[13:07] ahoy ZA! [19:31] paddatrapper: ping [19:32] pavlushka: pong [19:32] paddatrapper: LP: Rejected: [19:33] Unable to find distroseries: Bionic [19:33] paddatrapper: Distribution: ???? [19:33] Urgency: medium [19:33] pavlushka: use Ubuntu/bionic perhaps? I don't know what the Ubuntu format is supposed to be [19:34] paddatrapper: hmm [19:39] pavlushka: why are you packaging something that is already in the Debian archive? [19:39] https://packages.debian.org/unstable/text/aspell-bn [19:40] paddatrapper: its a dictionary package, and mine is updated with wordlist and better unicode support [19:41] that's why [19:42] pavlushka: ah I see. I would suggest filing a wishlist bug for the version bump against the Debian package to indicate interest too [19:42] And maybe consider joining Debian-IN and update the official version in Debian [19:43] paddatrapper: at some point I thought that but that's a lot to ask :p [19:58] paddatrapper: filing a wishlist bug for the version bump against the Debian package to indicate interest too [Explain a little more with links] [20:00] pavlushka: [20:00] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs [20:00] https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting