
amazoniantoadI'm trying to install ubuntu server edition on a dell poweredge 2800 but I can't seem to get the disks listed when trying to install. There are about 7 hard drives present so I don't know how this is happening01:36
amazoniantoadAnyone ever handled one of these things? This is my first time01:36
amazoniantoadOriginally when I tried to install from USB the only drive it listed was the cdrom, burnt the iso to it and now nothing is listed01:37
sarnolddo you need to reconfigure the perc card in some fashion? e.g. set it to hba mode or set up a raid array via bios or something similar?01:40
amazoniantoadI don't know what a perc card is. PXE is an option. I also don't know what hba mode is. I tried finding something to do with the RAID configuration in the BIOS but no luck01:44
tomreynamazoniantoad: press ctrl-r (as in RAID) during boot. PERC is a storage controller (Dells' proprietary HW RAID)01:46
amazoniantoadtomreyn: doesn't display that as an option but I'll try that right now01:46
amazoniantoadbios revision a0601:47
amazoniantoadutility mode, setup, pxe mode01:47
sarnoldthere's a chance it might be prompting you while video doesn't work..01:47
sarnoldservers are cranky like that01:47
tomreynalso, utility mode might get you there01:48
amazoniantoadIt's still loading, very very little memory on this machine01:48
tomreynsome screen shots here https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln292433/dell-poweredge-no-boot-device-available-is-displayed-during-startup?lang=en01:48
amazoniantoadoptions so fuck01:49
amazoniantoadscsiselect utility01:49
amazoniantoadbmc setyo01:49
amazoniantoadso far*01:49
amazoniantoadWhy did it autocomplete with a curse...01:49
amazoniantoadSo it offers all of those options01:50
amazoniantoadthen it boots into my installation media01:50
tomreynenter setup, go to "integrated devices", see what "Embedded RAID controller" is set to01:53
tomreyn...and which values are available for this option.01:54
amazoniantoados install mode is off01:56
amazoniantoaddont see embedded raid controller01:57
tomreynokay maybe you just have none then01:57
amazoniantoadNo what?01:57
amazoniantoadI know there are hard drives01:57
amazoniantoadI'm looking at them01:57
sarnoldare they plugged into a backplane? is the backplane connected to anything on the motherboard?01:58
amazoniantoadI'm going to have to take this thing apart to get a better look01:58
amazoniantoadBecause there are big sheets of metal covering up spots01:58
sarnoldI'd *hope* the connectors for the backplane would be accessible with just removing the top..01:59
sarnoldafterall someone might need to service the machine while it's still on the rails..01:59
amazoniantoadI see embedded server management01:59
amazoniantoadThis guy just left this server at this office and it didn't actually do anything. It ran some special version of windows but all he used it for was for employees to clock in02:00
amazoniantoadWe have shifted away from that and now I have to repurpose this thing02:00
amazoniantoadI'll be back02:01
amazoniantoadI'm going to start taking this thing apart02:01
sarnold"Embedded dual channel Ultra320 SCSI" .. heh, this is older than I expected ;)02:02
tomreynthere is an add-on raid-controller, PDF page 6 of https://downloads.dell.com/manuals/all-products/esuprt_ser_stor_net/esuprt_poweredge/poweredge-2800_user%27s%20guide8_en-us.pdf explains how to locate it.02:03
tomreynbut since it's an add-on it makes me think it's not installe dby default.02:03
tomreynserver manuals https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/poweredge-2800/manuals02:03
sarnold"raid key"02:04
tomreynlatest BIOS is A07, 07 Jul 201202:04
tomreyncute, isnt it?02:04
sarnoldremind me to hug my supermicro when I head back downstairs :) sheeeesh02:04
tomreynlatest BMC Firmware, v.1.83, A10, 07 Jul 201202:05
tomreynlatest Backplane Firmware, v.1.00, A01, 07 Jul 2012 (so probably no upgrade needed there, phew)02:05
tomreyn2 gb ram installed by default02:17
tomreynbut dell selles refurbished 256 MB DDR2 ecc upgrade modules for it02:18
tomreynso you're safe.02:18
sarnoldoh man.. how much do they want for those? :)02:18
tomreyndunno, no prices there.02:18
sarnolduhoh, talk to sales staff territory, that can't be good. they have boat payments to make.. :)02:18
tomreyn15k rpm scsi drives02:20
tomreyn36 GB :)02:20
sarnoldI wonder how throughput / latency on those compare to my spinning metal disks.. probably pretty favourably02:22
tomreyn2x 1900W PSU02:23
tomreynmight draw a little bit more power than yours02:23
sarnoldinsert impressed whistle sound here02:25
sarnoldthat's incredible02:25
tomreynamazoniantoad: so it's actually Ctrl-M to enter RAID controller setup according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtbstKvdhBs02:31
sarnoldfor "mraid"? :)02:31
tomreynor "make it work", not sure02:33
tomreynCtrl-E for BMC, also doesnt make a lot of sense, unless it stands for enlightenment.02:33
dpb1any ZFS expertise around?  I am running into this and wondering what is up.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1054051/zpool-import-not-importing03:03
sarnolddpb1: zpool import -d /dev/disks/by-id/ or something similar --- just plain /dev/ if you don't care about stable device names in the vdevs03:10
dpb1sarnold: ya, same behavior with either -d /dev/disks/by-id or -d /dev03:10
sarnolddpb1: dmesg?03:11
* dpb1 looks03:11
dpb1nothing in dmesg, :/  looking if there is a way to set debug, etc03:14
sarnolddpb1: hmm. okay, maybe make a new directory, and copy the exact device node into that directory..03:14
dpb1you mean, like mknod?03:17
sarnoldthat ought to do it too.. but I thought cp would do that for you?03:18
sarnoldoh man. cp tries to *read* the thing. ew.03:19
sarnoldyeah then mknod. heh.03:19
dpb1ok, did cp -dp03:20
dpb1no pools available to import03:20
sarnolddpb1: time to head to #zfsonlinux and hope dehacked is around..03:25
=== tikun is now known as sikun
qwebirc52334anyone can help me? i am having problem installing full gnome desktop on ubuntu 18.04 server05:03
qwebirc52334the command sudo apt install tasksel taking forever to finish05:03
qwebirc52334cleaned installed on a VM05:03
qwebirc52334installation and network config is done. i can log-in and now wanted to install gnome desktop05:03
qwebirc52334update: i am following this thread https://askubuntu.com/questions/53822/how-do-you-run-ubuntu-server-with-a-gui05:23
qwebirc52334it sas to do this "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"05:23
qwebirc52334the first one sudo apt-get update is taking long time. is there anyway to do it faster?/05:24
tomreynqwebirc52334: why do you install a gui on a server?05:38
qwebirc52334to do works conveniently without remembering commands05:39
qwebirc52334if I had a GUI, browsing though the settings and files would have been easier for me05:40
tomreynit effectively prevent that you learn your way around the terminal, but you really should if you want to manage servers regularly, since once you do, you will work much better, faster, more effectively. running a GUI also consumes system resources you could better use for other things. and last but not least, it increases the attack surface.05:40
tomreynyou could use text based GUIs such as ncdu which don't depend on X05:41
tomreynyour choice - i just would not recommend it. if you still would like to proceed, show the output of the apt-get update command.05:42
tomreyn!pastebinit | qwebirc5233405:42
ubottuqwebirc52334: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit05:42
qwebirc52334i understand. for example, right now I am having issue with very slow apt-get and I dont know why. my internet is very fast, and do not have any issue with windows servers at all. i have seen that I might have to change repository, how do I do that? if i had a GUI, i could probably find it out by myself05:43
tomreynwithout a GUI, you can find out yourself as well, you just need to search the web a little. these tasks have been done and documented many many times before, so you're not alone.05:44
tomreynsure, it will take a bit longer than doing it on a gui the first and second time, but by the third time you will start saving time.05:45
tomreynand get much better error output.05:45
tomreyn!terminal | qwebirc52334 this is for later, to get you started05:45
ubottuqwebirc52334 this is for later, to get you started: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:45
qwebirc52334ok, I am following..05:46
tomreynsee the link 'Using the terminal' there05:46
tomreynfor now, i can guide you at least to find out why apt is slow05:46
tomreynwhich ubuntu version is this, do you know? if not, run: lsb_release -ds05:46
tomreynoh you said 18.04, sorry.05:47
qwebirc52334i dont have any error now.......but its very slow i can say. right now its stuck at 18% [11 sources 0 B/1,098 B 0%]05:47
qwebirc52334its 18.04 amd6405:47
tomreynokay, can you run this in a second terminal window: apt-cache policy | pastebinit -05:48
tomreynthis should return a http address, or an error message saying you dont have pastbeinit installed05:48
qwebirc52334ok, sorry for asking but how do I open second terminal?05:48
tomreynare you connected to the server using ssh?05:49
qwebirc52334i am connected to console05:49
tomreynso you have keyboard and mointor attached to it and are sitting necxt to it?05:49
qwebirc52334its a VM and I am directly connected to display05:49
tomreynokay, which virtualization is this?05:50
tomreyna pity, i dont know enough about it.05:50
qwebirc52334esxi 5.105:50
qwebirc52334i can use my keyboard and mouse to inout to the VM console05:50
tomreyni see, you can install an ssh server next time, then access the system via ssh.05:50
tomreynthis allows you to connect to it multiple times and have multiple sessions open at once.05:51
tomreynthere are better ways for this, but this is too advanced for now.05:51
qwebirc52334ok. may be after this is done or probably errored-out..05:51
qwebirc52334i think i can connect to to the server by ssh05:52
tomreynat how many % is it now?05:52
qwebirc52334let me open putty to connect to it05:52
tomreynokay, just cancel it then. press ctrl-c05:52
tomreynoh you can connect with ssh already?05:52
tomreynputty is an ssh client05:52
qwebirc52334i didnt try before but i think i can connect to ssh. anyway, i cancelled the apt-get command05:53
qwebirc52334and thanks thanks for your helping me.....05:53
tomreynokay, let's test internet access: type this, press enter, and tell me what it says for % packet loss on the bottom:  ping -c 3 abc.de05:53
tomreynyou're welcome05:54
qwebirc523343 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 7181ms05:55
qwebirc52334rtt min/abg/max/mdev = 283/285/287/1.670 ms05:56
qwebirc52334so thats the statistics05:56
tomreynok, that's pretty long, wher ein the world are you?05:56
qwebirc52334i am in Guam05:56
tomreynok, maybe then it is fine, i do not know how well the internet infrastructure is there05:57
qwebirc52334the internet speed that I usually get from our Windows servers is around 10+MB (mega byte) download05:57
tomreynand germany where this server is is far from you.05:57
qwebirc52334its a 150Mbps connection05:58
qwebirc52334ok. is there anyway to choose a nearest package server?05:59
tomreynokay, that's very good if it's per second, i was just referring to latency, not bandwidth.05:59
tomreynokay, so let's see what is up with apt05:59
tomreynright, we should do this05:59
tomreyncan you try to connect to the server via putty?06:00
tomreynif this works out then yxou can just copy and paste the commands i type, andwhat they return, this would be easier for you06:00
tomreyni assume you had to type the statistics you provided above?06:00
qwebirc52334yes, logged in through putty06:01
qwebirc52334yes, u r right06:02
tomreynvery well, so what does this return? apt-cache policy 2>&1 | pastebinit -06:02
qwebirc52334now it will be easy06:02
tomreynalso, if you will come here regulalrly, i recommend you install an IRC client instead of using the website to login to the chat. personally i like the "hexchat" IRC client which is available on the major desktop operating systems06:04
qwebirc52334hmm, i see. well, I will try to get an IRC client. what client do u recommend?06:05
tomreynsee what i just wrote ;)06:05
qwebirc52334oh, got it06:05
tomreynnext, please post: ping -c5 archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 | pastebinit -06:06
qwebirc52334ssh not responding......pls give me a moment06:07
tomreynhmm, maybe soemthing is not right with the VM, let's check this: dmesg | pastebinit -06:10
tomreynthe trailing '-' is not actually needed06:10
tomreynyou can remove the virtual floppy if esx can do this. you will never need it.06:12
tomreyncan you show: pastebinit <( free -m; df -h; )06:13
qwebirc52334ok, i joined hexchat as sunshine506:13
tomreyn* sunshine5 :No such nick/channel06:14
tomreynmaybe you connected to a different IRC network. we are on Freenode.06:14
qwebirc52334sorry, rf5306:14
tomreynoh ok :)06:15
rf53hi tomreyn, this is me06:15
tomreynhello hello.06:15
tomreynsee if you like this better06:15
tomreynrf53: this is what a hilight looks like on hexchat06:15
rf53yes, better than webclient06:16
tomreyn<tomreyn> can you show: pastebinit <( free -m; df -h; )06:16
tomreynwhat does "uptime" return? its just one line, post it here directly06:18
rf53i need to shutdown server to remove floppy drive06:18
rf53 06:18:32 up  1:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0006:18
tomreynokay, i'll wait for it to reboot06:18
lordievaderGood morning06:19
tomreynhi lordievader06:19
rf53i wonder why its showing 4 users06:19
rf53this is only me connected06:19
tomreyn^ may tell06:19
lordievaderHey tomreyn06:19
tomreynyou probably have 4 sessions open06:20
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:20
rf53hmm. could be06:20
rf53ok, removed floppy drive and server is coming up06:20
tomreynlordievader: fine, thanks :) rf53 + i are just looking into speeding up his apt. he's got http://archive.ubuntu.com configured right now but it's pretty slow from Guam. i'm reading that we could use "deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt" instead06:21
lordievaderrf53: Do  you have a slow internet connection?06:22
tomreynrf53: give me a second, i am composing a new confguration file for you.06:22
lordievaderSlow DNS, etc?06:22
tomreynhmm right we didnt check dns, it could be that06:23
rf53i dont have slow internet connection06:23
rf53i am using 150 Mmps corporate connection06:24
rf53from our windows servers, internet is very fast, like 10+MB download from microsoft repository06:24
tomreyndont take it as an insult, we're just trying to understand what is making apt slow for you currently.06:24
rf53i understand06:24
tomreyn:) can you run: "systemd-resolve --statistics 2>&1 | pastebinit"06:25
rf53we have 100+ other servers, most of them ar windows and internet speed is not an issue06:25
rf53it could be soemthing with this VM, but since I am not a expert, not sure how to troubleshoot06:26
tomreyntime systemd-resolve archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 | pastebinit06:26
rf53ok, running command...06:26
lordievaderrf53: What is the output of 'for i in {0..10}; do /usr/bin/time -v dig +short archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 |grep wall; done'?06:26
rf53 for i in {0..10}; do /usr/bin/time -v dig +short archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 |grep wall; done06:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:05.9606:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:27
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
rf53        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.0006:28
tomreynwhoops, too much output here06:28
tomreynnp ;)06:28
tomreyn<tomreyn> time systemd-resolve archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 | pastebinit06:28
rf53real    0m2.662s06:29
rf53user    0m0.147s06:29
rf53sys     0m0.033s06:29
lordievaderThat first request is quite slow.06:30
lordievaderHow is your dns set up?06:30
tomreynit's ubuntu server in an esxi 5 VM06:31
rf53may be something with network configuration...i used ip address from our server address pool..like other servers06:31
lordievaderFor comparison my first request (with an empty resolver cache) takes 0:00.01.06:31
rf53esxi 5.106:31
rf53we have local dns server06:31
lordievaderCould you pastebin the output of `for i in {0..10}; do /usr/bin/time -v dig @ +short archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 |grep wall; done` please?06:32
rf53same LAN06:32
tomreynlordievader: btw. rf53 is here (Guam): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam#/media/File:Guam_on_the_globe_(Southeast_Asia_centered)_(small_islands_magnified).svg06:32
tomreynbut there seem to be undersea cables going there.06:33
lordievaderThat is probably not going to help for latencies 😉06:33
rf53yes, its a small US territory06:33
lordievaderThat looks better.06:34
lordievaderI'd switch to Google DNS. Or, even better, setup a caching resolver wich forwards to Google.06:34
tomreynso you're convinced it's dns?06:35
tomreyni agree it seems to be base don your tests06:35
lordievaderNot convinced, but it plays its part.06:35
tomreynmaybe the local resolver is just a bit busy06:36
tomreynhow to configure the resolver properly on 18.04 ?06:36
tomreyni really dont know yet06:36
rf53ok. we are in a LAN and not sure how to change/forward to Google DNS from Ubuntu06:36
tomreynrf53: can you: pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf06:37
lordievaderI typically do not have resolvconf installed and can just make those changes to `/etc/resolv.conf`.06:38
tomreyni think resolvconf is installe dby default though06:38
tomreynQuoting 18.04 release notes: Default DNS Resolver: The default DNS resolver is now systemd-resolved. The standard /etc/resolve.conf file is now managed by systemd-resolved, and configuration of the resolver should be done in /etc/systemd/resolved.con06:39
tomreynrf53: pastebinit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf06:40
tomreynhmm, okay then let's edit this file. do you know nano? it's a command line file editor.06:41
rf53do i need to install it on server?06:42
tomreynit may already be installed. can you run:: sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf06:42
rf53yes, its here06:43
tomreynwe want to make line 15 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BFzZWZH5Pb/ say this: DNS=
tomreynwhen done editing, press ctrl-x06:44
tomreynand press enter to save it06:44
rf53will it be #DNS= or DNS=06:45
rf53do i remove #06:45
tomreynno #06:45
tomreynremove it06:45
rf53done, saved06:46
tomreynnow: sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service06:46
tomreynthen run "apt-get update" again and see if its faster06:46
lordievaderAnd then test the latency again.06:46
rf53ok, doing...06:46
tomreynalso run this again: for i in {0..10}; do /usr/bin/time -v dig +short archive.ubuntu.com 2>&1 |grep wall; done06:47
rf53running apt-get update06:48
rf53let me open another ssh06:48
tomreyn:) very well06:48
tomreynplease also show (just one line): date- u06:49
tomreyncan you say whether apt-get is faster now?06:49
rf53Wed Jul 11 06:50:12 UTC 201806:50
rf53apt-get seems again stuck at 18%06:50
rf5318% [11 Sources 0 B/1,102 B 0%]06:51
tomreynit must have trouble reaching one of your apt mirrors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mss2khCF37/06:51
tomreynbot security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com are pretty standard, though.06:52
rf53ok, so I think I just need to wait for it to finish06:53
rf53is there anything like changing mirros to force it download from closest mirror?06:54
tomreynif you cancel apt (ctrl-c) and run this instead, it should tell us why it is taking so long: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1' update06:55
rf53ok, do u think it might help?06:55
tomreynbut we can also edit your /etc/apt/sources.list now, as you prefer06:55
tomreyn... to maybe get you a faster mirrror.06:55
rf53with the command, looks like it was fetching the files. but again stuck at 18%06:57
rf53i am not sure what nearest mirror my location has06:58
tomreyncan you paste the last 15 lines of output to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?06:58
rf53any US or Australia Mirror?06:59
tomreynprobably australia, i think06:59
tomreynhmm okay, i was wroing, it doesn't help ;)07:03
tomreynlet's just update your sources.list07:03
tomreynyou have ubuntu backports configured, do you need them?07:03
tomreynok, i'll remove them since they are not well supported.07:04
rf53ok sure07:04
tomreyngive me another 1 minutes07:06
rf53you are helping me, and I am grateful. take your time07:07
tomreyncancel apt if it's still running, then run:07:09
tomreynsudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-disabled-2018071107:09
tomreynwget https://pastebin.com/raw/pgBBUTXB -O - | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:10
tomreynthis will download the sources.list configuration file for APT which I posted to this location, and set it up for you.07:10
rf53ok, done all07:11
tomreynplease run "sudo apt update" afterwards, and let me know whether it works better07:11
rf53looks like much faster.....so far07:13
rf53and not stuck07:13
rf53from AU07:13
tomreyngood. it may still get stuck sometimes in the future when you rnu it. if this happens, either just cancel and run it again (it will use different mirrors then and should not get stuck again), or wait.07:14
rf53ok, got it07:14
tomreynnow, do you still want to install ubuntu desktop? ;)07:15
rf53so apt-get update does download and install both?07:15
tomreynno, it just uipdates the information on available packages, it doe snot install them ,yet07:15
rf53i think i will give some time to learn commands07:16
tomreynyou can also use 'apt' now instead of 'apt-get' (except when you write shell scripts with it)07:16
tomreynapt is a little mor euser friendly07:16
tomreynif you run "apt update" now it will tell you how to geta list of pending updates.07:17
tomreynto install them, run: "apt full-upgrade"07:17
lordievaderAnd `apt` gives progress bars 🎉07:17
rf53so its like listing all pckages that has updates available. so to install update do I need to use apt-upgrade command?07:17
tomreyn<tomreyn> to install them, run: "apt full-upgrade"07:18
rf53i will use apt then. progress bar i like more07:18
rf53on my screen, though it seems working, its still says 18%07:19
rf53Get:11 http://mirror.tcc.wa.edu.au/ubuntu bionic/main Sources [829 kB]07:19
rf5318% [8 Sources 0 B/1,113 B 0%] [11 Sources 0 B/1,098 B 0%]07:19
rf53at very last of lines, its 75.8 kB for all lines07:19
tomreynso that's still the old apt command? you didn't cancel it yet?07:19
rf53not yet07:20
tomreynwell you can do so now07:20
tomreyn75.8 kB is not THAT much ;)07:20
rf53ok, so let me do this07:20
rf53i ran "sudo apt update", seems same output except the last line is yellow color07:22
rf53now, it connected to NZ server07:22
rf53anyway, i will just wait and once its done will run "apt full-upgrade"07:23
tomreynrf53: it will vary, picking the servers returned at http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt at random (this file loos different for you than it does for me, since the server returns the best apt mirrors for your region)07:24
rf53got it07:25
tomreynso since it picks different servers at random on the next run, if "sudo apt update" gets stuck, i would just cancel and run it again.07:25
tomreynbut that's up to you ;)07:25
rf53the problem is to know if its stuck or not, because the lines are moving....07:26
tomreynokay, if the output keeps changing then i guess it's fine07:26
rf53but its the same lines coming again and again07:26
rf53let me give u some recent lines in pastebin07:27
tomreynthey may look very similar, or even identical when it actually does somethign different.07:27
tomreynalso, if you would like me to explain any of the commands we ran above, please let me know.07:27
rf53so if "apt update" only lists updates needed, and not even does download, why is it taking so long? shouldn't it be done in just a few seconds?07:30
lordievaderNormally, yes.07:31
rf53its still 17%. let me cancel and run it again07:32
tomreynhmm yes this doesnt look good07:32
rf53how can i check disk space info? sorry for asking07:32
tomreyndf -h07:32
tomreynwe did this before, you have space left07:33
lordievaderThere are no firewalls at play?07:33
rf53oh ok07:34
rf53we have firwalls, but its not an issue for our windows severs07:34
tomreynlines 1-3 are about memory in megabytes (free -m), the rest is the output of 'df -h' (disk free in human readable output)07:35
tomreynwhen i traceroute to you from a couple locations around the world it always goes through los angeles, usa07:36
tomreynso maybe we should actually use US mirrors07:36
rf53yes, we can try that07:36
rf53usually we have better traffic with US since its an US Territory07:37
tomreynyou can create another backup copy of the apt sources.list file: sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-disabled-20180711-207:38
rf53created another backup07:39
tomreynand then: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list; wget https://pastebin.com/raw/VhLc8Uv3 -O - | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:41
tomreynand then: echo | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:42
tomreynthis is just to add a blank line to the end, i forgot this07:42
tomreynand finally: sudo apt update07:42
rf53sudo echo | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
rf53tee: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied07:43
tomreynsorry, this: echo | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
rf53sudo apt update07:44
rf53Err:1 http://us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease07:44
rf53  Could not resolve 'us.ubuntu.com'07:44
rf53Err:2 http://us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease07:44
rf53  Could not resolve 'us.ubuntu.com'07:44
rf53Err:3 http://us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease07:44
rf53  Could not resolve 'us.ubuntu.com'07:44
tomreynuuh, my bad07:44
rf53do i need to update DNS again?07:44
tomreynno, i just made a mistake, the server name is wrong07:45
tomreynto fix this: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list; wget https://pastebin.com/raw/Cehw3vSV -O - | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list07:47
tomreynplease also post: sudo ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 2>&1 | pastebinit07:47
tomreynand finally: sudo apt update07:48
rf53yes off course. its running ...07:48
rf53taking time at 14% [Waiting for headers]07:48
rf5314% [4 Sources 0 B/1,104 B 0%]07:49
tomreynhmm, something must be wrong with either oyu network or the esxi or the ubuntu installation07:51
tomreynchances are oyu have double NAT and that gets in the way07:51
tomreynwith packets not getting properly rewritten or whatever07:52
lordievaderPerhaps doing a packet capture can give some insight.07:53
tomreynyou'd need to do a packet trace to analyze this further07:53
rf53ok, i will do that07:53
rf53i will also try to change ip address07:53
rf53thanks for your help07:54
rf53i will log-out now and try to do some troubleshooting myself07:54
rf53this is output of "sudo ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 2>&1 | pastebinit"07:57
tomreynokay, thats fine07:58
tomreyni mean the output, and good luck with the touble shooting07:58
rf53ok. thank you tomreyn07:59
tomreynit could also be a misconfigured firewall blocking the requests or, more likely, packets reutnrned for your requests07:59
tomreyni suspect the tcp 3-way handshake doesnt get fully transmitted07:59
tomreynyou're welcome.08:00
tomreynif you wanted to reproduce this on y another system, set up another VM on the same esxi server with similar network configuration and i suspect it will produce the same issue.08:00
rf53ok, what I will do it create another VM on other ESXi node and see if that has any difference08:01
rf53it could also be firwall if the packets transmission is different than windows08:01
tomreyntcp should be universal, but more package translations can cause more problems.08:02
tomreyngood approach, good luck.08:02
rf53and if there is any rule in firewall08:03
rf53thanks and bye08:03
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anddamb move 810:49
anddamhello, I installed a fresh 18 server system, configured the eth interface to use dhclient at install time. How can I see what DHCP server provided info to the system?10:49
blackflowanddam: can you rephrase that question? not sure I understand what you're asking.10:50
anddamblackflow: sure,I configured the eth interface on a system to use dhclient, it gets configured but I'd like to see which DHCP server provided the info10:55
anddamI read /var/lib/dhcp/ should have leases files10:55
anddamit does not on this system10:55
anddamon another similar system (these are virtualbox VMs with a bridged network interface) I do see the .leases file10:56
anddamthe system showing the .leases file is an Ubuntu 16 and I configured /etc/network/interfaces, on this new 18 I see configuration moved to netplan10:57
anddamin /etc/netplan I see https://gist.github.com/adab4d/51cfd2d458602e439e8f1b08a7720b0610:59
anddamit could also be that my assumption is wrong, how do I check that my enp0s3 has been configured via DHCP?11:01
anddamblackflow: ^11:01
blackflowanddam: netplan is just configuration abstration, it's using networkd as backend on servers, and NM on desktops. according to your post, it's configuring enp0s3 for dhcp. also cloud-init is mentioned, and that's where my knowledge about it stops, I don't use cloud-init11:04
blackflowanddam: iirc, leases and dhcp activity should be logged in the journal11:05
blackflowanddam: dhclient will log DHCPREQUEST and DHCPACK11:05
anddamblackflow: what service?11:13
anddamblackflow: as I wrote I think I configured for dhclient but I may be wrong, I would like to confirm that11:14
anddamsstemd-networkd[825]: enp0s3: DHCPv4 address via
anddamcorrect server11:14
blackflowanddam: right so you configured for DHCP, not specifically dhclient. that's systemd-networkd doing the work there.11:15
anddamoh, like dhclient is a specific DHCP client, but systemd-networkd can do the job as well?11:43
Harishello all11:44
blackflowanddam: iirc yes, it doens't need dhclient11:44
Harishow to get php pthreads mod with php5 on 14.04 lts ?11:44
blackflowHaris: like, for threaded PHP? I think you can't without rebuilding whole PHP11:46
blackflowwhy do you need it btw?11:46
Harisis it possible via pecl mod install ?11:48
Harisphp app that's scaling to require threading11:48
blackflowits' not a module, it's whole interpreter being ZTS11:48
Harisis there a less radical solution for 14.x11:49
blackflowPHP is not thread-safe in itself tho', so even with that, you'll likely have issues11:49
blackflowit's not ubuntu specific, but PHP specific11:49
Harisdon't the main repo or ppa pkgs have it pre-built somewhere ?11:51
blackflowofficial repos don't. there could be a PPA but those aren't supported here.11:52
Hariswhere does one go for ppa11:52
blackflowHaris: that said, see if Ondrej has something:   https://launchpad.net/~ondrej11:52
blackflowHaris: I'd do all this in a dedicated container btw. If you break your system, you get to keep the pieces.11:53
Harismakes sense11:53
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hadifarnoudblackflow: is this sound right? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hadifarnoud/4e5e3d1d2f977de2a337e43382ed726a/raw/8be2eb9717c4ce7b02da006201181cb701b85278/cloud-init.cfg11:57
hadifarnoudI think I should follow their instruction in comment11:57
blackflowhadifarnoud: you don't need "network" or "netmask" parts, and is invalid anway. use CIDR notation for the IP, eg.   address   (if it's /24)11:58
blackflowin fact not even broadcast is needed. only address and gateway (which you're missing)11:59
hadifarnoudit's 3212:00
blackflowhadifarnoud: the inet6 also looks wrong, I wouldn't use ::0 in that subnet.12:00
blackflowhadifarnoud: no it's not. /32 means single IP but that's not your subnet.12:00
hadifarnoudmy v6 is 2a01:4f8:1c17:5d80::/6412:00
blackflowis it though? that's all zeroes in that subnet (due to :: at the end)12:01
blackflowipv6 isn't about individual addresses but about subnets. you're assigned a /64 subnet and have to define addresses in it yourself12:01
hadifarnoudlike this one? 2a01:4f8:1c17:5d80:78:47:223:23812:03
hadifarnoudIPv6 is so confusing to me12:03
blackflowhadifarnoud: looks okay if that's what you want.12:03
hadifarnoudI thought I assign a subnet and all IPs in that subnet works12:04
blackflownot automagically no12:04
blackflowdo you know how many address that would be? :)12:04
hadifarnoudmillions :D12:05
blackflow2^64 more precisely12:05
hadifarnoudI found my gateway via `ip route | grep default`12:06
hadifarnoudthat should be ok, right?12:06
Hariscan the pecl pthreads implementation help on 14.x lts ?12:06
blackflowHaris: yes if that's a  currently working config. it's also listed in your Robot (hover on the ipv4)12:06
Haristaht one went over me12:07
blackflowsorry that was for hadifarnoud :)12:08
blackflowHaris: as for pecl pthreads, I don't think so, you need ZTS in the interpreter12:08
blackflowI mean try it, but I doubt it.12:08
hadifarnouddoes it look fine now blackflow ? https://gist.github.com/hadifarnoud/4e5e3d1d2f977de2a337e43382ed726a12:10
blackflowhadifarnoud: no. is that a hetzner CX VPS? that gateway looks like it. if so, you don't define public IPs on the iface. you also have two conflicting stanzas for eth0, one dhcp and one static.12:11
hadifarnoudblackflow it is a VPS. I think it does not persist so if anything goes wrong it's easier to just reboot, right?12:12
blackflowhadifarnoud: but which VPS... Hetzner has different network setups between VX, CX and Cloud lines12:12
blackflowhadifarnoud: well, the CX line can have only one IP,, always, it's routed based on MAC from their side. you don't define public IP on it.12:13
hadifarnoudthere is a float IP12:14
blackflowhadifarnoud: not for CX12:14
hadifarnoudI have a floating IP on this server12:14
blackflowthen you'll have to ask Hetzner how to set it up.12:14
blackflowafaik CX don't have it. new cloud servers do.12:14
Harisinterest based money model is killing economies world wide. pushing human being(s) to reduce and reduce12:15
hadifarnoudisn't CX new cloud servers? that's what I have blackflow12:15
blackflowit is not.12:15
hadifarnoudI currently did make it work by doing `ip addr add dev eth0`12:15
blackflowCX have no public IPs, only, always and only that.12:16
blackflowso if your server has a non RFC1918 address and it works, that's not a CX VPS12:16
hadifarnoudI'm confused. how is it working now?12:16
blackflowby not being a CX server12:16
hadifarnoudit clearly says that in dashboard. CX1112:18
blackflowthis is slightly offtopic here though, you'll have to ask Hetzner for setup specific to their network. meanwhile, as for those e/n/i stanzas: write the IP in CIDR format. the gateway is in the same subnet, can't be RFC1918 then. you had conflicting entries for eth0 with dhcp and static at the same time.12:18
blackflowwell if that's CX and you have a non-RFC1918 IP, then they changed something significantly, or you aren't using what you think you are. At any rate, ask Hetzner for support with that.12:19
hadifarnoudhttps://gist.github.com/hadifarnoud/4e5e3d1d2f977de2a337e43382ed726a see my comment. there is a screenshot there12:19
hadifarnoudhow come gateway is not in that subnet? you're right. maybe `ipconfig | findstr /i "Gateway"` isn't right12:20
Harisis pthreads supported on xenial or bionic or same for them also ?12:20
Harisphp pthreads12:20
Harisondrej says no pthreads before 7.0.x12:21
blackflowhadifarnoud: oh I see what they did..... they started calling the new cloud servers as CX, and they dropped the old CX servers12:21
Haristhat means its experimental on xenial12:21
Harisbut its already available on centos12:21
Harisvia a third party repo12:21
hadifarnoudip route | grep default12:21
blackflowHaris: php zts is not officially supported on Ubuntu, so this is becoming slightly offtopic. like I said, if you want that, you're on your own, use a PPA or build from source, good luck ;)12:22
hadifarnoudso, the gateway is correct?12:22
blackflowhadifarnoud: I don't know. afaik their cloud servers don't use RFC1918 for anything12:22
blackflow_really_ open a ticket for them and ask for proper network config..... OR, reinstall from their original ubuntu images12:23
blackflowif you want a floating IP, convert from dhcp to static, have two stanzas, one for each IPv412:23
blackflowbtw, their floating IP is really manual work, it doesn't auto failover.12:23
hadifarnoudhow about this? https://gist.github.com/hadifarnoud/4e5e3d1d2f977de2a337e43382ed726a12:25
blackflowhadifarnoud: :0 and :1 are not needed these days any more (wiht iproute anyway). that gateway doesn't look right, but if they say it is, then it is. /32 is not your subnet.12:27
hadifarnoudI'll ask for the gateway12:27
hadifarnoudso I can just use the same interface? https://gist.github.com/hadifarnoud/4e5e3d1d2f977de2a337e43382ed726a12:28
blackflowhadifarnoud: check the console, all networking info should be listed there12:28
hadifarnoudunfortunately there is nothing more than server IPs and reverse DNS in Hetzner Console.12:30
blackflowhadifarnoud: well launch another cloud instance and see how it's set up. you pay them by the hour anyway12:31
blackflow(using their official ubuntu images, I mean)12:31
ahasenackrbasak: hi, good morning/afternoon12:34
ahasenackrbasak: if you have a moment, could you please push the upload tag for https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/libapache2-mod-perl2/+git/libapache2-mod-perl2/+merge/348780, after you take a quick look?12:34
ahasenackcpaelzer +1'ed it12:34
coreycbjamespage: btw i've been making python(3)-* packages conflict on each other for core packages14:21
coreycbjamespage: figured i'd mention that in case you can think of an issue with that. for example with some packages like horizon dashboards files conflict in /usr/share14:22
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ahasenackrbasak: if you are back, and/or feeling able, could you please import into git-ubuntu pmdk and ndctl? They were accepted into cosmic (\o/)17:28
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