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tsimonq2rbasak: It seems you had a discussion about this back in March, but ~ubuntu-sponsors has been subscribed: bug 175819601:57
ubottubug 1758196 in fdroidserver (Ubuntu) "SRU fdroidserver 1.0.8-3 (universe) to bionic from cosmic or Debian/testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175819601:57
tsimonq2It would be great if you could take a look when you have a second.01:57
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ricotzacheronuk, the firefox 62 beta7 build will fix the problem10:51
acheronukricotz: great. thanks. :)10:51
rbasaktsimonq2: I commented on the bug11:28
mdeslaurjuliank: hi! do you have a libgcrypt merge planned soon?11:55
juliankmdeslaur: no, but I can do that now11:58
mdeslaurjuliank: awesome, thanks!11:58
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bdmurrayjuliank: Thank for opening bug 1780996, to work on it I should assign a package task to myself and then see what release it has an await trigger in correct?15:57
ubottubug 1780996 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Xenial) "Convert triggers to noawait" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178099615:57
juliankbdmurray: I think that works15:58
juliankJFTR for everyone else: This is a huge meta bug tracking the conversion of triggers to noawait in a ton of packages15:58
juliankIn the hope to make xenial -> bionic upgrades more successful15:59
juliankPeople are welcome to join15:59
bdmurrayIts important to look and see if there are other changes needed in addition to just flipping the trigger though.15:59
juliankWe either need to flip it, or if it really needs to be await we need to add dependencies to all packages triggering16:00
* juliank is bad at line breaks, apparently16:00
juliankFile triggers should generally be the most safe to convert, except for gsettings schema and some friends.16:00
juliankBasically ask yourself the question: If this trigger does not get run, is the package unusable?16:01
juliankor well, does not get run before the package is being configured.16:02
juliankBecause you do want the package to be usable when configured.16:02
juliankThe rule for triggering packages is: Either depend on what you're triggering or do not wait for it.16:04
juliankWe might not catch all of the packages triggering file triggers16:04
LaneyWould appreciate you forwarding any changes you find back to Debian.16:05
Laneyat least for desktop stuff16:05
bdmurrayLaney: we searched for things that had already converted from await to noawait since xenial16:05
bdmurrayso they are presumably already fixed in Debian16:06
juliankI think I also added some packages that are not fixed in cosmic yet16:06
juliankbest to check cosmic, bionic, and xenial for each package16:07
juliankand mark the task as fix released or triaged accordingly16:07
julianklike I did for appstream16:07
juliankand libreoffice16:07
juliankI'm _not_ going to do libreoffice, my bandwidth is not high enough for that16:08
bdmurrayRight, so looking at xpdf its the same version in bionic and cosmic and has changed to noawait so I'll set those to Fix Released.16:08
juliankbdmurray: I'm using  dch -i "Convert triggers to noawait (LP: #1780996)"  for the changelog16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780996 in appstream (Ubuntu Xenial) "Convert triggers to noawait" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178099616:13
juliankand then dch -r and distro fixing16:13
ricotzjuliank, bdmurray, you can forward the noawait problem of libreoffice to debian too16:14
juliankbdmurray: Hmm, we could also mark the already fixed ones as invalid; and then have a way to distinguish "really fixed" vs "already fixed" for forwarding purposes? Not sure.16:17
juliankricotz: it's fixed in cosmic/bionic already, so I don't think we're going to check if that's a local change or not16:39
juliankespecially as libreoffice is a -0ubuntu16:39
juliankI think the rule is: If it's not fixed in cosmic yet, we check and forward it16:40
juliankotherwise it gets annoying16:40
LocutusOfBorg[16:55:59] <LocutusOfBorg> can anybody please give me an hint about libunistring and libidn build failures? they seems to be a regression in release, not happening in debian, glib related, but I can't see toolchain changes there16:56
smoserbdmurray: your review of https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/software-properties/trunk.lp-1779302-retry-recv-keys/+merge/349213 would be appreciated or *someone* to review that.16:58
smoserbug 177930216:58
ubottubug 1779302 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "should retry reading key from keyserver (in _recv_key)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177930216:58
bdmurraysmoser: I'll have a look in a bit17:06
bdmurraymitya57: Do you plan on fixing sphinx for xenial?17:27
ricotzjuliank, you mean it is not an issue in libreoffice 6.0.3-0ubuntu1 ?17:28
juliankricotz: yes17:28
ricotzso "interest-noawait" is fine?17:28
ricotzah I see17:28
juliankbad are interest and interest-await, and activate, and activate-await17:29
juliankwell, the -await ones are explicit, so they are likely really needed.17:29
juliankthe ones without a suffix are await for legacy reasons17:29
mitya57bdmurray: I don’t have much time so if you want to fix it yourself, please do17:36
smoserbdmurray: i certainlyi would not be opposed to review of https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu-archive-tools/package-sets/+merge/348334 also.17:37
mitya57bdmurray: the relevant commit is https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/modules/sphinx/commit/e65ad395b01708fda2367030c54ef4e702d28a3b17:37
bdmurraymitya57: Cool, I'll take it. There were no other changes needed?17:38
mitya57bdmurray: no other changes, just changing the type worked fine17:39
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tsimonq2rbasak: Thank you.21:45

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