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acheronukricotz: a user reports that FF 62.0~b6 from the PPA disables all extensions and they can't be re-enabled. are you aware of any issue?14:57
sil2100rbasak: hey! Did you see my last-week's ping about letsencrypt in xenial?15:01
acheronukLP: #178079315:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780793 in firefox (Ubuntu) "All extensions disabled in Firefox 62.0b6 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178079315:02
acheronukso I got a report on IRC for that, and found that bug report, and they are not the same reporter15:02
rbasaksil2100: yeah. I need to reply there. The packages need more work. Just needs somebody to do them. Unfortunately it's a disproportionately large amount of work because of the number of source packages, releases and package renames involved.15:03
rbasakSo I ran out of time multiple times on that already15:03
rbasakI have successfully made a classic snap of certbot instead, which was far less work.15:04
rbasakSo I'm trying to see if that'll be a better approach for users.15:04
rbasakIn the meantime, the SRU can either make progress or not. I don't have the ~2 days I think it'll take to drive it through to spare right now :(15:05
bdmurrayLaney: Could you explain to me how to call Vte.Terminal.feed_child() in vte2.91 version 0.52.2? It seems to have changed between 0.52.2 and 0.52.1. Bug 178050115:08
ubottubug 1780501 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Traceback calling Vte.Terminal.feed_child()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178050115:08
Caspy7Howdy. I help a bunch with firefox support and we're seeing several reports that Ubuntu users using the beta build of firefox (not downloaded from Mozilla) are having all their addons disabled15:23
Caspy7does anyone have more info on this situation or an update?15:23
Caspy7(is there a bug filed perhaps?)15:24
Laneybdmurray: Omit the last argument I guess. Maybe we shouldn't have changed that in an SRU.15:24
bdmurrayLaney: That still doesn't work. TypeError: Item 0: Must be number, not str15:27
acheronukCaspy7: I linked LP: #1780793 a short while back15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780793 in firefox (Ubuntu) "All extensions disabled in Firefox 62.0b6 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178079315:28
acheronukand pinged ricotz who is the uploader15:28
Caspy7cool cool15:28
acheronukwill have to see if he is around later15:28
Laneybdmurray: I'm busy at a conference I'm afraid; try asking ricotz who wrote this particular change.15:29
seb128willcooke, chrisccoulson, ^ could be something worth keeping an eye on15:32
ricotzmight be a fallout of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=146476615:41
ubottuMozilla bug 1464766 in Add-ons Manager "Allow to relax the signature requirements" [Normal,New]15:41
bdmurrayricotz: Do you have any ideas about "Vte.Terminal.feed_child()"?15:45
ricotzbdmurray, 0.52.1 included an unwanted api change compared to upstream while it reverted g-i annotations15:48
ricotzbdmurray, so it is a proper array parameter now https://launchpadlibrarian.net/365758293/vte2.91_0.52.1-1ubuntu1_0.52.1-1ubuntu2.diff.gz15:51
bdmurrayricotz: So how would I call it?15:51
ricotzbdmurray, doesnt string provide some kind of instance field15:53
ricotzbdmurray, I guess: feed_child(list("\n\n"))15:55
bdmurray----> 1 term.feed_child(list("n\n"))15:57
bdmurrayTypeError: Item 0: Must be number, not str15:57
ricotzbdmurray, or assign the string to a local var first and pass it to list15:59
bdmurraylike words = "n\n" and then feed_child(list(words))? I don't think that would change anything.16:02
ricotzfeed_child(words.to_utf8()) ?16:04
ricotzah no16:05
ricotzbdmurray, you did try simple omitting the -1?16:10
bdmurrayricotz: yes ----> 1 term.feed_child("n\n")16:13
bdmurrayTypeError: Item 0: Must be number, not str16:13
bdmurrayricotz: Isn't this supposed to fix it? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/366367148/vte2.91_0.52.1-1ubuntu1_0.52.1-1ubuntu2.diff16:22
ricotzbdmurray, try to find someone who know more about the python types -- https://sources.debian.org/src/sugar-pippy-activity/71~dfsg-1/pippy_app.py/?hl=540#L54016:31
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