
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> plasma 5.12.6 for bionic now in updates, so that will be on our 18.04.1 iso :)17:34
mparilloUntil 18.04.1, Updates (point release bug fixes) are PPA-only, correct?  (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa) And, in general, we recommend backports in the #kubuntu channel, right, because updates will be limited to 5.12 plasma series, but eventually, backports might include 5.13 (assuming Qt)?18:14
acheronukmparillo: no, 5.12.5 is in the main archive updates. other point releases like kdeconnect, krita, kio-grive are also going in updates ppa18:20
mparilloToday's ISO still gets me 5.12.4 on a fresh install.18:39
acheronukit will be in the point release18:40
acheronukalso: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/bionic/daily-live/current/18:40
mparilloSorry, today = 18.04. But if I keep full-updating, or I wait to 18.04.1, I get 5.12.6?18:40
acheronukmparillo: 5.12.6 will be in updates once mirror sync18:41
acheronuk4:5.12.6-0ubuntu0.1 updates, proposed (universe)18:42
mparilloAnd Discover found them. 319 updates.18:43
acheronuktakes a while to publish then mirror18:44
mparilloUpgrade complete, and re-boot successful. No dead kittens. Thanks.18:50

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