
sauloboi noite00:46
sauloboa noite00:46
Shibeis plasma-browser-integration not part of the kubuntu stable ppa yet?01:56
ShibeFailed to connect to the native host. Make sure the 'plasma-browser-integration' package is installed.01:57
=== pinguik4 is now known as avargas
valorie!info plasma-browser-integration02:16
ubottuPackage plasma-browser-integration does not exist in bionic02:16
valorieI'll ask in -devel, Shibe02:17
avargashi, butt broadcasting tool is available on kubuntu?02:18
valorieavargas: say what?02:29
avargasButt is a tool for broadcasting like radio on internet02:30
valorieavargas: looks like VLC can broadcast02:39
valorieGMLive is available02:39
valorie!info vlc02:40
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-0ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 31 kB, installed size 153 kB02:40
valorie!info gmlive02:40
ubottugmlive (source: gmlive): live video frontend for mplayer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.3-1build2 (bionic), package size 179 kB, installed size 630 kB02:40
avargasthanks valorie & ubottu02:51
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scorlupkahey, guys. Did anyoune face with the problem when there is no option to create a file or a folder in a mounted ntfs disc?05:29
scorlupkaoption "create folder" is disabled in context menu05:29
=== Go is now known as Guest77896
wolli65hi there, anyone who can help me configuring my Medion USB-Internet/stick?06:16
wolli65it seems it doesnt init correctly06:17
wolli65may a bit early/late06:27
vespertatiawait for the experienced guys :)06:31
valoriewolli65: can you say what the issue is?06:53
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pedorcas_hey guys10:23
pedorcas_KDE Plasma 5.12.6 was release 19h ago10:23
pedorcas_is it the same as 5.13? or a beta, or is it just an update on 5.1210:23
pedorcas_i couldn't understand10:23
pedorcas_Thank you10:23
BluesKajHey folks10:35
Shibepedorcas_: 5.12 is an LTS version which means it will keep receiving stabillity updates/bug fixes11:23
pedorcas_ok thank you Shibe, but 5.13 will still be coming for 18.04 right? how far would you say it is?11:24
pedorcas_couple weeks? months? i head you were havint a bit of trouble with Qt11:24
Shibeuh not sure about that11:24
Shibei'm not involved with the kubuntu/ubuntu project11:24
pedorcas_ok, tx anyways11:24
Shibepedorcas_: you could get 5.13 from here if you like https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable11:25
pedorcas_isn't it still a bit unstable?11:26
pedorcas_i'll test it on a Vb x), thanks Shibe11:27
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
tinosomeone who install kubuntu& phoenix on 1pc12:00
lordievaderpedorcas_: Yes, 5.13 is still waiting for Qt updates.12:17
lordievaderLast I heared, anyways.12:17
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=== chris__ is now known as chris_
jubo2Ok.. found a convenient way to get rid of the old kernels filling up my /-partition15:05
jubo2with synaptic GUI15:05
jubo2sudo apt autoremove didn't do it because for some reason the kernels were marked as being manually installed though I have not manually installed them.. all came with running 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'15:06
=== alexrenner is now known as sarahrenner
TBotNikAll: My panel icons are all gone: Dropbox, Weather, Network Manager, etc.  How do I get them back? On Kubuntu 16.04 LTS15:43
TBotNikAll: been having problems in 16.04 lts with Network Manager, so ran apt-get remove network-manager and rebooted.  Course now that machine will not goto network, so what is the work around?  What do I need to download and copy to flash and then run install from flash? Is this in a HOWTO?18:52
TBotNikAll: Repeating: Been having problems in 16.04 lts with Network Manager, so ran apt-get remove network-manager and rebooted.  Course now that machine will not goto network, so what is the work around?  What do I need to download and copy to flash and then run install from flash? Is this in a HOWTO?19:03
diogenes_TBotNik, probably the same package that you removed19:29
TBotNikAll: finally found the .deb packages for both NM and Plasma-NM, so wish me luck on installing them!19:38
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