
OvenWerksEickmeyer: it looks like I have 6 packages to look at to get one :P00:10
OvenWerksI think we can leave kubuntu-web-shortcuts in place. We can maybe learn from it and add to it. We sort of do the same with -menu anyway but this will document plasma itself. (we leave xfce help stuff in now)01:01
EickmeyerOvenWerks: That made me curious, and now I'm looking at the code tree. XD01:29
EickmeyerYeah, I see no reason why not keep those. Only one of them is kubuntu specific.01:31
EickmeyerA pretty cool idea, in fact!01:31
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we can mod it I suppose, but I would rather use it as is so we don't have to maintain it...01:33
EickmeyerYeah, I have no problem with that.01:34
EickmeyerLooks like ubuntustudio-plasma-settings is going to have to conflict, provide, and replace kubuntu-settings-desktop since we'll have at least one file that will overwrite it.01:36
OvenWerkswhich one? (but yes anyway)01:37
OvenWerksI find it interesting that the kubuntu-desktop does not directly bring in sddm.01:39
Eickmeyerthe /etc/xdg/kcm-about-distrorc I made. Points to an ubuntustudio-icon-theme file and changes the distro name and website to reflect ours.01:39
EickmeyerAlso means ubuntustudio-icon-theme will be a dependency.01:39
OvenWerksAh, ok.01:39
EickmeyerAnd probably -look.01:39
OvenWerksI think I already added those to metas01:41
OvenWerksI guess the whole works (almost) should be * (package)01:43
cyphermoxEickmeyer: do you also have a pristine-tar branch? because for some reason I can't seem to build the package01:55
krytarikEickmeyer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/945531/change-distribution-logo-in-kinfocenter - it would seem something like "/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio-plasma/kcm-about-distrorc" should work too - might be a better option for the Kubuntu folks as well, now that more than one flavor is about to use the Plasma desktop.02:08
OvenWerksthat is the way we do xfce already02:09
krytarikWell, given that Kubuntu aren't doing this already, just thought I'd first make somewhat sure it also works. :P02:14
OvenWerkskrytarik: so far as I know, Studio is the only flavour that does so.02:20
OvenWerksThe xdg spec seems to allow for this.02:22
krytarikWell, the spec yes, but not all apps follow it or fully.02:33
OvenWerksin some ways kde has been better than gnome... some not so much02:34
Eickmeyerkrytarik: Kubuntu has a custom /etc/xdg/kcm-about-disrorc, so no that wouldn't work.02:37
Eickmeyercyphermox: Did it not go? I definitely have a pristine-tar branch.02:38
krytarikEickmeyer: My suggestion would rank it before that one though.02:39
Eickmeyerkrytarik: Oh, okay.02:40
krytarikSame as the specific Xfce stuff ranks before the generic one currently.02:41
Eickmeyerkrytarik: Right, but that's confusing since the Kubuntu one is custom.02:42
krytarikYes, hence my suggestion to move that as well.02:43
=== simonquigley is now known as tsimonq2
Eickmeyercyphermox: Fixed02:50

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