
guest0753on 18.04 "Release file for http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-security/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 11h 35min 33s). Updates for this repository will not be applied." anyone know how to fix this?01:23
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:57
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mgdm'lo czajkowski10:40
mgdmand everyone else10:40
=== Chunkz2 is now known as ChipMonk
daftykinsinteresting - https://sensorstechforum.com/arch-linux-aur-repository-found-contain-malware/20:09
daftykinsthat'll get the Linux ricers scratching their heads20:09
* zmoylan-pi awaits the day gentoo gets malware... :-)20:37
MattJBut what if gentoo /is/ malware?20:39
zmoylan-pithen it's self assembly malware...20:42
daftykins[254592.953997] do_IRQ: 1.34 No irq handler for vector21:23
daftykinsmystery message on TTYs with the 18.04 server install on an intel coffeelake board (8th gen)21:24
diddledandaftykins: your cpu can't handle vectors?!22:55
diddledanaren't vectors just numbers??22:56
daftykinsand vauxhalls22:57
daftykinsmaybe the coffelake can't drive22:57
daftykins(i know, vectra, but let's pretend it's not)22:57
diddledanyou want minecraft for vauxhalls22:57
diddledanmight be a microcode issue?22:59
daftykinsapcupsd can't see the (connected and visible in lsusb) UPS over USB, too23:00
daftykinsah well, haven't tested much yet :D23:02
daftykinsseems plenty folk with 18.04 are experiencing EFI boot failing since some updates today23:03
diddledanoh dear23:03
diddledanwhat did they break?23:03
daftykinsdunno! well, besides boot23:04
daftykinsapparently the placement of files on the efi boot partition go wobbly23:04
diddledanI wonder how long it'll be before BIOS mode disappears from UEFI23:16
diddledan(so-called CSM)23:16
diddledantomorrow's FT front page: https://twitter.com/carolecadwalla/status/101682398717803315223:19
daftykinsthat coffeelake board had it all locked down and disabled when i first fired it up23:19
daftykinshad to have option ROMs enabled to see the SATA RAID HBA's screens, of corse23:20
diddledanwith option roms it's a bit of a mess right now with some supporting efi, some bios, and fewer both23:20
diddledanso you need to futs about to get the right setup to get into them23:21
daftykinsaaah tonight is so much better than last night, the air outside is actually cool!23:21
diddledanI'm baking23:22
daftykinsare you up in a roof? i've not gone up to the bedroom yet to see if it's improved vs yesterday23:22
diddledanI'm a middle floor flat23:22
daftykinsjust the ground floor here in my granite walls which has been ace in every summer, nicely insulated23:22
daftykinsah ha still 25 up here, but it's not bad23:31
daftykinsdiddledan: thanks to the link you shared for ESXi i'll have to do my first ever upgrade tomorrow!23:32
daftykinsmay as well coincide with the patch tuesday efforts23:33
daftykinsoh no i think i've become mosquito central up here, i hear several buzzing23:37
daftykinstime to sleep! nn \o :D23:37
diddledanAye, me too.. no23:45
diddledanErr, nn23:45

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