
studio-user464lastest updates have messed up wifi additional drivers and samba connections to win7 shares.....  was working fanstasticly01:09
studio-user464I'm at a loss to find the differences01:10
Eickmeyerstudio-user464: For things like that, try the #ubuntu channel since that's not really something very Ubuntu Studio specific, and since Ubuntu Studio is merely a customized Ubuntu, you'll probably get some help there faster than here.01:26
studio-user464Thanx Erick01:45
studio-user707i have a problem whit tp-link821nd02:31
studio-user707the drivers not fonud02:32
studio-user707I have a problem with the tp-link adapter, the drivers do not work correctly02:34
studio-user707the drivers not fonud [23:34] <studio-user707> I have a problem with the tp-link adapter, the drivers do not work correctly02:37
studio-user707the drivers not fonud [23:34] <studio-user707> I have a problem with the tp-link adapter, the drivers do not work correctly02:37
studio-user707the drivers not fonud [23:34] <studio-user707> I have a problem with the tp-link adapter, the drivers do not work correctly02:37
studio-user707the drivers not fonud [23:34] <studio-user707> I have a problem with the tp-link adapter, the drivers do not work correctly02:37
Eickmeyer!patience | studio-user70702:47
ubottustudio-user707: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/02:47
EickmeyerAlso, the #ubuntu channel might be able to help with your issue better since it's not specific enough to Ubuntu Studio.02:48
studio-user851hallo zusammen09:17
studio-user851mein idjc läuft nich, bzw. statet nicht..09:18
studio-user851ich habe alles versucht, nochmal neu instlliert, sobald ich starte macht er nix???09:19
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sirriffsalothpMIXING A NEW TRACK, WOULD APPRECIATE MIXING-FEEDBACK :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/8etwszhmgrb1gd8/WMB_mixtest04.mp3?dl=016:51

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