
=== ePierre_ is now known as ePierre
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tewardI need a specific user banned on LP from posting answers.  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+question/670712 and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+question/670784 are the spam, the individual needing squished is https://launchpad.net/~suranto68 and posted two spam questions via the answers section against the nginx package.02:33
tewardand they qualify as spam02:34
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pdobrogostHi all!08:40
pdobrogostOnce upon a time I created account on launchpad (pd-launchpad) but it seems I no longer have neither password nor even email address I used to create it. I created Ubuntu One account just now (piotr.dobrogost). Is there a way to migrate, link my old launchpad account with the new one?08:41
wgrantpdobrogost: Not if you no longer have access to that email address.08:42
pdobrogostwgrant: There is a chance I have access although I don't remember the address itself :)08:42
pdobrogostCould someone please initiate password recovery or something for the account pd-launchpad?08:44
wgrantpdobrogost: Oh! It's at a Launchpad-specific subdomain08:44
wgrantOf one of your personal domains, I guess08:44
pdobrogostThis is the scheme I use, yes.08:44
pdobrogostSo it's probably something along the line of p@launchpad.dobrogost.net08:45
pdobrogostOk, I found the password. What now?08:47
pdobrogostwgrant: Any idea how to link these accounts?08:49
wgrantpdobrogost: https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge09:02
pdobrogostwgrant: Thanks but I don't understand which email and which password is asked on this page?09:03
wgrantpdobrogost: Be logged in as the account you want to keep, and enter the email address of the other one.09:04
wgrantIt doesn't usually matter terribly which way you go, since you can always rename the account later.09:04
stubI can't make a merge proposal from a git branch into a branch in the same repo?09:35
cjwatsonstub: You certainly can - it just has to not be in the personal namespace (e.g. /~stub/+git/thing)09:38
cjwatson(This restriction is probably wrong but I haven't got round to abolishing it)09:38
stubguess where my repo is ;)09:38
cjwatsona project- or package-namespaced repo will work fine for that09:39
stubI already have a project. Just looks like I neglected to move this repo from the initial personal namespace one.09:40
* stub updates things09:40
stubOoh... because lp:layer-snap *is* lp:~stub/layer-snap09:41
stubAnyway, I can propose09:42
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asdfasdf0101The bug submission form gives me a timeout error. Is this known?23:35

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