
anastasiamacsimplest review ever, anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8913 :D00:12
veeberswallyworld: I'm pretty sure I want to pull in and import k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/credentialprovider as it provides DockerConfigEntry and DockerConfigJson, as simple as adding to dependencies.tsv and godeps-ing right?00:42
wallyworldveebers: yep00:44
wallyworldveebers: run go get first00:44
wallyworldthen run godeps00:44
veeberswallyworld: ack, cheers00:44
admcleodwhat blatantly obvious and silly thing am i doing wrong/missing here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zvz74BWp68/00:54
* veebers waits for go get, 550M later . . .00:58
admcleodnever mind. it was very obvious and silly01:09
thumperveebers, wallyworld: we need to fix our snap beta channel02:23
veebersthumper: oh?02:23
thumperveebers: run snap info juju02:23
thumperbeta is behind candidate and stable02:23
thumperthe way the channels are they should be increasing levels of risk02:24
thumperso for us, I think beta should match candidate02:24
thumperuntil we are ready to announce a beta for 2.502:24
veebersthumper: there is a snap (snapcraft?) command you can run to point beta -> candidate, I can't recall it right now, let me thinkj02:25
thumperveebers: we should have it automated...02:25
thumperthe interesting bit is how to know when we swith away from having match candidate02:26
thumperand on to it's own thing02:26
veebersthumper: aye, was just going to ask how we might consider making that decision in an automated fashion02:26
veebersthumper: so in this case candidate and beta will be the same, when we're posed to release 2.4.1, candidate should be frozen and beta continue to follow 2.4 branch tip02:28
thumperuntil we are ready for a 2.5 beta02:28
thumperso ... it is a bit awkward02:29
veebersright, although, perhaps beta should follow edge (2.5)?02:29
veeberssorry, follow 2.5 branch tip (which just happens to be develop at thsi point)02:30
veebersthumper: I *think* for now that "snapcraft close juju beta" will make beta follow candidate02:33
veeberswallyworld: I might be being dumb, a service has 1 or many units right? So EnsureService will be called first or at least always called, and EnsureUnit called if extra units are added? (i.e. so ensuring secrets are created belongs in EnsureService, which they can then be consumed in EnsureUnit . . .)02:40
anastasiamacveebers: i was under impression that we no longer have services but applications? if u mean applications, i believe they can have 0+ units02:43
veebersanastasiamac: lol my bad you're right, should have said app. The first line in EnsureService is "creating/updating application . . ." ^_^02:44
anastasiamacveebers: \o/ we are working on renaming all service* reference but obviously non-user-visible occurences have low priority... fwiw, it very rare and kind of strange to have an app with 0units.. however we do not prevent it02:46
thumperwallyworld: what is externalcontrollerupdater worker?02:47
thumperwallyworld: it is failing intermittently on merge02:48
wallyworldveebers: not EnsureUnit, that is an old method I have removed02:48
vinoi am facing that issue02:48
thumpervino: yeah, I was looking at your merge02:48
vinoexternalcontrollerupdater worker failure.02:48
wallyworldveebers: when a unit is added, juju increases the replica count on the deployment controller02:48
veeberswallyworld: lies, I can see it here in my editor02:48
thumpervino: just ask for merge again02:48
wallyworldveebers: you may not have latest code02:48
wallyworldor my PR got rejected again02:49
vinoi am trying to build again02:49
wallyworldnothing calls that method02:49
veeberswallyworld: I'm sure I pulled yesterday just before working on this. I'll check02:49
anastasiamacor veebers added it himself :D02:49
veeberswallyworld: ok cool, I'll ignore it for now02:49
veebershah ^_^02:49
wallyworldveebers: even if it is there, nothing calls it02:49
veebersack, thats something I should have checked as well (is this called)02:50
wallyworldthumper: that worker watches for changes to the api addresses of another controller in cmr scenario02:50
veebersanastasiamac: I should create a charm called "IDoWhateverIWant" that will have 0 units02:50
anastasiamacveebers: i like it but our charms are not camelcased... then again u do indeed do ^^02:51
veebershah ^_^02:51
veebersthumper, wallyworld, vino: Huh, I wonder if the charmstore-url config additions introduced that, but surely I would have seen that on the test runs on my PR?02:53
vinoveebers: after my last commit i was able to see things successfully built. havent touched that part of code.03:01
veeberswallyworld: git question, if you and me have been ratting around in k8s.go, should I: commit what I have, git fetch develop, git rebase<some args> develop?03:01
vinothumper: just going thru ur review comments. quick question. the exportbundle.go inside cmd/juju/bundle/03:06
vinois that corret place to be in or it should be inside cmd/juju/model/ folder03:06
thumpervino: I don't really care03:07
thumpereither is fine by me03:07
thumperdeveloper's choice03:07
vinoi am thinking of moving inside the cmd/juju/model folder03:08
vinoas it is related to model03:09
anastasiamacwallyworld: pr for 2.3 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8914 to uninstall rather than bounce a worker for bug 1781096 PTAL?03:26
mupBug #1781096: "model-upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: model has been removed <canonical-is> <juju:Triaged> <juju 2.3:In Progress by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781096>03:26
wallyworldanastasiamac: errors.IsNotFound(err) doesn't apply for facade errors right? we need to use a params IsCodeNotFound() helper?03:29
anastasiamacwallyworld: thnx! updated03:41
wallyworldanastasiamac: done, lgtm, i did request an extra test, see what you think03:44
vinothumper: reading thru ur comments just reminded me that I missed a unit test for version chk failure in the Pr just got merged. I have initiated to add the same in bundleSuite and when reverting the changes its lost. apologise. I am adding unit tests for client facade will add here in apiserver facade too.03:45
* vino going for lunch.03:45
thumpervino: that's fine. I figured you'd add one when you start the implementation03:49
ybaumywallyworld: thumper: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues/60803:51
ybaumyif you guys have any idea ..03:52
wallyworldybaumy: i asked the k8s guys and they said your setup was vms on a mac and those vms could not write to your disks. if that's the issue, that not something we can really solve as it is a config/setup issue on your end03:54
wallyworldyou need to configure your vms to get full access to the underlying hardware03:55
wallyworldi don't own a mac so can't really help much for that03:55
ybaumyhmm i dont understand.. could not write to my disks... but the ubuntu host for for juju localhost is already writing to that disk isnt it? and everything else is just a virtual layer if i understand that?03:57
ybaumyif there was a general problem i would see filesystem device errors on my ubuntu vm running in vmware?03:58
ybaumybut it aint so03:58
wallyworldybaumy: the k8s guys said that the error logs we full of errors saying something like "write permission denied" when the k8s nodes tried access the disks03:59
wallyworldi have no idea how to fix that myself as i don't run a mac03:59
ybaumywallyworld: will test this today on vmware vcloud director which is pretty much vpshere04:00
thumperit seems very weird04:00
ybaumythis is running on intel04:00
ybaumybasic esx04:00
thumperybaumy: this is outside my areas of expertise04:01
thumperwhat is the disk layout of these machines?04:01
ybaumyits pretty much the normal vmware vsphere esx environment .. on top we have vcloud director running. i will setup a vm there with ubuntu 1604 and then make juju localhost as i have here04:02
ybaumyvcloud director is a overlay for vsphere. its thought to be for service providers04:03
ybaumythe disks are vmdk's or ovf04:03
ybaumyas far as osx setup goes.. i still believe there is something fishy with the apparmor/lxc when i look at dmesg on boot04:06
ybaumyi will get back to that tonight04:06
ybaumyhave to shower now and get ready for work04:07
anastasiamacwallyworld: did u want to check the added test or heppy for me to land as-is?04:17
wallyworldnah, i trust you04:17
anastasiamaci'll frame it \o/04:19
veebersHmm, adding a dep import has borked my test with a "panic: /tmp/go-build353638742/b001/provider.test flag redefined: log_dir" error, as per https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/tYVSMXYNFV/ any thoughts on how to fix it?04:21
veeberswallyworld, could you take a look? ^04:27
wallyworldveebers: soon, otp04:27
wallyworldveebers: do you have a diff?04:59
wallyworlddid you make any source code changes in juju04:59
veeberswallyworld: to "fix" it, remove the "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/credentialprovider" import (and remove use of credentialProvider so it compiles) :-) I'll paste diff now for further context05:00
veeberswallyworld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rJ3HDVrWQD/05:01
kelvinwallyworld, would u take a look this small PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8909 ? thanks05:03
wallyworldkelvin: jump in HO?05:03
wallyworldveebers: what's the line in dependemcies.tsv?05:19
veeberswallyworld: oh, I haven't added anything there yet :-\ I just did a go get05:20
wallyworldok, np05:20
wallyworldi can see the error now05:20
wallyworldveebers: we need to flatten the dependnecies - multiple k8s packages import the same package. we don't have the tooling for that yet05:37
veeberswallyworld: ok, should I just 'vendorise' the structs that I need from it? Shouldn't be much at all05:38
wallyworldveebers: for now, i think that's all we can go yeah05:38
wallyworldadd a TODO05:38
veeberswallyworld: it's isolated as we use the structs to  Marshal a json []byte, so don't pass them to anything external05:38
veeberscan do05:39
wallyworldyeah, i check that also and came to same conclusion05:39
wallyworldvino: what's your question?05:40
vinowallyworld: i am trying to initialize the facade.Context which can be used to be passed in NewFacade. I use mockState and other auth params to initalise the ctx.05:42
vinoaparanetly it looks for *state.State05:42
wallyworldno don't do that05:42
vinoi am not sure if it is correct way05:42
wallyworldyou had this solved earlier05:42
vinooh ok.05:42
wallyworldthere needs to be 2 New methods05:43
wallyworldone that takes context05:43
vinoyes. correct.05:43
wallyworldand another that takes the interfaces for the bits needed05:43
wallyworldthe tests will use the one that takes the interfaces05:43
wallyworldand pass in the mocks05:43
vinoBut for this api verification i am trying to call NewFacedeV1(ctx)05:44
vinowallyworld: I resolved the case which u mentioned earlier. But is this feasible using mocktest ?05:45
wallyworldyou can't do that from tests05:45
wallyworldthere should also be a New for V1 that takes the correct params05:45
wallyworldnot ctx05:45
vinoi do see in places like facades/client/client_test.go they do initialze. but they do use JUJUConnSuite05:45
vinook. Got it. adding a function as u mention is a good solution.05:46
vinook thanks wallyworld. Thats clear for me.05:46
wallyworldvino: no worries, all these New functions get confusing05:47
vinoIts ok wallyworld as and when it work on those areas its becoming clear. ty.05:48
wallyworldgreat :-)05:48
iceyI have maas in a little lab setup; I can deploy to it via maas, but when I try to bootstrap the juju controller (targeting a machine that works fine otherwise) the bootstrap bails with "ERROR failed to bootstrap model: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed state: instance "tk36nk" is started but not deployed" - do I just need to06:44
icey increase timeouts or is there possibly something else going wrong?06:44
iceylooks like it bailed at a hair over 20 minutes06:44
wallyworldkelvin: trivial PR to fix cory's service port error https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/891707:13
wallyworldicey: there's a bootstrap-timeout parameter you can try, juju bootstrap --config bootstrap-timeout=1200 <--- time in seconds07:14
iceywallyworld yeah, I got it to bootstrap on a higher timeout ; thanks!07:15
kelvinwallyworld, looks awesome!07:15
wallyworldgr8 ty, will land and cory will be happy07:15
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
los__icey: I am having something like that too will try that07:59
los__icey: on your lab setup: is it routable between the real internet and (assuming) separate workers-net?08:04
iceylos__ my MAAS vlan can access the internet just fine, yeah08:06
kelvinwallyworld, got this PR for fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1777841 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1780154 ->  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8909, would u take a look tmr? thanks.08:28
mupBug #1777841: unit-remains in goal state after being flagged for removal <canonical-is> <juju:Triaged> <juju 2.4:In Progress by kelvin.liu> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1777841>08:28
mupBug #1780154: goal-state error on remote relation <cross-model> <juju:In Progress by kelvin.liu> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1780154>08:28
wallyworldmight try tonight if i get a chance08:28
wallyworldjust finishing a PR08:28
kelvinwallyworld, not urgent, take ur time, thanks!08:29
stickupkidmanadart: yo, have you got 5 minutes?09:15
manadartstickupkid: Sure. Stand-up HO.09:17
stickupkidmanadart: CR please https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/891810:19
manadartstickupkid: Will look in a mo'10:21
stickupkidmanadart: perfect, thanks :)10:21
manadartstickupkid: Approved it.10:35
stickupkidmanadart: spot on - thanks10:35
los_Hey all: seeing "node post-installation failure - 'cloudinit' running modules for config" ...idea on how to find details? (this message masks lots of things from network probs and actual bugs it seems)?10:51
los_Box-stock install of latest (non-beta) Juju on MaaS, and 1) no gui was started because 2) juju status shows machine "pending" and Agent "allocating" and App is "waiting"10:53
los_Nothing in /var/log/cloud-init.log or -output.log looks fail11:03
manadartjam: Looked at the pruning PRs. Approved both, but some comments on the txn one.11:17
los_This is weirder: my juju bootstrap "failed" silently, but, the controller is working, and, I remove-application'd juju-gui and a deploy now is firing up another node and provisioning it...!11:39
rick_h_los_: the GUI is built in and not something you deploy or remove13:00
rick_h_los_: I'm not sure what you're adding there?13:00
los_Looks like I was able to reproduce this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/164286813:04
mupBug #1642868: remove-application does not remove failed application <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1642868>13:05
los_But the solution from the duplicate works, my bad! $ juju resolve --no-retry haproxy/013:09
los_rick_h: I'm doing a stock bootstrap, but, I get cloud-init errors and there is no juju-gui.... but my juju controller still works (I can deploy and hit things)13:10
los_I ssh onto boxes and ping the world, nslookup, etc. and (after installing lynx) they can hit http,13:10
los_I found out that it seems that full networking / routing to the world is now required for the MaaS worker machines13:10
los_rick_h_: I'm trying the good ol' mariadb+mediawiki demo out and can't get that to work.  Its been since 1.2x for me on Juju so lots changed13:14
stickupkidmanadart: this is the lxd default region PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/892013:59
maaudetIs there a reason why, when I build a charm using "charm build" I get a different default output folder if I set the path to my layer (builds/) vs if I simply use the name of the layer (trusty/) ?14:13
manadartstickupkid: Approved it.16:15
los_Hey all.  @thumper: Made progress since last... had to turn on full-routing between the real net and the maas net.  Bootstrap does not hang; but I get cloud-init fail, with no good info in the /var/log/cloud*log17:02
los_thumper: the weird thing is juju-gui is down, but, the controller is up (can deploy, etc.)17:24
rick_h_los_: what do you mean by the gui is down?17:32
los_rick_h: I can't connect to it17:32
rick_h_los_: does the command 'juju gui' not give you the address info and that'll load up for you?17:32
los_rick_h: I do $ juju gui ... get that URL, and no connection17:33
rick_h_los_: what's it say? is it on a different network interface that you didn't see/have access to?17:33
=== valeech_ is now known as valeech
rick_h_los_: but you can speak to the controller with the juju client?17:33
rick_h_los_: e.g. juju status/etc?17:33
los_rick_h: when I ssh to the box(es) I can do all the network things...ping, nslookup, (and after install lynx) hit external web pages etc17:33
rick_h_los_: try using the --debug flag on the juju status command and see if the IP address you're connecting to matches the GUI url17:33
los_rick_h: Yes, and even deploy NEW things17:33
rick_h_los_: right, that's outbound traffic17:33
rick_h_los_: right, so compare the addresses your juju client is using to the GUI url please17:34
los_rick_h: The IP / port are both the same17:35
rick_h_los_: hmmm, I find that darn funny that it won't connect then.17:35
los_rick_h: I am embarassed that I'm starting to think its browser->maas_controller->maas problem... but juju is on the maas_controller...so routing17:37
rick_h_los_: oh, you're issuing the juju commands from MAAS on the MAAS network while your local browser isn't on that network?17:38
rick_h_los_: I use sshuttle to help with that in my MAAS.17:38
rick_h_los_: https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle17:38
los_rick_h: That's a proxy type thing?  I'll check it out.  I'm firing up ngrok to see if I'm nuts.  I (thx!) used maas/juju a while ago when it was "MaaS must be on private network, and maas-controller will proxy..." is that still a true setup idea?17:39
rick_h_los_: there's an apt package for it and so my MAAS network is a subnet and I do something like sshuttle -r rick@mymaas.address
rick_h_los_: so MAAS can proxy traffic outbound but won't do anything inbound.17:40
rick_h_los_: and honestly it's less maas proxying as you can setup the MAAS node as a forwarder17:40
rick_h_los_: when you go to load the GUI you need to get inbound via the maas  and to the address of the juju controller to get at the http server where you get the web pages from17:41
rick_h_los_: so yea, sshuttle does a tunnel for you over SSH so that you can get at the private IPs from your local laptop/desktop17:41
los_rick_h: OHhhhhhhhh I don't need the iptables shenanigans then!?17:44
rick_h_los_: you might need the IP tables bit to allow the MAAS nodes to tunnel out to the internet through the MAAS server. Normally you just need to set up IPV4 forwarding on the MAAS server and set that as the gateway for the MAAS managed nodes.17:46
rick_h_los_: but no, to get inbound from your laptop you can skip iptables stuff if you use the sshuttle tunnel. Then you only need inbound ssh on the maas server17:46
los_rick_h: Got you, do the iptables if you had some provisioning situation that needed it... I worked this infini-timeout on the bootstrap with @thumper yesterday and had no luck until I had routing going (can't contact juju controller via API?)17:47
rick_h_los_: well so that's what I mean. When the MAAS node comes up cloud-init tells it to go get the Juju software it needs to run from streams.canonical.com and such17:48
rick_h_los_: if the MAAS nodes can't get out to get them, well then it'll be stuck17:48
rick_h_los_: and then the charm will need to be fetched from api.jujucharms.com (charmstore) so you can put it on the MAAS node and execute it17:49
los_rick_h: right but I was confused cuz I saw (on the console of the maas worker machine) gazoodles of packages being updated all happy etc.17:49
rick_h_los_: right, part of what's run is apt update and apt upgrade to make sure that the latest version of cloud-init and such are available (bugs fixed/etc)17:50
los_rick_h: Wowwwww this is transcendental: sshuttle is the grandson of ol' SunOS Term, and then of kermit...its self-running via python!  Awesome!17:51
los_rick_h: (Having old guy moment...there's been 1M hours dedicated to getting around dumb networking via these kinds of tools....so cool!)17:51
rick_h_los_: lol yea it's a darn handy tool to have in your pocket17:52
rick_h_ssh is so ubiquitous at this point17:52
los_rick_h: yes yes, I just hope it works #include "crypto_worries.h"17:53
rick_h_los_: definitely use the apt package if you can so that it's pre-built for you17:54
rick_h_los_: apt get install sshuttle17:54
los_rick_h: right, ok, my mind is blown: I run this on my (client, this, laptop, desktop workstation) and point it at a user with -r on the maas controller?17:54
los_rick_h: Or on the maas controller pointed to the juju controller?17:55
los_Aha, ... on the maas-controller!17:55
rick_h_los_: right, you're saying "if I try to hit anything in the 10.x subnet use this ssh connection to the MAAS server and go through it"17:56
rick_h_los_: so now you can use the juju client on your laptop, the browser on there, etc.17:56
los_rick_h: Mind...pakow!17:57
rick_h_hopefully helps you get along with things17:57
los_rick_h: oh wow man,...yep, restarting from scratch (bootstrap) ...I've got a demo for our local LUG on Fri...and I want some time to write a SetiAtHome charm (with the new-to-me reactive model, solving all my RandoStartUpSequenceEventProbs that drove me off of charms a while ago...they got REALLY complicated with lockfiles for each component17:59
los_SetiAtHome would be like a "dummy load" in radio17:59
los_rick_h: thanks again, for-real!18:00
rick_h_los_: no problem, good luck on your project!18:00
los_I've taken a lot of notes, down to error messages being confusing etc. and then I'll look at whether they are fileable18:00
los_rick_h: Thanks...after that...maybe ngrok, and then after the demo, my real goal: Blender Flamenco18:01
rick_h_always happy to get feedback18:01
los_rick_h: I think Juju's time is now: hybrid public/private cloud, CloudFlare's Argo in front... always preferring the private cloud (larger) made out of HA MaaS out-of-warranty servers, no RAID, 1xPSU, not "reliable" but the controllers (MaaS/Juju) are old-skool in-warranty/RAID/2xPSU/HA'd...18:10
los_1) if private cloud dies (or connectivity) flops to public cloud and you scale18:10
los_2) if public, or major fraction of networking (like VZ outage) goes, pivot to private and spin another replica on another (out of affected area) public cloud18:11
los_If the workload is batchable (e.g. video rendering) then everything is restartable...18:11
rick_h_los_: very cool yea we definitely think that flexibility and consistent experience across clouds is important18:15
los_rick_h: Its a very neat time, lots to learn and can get done.  This Blender Flamenco thing is to produce a local render for a small co of friends of mine--they don't have the bandwidth to upload to pay services, let alone....the pay!18:17
los_rick_h: ok, maximum whiney mode ON: juju gui is up (thx!) but I get a red warning bubble "Unable to list models: read tcp...connection reset by peer"18:41
los_rick_h: (on my workstation) $ sshuttle -r user@maas-on-my-same-network othernetwork.0/2418:42
los_rick_h: A clue: more pop-ups of "unable to retrieve model list: unknown version (4) of interface "ModelManager"18:56
rick_h_los_: hmm, that sounds like the GUI doesn't know/talk to the API version. might have to ask hatch and company20:03
los_rick_h: Yeah...I will check into that.  Many the googles etc.  its all working great so thanks rick!20:03
rick_h_los_: <3 that's good to hear20:04
* hatch waves at rick_h_ 20:12
rick_h_los_: hatch here is the GUI expert and might have an idea on the "unable to retrieve model list: unknown version (4) of interface "ModelManager"20:12
hatchlos_ what version of the GUI/Juju are you using?20:14
veebersMorning all o/20:42
hmlmorning veebers20:44
veebersHow are things going hml ?20:44
hmlveebers: pretty good - you?20:45
veebershml: heh, bit of a broken nights sleep and now the fire is being a prick to get going ^_^  All good otherwise20:49
veebersThere, fire sorted. I used a little known technique called: "swearing at it a bunch"21:01
veebersrick_h_, thumper was going to as re: snap tracks updating but thought I would try out the disource discussion21:13
veeberskelvin: when you grabbed the caas mysql charm for testing, it was as easy as cloning it and running "charm build ." or so, right?22:55
kelvinveebers, yes23:15
wallyworldanastasiamac: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/wR46sTqpXJ/23:21
veeberskelvin, wallyworld I need to "ln -s" microk8s.kubectl to, um, $JUJU_DATA right, then I can add-k8s with config?23:37
kelvinveebers, microk8s.config | juju add-k8s microk8s23:38
kelvinis ur JUJU_DATA in a different place?23:39
wallyworldwhat kelvib said is all you need23:39
kelvinwallyworld, got one question, does charm-upgrade work for caas?23:40
veebersawesome, thanks kelvin, wallyworld23:42
kelvinveebers, np23:45
veeberswallyworld, kelvin: sorry to pester, do I need to do anything different to get the unit logs? i.e. I see message: "Hook failed: "install"", it's the changes I made, but want to see the stack trace23:46
wallyworldkelvin: it is supposed to yeah23:46
veebersjuju debug-log -m <model> doesn't show anything23:46
wallyworldveebers: kubectrl -n <model> log -f <operator pod name>23:46
veeberswallyworld: awesome, that's the business. I can see how I've borked up now ^_^23:48
kelvinwallyworld, ic, thx23:50

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