
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!07:35
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:40
dufluOr it was till someone broke the mutter ABI07:40
dufluhad to happen eventually07:40
duflu(implicit "good" prefix :)07:41
oSoMoNhey duflu07:41
dufluhi ho willcooke07:57
dufluactually the next line of that song applies too07:57
willcookemorning all07:59
willcookehi duflu07:59
dufluActually my memory of Snow White is incorrect07:59
oSoMoNhey willcooke08:17
willcookehi oSoMoN08:25
willcookehi Laney08:44
oSoMoNhey Laney08:46
dufluMorning Laney08:46
Laneyhey willcooke oSoMoN duflu08:47
Laneywhat's up?08:47
dufluLaney, I think I have bad news. Just confirming now... https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/21808:48
gitlab-botGNOME issue 218 in mutter "[regression] mutter doesn't start anymore" (comments: 0) [Opened]08:48
dufluYeah, that's the one. It's the HEAD too08:53
Laneyyeah I saw that, don't worry about it08:53
LaneyGoing to look shortly.08:54
dufluLaney, I have to - it's stopping me from doing my job. Got a fix handy?08:54
dufluWill skip it08:54
LaneyI'm sure you know how to revert a commit08:55
dufluLaney, yes I have a variety of workarounds. Just happened to coincide with the ABI bump too, which changes my workflow08:56
dufluOnly a speedbump08:56
seb128good morning desktopers09:03
dufluHi seb12809:03
willcookemorning seb12809:03
seb128hey duflu, willcooke09:04
seb128how are things here? had a good w.e?09:04
willcookeall good, how was your weekend?  Looks like it was a blast!09:04
seb128nice but a bit exhausting as well09:05
seb128I'm glad we had an easy evening yesterday, no social event organized :)09:05
seb128GUADEC was great09:05
Laneyduflu: can you try that commit please?09:48
dufluLaney, OK will do before EOD. Working on tangential gnome-shell problems :/09:49
duflu(before EOD means very soon)10:02
seb128willcooke, andyrock, I can confirm the livepatch notifications don't work, that's because /var/snap/canonical-livepatch/current/status is 600 root owned and update-notifier can't read its content10:27
willcookeah, nice one seb12810:29
seb128dunno when that changed and it's by design though10:29
seb128or a bug on the livepatch side10:30
seb128hum, need to reboot to have the new snapd interface available, brb10:30
pittiLaney: hey, how are you?11:16
pittiLaney: I'm afraid I broke CI again with https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/953411:16
gitlab-botsystemd issue (Pull request) 9534 in systemd "Fix networkd test" (comments: 3) [Network, Tests, Open]11:16
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?11:17
Laneyhey pitti11:17
Laneyoops /o\11:17
pittiit seems stopping systemd-networkd somehow fails the ssh connection (this works fine locally -- stopping networkd does NOT automatically tear down existing interfaces)11:17
Laneywe should robustify this stuff11:17
pittiLaney: could you please kill the UPSTREAM_PULL_REQUEST=9534 runs? I think they are auto-tmpfail-retrying11:18
Laney& yeah I'm good, having fun in Almería this week11:18
pittiça va seb128 !11:18
Laneydo you need logs?11:18
pittiLaney: ah, you're on GUADEC too?11:18
pittiLaney: if it's cheap for you to get one, it would be nice; I expect something like an ssh failure11:18
pittiI'll try to reproduce it with a local ssh runner11:19
Laneysí señor!11:19
pittiLaney: muchas gracias !11:19
LaneyI'll let this last one run and then pastebin the log11:22
willcookeseb128, andyrock - FYI, I chmoded a+r that current/status file and got a notification about 2 updates having been applied13:15
Laneypitti: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zSFPnkTmrr/13:28
pittiLaney: ooooh! that helps a lot actually13:28
pittinetworkd-test.py     PASS13:28
pittiI just haven't tried to turn it of *and on* again!13:29
pittiLaney: ¡muchas gracias, señor!13:29
Laneyde nada!13:29
pittiLaney: so I suppose once I fix it, the loop should come to a natural end, too13:30
pittiLaney: I pushed a fix; I'll hawkeye it, and tell you if/when I will break it again14:44
LocutusOfBorgWimpress, hello, mate-desktop merge/sync please?14:47
LocutusOfBorgit is holding some mate packages right now14:47
kenvandineseb128, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/377778285/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_amd64_gnome-system-monitor_BUILDING.txt.gz14:48
seb128kenvandine, you need https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1/0.105-1814:52
Laneycool uploader14:56
kenvandineLaney, the coolest15:04
abeatocyphermox, hey, Aleksander (MM maintainer) has created LP: #1780606 . It looks like NM's file 10-globally-managed-devices.conf is wrong, do you know which is the intent of that file?15:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1780606 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager not able to manage WWAN devices in 18.04 server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178060615:33
jameshandyrock: I made a few comments on your libsoup MR: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libsoup/merge_requests/6 (Robrert mentioned it in passing here)15:34
gitlab-botGNOME issue (Merge request) 6 in libsoup "Allow http over unix socket" (comments: 6) [Opened]15:34
andyrockKk thanks15:35
pittiLaney: yay, s390x finished already, so at least not completely broken :)16:06
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cyphermoxabeato: it's meant to make sure NM manages the devices when we need it to, and ignores them when it needs to, considering that we install netplan16:32
cyphermoxabeato: in other words, ok, the values are wrong, we should just fix it16:34
abeatocyphermox, great, I wanted to confirm that16:34
oSoMoNhave a good evening everyone16:57
willcookenight all17:33

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