
mauro_como instalo um navegador01:17
mate|61143Hey, I'm new on this IRC. Came here from the welcome page on Ubuntu MATE.02:24
mate|61143Is this the right place to ask questions?02:24
swift110sup folks04:56
alkisgmate|61143: sure, ask05:02
swift110yes you dont have to ask to ask05:08
praveenprem08hello ther07:28
mate|73287Guys, do you know why WiFi is not working in Ubuntu 18.04 (HP laptop).09:44
rayosbhi this a test12:27
diogenes_for driver license?12:28
stevenm_sixwheeledbeast, figured it out - but the installer is woefully inadequate, it's a long manual process12:29
sixwheeledbeaststevenm_: if i helped its been been a while, i forgot what it was about12:32
stevenm_it's probably not worth going in to again :)12:33
stevenm_essentially if you're trying to preserve an existing OS on your hdd when installing ubuntu mate... but also want encryption... but also want encryption done the old fashioned way (lvm with swap inside that) like the wizard would do (which unfortunately wipes the whole disk)... then you're sore out of luck unless you do it all manually and fix a few files/grub/initramfs after12:34
stevenm_in my situation... new work laptop ... been told to keep win10 on it (so i've shrunk it to 1/5th the size)... want the encryption (as it's a lappy) and need a swap partition (not file) otherwise hibernation doesn't work12:34
stevenm_if any devs read that let me know and I can go into more details12:35
alkisgstevenm_: if you're talking about the ubuntu installer, ubiquity, it's not related to mate12:36
alkisgMate uses it, but doesn't handle bug reports etc; you'd need to use launchpad12:37
stevenm_alkisg, oh sure i know that - but it just happens to be mate i'm installing12:37
stevenm_the bug likely already exists :)  it's essentially called... (if it exists)... make sure the advanced partitioning screen can create/edit LVM12:37
stevenm_which is a huge huge job :)12:38
alkisgstevenm_: great, but if you want the *ubiquity* devs to read this, so that they fix it, you should report it to them, not to mate12:38
stevenm_otherwise the bug could be... allow an automated lvm/luks setup (like it does currently) but not as *whole* disk - i.e. along side other gpt/dos partitions12:38
stevenm_i guess that is more reasonable12:38
sixwheeledbeaststevenm_: ah yes i remember12:52
aniI did a fresh dual boot installation of Ubuntu Mate on my laptop and for some reason it's running hotter than WIndows 10 out of the box. I haven't installed any additional softwares yet apart from psesnsor12:53
sixwheeledbeastmaybe mention it in #ubuntu ?12:54
sixwheeledbeastani what does psensor show12:54
anipsensor shows CPU core temperatures as 53, 55, 54, 54. They change a bit but stay between 50 and 5512:55
aniBUt when I boot into Windows 10, average temperature stays between 40c and 45c12:56
aniThose were 4 temperature levels for 4 cores12:58
aniShould I go to #ubuntu ?13:01
sixwheeledbeastani: may just be detecting the temperature wrong in one or the other.13:04
animaybe. But touching the laptop with hand also feels hotter here. Don't get me wrong, I love Linux. I'm just looking for a way to fix this.13:06
sixwheeledbeastdoesn't sound amazingly hot for a laptop tbh. depending on the chip it could go upto 90 odd before throttling.13:09
sixwheeledbeasti would investigate with "top" in terminal if anything is using CPU13:09
sixwheeledbeastalso see if "dmesg" shows any issues.13:10
anihow do I do that?13:10
sixwheeledbeastopen a terminal and type top13:11
aniand the dmesg one?13:11
sixwheeledbeastyep you will need to stop top or open another term13:13
sixwheeledbeastin top whats your load avg and cpu%13:14
anigive me a moment13:14
aniload average: 0.09, 0.33, 0.3713:15
ani%Cpu(s):  0.7 us,  0.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 98.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st13:15
sixwheeledbeastso nothing is happening really. <1%13:17
aniyeah. And still all my cores are at about 60C now13:18
sixwheeledbeastas I say that may not be accurate for whatever reason.13:21
aniokay. Thanks for the help.13:22
alkisgani, you can also try asking in #ubuntu-kernel13:22
alkisgKernel schedulers and all can cause temperature problems13:22
alkisgBut if you don't see anything weird in htop, it's not a desktop environment issue13:22
aniOh okay. Thanks13:22
clhi ihave aprobrem,why my firefox cant use hdmi sound14:33
alkisgIf you run `aplay /bin/ls` do you hear it from hdmi?14:35
cli can use in ubuntu mate   bu at firefox sound is zizizizi......14:37
sandra_I have a question about installation17:45
sandra_ok neverming17:46
karjala_Do you know if systemd unit files inside /etc/systemd/system may safely be links to files outside that directory?18:44
karjala_I think I read somewhere that we shouldn't do that18:44
m4tkarjala_: my /etc/systemd has a ton of symlinks to /lib/systemd/system .service files. i didn't put them there.20:25
karjala_yes i know20:25
karjala_mine too20:26
karjala_but i'm wondering about the ones we put there20:26
karjala_are they allowed to be symlinks?20:26
m4ti dont think it'd be an issue, easy to test20:26
Eickmeyerkarjala_, m4t: Any time a systemd service is "enable"d to start at startup, it creates a symlink. Hence those symlinks. Don't mess with them unless you put them there; you could bork your install.21:06
EickmeyerAnd really, there's no reason to link to them from anywhere else, which could also be hazardous.21:08
m4ti don't see an issue with ln -s /some/path/to/some.service /etc/systemd/system/; systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable some.service21:11
m4tif it works it works21:11
m4ti'm not really visualizing a use case though. maybe if you had .service/executables stored on a network drive and wanted to update multiple systems or something21:13
m4tkarjala_: oh btw, there is also the possibility of a hard link instead of a symlink. that way the same data/inode is pointed to by 2 different files. modify one, and the contents of the other is modified. it'll only work if they're both on the same filesystem though.21:37
karjala_m4t, what i replace 1 rather than modify it?21:43
m4tif you rm it then make a new one, the other one still stays the same21:43
m4ti think a mv/cp would overwrite it as well. but if you just did cat > file ^D, then it'd modify both21:44
m4tanything that changes the inode..21:44

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