
blackboxswthx smoser02:15
smoserartful on its way02:17
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=== caribou_ is now known as caribou
caribouHello ! @smoser & team just so you know, we've deployed cloud-init on our Scaleway infrastructure last week \o/13:54
smosercaribou: hey. great.13:58
caribouI'm backporting my MR to your latest release so our IPv6 config works14:02
smoserok. thanks.14:10
caribouQuestion : what could cause di_report (in init.cfg) to be empty on Bionic and have {'datasource_list': ['Scaleway', 'None']} on Xenial (same 18.3 package from -proposed)15:03
cariboumatter of fact, on  Bionic I have init.cfg['datasource_list'] = ['Scaleway', 'None'] and on Xenial I have init.cfg['di_report'] = {'datasource_list': ['Scaleway', 'None']}15:08
caribouMaybe I should explain what I'm after : the boot of a Bionic instance with cloud-init has a long (~2min) delay when 'cloud-init init' executes. Last line in the log is `main.py[DEBUG]: no di_report found in config.`15:10
caribouoh, and it only happens on a 'real reboot' of an instance. Doing clean & init --local & init does not show that delay15:12
smosercaribou: i'm confused.15:13
caribousmoser: I am too ;-)15:13
smosercan you  post log with the delay ?15:13
caribousure, hold on15:13
smoserxenial runs in "report only" mode for ds-identify15:13
smoserbionic runs in "enabled"15:13
smoseryou should not need to specify the datasource_list in either case15:14
smoseri'm pretty sure.. i think it will identify scaleway correctly15:14
caribouyeah, I noted the difference in /run/cloud/ds*15:14
caribousmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bkfjyfRQ5g/15:15
caribousmoser: sorry wrong log15:16
cariboudi_report might just be a red herring15:17
smoserdi_report should not change behavior at all. but it also should not cause any sort of warning.15:18
* caribou is just waiting for the reboot to complete15:19
caribou(I'll run a test with the vanilla cloud-init)15:20
caribousmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bC394TwdQP/, Line 24515:23
blackboxswhrm no di_report in config means no ds_identify ran is that right?15:32
blackboxswwhich makes me think disabled systemd units or something15:34
blackboxsw... but that's just me grasping at straws15:34
cariboublackboxsw: that could be our funky  image building process getting in the way15:36
cariboubtw 18.3-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 from proposed does the same thing15:36
caribouok, don't spent time on that, I'll run more tests with something that resemble more to an ubuntu image15:37
caribouwell, I mean an ubuntu image built a different way15:37
cariboublackboxsw: but ds-identity did run, /run/cloud-init/ds-identity.log    is there15:38
smosercaribou: just to be perfectly clear... the goal for us is that you (scalway) does not have to know anything about cloud-init to get it to work right (other than how to install the package).15:38
caribousmoser: indeed,  but so far I've seen a few occurences of some of our 'customization' getting in the way15:39
caribou& I still need to have some level of knowledge to babysit DataSourceScaleway15:40
smoseryeah. i undersand that... but the goal is to get rid of those things.15:41
caribouok, let me spend some more time on this & I'll let you know what I find15:42
smoserif you want to let me in to look around... thats fine.15:44
caribouoh sure hold on15:50
blackboxswsmoser: are you repushing the artful upload?15:52
blackboxswthe queue seems stale from last night15:52
blackboxswI was going to try pinging in ubuntu-release when ready15:53
smoserblackboxsw: sorry. i get all those correct.16:01
smoserblackboxsw: "queue seems stale" ?16:02
blackboxswsmoser: I meant the timestamp on the upload was 13 hours ago16:03
blackboxswand I thought you mentioned you needed to reupload16:03
smoserah. all of them need re-upload16:03
smoserbecause i did not pass '-v' to debuild16:03
blackboxswI'll add that to the note for https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/uss-tableflip/pull/116:03
blackboxswon SRU regression re-uploads16:04
smoserhave we put build-package somwhere ?16:04
blackboxswhrm don't see it in the repos... looking around16:06
blackboxswhmm should that be in uss-tableflip16:07
blackboxswinstead of qa-scripts16:07
smoserblackboxsw: ok. i'll move it and add the feature to add -v based on rmadison16:10
blackboxswok thanks16:10
smoserblackboxsw: ok. uploaded, and moved build-package and updated build-package to pass '-v' based on rmadison16:30
smosercaribou: i believe your bionic issue is related to bug 178006217:09
ubot5bug 1780062 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Cloud-init causes potentially huge boot delays with 4.15 kernels" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178006217:09
smoserthe "smoking gun" there is17:10
smoserJul 10 10:19:34.562583 cloudinit-bionic systemd[1]: Starting Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)...17:10
smoserJul 10 10:21:37.672833 cloudinit-bionic kernel: random: crng init done17:10
smoserJul 10 10:21:37.979128 cloudinit-bionic useradd[822]: new group: name=ubuntu, GID=100017:10
smoserin output of 'journalctl -o short-precise'17:10
smoserblackboxsw: did mgerts have any MP up working off your update_events commit (https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=be9ecc12823) ?18:07
smosercaribou's mp at https://code.launchpad.net/~louis/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/347973 would want to use that18:08
smoseralso, and was looking for any work that already existed18:08
blackboxswsmoser:  I pinged mgerts on that during the last week when it landed and he said he'd look at it. https://code.launchpad.net/~mgerdts/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34371218:12
blackboxswI see no updates to his branch though18:12
blackboxswbut as an example branch that leverages the changes I have one for azure https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34870418:13
blackboxswabout line 43 of the visual diff18:13
smoserlarsks: around ?18:55
smoseroutside of just continually throuwing stuff at copr18:55
smoserhow can i get a rawhide environment to debug18:55
smoser https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/cloud-init-dev/build/775457/18:55
blackboxswsmoser: do we want to re-upload cloud-init SRU without the additional bug references? slangasek is asking in #ubuntu-release18:57
blackboxsw<slangasek> Steve Langasek blackboxsw: of course, now we have the situation that the cloud-init upload links to bugs that have no SRU test case: LP: #1780481 LP: #1770712 do you want to add SRU templates to those, or adjust the changelog to not reference them?18:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1780481 in cloud-init "ubuntu/centos/debian: get_linux_distro has different behavior than platform.dist" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178048118:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1770712 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Bionic) "It would be nice if cloud-init provides full version in logs" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177071218:58
larskssmoser: Huh, I'm not sure. I don't think there exists anything like a rawhide image.18:58
larsksFrom the build log it looks like /usr/bin/python doesn't exist.  Maybe it is only /usr/bin/python3?18:58
blackboxsw12:56 S<slangasek> Steve Langasek blackboxsw: ok.  Process on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudinitUpdates dsoes say "single process bug, instead of individual bug reports"18:58
larsksLet me ask around #fedora-cloud.18:58
smoserlarsks: yeah, i assume that is the cause18:59
smoserbut i want to be reasonably confident in a fix that works tehre and elsewhere18:59
larsksYup. Let me see what I can find out.18:59
larskssmoser: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Move_usr_bin_python_into_separate_package19:10
larsksSo if you want /usr/bin/python to exist (and be python2) you can install python-unversioned-command, or you can just explicitly use /usr/bin/python2 or /usr/bin/python3.19:11
larsks(And have a buildrequire on whichever one you use)19:11
blackboxswsmoser: my response in #ubuntu-release was "I thought this was an exception to the exception due the the fact that we found a potential regression in the published -proposed version and we needed something to document/validate per a new delta.19:20
smoserblackboxsw: sorry... reading19:22
blackboxswyeah I think the concern was that we were documenting more bugs than just the original SRU process bug (per this sru-test-regression fix)19:23
smoserblackboxsw: we only added 1 bug19:24
blackboxswI don't really feel like this warrants another upload attempt to fix it (stripping all bugs referenced) because we discovered new bugs that may be worth documenting, but it doesn't exactly adhere to the cloudinitupdates exception19:24
smoserand i had chosen to add that number specificly because it was relevant19:25
blackboxswtrue and pasted comment over in ubuntu-release ... can continue conversation there19:25
smoseri think we shoudl add a sru template to the version bug (1770712)19:26
blackboxswsmoser: thanks for the sru template. just finished openstack, gce and azure manual tests.21:34
blackboxswpushing results to ubuntu-ru21:34
blackboxswpushing results to ubuntu-sru21:34

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