[09:44] paddatrapper: ping [09:45] pavlushka: pong [09:45] QA coffee on [09:45] * QA flips the salt-timer [09:45] paddatrapper: need help (just explanation), https://pastebin.com/kisbhpyX [09:46] pavlushka: have you changed the dsc file? The checksum that is expected (listed in .changes) is different to the checksum of the actual file [09:47] paddatrapper: nope [09:47] paddatrapper: I maintained the same process as I did for xenial, on bionic resulted this [09:48] pavlushka: how did you sign the changes file? (what command) [09:49] Coffee's ready for pavlushka! [09:49] paddatrapper: debuild -S -kkeyid [09:49] and then dpkg-buildpackage -kkeyid [09:49] paddatrapper: and then dput ppa:~pavelsayekat/aspell-bn-git ../aspell-bn_0.02-1-3ubuntu1_source.changes [09:49] worked for xenial [09:50] cd .. [09:50] And then try upload? [09:53] paddatrapper: same result [09:54] pavlushka: cat .dsc? [09:55] paddatrapper: https://pastebin.com/WVd9XjyB [09:55] paddatrapper: and source.changes, https://pastebin.com/ghkUFZY2 [09:59] pavlushka: remove all the build artifacts created (dsc, changes, deb, etc) and try rebuild? [10:00] paddatrapper: did that many times, even redownloaded the source and restarted the process, same result [10:02] pavlushka: then I don't know why it isn't working... I can't see anything in particular that is wrong [10:04] paddatrapper: I am posting you the whole process i m following, see if any amendment needed, in a minute [10:04] pavlushka: ok cool. Can you also send me a link to your packaging repo? [10:05] I'll only be able to fully dive into it tonight (in 9/10 hours) though - heading to the airport at the moment [10:07] paddatrapper: https://launchpad.net/~pavelsayekat/+archive/ubuntu/aspell-bn-git, got the old source by pull-lp-source aspell-bn, and my source is in git@gitlab.com:Pavel-Sayekat/aspell-bn.git [10:21] paddatrapper: my packaging procedure https://pastebin.com/1LhqQQv2 [10:21] pavlushka: thanks. I'll take a look tonight [10:23] paddatrapper: i TRIED to send a patch to debian from ubuntu but need more investigation to send it correctly and successfully, means need more time. [11:06] paddatrapper: I used Launchpad to do the bionic build, it just did. [11:09] from xenial [11:10] pavlushka: great [11:11] whew [11:16] paddatrapper: new issue, https://pastebin.com/dNsQj6MP [11:16] paddatrapper: https://launchpad.net/~pavelsayekat/+archive/ubuntu/aspell-bn-git the signing key is not available. [15:38] inetpro_: o/