
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== simonquigley is now known as tsimonq2
joosepguys I have a problem after installation of Lubuntu.07:57
joosepSystems boots to grub07:57
joosepI have Lenovo Ideapad s40007:58
joosepIs it some kind of UEFI BIOS thing?07:58
joosepI have no idea about those07:58
diogenes_joosep, look in bios, is it set to uefi/CSM or bios/legacy08:01
joosepit is uefi08:01
jooseplooked already and tried legacy mode too to boot08:01
joosepI used entire disk to install wiping windows08:02
diogenes_then look at your partitions setup when you installed lubuntu, did you create a 300 MB /boot/efi partition?08:02
diogenes_you need to do manual partitioning08:02
diogenes_to pick "something else" option08:02
joosepit was created by lubuntu itself08:03
diogenes_are you sure?08:03
joosepill check now08:03
joosepI have /dev/sda1 efi system partition with boot and esp flags08:05
joosepand /dev/sda2 ext4partition08:06
joosepefi partition is 500mb08:06
diogenes_ok then another try would be to go to your HDD sata setup and if it's AHCI then swith to IDE and try booting again08:06
* diogenes_ is rebooting so be right back08:07
joosephow can I do that? in bios settings?08:07
joosephow can I do that? in bios settings?08:09
diogenes_joosep, look in bios for hard drive sama mode or something similar08:10
diogenes_not sama08:10
joosepcould you give me some more ideas if that doesnt work? Im running now on the same machine with Live USB08:11
diogenes_another idea is to turn off uefi/csm mode and re-install with legacy mode08:12
joosepah so i'll need to turn legacy mode on first and then install?08:12
diogenes_yes, first turn on legacy mode then go ahead re-installing08:12
joosepthanks diogenes! I08:13
diogenes_BUT first see the sata mode AHCI or IDE08:13
LargePrimei have an xinput question.  how do i assign buttons automatically when the device id changes?  also the device has the same name as a keyboard, so it seems i cannot use name16:12
=== Chunkz2 is now known as ChipMonk
LargePrimesee answer 516:18
LargePrime. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mouse-map.conf16:18
LargePrimecreate it?16:19
LargePrimexinput list --id-only pointer:"ELECOM TrackBall Mouse HUGE TrackBall" works16:25
LargePrimehow can i pass that as an argument?16:25
LargePrimesomething like xinput --set-button-map xinput list --id-only pointer:"ELECOM TrackBall Mouse HUGE TrackBall" 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 1216:26
LargePrimexinput --set-button-map  $(xinput list --id-only pointer:"ELECOM TrackBall Mouse HUGE TrackBall") 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 1216:38
LargePrimegot it thanks16:38
qwebirc11803Huy guys, pretty new to lubuntu here and I'm trying to sort out my basic preferences/cofig.  So I have my main Application launch / Taskbar panel set to autohide. However when I click the Wifi icon to try and select another network, or work with network settings, the menu options disappear as, I believe, the mouse pointer is read as being no longer over the panel, and the panel hides.  Is there any way to modify this behaviour18:26
qwebirc11803I'd rather not install another dock, as panel is just great apart from this issue18:26

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