
jwmI'm not new to linux, but I'm not very technically adept.  I'm looking to make an Epson v39 scanner work with my Ununtu 18.04 system.  Can anyone help?  USB recognition is the first hurdle.00:54
tsimonq2jwm: Maybe try #ubuntu instead.00:55
jwmtsimonq2: thanks.  I have a request out there.  It's more of a linux than GUI question.00:56
oerhekshttp://support.epson.net/linux/en/iscan_c.html drivers in deb and rpm00:58
oerheksit is a bundle, AFAIK00:58
jwmoerheks: thanks, I've been there.  I made an error in asking a support question here, though I am thankful for people's polite helpfulness00:59
oerheksdownload the debs, cd ~/Downloads, sudo dpkg -i *deb00:59
oerheksreplug the scanner, voila00:59
jwmI'll give it another go and report back01:00
jwmthe debs are not normal debs, it's a *.tar.gz package that I've already installed.  no luck01:01
oerheksclick on it, fileroller will open, and select 'extract'01:04
oerhekstar.gz is a compressed file01:05
jwmindeed, I understand.  I have extracted and installed.  It just hasn't solved the problem01:05
jwmI understand this is not a support channel.  Any ubuntu discussions?01:10
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tomreyn<oerheks> stupid miners that want it all for free, go learn a program language first04:30
tomreyni couldnt agree more04:30
tomreynyou noticed this was about a man in the middle attack?04:30
tomreyngeez, so many of the ubottu factoids are outdated...04:31
tomreyngnome: <reply> GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome04:31
oerhekstomreyn, hacjing a miner, probably04:32
tomreynoerheks: maybe. the code was for loading a JS miner into a website, but then it also had a reference to injecting additional html / script code.04:35
tomreyni didnt read it thoroughly though04:35
tomreynway too many people are taught that money is the only thing which really matters. it's entirely understandable though if you grow up in poverty.04:38
oerheksmillionairs know poverty too04:39
oerheksfear of losing money is higly harmfull04:40
tomreynyes, it causes it.04:41
oerheks.. and no, i am ugly rich but not a millionaire04:41
tomreyn:) congrats.04:41
tomreyni'm probably lower middle class, in a rich country.04:42
oerheksa warm house, montly income and clean water from the tap04:43
* oerheks is waiting for the bike to come out of the paintshop04:43
tomreynhaving everything you need covered, and no need to think about how to make it through the month is indeed a luxury.04:48
tomreyn(and one that i can enjoy)04:49
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:50
oerheksoh, we do have our worries, but they are insignificant04:50
oerhekshi lotus04:50
lotuspsychjehy oerheks04:50
oerheksoh ugly... https://www.neowin.net/news/ubuntu-bug-allows-anyone-with-physical-access-to-bypass-your-lock-screen05:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1777415 in unity (Ubuntu) "Local authorization bypass by using suspend mode" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:25
tomreynmy system is safe from this, lightdm just freezes when i wake it up.05:44
lordievaderGood morning06:06
lordievaderMy (Ubuntu) system is safe from this too, it doesn't have a lock-screen.06:07
ducassegood morning06:38
lordievaderHey ducasse07:49
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:49
ducassemorning lordievader - all good here, thanks. how about you?07:51
lordievaderDoing good here. Moving some data to the new drive 😁07:54
ducasseooh - new drive? what kind?07:58
lordievader4TB WD blue.08:02
lordievaderNormally I take Reds, but this one was a lot cheaper. And the blues that I have in my system run nicely.08:02
ducassei usually stick to wd reds myself, blue is the desktop model, right?08:13
oerheksi have 2 blue ones, aren't they for audio/video recorders?08:15
oerheksthat is where i get them from, setup-top-boxes08:16
oerhekshi EriC^08:16
EriC^hi oerheks08:17
lotuspsychjehey EriC^ lordievader ducasse08:17
EriC^hey lotuspsychje08:17
lotuspsychjeim formatting customers alienware to bionic08:18
ducasseoerheks: seems that is purple08:18
lotuspsychjemorning tomreyn08:18
ducassehi lotuspsychje08:18
oerhekshello beautifull08:18
ducasse\o EriC^08:18
oerheksoh, what do i do with them, 2x 320 + 500 ..08:18
EriC^hey ducasse08:18
lotuspsychjewhat a cr4p box ton disasemble that alienware jeez08:18
lotuspsychjegrafix card is attached to a whole metal square and behind that sits hd08:20
oerheksoh, so alienware is hard to format to bionic?08:22
lotuspsychjeno, it was pretty fast08:22
lotuspsychjejust first boot is longggg due to new welcome screen lagging08:22
lotuspsychjeneeded to check hd first for data recovery08:23
lotuspsychjebut 1TB empty lol08:23
lotuspsychjeand the guy doesnt know what happened08:24
lotuspsychjeweird story08:24
ducasse"i have no idea what happened" = "i screwed it up"08:26
lotuspsychjeprobably ducasse :p08:28
tomreynhi lotuspsychje, sorry, missed the highlight08:43
tomreynEriC^: can you (later, when you're done there) explain what happened there with qwebirc's HP system? i'm not sure i understand it, yet.08:45
EriC^me neither tbh, i was thinking the grub.cfg in the esp was wrong and not pointing to the right fs08:47
EriC^cause echo $root gave the esp files, but the grub.cfg there is right so beats me :D08:47
EriC^maybe his actual ../boot/grub.cfg was borked?08:48
tomreynit seemed to me like grub saw different storages than the running ubuntu?08:48
EriC^yeah i dunno about all that hdd magic :D08:48
tomreyngrub saw two storages, the first one having a single partition08:48
tomreynmsdos partition table onthe first, gpt on the second storage08:49
EriC^yup *shrug*08:49
tomreynso this uefi seems to be doing something naughty to hide this internal usb storage they have there.08:49
EriC^yeah what's the relevance of it though08:50
EriC^it's a hybrid hdd/sdd stuff?08:50
EriC^see the $root is gpt1 right now which is the esp08:51
EriC^it's supposed to be set to gpt as per http://termbin.com/jpt408:52
EriC^maybe some other efi file is being booted? hmm08:52
tomreyni dont think i can follow08:53
tomreynjust ignore me for now ;)08:53
oerheksmaybe fastboot is not disabled?08:54
EriC^nope it's loading some efi file and grub08:54
EriC^and even setting prefix to... oddly enough gpt1/EFI/ubuntu08:54
tomreyncold it be one of those integreated linux live boot systems, like some desktop shipped with for a while? i forgot the product names...08:56
EriC^no idea08:57
EriC^now it wont boot anymore xD08:58
EriC^curious one this one :D09:00
tomreynindeed, an interesting puzzle they made up there for us at HP.09:00
tomreynthis is the kind of thing i was thinking of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splashtop_OS - but thaT's actually unlikely, i forgot this fashion is a couple years ago by now, and mr. qwebirc's HP isnot that old.09:01
EriC^i wonder what's on that msdos one now09:02
tomreynprobably an assortment of the best hp pc utilities you could think of!09:02
EriC^hp usually doesnt play nice with linux uefi09:04
EriC^im wondering how it's even letting the efi file boot09:04
EriC^usually you just get windows loading after installing ubuntu with uefi09:04
tomreyndue to the whitelist you mean? i think they stoped this practice since, but not sure whether that was before this model.09:09
tomreynlooks like the msdos partitioned storage has vanished, wtf09:09
EriC^my 2 hp's do this, one 2013 one 201709:09
tomreynoh 2017, so maybe they didnt stop that practice09:10
lotuspsychjeive seen also hidden bios settings to block the install of new Os (besides fastboot & secureboot) on some boxes09:10
lotuspsychjenot sure whats the setting called again09:11
lotuspsychjeseen that on a medion desktop once09:11
EriC^hmm this is an odd one09:11
EriC^it's booting the grub file fairly certainly cause we pointed it to it, so why wouldnt it load it right09:12
tomreynmaybe have them prepare a usb stick with several grub configurations, one of which might work to boot ubuntu, to at least get them to boot consistently for now.09:12
EriC^but then the grub entries $root is right, but it shows up completely skewed09:12
EriC^maybe it's getting changed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? that's the only thing i can come up with09:12
tomreynthis /etc/default/grub misses a lot?09:22
EriC^i think it's not related to grub.cfg at all though, cause we're using it later and it's just loading fine *durp*09:23
EriC^so uefi > grub entry > efi/grub/shimx64.efi + grub.cfg with good $root -----> getting cli + bad $root and $prefix with $root/efi/ubuntu09:24
tomreynok, but i have no idea how this would happen.09:27
EriC^me neither09:28
EriC^it's one for TJ- this one09:28
tomreynyes, he's left his post, though09:28
EriC^yeah, he comes by less often these days09:33
tomreynso how to make it work next time? just purge /boot/efi/efi/grub ? symlink wont work on fat09:40
EriC^^hmm i dunno if it's some fault, grub-install is supposed to install to efi/ubuntu but it wasn't for sure reason09:41
EriC^^*for some09:41
EriC^^and i think it expects that dir to look for the $root stuff so it was getting confused when it didnt find it and just using the esp as $root09:41
EriC^^grub-install is supposed to add an "ubuntu" entry to the uefi list and put the files in efi/ubuntu09:42
EriC^^let's see his last efibootmgr if it had added it09:42
EriC^^nope, just the "grub" entry pointing to efi/grub09:43
tomreyni don't have a "grub" directory in  /boot/efi/EFI/ here, but i'm on 16.04.09:46
EriC^^hmm i just tested by creating a efi/grub dir without ubuntu and grub-install to see if that would throw it off but no it creates an efi/ubuntu dir09:46
EriC^^i was thinking maybe he had installed mint or something that made the efi/grub and thats what caused the issue09:47
tomreynthat was my guess, too09:47
tomreyni need to head out for a bit, bbl09:58
BluesKajHowdy folks10:57
ducassehi BluesKaj - all well?11:03
BluesKajhey ducasse, yes, fine here, and you?11:03
ducasseall good, thanks. is it hot in canada today?11:04
BluesKajnot yet, but it's going up to 29C this aft11:05
BluesKajwarm enough11:05
BluesKajvery hot out west, up to 33 on the prairies11:06
lordievaderPhew way too much.11:07
ducassejust one or two degrees more than we had here last week11:16
BluesKajyeah we had a week of 33-34 last week, it was too much11:16
ducasseit's been a while since i last wanted so much to tell a user to eff off and get help elsewhere11:19
BluesKajdesperation even :-)11:21
BluesKajmint works ok , just not my cuppa tea11:22
lordievader#ubuntu drama again?11:56
ducasselordievader: just some idiot whining and cursing because we don't support mint or kali11:59
lordievaderLet me guess... because it is based on Ubuntu?11:59
ducassehe just said "thanks for f***ing b***h support" and started asking about something else12:04
ducasseat which point i basically ignored him12:04
lordievaderYeah, some  people are just not worth it.12:05
ducasseno, that attitude entitles you to all the support you can get from google, imo12:07
BluesKajgoogle doesn't discriminate, you either enter the correct question or not , it doesn't matter to the bots12:24
ducasseand it doesn't mind you swearing at it :)12:27
BluesKajever tried Solus OS ducasse?12:28
ducasseno, it's an ubuntu derivative, right?12:29
BluesKajno it's a non-derivative OS12:29
ducasseoh, ok. i've just seen a couple of people asking about it in #ubuntu12:30
BluesKajrolling release I beive and the default DE is budgie12:30
BluesKajdeveloping KDE for it as we speak12:31
BluesKajsounds interesting to me ...deve'd from the gound up12:32
ducassegot to go to the store, bbl12:37
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj Mr_0 pragmaticenigma15:26
lotuspsychjereturned bug today on my desktop: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/178098615:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1780986 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Boot stuck at ubuntu logo gnome display manager" [Undecided,New]15:28
lotuspsychjewelcome MysticReverie15:52
MysticReverieHi Lotus15:53
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: still happy with your new ubuntu install?15:54
MysticReverieVery much.  It's so aethetically pleasing just to look at15:55
MysticReverieI hjave my title bars on auto hide  top and bottom15:56
MysticReverieand am using 'turkin spices'  wallpaper from ubuntu 18 wallpapers15:56
MysticReveriebut can give a screenshot if u like lol15:56
MysticReverieturksh spices*  something like that15:56
lotuspsychjeim always curious for desktops15:56
MysticReverienot sore how t odo a screenshot lol15:57
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: screenshot program or prt scr button15:58
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: heres mine: https://imgur.com/a/fVlVwBX15:58
MysticReverieNice colours !15:59
MysticReveriemine doesnt have much.. if i move my mouse away fro mthe top, the top bar will auto hide.  an dthe bottom bar hide if there is a window near it16:00
lotuspsychjenice anyway MysticReverie16:00
MysticReverieyea.. ubuntu always looked good, always has16:00
MysticReverieyou eve nchanged your termina lcolours16:01
MysticReverielooks good16:01
lotuspsychjei always use green on black MysticReverie also on hexchat16:01
MysticReverieOh i jus tleave it default16:02
MysticReveriealthough i do sometimes, or often prefer brown or black backgrounds and grey text or something16:02
lotuspsychjethe matrix has me, for years16:02
MysticReverieeasier on the eye16:02
MysticReveriethe matrix?16:02
lotuspsychjegreen on black= matrix style16:02
MysticReveriei like to make it look like relaxing paper if possible lol.   brown backgrouns and not sure what text colour16:03
MysticReveriebut, ubuntu generally seems to have a low conteast and relaxing look16:04
MysticReverieplus its curves, just great16:04
MysticReveriecontrast *16:04
MysticReveriei also use the night light feature to remov esome blue light during evening hours16:04
MysticReverieonly other os's ive seen with asimilar style is mac os and windows 716:06
MysticReveriebut i think ubuntu may be better16:06
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: https://www.deviantart.com/lotuspsychje/gallery/16:07
MysticReverieim not a very computer savcvy person so I can't say what os is 'better'   but for me ubuntu is probably the easiest to use linux, stable, fast, and look reallly good16:07
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: linux desktops have always been much more original then other Os16:07
MysticReverieThese look great16:08
MysticReveriedid you try the new style?  i forget what its called, but it was going to be release with ubuntu 18, but wanst ready, but yoy cna get it on beta.  Gives a different look.   I like the fonts etc, but im not keen on the higher contrast16:09
MysticReverieSo I just user pretty stadard ubuntu 18 scheme16:09
MysticReverieworks great16:09
MysticReveriesorry, my typing needs more attention16:10
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: you mean the community theme?16:10
MysticReverieThats it yes16:10
MysticReverielooks great, but contrast to high for me16:10
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: there's a snap for it communitheme16:10
MysticReverieyea, i tried it16:11
MysticReveriesomehow lol16:11
MysticReverieDefinately nice16:11
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: perhaps follow up cosmic support16:11
MysticReveriebut eh black titlebars in the windows seem a but intense compared to this one16:12
MysticReverieCosmic support ?16:12
ubot5Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) will be the 29th release of Ubuntu.  Release annoucement at https://markshuttleworth.com/archives/152116:12
MysticReveriewill this be automatically installed over my 18.04?16:13
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: no, 18.04 is LTS16:13
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: lts always follows LTS16:13
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: only if you choose yourself you can upgrade to a next newer version16:13
MysticReverieOk, thanks16:14
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: this i also follow: https://www.deviantart.com/customization/screenshots/nix/newest/16:14
MysticReverieWill you be upgrading ?16:14
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: no, i always stick to LTS and contribute with bugs16:14
MysticReverieOh , you really are a desktop connoisseur lol16:15
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: well, its all a learning experience, who can say he knows it all?16:15
MysticReverieSome people dont care what thier desktop looks like as long as its fucntional. Me personally I love a comfortable desktop. Aesthetically pleasing16:15
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: thats the magic of this ubuntu community, users help each other as one 'whole'16:16
MysticReverieIndeed. To be honest I'm not a big fan of learning terminal. But after getting a few thing sset up, I dont need to use it much.16:16
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: GUI can be done alot these days for sure16:16
MysticReverieYea, I have little technical support to offer lol, just my feedback of what I like16:17
lotuspsychjei always liked linux eyecandy myself16:17
MysticReverieUbuntu eyuecandy yes16:17
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: contribute can be more easy then you think, like filing a bug from your system, also help the community16:17
MysticReverieBut som other distros look like terminal windows with a task bar and pixelated icons lol16:17
MysticReveriehmm, true16:17
MysticReverieII'm sure the other distros are great for people who use them - just depends what you like16:18
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: or like the new system info tool, that gathers ubuntu info to help overall16:18
MysticReverieUbuntu is the most popular linux I think ?16:19
MysticReverieFollowed by Mint I guess16:19
lotuspsychjewell hard to say exactly worldwide of course, but we do have articles with all machines running ubuntu..and their alot16:19
MysticReverieMint was pretty muc has functional as Ubuntu for me , I just didnt like the aesthetic as much16:20
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2016/04/07/ubuntu-is-everywhere?utm_source=omgubuntu16:21
lotuspsychjethats from a while ago, so might have increased alot since16:21
MysticReverieNot sure I expected those high numbers16:22
lotuspsychjeimpressive right16:22
MysticReverieI thin kso16:22
MysticReverieAlso, what I find impresseive is it seems to run pretty much as quickly from a USB as puppylinux does.16:22
MysticReverieEven a full Ubuntu usb os16:23
MysticReverieruns well16:23
MysticReverieBut I have it in my SSD now anyway - Dual boot with Win1016:24
lotuspsychjeso nice this: https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Ubuntu16:38
MysticReverieFantastic resource16:39
MysticReverieNo I have Ubuntu comfortable running, I'm mor ewilling t odig around - at my leisure to improve my knowledge and experience. Everything is working , so I can just relax and read about stuff when the fancy takes me.16:40
MysticReverieSorry, I must improve my typing16:41
lotuspsychjeMysticReverie: good base to live on16:41
MysticReverieBack in a bit, Bye for now ;)17:00
lotuspsychjebbl guys belgium-france tonight!17:06
leftyfbIs this "new install goes right to GRUB recovery" a big problem right now or are we just getting the same person asking the same question for days now?18:10
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pauljwhi everyone19:10
Jontapauljw: Hi19:11
pauljwhi Jonta19:12
EriC^^evening all20:21
EriC^^tomreyn: wow another guy with grub issues today same problem it seems20:58
EriC^^his /boot/efi http://termbin.com/db4ue20:58
EriC^^efi/grub is populated but efi/ubuntu just has the fwupdate tool20:59
Bashing-omEriC^^: We just had a huge grub update .. related ?21:00
EriC^^maybe, i dunno21:01
Bashing-omEriC^^: Me neither .. we have seen a rash of grub breakage in the forum this day also .21:03
EriC^^just 18.04?21:04
Bashing-omEriC^^: Lemme check if only 18.04.21:06
oerheksonly fiefox today, on 17.10....21:07
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yep .. most of them are 18.04 ... I installed the grub updates ( ubuntu and xubuntu as well as x18.10 ) with no issues here .21:16
oerhekshow odd people comming back without registering21:42
daftykinslaziness abound :)21:42
EriC^^odd, both the guys had an almost empty /etc/default/grub21:44
Bashing-omA quick look and effected grub appears to be UEFI related on the forum .21:56

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