? (i.e. csURL)03:08
wallyworldi think you can get specific args for a given call from the stub03:09
wallyworldand then assert on that03:10
veeberswallyworld: ack, cheers03:12
babbageclunkwallyworld, thumper: What serialisation format do you think I should use for the FSM commands and snapshots? Might just make it yaml for now, it would be easy to change it (before release, I mean). Or gob would be another option.03:26
wallyworldi guess yaml is easier to debug? it's not like it will be huge quantities of data03:29
veeberswallyworld, babbageclunk: Whats the best way to debug this test failure :-( http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/2171/consoleFull (FAIL: machine_test.go:1021: MachineSuite.TestControllerModelWorkers)03:40
veebersintroduced in a commit that I've since squashed up (yay)03:40
babbageclunkveebers: havin' a look03:41
wallyworldveebers: loks like a build error03:41
wallyworlderror: 820: package build failed: FAILgithub.com/juju/juju/apiserver/facades/controller/charmrevisionupdater03:41
veeberswallyworld: I've sorted that issue out. This test fails locally too03:42
wallyworlddo toy have a run without the build error?03:42
veeberswallyworld: not a complete one no. I can push up my fixes for the build error issue and get one though03:43
wallyworldveebers: that looks like a significant root cause because the test output says waiting for [charm-revision-updater]03:44
wallyworldand that's the thing that doesn't compile03:44
veeberswallyworld: ah, interesting. Ok I'll start looking there03:44
wallyworldalso, there's a npe in the firewaller03:45
babbageclunkand the panic in instancepoller sounds bad03:45
wallyworldthe build error once fixed should address the worker bit of the failure03:45
veebersbabbageclunk, wallyworld ah right, I'm seeing build issues I didn't see earlier. I have something to go on now, thanks!03:45
wallyworldgood luck03:46
babbageclunkveebers: Oh, but also the "[LOG] 0:18.065 DEBUG juju.worker.dependency "charm-revision-updater" manifold worker stopped: empty charmstore URL not valid" seems like it would be related to what you're doing.03:47
veebersbabbageclunk: indeed! thanks03:47
* vino going for lunch.04:07
veebersbabbageclunk, wallyworld yay in the end an easy fix, had to set CharmStoreURL in the controllerConfigAttrs before the rest of the setup (the conns suite sets a default one which doesn't have that value)04:07
kelvin_wallyworld, r u free to talk about the bugs?04:42
wallyworldkelvin_: in a call, soon04:43
kelvin_wallyworld, yup, just ping me when u r ready, thanks.04:44
veeberswallyworld: ugh, my "microk8s.kubectl -n veebers delete po,svc --all" command has hung there for ages now :-\ seeing some DENIED in dmesg. Will explore after dinner05:32
wallyworldkelvinliu: finally free. jump in standup HO?05:36
wallyworldveebers: that happens to me sometimes too05:36
wallyworldi think i reinstall, not sure now05:36
kelvin_wallyworld, yup,05:37
veeberswallyworld: ack, will kill it shortly and try again05:38
babbageclunkwallyworld: do we have a standard way to represent times and durations in yaml (so they can be roundtripped)?05:56
wallyworldhmmm. not sure05:56
wallyworldi know we tend to use fake times for that sort of thing05:56
wallyworldor we nil out times before asserting05:57
wallyworldwe assrt that time value is not nil then make nil then assert05:57
wallyworldkelvin_: just a coouple of small comments06:00
babbageclunkI mean, I can't do that because I need the time values for the leases.06:05
wallyworldbabbageclunk: hmmm, i can't recall where we might do that06:18
babbageclunkwallyworld: It looks like maybe it just does the right thing actually, just checking.06:19
wallyworldhope so06:19
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
stickupkidmanadart: where we at with this, did you manage to test this locally? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/887909:15
manadartstickupkid: I tested it out with the latest changes. Looks good to land and iterate on.09:38
stickupkidmanadart: wanted to land this one before my others, so that's nice :D09:38
manadartstickupkid: I think all of yours are approved now.09:39
stickupkidmanadart: perfect, thanks09:46
stickupkidshould we be noting down which tests are flakey?10:11
stickupkidprobably a question for rick_h when he comes online I guess10:13
rick_h_stickupkid: definitely, please file a bug for those12:33
rick_h_stickupkid: and see if you can find a tag that works for them12:33
zeestratmorning rick_h_, who do I poke for support on the new discourse.jujucharms.com? It doesn't seem to want to pull in my gravatar icon. Also are there some guidelines for what will/should be put there? Will existing things from the mailing lists and askubuntu be imported so it's actually consolidated?12:59
rick_h_zeestrat: otp, sec13:00
rathore_all: how can i force juju to install lxd 3.0+ on xenial nodes?13:28
rathore_rick_h_: Can you please help?13:34
rick_h_rathore_: howdy, otp with the team. sec13:34
rathore_rick_h_: I am good thanks. Take your time13:34
rick_h_zeestrat: so, is 3.0 not the default in xenial after upgrade? Maybe it requires the backports PPA I guess.14:45
rick_h_or sorry, rathore_ that is14:45
rick_h_zeestrat: yea, not sure why the gravatar doesn't work. Please file a post in the issues section and I'll see if we can get the web folks to investigate.14:46
rick_h_zeestrat: as for porting stuff over, I'm not sure what we can do with the mailing list.14:46
rick_h_zeestrat: we are working to port over things like the Juju wiki pages, stuff in the juju/docs directory, etc.14:46
rick_h_zeestrat: and I don't think we'll pull askubuntu as that format kind of works there with the voting/etc. I'm not sure I'd want to pull all those over.14:47
zeestratrick_h_: right, but it is supposed to replace the mailing lists?14:52
rick_h_zeestrat: yes, it is14:52
rick_h_zeestrat: not sure if we can put them in archive mode/etc. There's not an import/tooling to pull out the history I know of atm.14:52
rathore_rick_h_: No still installs 2.xx14:53
zeestratrick_h_: Gotha, thanks. I hope there's a way to pull the archives in some sort of way for searchability. Would hate to lose the history and context.14:55
rick_h_zeestrat: definitely, it'd be nice. There's scripts for importing user accounts from the email lists in mailing lists but not seeing anything for the topics. We'll see if anything comes up.14:58
manadartjam stickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/890215:01
zeestratrick_h_: Dumb question, is there a issues section/category on discourse that I'm not seeing?15:20
rick_h_zeestrat: oh hmm, thought there was. /me looks again15:21
rick_h_zeestrat: must have been cleaned out. I guess just go uncategorized please15:21
zeestratrick_h_: Roger.15:26
stickupkidso it seems like it's the same issue over and over that's failing on for CI, I'm going to spend some time fixing it once I've finished my new PR, as it's currently a hindrance atm15:39
rick_h_stokachu: k, the action timeout thing?15:43
rick_h_stickupkid: that is15:43
stickupkidrick_h_: I believe it's in `juju/cmd/juju/application` - and it's around some mongo issue15:45
stickupkidrick_h_: the bigger issue is that we're hitting mongo at all, but that's another story... we're correcting as we go :)15:46
rick_h_stickupkid: always better than we found it and get there eventually :)15:47
stickupkidrick_h_: bingo!15:47
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
veebersMorning all o/20:21
hmlbabbageclunk: ping20:21
thumperrick_h_: morning20:31
rick_h_thumper: morning20:31
thumperrick_h_: do you have a few minutes to chat?20:31
rick_h_I was waiting in the QA call20:31
rick_h_thumper: if that's not going down I do20:31
thumperchris declined20:31
rick_h_ah missed that20:31
rick_h_k, omw then to 1-1?20:31
thumperrick_h_: I'm in the rick hangout because it looks like our 1:1 is missing a hangout/meet20:33
rick_h_thumper: I added it in, not sure what happend.20:33
* rick_h_ must have not added it recurring last week20:33
thumperI see it now20:33
thumperwonder what happened20:33
rick_h_thumper: sorry, might have to swap the axis there to get it to show up right20:44
rick_h_brb, getting the boy20:44
rick_h_kwmonroe: do we have this? https://twitter.com/esacteksab/status/101642867593024717421:11
rick_h_kwmonroe: as you mentioned a more concise changelog summary vs the 40 pages of stuff with the official release?21:11
rick_h_thumper: you still hacking on the graph?21:14
thumperI don't understand the underlying data, so hard to construct a query21:14
rick_h_thumper: ok, just wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on your graph if I played with it21:15
thumperyou're all good to play21:15
babbageclunkhml: so, the feature flag worker21:21
babbageclunkWhere does your new worker run?21:22
hmlbabbageclunk: in the machine agent21:22
babbageclunkThat's the easiest option then21:23
babbageclunkOk, so you have a feature flag set up to determine whether your worker should run?21:23
hmlbabbageclunk: yes21:23
babbageclunkYou can see the version I made for the raft enabled flag - you can just tell it the feature flag and whether it should invert the sense of the flag.21:25
hmlbabbageclunk: for a normal FT, I don’t want to invert yes?21:27
hmlor correct21:27
babbageclunkhml: yeah, that sounds right - the disable-raft one was a bit of a weird case.21:27
hmlbabbageclunk: k - then i need the equivalent of ifRaftEnabled?21:28
babbageclunkhml: yup - that enables you to wrap a given manifold so it only runs when the flag is true.21:29
hmlbabbageclunk: diving in… :-)21:30
hmlbabbageclunk: thank you!21:31
babbageclunkhml: no worries - give me a yell if you have any more questions!21:32
hmlbabbageclunk: :-)21:32
wallyworldwould love a review in anyone is free https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/890521:40
babbageclunkwallyworld: I'll take a look after my chat with thumper21:54
wallyworldyou rock21:55
thumpervino: hey, got a few minutes for a chat?22:24
vinosure thumper.22:26

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