Eickmeyer | cyphermox: Done, take a look | 00:35 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: re: ubuntustudi-plasma seeds... starting over :P | 01:13 |
OvenWerks | I realized that all the meta packages can not be added the same way as our seeds. | 01:15 |
OvenWerks | If I make an audio-core file for example, when the seeds get meta-ed then there would be two ubuntustudio-audio-core packages or worse there would also be a ubuntustudio-plasma-audio-core package that was the same. | 01:16 |
OvenWerks | So, I am starting with https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.cosmic which is a bzr package by the way, and after taking out desktop.minimal-remove and taking the packages in there out of desktop... I can add a metas file that adds our metas. | 01:20 |
Eickmeyer | Oh cool! | 01:33 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: I am also looking at the current seeds and think that some of the stuff in desktop-core would be better in desktop... but oh well. later perhaps. | 01:35 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah, let's not get our elbows any deeper than they have to be. :) | 01:36 |
OvenWerks | Is PIM something we don't want? | 03:36 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: I am looking at the things kubuntu removes for the short version and wondering if it's worth it. We don't want to remove libreoffice for sure. | 03:38 |
Eickmeyer | No, not at all. Should we just keep Kubuntu and load our stuff on top? | 03:39 |
OvenWerks | I am begining to think that may be best | 03:40 |
OvenWerks | just use kubuntu-full as the desktop. | 03:40 |
OvenWerks | in any case, seeing as we don't want to offer something full for the ISO and then remove some, if we start with full as is and then just remove things from the iso if we decide we don't need/want then, that would be easier. | 03:42 |
Eickmeyer | Uh, probably shouldn't do kubuntu-full. Kubuntu-full isn't what's included with Kubuntu by default, but default plus the kitchen sink. | 03:49 |
Eickmeyer | kubuntu-desktop does the trick. | 03:49 |
Eickmeyer | I could throw the Ubuntu Studio customization of KInfoCenter into -look, because that will essentially rebrand it. | 03:51 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: what I have included (so far as I can tell) is what their live iso looks like. | 05:14 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio-plasma.cosmic | 05:19 |
OvenWerks | feel free to take a look. | 05:19 |
OvenWerks | Once we get a working ISO, we can look at what we have and start weeding it out and down. | 05:23 |
OvenWerks | What I have done so far, is to use their desktop and our packages. I do not know that I even have the lowlatency kernel in there... baby steps I guess | 05:25 |
OvenWerks | I think once we have an ISO, the next thing is to make sure we have installed user in audio group, lowlatency kernel, working rt permisions. I will be creating two or three packages soon :) | 05:27 |
OvenWerks | a) ubuntustudio-plasma-settings | 05:28 |
OvenWerks | b) ubuntustudio-xfce-settings | 05:28 |
OvenWerks | c) remove xfce stuff from ubuntustudio-default-settings | 05:29 |
OvenWerks | when I next have time... I will copy kde's settings package and create a studio one. I think it should get along with -default-settings just fine. | 05:50 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: looking at the seeds, I can't see where lowlatency gets added | 05:53 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: there seem to be some things our iso does that are not done by the seeds file. | 14:47 |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerks: I have the feeling that lowlatency is pulled-in as a dependency of -default-settings. It's a dependency somewhere. | 14:54 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: that doesn't seem to be true. | 14:55 |
OvenWerks | also there is the fact that generic isn't pulled in | 14:55 |
Eickmeyer | Standby... | 14:55 |
OvenWerks | It is like there is yet another file that does some things | 14:56 |
Eickmeyer | I'm looking, and I don't see it as a direct dependency of any of our packages. I'd think that -audio would depend on it, but apparently not. | 15:01 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: in our iso there is preseed/ubuntustudio.seed | 15:02 |
OvenWerks | where does that come from? | 15:02 |
OvenWerks | It seems there is a recipe for making iso somewhere that adds to our seeds | 15:03 |
Eickmeyer | The seed is under tsimonq2's git repos. | 15:04 |
Eickmeyer | https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntustudio/+ref/cosmic | 15:04 |
OvenWerks | That is just a copy of what we have as bzr | 15:08 |
Eickmeyer | I can't find where lowlatency is specifically called. It must be a dependency of a dependency. | 15:08 |
OvenWerks | I think there is another config file. | 15:09 |
Eickmeyer | Probably. Though, iirc, when I installed Artful, it didn't automatically pull-in -lowlatency, I had to install it with -installer. | 15:12 |
Eickmeyer | At the time, I told people it did not come installed by default. | 15:13 |
* Eickmeyer might have to play around with this some more | 15:13 | |
OvenWerks | then Artful would have been broken. | 15:15 |
Eickmeyer | Except it wasn't. It had the generic kernel. | 15:15 |
Eickmeyer | which is pulled-in by ubuntu-core, which is definitely a dependency somewhere. | 15:16 |
Eickmeyer | Sorry, ubuntu-minimal, which is installed in everything. | 15:22 |
OvenWerks | Studio somehow installs lowlatency, but not generic. When that doesn't happen that iso would be broken, it will install and run but be incorrect. | 15:23 |
OvenWerks | anyway breakfast... | 15:23 |
Eickmeyer | o/ | 15:23 |
cyphermox | Eickmeyer: thanks, I'll review and upload this pm | 15:29 |
Eickmeyer | cyphermox: Thanks! | 15:35 |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerks: I just ran the live CD again. Yeah, I'm stumped. Paging tsimonq2, sakrecoer, Wimpress.... anybody? We're trying to figure out how linux-lowlatency gets called by our seed. | 15:36 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline | 15:40 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer: the code looks for projects or project files. | 15:40 |
OvenWerks | ubuntustudio is listed as one of the projects, but I have not found what it does with that... time to branch it so I can us grep... | 15:41 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah. :/ | 15:43 |
OvenWerks | well at least the word lowlatency shows up when searching for studio | 15:48 |
Eickmeyer | Haha! Yeah, I found that out too. I searched synaptic for lowlatency, came up with the kernel and -default-settings. | 15:48 |
OvenWerks | https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/view/head:/lib/cdimage/livefs.py | 16:10 |
OvenWerks | if project == "ubuntustudio": | 16:11 |
OvenWerks | return ["lowlatency"] | 16:11 |
Eickmeyer | Aha! Therefore, it should still work with a new seed, right? | 16:12 |
OvenWerks | what a mess, all of these things _should_ be in a config file rather than sprinkled through the code. | 16:12 |
Eickmeyer | So long as that seed convey it's ubuntustudio | 16:13 |
OvenWerks | there will be about 30 places in the code that have to be fixed. | 16:13 |
OvenWerks | not so easy, we have to add ubuntustudio-plasma in each place I can find ubuntustudio | 16:13 |
Eickmeyer | smh | 16:13 |
Eickmeyer | I wonder if tsimonq2 had to go through this with lxqt. | 16:14 |
OvenWerks | I say we, but it probably means someone with access | 16:14 |
OvenWerks | he would have only had to make 20 or so changes :) | 16:14 |
Eickmeyer | Well, then I suppose we should branch it and ask for a merge request? | 16:15 |
Eickmeyer | Or, ask in #ubuntu-release. | 16:16 |
OvenWerks | I have a branch... but I have to figure out how it all works. | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer | It has slangasek's name all over it. Literally. All those commits. | 16:17 |
OvenWerks | I haven't yet found out how I make the installing user have audio group or make jackd2 install with rt yes. | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer | I just asked slangasek if anything needs to be tweaked in ubuntu-cdimage to facilitate our new seed. I highly doubt that, unless the project name is anything other than "ubuntustudio" that it'll have to change. | 16:20 |
Eickmeyer | We'll see what he says. | 16:21 |
OvenWerks | the image has to have a different name. lubuntu and lubuntu-next are listed separate | 16:21 |
Eickmeyer | Then it might be that he makes those changes. We shouldn't have to worry about changing that code, imo, unless he wants a pull/merge requet. | 16:22 |
Eickmeyer | *request | 16:22 |
Eickmeyer | BTW, for Cosmic's purposes, lubuntu is lubuntu-next and lubuntu-next is depricated. | 16:23 |
Eickmeyer | So, it could be that the code hasn't changed to reflect that yet. | 16:23 |
Eickmeyer | That's _literally_ slangasek's job. | 16:23 |
OvenWerks | the code has everything in it since the dawn of time (or the dawn of ubuntu anyway) | 16:24 |
Eickmeyer | Yeah. | 16:24 |
OvenWerks | there is still stuff in there for hardy | 16:24 |
* Eickmeyer 's mind is blown | 16:25 | |
OvenWerks | it looks like things are listed as <something> is true starting with <cycle> | 16:26 |
Eickmeyer | Stuff in there for historical reasons until a particular version is EOL'd so that the build system knows not to build it, but the code isn't deleted for history sake? | 16:27 |
Eickmeyer | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 16:28 |
OvenWerks | job security? | 16:28 |
Eickmeyer | Haha! | 16:28 |
OvenWerks | anyway, first try at a seed is done. | 16:43 |
OvenWerks | if anyone wants to look through the desktop... oh, I probably need to rename that to desktop-plasma | 16:44 |
Eickmeyer | Haha! | 16:46 |
* Eickmeyer still needs to add the KInfoCenter mod to -look | 16:46 | |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerks: <infinity> Eickmeyer: And while it all happens on "our end", MPs welcome to ubuntu-cdimage and debian-cd and ubuntu-archive-scripts | 16:48 |
Eickmeyer | <infinity> Eickmeyer: If it uses the same seed layout as studio (and for your sanity, I hope it does, that's much less pain to wrap your brain around), it should just be a matter of grepping around for studio and sprinkling some studio|studio-plasma here and there. | 16:49 |
OvenWerks | MPs = Members of Parlement? | 16:56 |
OvenWerks | Military police? | 16:56 |
Eickmeyer | LOL... hang on... | 16:57 |
OvenWerks | merge proposals I think | 16:57 |
Eickmeyer | Yes, that'd be most likely. | 16:58 |
Eickmeyer | And verified by slangasek | 16:58 |
OvenWerks | when I first moved here I wondered why people were talking about NIC all the time (network interface card?) then I found out it was North Island College | 17:01 |
Eickmeyer | Haha! Same, when I lived in Idaho: North Idaho College | 17:15 |
Eickmeyer | And then CSI: College of Southern Idaho | 17:15 |
Eickmeyer | And UI: University of Idaho | 17:15 |
Eickmeyer | smh | 17:15 |
* tsimonq2 waves | 18:24 | |
tsimonq2 | Sup | 18:24 |
tsimonq2 | Eickmeyer: Yeah, this was an absolute royal PITA for LXQt... but now that I've been through it, I know what I'm doing. ;) | 18:25 |
tsimonq2 | Eickmeyer: ubuntu-cdimage can proudly build almost any image from any version; that isn't going away. ;) | 18:26 |
Eickmeyer | tsimonq2: That makes sense. OvenWerks, there's our answer. | 20:41 |
* Eickmeyer was out running an errand #shocker | 20:41 | |
Eickmeyer | OvenWerks: When you have ubuntustudio-plasma-settings ready, I have a couple items to merge-in. | 21:02 |
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