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Guest41491 | boa noite | 04:37 |
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elichai2 | Hey | 08:13 |
diogenes_ | hey | 08:15 |
elichai2 | is it normal that I have nothing running on my machine right now and plasmashell takes arround 6.1% of the RAM? (I have 16GB RAM) | 08:19 |
diogenes_ | elichai2, could be normal if you're running your pc for several days without shutting down or rebooting. | 08:20 |
elichai2 | Why does the fact that I'm not shutting down make plasmashell take more ram? | 08:21 |
diogenes_ | elichai2, i can't say for sure that this is the problem but there were many reports from people that some applications eating up ram while being idle. | 08:23 |
mparillo | elichai2: If you have a slideshow as your wallpaper, there was a known bug about plasma not freeing memory. I know it was fixed upstream, but that kind of thing is usually temporarily cured with a reboot. | 09:22 |
mparillo | 6.1% of 16GB is almost a GB. That does sound high for plasmashell. Do you have several plasmoids (widgets) on your desktop? | 09:23 |
elichai2 | somehow I can't find in the settings where do I set a wallpaper lol | 09:28 |
mparillo | You can right click on the desktop, configure desktop | 09:36 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 10:16 |
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someone_ | Is there anyone using Kubuntu 16.04 ? | 12:30 |
BluesKaj | !anyone | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | he's not here ;-) | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | someone_, just ask your question | 12:33 |
someone_ | if there is no Kubuntu 16.04 users there is no benefit to ask, I need someone able to try something to ensure if this is a common problem or only me have this problem. | 12:39 |
Kali_Yuga | My yakuake doesn't run anymore I purged yakuake deleted the config files and reinstalled. It still won't open. It seems like it's invisible. this is what is spits out when I press f12 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hVWyTWnyD5/ | 12:50 |
Kali_Yuga | worked yesterday. the only thing I've done is tried a new web browser *didn't find one yet.. firefox has been really buggy for me since the last update | 12:52 |
Kali_Yuga | refreshing also didn't help | 12:52 |
Kali_Yuga | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/g6VPxYmJwM/ | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | someone_, well it's difficult for those using 16.04 if you don't tell them what your issue is | 12:56 |
BluesKaj | Kali_Yuga, did you enable it in kmenu first afte reinstalling? | 12:57 |
Kali_Yuga | No, I didn't have to do that the first time I installed it. idk where do I enable this? | 13:03 |
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Kali_Yuga | Ff I run yakuake in Kmenu don't know what you meant by enabling it same thing happens just stays invisible | 13:06 |
Kali_Yuga | If* | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | Kali_Yuga, are you on kubuntu? ...by your nick I' guess no | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | !kali | 13:19 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 13:19 |
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Kali_Yuga | sorry was afk | 13:46 |
Kali_Yuga | yes i'm on kubuntu | 13:46 |
BluesKaj | Kali_Yuga, look in the Kmenu and search yakuake | 13:49 |
Kali_Yuga | ok it's there | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | click on it to open it | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | that should enable it | 13:50 |
Kali_Yuga | ok | 13:50 |
Kali_Yuga | no it's still invisible | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | then F12 should work | 13:51 |
Kali_Yuga | yes f12 something raises something above my desktop but i can't do anything its invisible. also tried guake but same thing happens basically? | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | have you tried launching from the konsole? | 13:55 |
BluesKaj | to see what errors are there | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | Kali_Yuga, also have you updated and upgraded with apt lately, you might be mssing some dependencies etc | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | BBL , stuff to do for a few mins | 14:00 |
Kali_Yuga | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MbW8HdW6Bt/ and nothing to update | 14:00 |
Kali_Yuga | k | 14:00 |
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Mrokii | Hi. I have a problem with Firefox that may be connected to Kubuntu in some ways. I have installed FF 62.0b6 and all my extensions are disabled, with no way to enable them. Somebody on #firefox said that there were several people reporting the issue with Kubuntu. Does anybody know about this? | 14:36 |
diogenes_ | Mrokii, tried renaming .mozilla | 14:37 |
Mrokii | diogenes_: Nope, haven't tried anything yet. | 14:39 |
acheronuk | No problems with 62b6 here | 14:40 |
Mrokii | Okay. | 14:46 |
Mrokii | I just downgraded to 61.0 and the extensions were activated again. So there's definitely something weird going on with the latest FF-beta. | 14:49 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: it's ok here, but I AM using the mozilla binaries rather than a ubuntu .deb | 14:50 |
diogenes_ | why not falkon? it's way better in my opinion and it's a kde project so it's better integrated in plasma de. | 14:51 |
Mrokii | acheronuk: I have a repo from the mozilla-team activated ("mozilla-next"). | 14:51 |
Mrokii | I've never tried Falkon. | 14:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> Hello! A quick question: suddenly (maybe after an update, not sure) the Meta key no longer works to open the Plasma Launcher on 18.04. Anyone knows of a solution or what can have happened? | 14:52 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: I used to use that, but it went through a period of being a bit slow to update, and I'm using the dev edition anyway | 14:52 |
diogenes_ | fmb, try a new user. | 14:53 |
Mrokii | acheronuk: The dev-edition of Falkon? | 14:53 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: no, Firefox | 14:53 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: https://i.imgur.com/C9FyFf1.png | 14:54 |
Mrokii | acheronuk: My version-window looks a bit different. One moment... | 14:57 |
acheronuk | as said, I'm using developer edition, but that is basically the beta build under the hood | 14:58 |
Mrokii | http://i.imgur.com/2cr5Ysk.png | 15:00 |
Mrokii | Okay. | 15:00 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: well, we know it is not just Kubuntu now anyway :) | 15:06 |
Mrokii | acheronuk: Unless I missed something, they reports are all about (K)Ubuntu, so it might be that only those are affected, and, as it seems, not even every user. I think I also have activated the backports-repo for the latest versions of the system. I wonder if that has something to do with it. | 15:12 |
acheronuk | Mrokii: I mean it's not Kubuntu specific. i.e. may effect you with thsoe packages, no mater what Ubuntu flavour you are using | 15:13 |
Mrokii | acheronuk: Yeah, okay. That seems to be the case indeed. | 15:14 |
Mrokii | Oh well, nothing too serious for the moment. :) | 15:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, Ok. Now I'm AFK. Will try it as soon as I get there. Thanks | 15:20 |
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kelvie | has anyone noticed a gpu memory leakage in the latest update on kubuntu (the one last week-ish) | 18:14 |
kelvie | I suspect it's plasma, but can't find a good way to get gpu memory usage | 18:14 |
kelvie | er to see what's using gpu memory, rather | 18:14 |
kelvie | my 4GB gpu goes down to <1GB gpu memory overnight | 18:15 |
kelvie | then darktable refuses to turn on openCL | 18:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, So, just tried a new user and it works. Any ideas on how to fix it for my regular user? I could move entirely to this new user, but everything is already configured on the other one... | 18:33 |
diogenes_ | fmb, try to rename the ~/.config folder of your main user and if that works then from the renamed .config folder you copy only the configuration folders for your needed applications like for instance kare or kwrite or anything else you need. | 18:35 |
diogenes_ | s/kare/kate | 18:35 |
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pedorcas_ | Hello, you probably get this question a lot lately, but i saw a post in the beggining of june saying that in two weaks kde15.3 was coming to kubuntu, is it already out? i can't find much online | 18:46 |
pedorcas_ | *recent | 18:46 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, It worked. Now I'll try copying the stuff from the old .config. Let's see if I can find my way through it. One further questiin: only the folders are to copied? The files in the root of .config should be left alone? | 18:48 |
diogenes_ | fmb, if you have a lot of time and you wanna troubleshoot what exactly created the problem, i'd advice you to copy 5-7 folders at a time from the old config and re-log after copying and replacing, then you can see which folder makes the problem. | 18:51 |
diogenes_ | and of course you can copy not only folders but the files too. | 18:52 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, yes, I was goingo to add something along these lines: what I'd like to know is where the problem is so that I can keep the old configuration. Anyway, it leaves me guessing what will be more work: do this or reconfigure the desktop... 😊 | 18:53 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, Thank you! | 18:53 |
diogenes_ | fmb, you're welcome. | 18:53 |
IrcsomeBot | <fmb> @diogenes_, just a quick heads up: ended up having the idea of simply adding new panel on the top of the screen, deleting the old one, then moving the new one to its place. This way I only had to reconfigure the panel, not the whole thing... | 19:08 |
diogenes_ | fmb, well done! | 19:09 |
IrcsomeBot | Johnnyftlopes was added by: Johnnyftlopes | 22:30 |
chcknrub | https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01DPP7CLG | 22:32 |
drist | I have latest version of KDE. Everything was fine but it occurred to me to change the language, it was in English and now it is in Spanish, but it does not connect to the internet anymore; until just before the change all was without any problem of connexion. How can I solve that? I tried with reboots, change configuration of some connections, etc. but the same, the system and applications work, the problem is the connection. | 22:47 |
valorie | drist: have you tried with a new user? | 23:01 |
valorie | that would be all fresh configs | 23:01 |
drist | there must be another less drastic solution | 23:04 |
drist | Maybe I should delete all the settings of the network manager, vpn etc | 23:06 |
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valorie | drist, drastic? | 23:27 |
valorie | it's just a test to see if the configs are to blame | 23:27 |
valorie | and don't delete, rename | 23:27 |
valorie | that way you can move back if that is not the issue | 23:28 |
t4nk553 | hey ppl, I want to buy a ryzen7 1700 on an am4 board, been using kubuntu for many years now, will I still be able to with the new processor? or won't it run stable? | 23:47 |
user|57602 | Hi, I am having some issues install Kubuntu 18.04 on one of my machines. | 23:48 |
user|57602 | The installer takes quite a while, and fails at some point during the "install" phase. | 23:49 |
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