
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
dufluHi seb128. Welcome home :)07:17
dufluIn more ways than one07:17
seb128good morning desktopers07:18
seb128hey duflu, thanks, how are you today?07:18
dufluseb128, very good. You?07:18
seb128I'm good thanks, a bit tired or not fully awake yet though :)07:19
seb128or maybe a bit of allergy, difficult to say :/07:20
dufluseb128, bluetooth meeting?07:50
* duflu votes not07:50
* seb128 same07:50
duflujibel ^07:51
seb128I don't have anything to contribute and I'm still catching up on things post GUADEC07:51
willcookemorning all07:59
willcookeduflu I think we should just cancel the bluez meeting at this point08:00
dufluwillcooke, agreed. koza hasn't reappeared for some time08:00
dufluMorning willcooke08:00
seb128hey willcooke, how are you?08:02
willcookemorning seb128.  Doing well, ache today having done some excercise for the first time in about 2 months yesterday.  It's a nice pain though ;)08:03
seb128nice, what sort of exercice did you do?08:03
* tsimonq2 scratches his head and wonders how bug 1532508 was properly fixed...08:04
ubot5bug 1532508 in GNOME Shell "Screen contents revealed briefly on resume, before even unlocking" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153250808:04
tsimonq2(I'm not complaining, but I want it for LXQt. :P)08:05
willcookeseb128, golf!08:05
seb128ah, of course :)08:05
willcookeThe only kind of excercise I do08:06
seb128tsimonq2, I don't think bugfix from one codebase apply as a magical recipe to another08:06
seb128but I think the main trick is to paint the lock screen before issuing the suspend08:06
willcooketsimonq2, I /think/ it was and ordering issue.  Pulling down the screen lock shutter and inhibiting suspend while it does it, then going in to suspend08:06
seb128and ensure the frame made it to the screen also08:06
willcookeyeah, I think the trick was to make sure the lock screen had finished painting08:07
seb128if you don't inhibit the suspend that might kicks in before the lock is rendered08:07
tsimonq2But just locking before suspend doesn't fix it, you have to make sure it paints?08:07
tsimonq2(If I'n understanding you right.)08:07
tsimonq2OK, I'll do some wabbit hunting.08:08
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:18
tsimonq2Hey oSoMoN, how's it going?08:19
seb128hey oSoMoN, how are you?08:20
oSoMoNhey tsimonq2, seb12808:20
oSoMoNI'm good, you?08:20
seb128I'm good, a bit tired|sick|allergic though08:21
seb128I woke up with a bit of a blocked nose and my eyes itching a bit, unsure if that's a post travel start of cold or just me being allergic to some plants around here08:22
dokoseb128: libsoxr promoted. please be aware there is a new upstream not packaged in debian08:22
seb128doko, thanks for the notice08:23
seb128duflu, ^08:23
dufludoko, yeah I saw the bug mail already. Thank you muchly08:23
oSoMoNseb128, hopefully that's *just* the regular ubuflu08:23
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:24
oSoMoNhey duflu08:24
seb128oSoMoN, enough ubuflu for this year!08:24
oSoMoNseb128, get some better ubuantibodies!08:25
oSoMoNhey Laney, didrocks08:39
seb128hey Laney, how is GUADEC going? good  BOFs yesterday?08:39
didrockshey oSoMoN, seb12808:40
Laneyhey oSoMoN seb12808:40
Laneyyes, not so bad, we were mainly talking about theming and related stuff08:41
Laneythe idea was to reduce the surface of theming, not sure if that's going to work but we'll see08:41
willcookeandyrock, around?  JamieBennett has livepatch configured and g-o-a is using 98GB of virt. mem after a few mins of running.  Any ideas where to start looking?08:41
willcookecc seb128 ^08:41
Laneythat's webkit GigaCage and isn't real used memory08:42
willcookeLaney, ah.  Any ideas what would cause it to report that?08:44
willcookeand would a valid thing to do be to kill g-o-a and see if the machine starts responding normally agian?08:45
Laneyit's probably best to respond with a link https://labs.mwrinfosecurity.com/blog/some-brief-notes-on-webkit-heap-hardening/08:46
seb128willcooke, that's not real usage, you can try but I doubt that's what is making the machine unresponsive08:47
willcookehi jamesh08:54
JamieBennett@willcooke this is a paste from the wake up this morning including a reboot from a hard reset, be warned, it's big but contains pretty much the same thing repeated: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/Wvy8dnMbw6/08:54
willcookeoops sorry jamesh, I meant hi JamieBennett08:54
jameshhello anyway :)08:55
willcookeJamieBennett, thanks.  g-o-a using a lot of vmem is likely a red herring, and these crashes are probably not caused by g-o-a08:56
willcookethey could still be memory related though08:57
willcookeduflu, have you seen crashes like in the logs ^ around 09:31:32 - lots of stack traces for GNOME Shell by the looks of it08:59
didrocks /msg seb128 salut ! bon ben, le sort s'acharne quoi… :p08:59
didrocks /#hatefootball08:59
JamieBennett@willcooke It seems to be reproducible just by leaving the laptop idling overnight08:59
seb128France France France09:00
* duflu is still waiting for the page to load09:00
didrocksWe are in for 20 more years of hearing about it :(09:00
JamieBennett@willcooke when it comes to using it in the morning, the screen comes on and everything grinds to a halt in a few seconds09:00
willcookeI think it could still be realted to the thunderbolt dock.  My machine has been on for weeks and doesn't show the same problems09:01
dufluwillcooke, JamieBennett, that would be bug 177267709:01
ubot5bug 1772677 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell filling up syslog with thousands of entries (stack traces ending in osdWindow.js:206/207)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177267709:01
willcookeJamieBennett, is there anything in /var/crash ?09:01
didrocksI don't think the virt mem is related to this anyway, it only depends on how much the daemon requests memory. I have 112G for deja-dup, 97 for g-oa-, 84.1 for chrome-nacl09:02
JamieBennett@willcooke no09:03
dufluwillcooke, I made a little progress in comment #10 of that bug but did not chase it without a way to reproduce the bug09:06
willcookeso realted to monitors09:09
willcookeJamieBennett, any docking/undocking going on?09:09
JamieBennettlaptop is plugged in to a 4k monitor via a usb c dock09:10
dufluwillcooke, no I don't think it's related to multi-monitor, only to machines with more than zero monitors09:10
dufluBut maybe....?09:10
willcookehidpi?  Is 4k counted as high dpi?  I guess it depends on the physical screen size09:12
willcookeJamieBennett, do you have shell scaling on your 4k screen?09:12
JamieBennettwillcooke: monitor is 27", 100% scale09:14
JamieBennettrunning at 3840x216009:14
dufluActually even comment #10 might be wrong. We'll need to figure out how to reproduce it and then a developer can start poking that code.09:15
JamieBennettduflu: well, leaving my laptop plugged in over night seems to reproduce it pretty well09:16
dufluWorth noting gnome-shell upstream has similar errors in a different location. Trevinho fixed that for us but upstream hasn't accepted his fix still09:16
JamieBennettAnother oddity than may be unrelated is that the screen seems to go to sleep and wake up regularly (probably notification related) as I often see the black screen turn on for no apparent reason despite not touching it09:17
dufluJamieBennett, are you able to leave the machine in a "quiet" state where any apps causing notifications are closed over night? I've been wondering if that was the trigger09:19
JamieBennettI can later today and report back09:20
JamieBennettactually, I could just switch machines and do it now09:20
JamieBennettok, very quick test, the laptop wakes up every 10 seconds or so, powers the laptop screen then the monitor and sleeps the displays again after about 3 seconds with *no* applications or tray icons running09:30
JamieBennettI wonder if the hub is waking it (it also has usb and ethernet plugged in)09:30
JamieBennettRight, the hub keeps waking the screen but it is not USB or ethernet, it looks like the monitor itself. Laptop screen goes blank, monitor goes blank, monitor scans other inputs in a round robin, goes back to hdmi and 'wakes' the laptop back up.09:34
JamieBennettAnyone else seen that?09:34
willcookeSo the monitor could be requesting the machine wakes up?09:35
dufluJamieBennett, you might be able to set the monitor to not auto-scan09:35
JamieBennettWell, when it settles back on hdmi it 'wakes' the laptop for some reason09:35
JamieBennettduflu: I'll turn off autoscan and see what happens09:36
dufluYeah I would say ordinarily it's a useful feature for plugging in a monitor to wake the system09:36
dufluIf that's what's happening09:36
JamieBennettOK, auto scan off fixes the wake-ups but is that the right behaviour?09:37
dufluJamieBennett, that's a kernel question I think09:38
dufluI've never seen it09:38
duflubut auto-scanning is also somewhat rare09:38
jameshcould be doing HDMI CEC?09:38
dufluThat too09:38
JamieBennettduflu: autoscanning isn't rare is it? Every projector does it09:38
JamieBennettanyway, I wonder if the multiple wakeups are somehow filling memory and grinding the system to a halt?09:39
dufluI don't think there are enough wakeups. The original reporter said he had 70GB per day. The machine needs to be awake to cause that much09:40
willcookeCould be unrelated issues?  A memory leak in each connect/disconnect cycle seems feasible09:41
dufluwillcooke, of disk usage, not memory09:42
JamieBennettmy syslog is only 3.5mb so nothing too huge atm09:43
willcookeJamieBennett, it will be interesting to see if this helps longer term.  I think jamesh is probably on to something with CEC.  Things like projects probably dont support it, and a lot of computer moniors don't either09:47
JamieBennettwillcooke: It seems to happen each night so I'll leave the autoscan off tonight and see what happens in the morning09:48
willcookethanks JamieBennett09:48
jameshCEC can allow devices to wake in either direction (e.g. ChromeCasts can wake a television, a TV can wake a game console or bluray player, etc)09:49
jameshI'm not sure how to easily get visibility to test it though09:50
willcookeI wonder if it's Montor -> CEC -> Dock -> ACPI wake up event -> Kernel09:55
willcookerather than CEC all the way09:55
willcookebecause yeah, we don't ship libcec or anything like that by default09:55
jameshCEC isn't always hooked up to the OS though09:56
jameshIIRC Intel's NUCs have CEC wakeup handled by the embedded controller, and you need additional hardware to do more with CEC09:56
jameshso a dock could indeed be handling CEC without the OS knowing09:57
willcookeyeah that's kinda what I was thinking10:01
willcookewell, lets see if this is the root of the problems and take it from there10:01
dufluRegardless of the frequency, seeing a stack trace like that is always a bug. So finding a workaround would be good but it's still a bug even if it happens once10:02
willcookeduflu, in other news - a guy in the Ubuntu UK channel says he's seeing the problem with bluetooth connections on resume from suspend10:22
willcookehe's got the same hardware as me, so I will test it here10:22
willcookethis was on cosmic10:22
willcookeso might be a regression10:22
willcookeanyway, I will test and log a new bug if needed10:23
dufluwillcooke, I thought we fixed that recently. For audio at least. I think there's an open bug still for mice10:23
willcookeduflu, ah cool.  I will test with speakers and mice then10:24
dufluwillcooke, mice is bug 177928910:24
ubot5bug 1779289 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "[regression] bluetooth mouse not reconnected on reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177928910:24
dufluOh, actually, that's not resume. I can't remember where the resume bug is10:25
willcookethere's this one:10:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1561474 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth will be disable after resume from suspend on Xenial" [Medium,Confirmed]10:28
willcookewhich talks about cosmic at the end10:28
dufluIt appears I have lost the bug I was thinking of, and now I'm searching I see several reports but not the one I wanted10:35
dufluWill need to tidy that up10:35
dufluwillcooke, I forgot to mention the bionic fix for bluez is still in proposed. Are you sure he was on cosmic?10:42
willcookeduflu, no, you're right - hes on Bionic10:49
dufluwillcooke, ah, so was it audio, mouse, or other?10:51
dufluAFAICT the bluez reconnect-on-resume fix was not audio-specific. Only a lot of people complained about it regarding audio10:53
willcookeduflu, sounds like mouse and headphones11:00
willcookethey're going to try this weekend and let me know11:00
dufluwillcooke, the feedback for audio is that the fix works for everyone (in cosmic and bionic-proposed). I only hope it applies to mice11:01
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juliankoSoMoN, ricotz: Could one of you investigate the triggers for libreoffice in xenial for bug 1780996, see if there are ones that are not noawait, but changed in later versions, and change them too?15:40
ubot5bug 1780996 in xpdf (Ubuntu Xenial) "Convert triggers to noawait" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178099615:40
juliankDownloading that on my side takes ages, and libreoffice is kind of your thing anyhow15:41
ricotzjuliank, libreoffice-common in xenial contains "interest /@OODIR@/share/extensions"15:49
juliankricotz: That's interest-noawait in bionic; unless packages installing files there depend on libreoffice-common, it should be changed there too15:52
ricotzjuliank, you can see the packaging here https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/15:52
juliankOh well, they are broken anyhow15:53
julianklibreoffice-mysql-connector.triggers.in and another one explicitly activate the file trigger too15:53
juliankthat's fixed in bionic15:53
juliankif those are the only ones shipping files in there, and they depend on libreoffice-common, we can mark the task as wontfix, as that's OK enough15:54
juliankok there are more15:56
juliankIt's likely easier to change the trigger and the two activate in the package15:57
juliankto add -noawait there15:57
juliankthen checking if all packages installing files into the extensions dir depend on libreoffice-common15:57
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight.  It may or may not be coming home.18:05

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