
zuziai like linux00:00
zuziahalf dey i looking for terminal commend but not luck00:00
hggdhzuzia: oerheks already answered you00:00
oerhekssee the readme text :  nibconv filename.nib filename.g64  https://c64preservation.com/files/nibtools/readme.txt00:01
salasrodHi there, I am looking for minimal ubuntu 18.04 on Docker Hub, but I cannot seem to find it. Could someone point me to it? Is it even there?00:01
oerheksthis is all i know, i have no roms to simulate.00:01
zuziaLinux with OpenCBM 0.4.0 or higher00:02
zuziawhere i finde this opencmb i must compile this first?00:02
zuziai look nib tools in synaptic but not find00:03
oerhekssalasrod, i just read this https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/09/minimal-ubuntu-released00:04
zuziathen i think this not exist  linux version00:04
JFox762so now00:05
zuziabut this txt tell something difrent00:05
JFox762my Bluetooth mouse wont even connect to my laptop00:05
Bashing-omsalasrod: Here ? https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/09/minimal-ubuntu-released .00:05
JFox762the mouse isn't broken, I just tested it with my phone, and it works00:05
zuziaok i look if i end i write u answer thx for now :)00:05
Bashing-omoerheks: is still the fastest gun :P00:05
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salasrodoerheks, Bashing-om: Right, that's the release post, but there's not `docker pull` command there, and the ubuntu:18.04 is 80MB, not 29MB like the article claims.00:06
Bashing-omsalasrod: Not downloaded so can not veriry: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/bionic/ .00:11
salasrodThanks Bashing-om, but that's not the docker image, just regular images for LXC and other shenanigans. Thank you though.00:14
AngaMaltaum, wrong chan sry, was planning on doing model dev with Blender00:15
Bashing-omsalasrod: :( .. I guess then I am not in your league .00:16
raynoldahh it's a wonderful day00:20
spacesraynold short skirts day ?00:32
Lost_Goati am wondering if its possible to encrypt a 18.04 server after configuration00:32
spacesLost_Goatwhy would you encrypt a server, just encrypt your data00:32
uboano nvidia-364 package in 18.04? :( i have a GeForce GTX 960M00:32
spacesuboa no it's closed source  these day00:33
uboaso... install from website... or something?00:33
spacesenable 3rd party repos00:33
Al_nz1whats the best command over ssh to issue to release/renew a lease00:33
spacesAl_nz1 restart network ?00:34
Al_nz1spaces: what about sudo dhclient -r eth0 && dhclient eth0 ?00:35
spacesanother way to rome00:35
Al_nz1sudo service network-manager restart ?00:36
Al_nz1says network-manager service not found00:36
spacesno networking00:36
Al_nz1well I am ssh on the box - so there is a network functionality00:38
Al_nz1and it can ping etc00:38
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
xjkxNever touched my gnome, used something else, now I opened it, and it autoruns thunar. What? And a xterm is open also, on the startup, I'm not sure why, but yes thunar is my default file browser00:40
Al_nz1networking is a running service00:40
CarlFKwhat is the elegant way to disable a systemd service?00:51
CarlFKpermanently, so it won't come back on reboot.00:52
CarlFKbut I would like to be able to re-enable it later.00:52
sonicwindmask it... systemctl mask00:52
sonicwindif you want something more than systemctl disable that is00:52
CarlFKsystemctl disable sounds like what I want00:53
sonicwindunmask to unmask it00:53
sonicwindwith disable, there are ways it can be reenabled.... mask takes care of that00:54
sonicwindmask won't let anything start it until you've unmasked it00:55
oerheksdisable is valid, for this session.00:56
oerheksnow do as sonicwind suggests00:56
CarlFKi just dont' want it running on boot00:57
oerheksdestroy the service unit file :-D01:01
sonicwindlol systemctl destroy01:06
mrproperI am trying to install Ubuntu over a CentOS install. However, the Ubuntu installer is saying it can’t overwrite the partition since it’s LVM based. How can I wipe the entire drive array and start over?01:09
UserUSmrproper, reformat the partitions01:12
UserUSor delete them all together01:12
mrproperUserUS: How? The installer is giving me the error and not letting me delete them.01:12
UserUSmrproper, when you boot, choose the try ubuntu option01:13
mrproperUserUS: Oh and use the partition tool in that instead of in the installer?01:13
UserUSmrproper, yeah, just delete them and then you can install in the same session01:13
mrproperUserUS: Very cool. Does that require a mouse?01:13
UserUSmrproper, well, I guess technically no, because ubuntu shows you all the key shortcuts when it boots01:14
mrproperUserUS: I’m installing it on a server which I don’t have a mouse connected to. So I’ll need to dig up a wired mouse, which may not be easy.01:14
mrproperI’m going to try it without a mouse. Thank you.01:16
xjkxI set thunar as my default file browser. and it always comes up when I start gnome, why ?01:18
UserUSxjkx, it's probably a startup program01:18
xjkxUserUS: where do I check it01:19
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UserUSxjkx, run gnome-session-properties in a terminal01:21
xjkxSome ssh key agent, an audio recorder, nvidia x server settings, and snap user application autostart helper01:22
UserUSxjkx, how'd you install it?01:27
xjkxUserUS: gnome? it just came in ubuntu, but i never really used it, I was using openbox but now sometimes it just freezes out of nowhere, so I decided to give gnome a go, but, I find it weird it autostarts a xterm that calls thunar, my default file browser01:28
UserUSxjkx, how did you install the browser01:30
amazoniantoadI'm trying to install the server edition of ubuntu but the disks aren't in the server aren't being listen01:30
xjkxUserUS: apt-get01:30
amazoniantoadThe computer is a dell poweredge 280001:30
amazoniantoadI'm trying to install the server edition of ubuntu but the disks in the server aren't being listed*01:30
UserUSxjkx, could be the snap package one01:32
xjkxUserUS: ok, thank you01:33
mrproperUserUS: Real time followup. I downloaded a minimal installer so it didn’t have GUI. Redownloading server.01:33
guiver_damazoniantoad: just a fyi:  if you don't get an answer here, you can try #ubuntu-server01:33
amazoniantoadguiver_d: thanks01:34
UserUSmrproper, nice01:38
BamBamBigaloi love vagina01:39
mrproperWell then.01:39
Gr33ntea_Hello I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Lenovo Y530. I can get it to boot into the live cd. And everything works fine for like 3 seconds, after that all keyboard input stops working. Mouse buttons stop working as well. However I can move the mouse. And thats literally all i can do. Any tips?01:58
Gr33ntea_Also i forgot to note im trying to install 18.0402:00
pitsnapGr33ntea: just a suggestion.. did you try with usb keyboard?02:02
Gr33ntea_Unfortunately do not have one D:, out of curiosity why would that help?02:02
Bashing-omGr33ntea_: try to install with out and internet connecion " here has been some issues recently with updating during install " : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2396050 .02:03
Gr33ntea_I don't think that is the problem as i can't even get that far into the installation.02:04
Gr33ntea_it hangs almost immediately (usually 3 seconds in)02:05
Gr33ntea_at which point i can no longer right click or left click, and i also cant type anything02:05
pitsnapI had issues once with my bay-trail laptop.. and had to use USB keyboard to install Ubuntu02:05
Gr33ntea_pitsnap: and after tht the regular keyboard worked fine?02:05
pitsnapyes, installed ubuntu... after reboot.. had to apt-get update/upgrade02:06
pitsnapand disconnected my usb keyboard, and everything worked..02:06
Gr33ntea_Okay I will try and borrow one, and see if it works out. Thank you friend :)02:07
pitsnapuw :)02:08
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chirrups I have 64 mixed size hard drives all addressible in a storage shelf connected to a sserver running ubuntu 16.04 lts. I need to format (Not zero, just wiping the partition table would be fine) I've looked around a lot and I just seriously can't get a good idea the best way to do it.02:16
pitsnapchirrups: try using gparted or GNOME disks application02:19
chirrupspitsnap, I plan on bringing these things into a LVM group. they're all mixed use, crazy different partitions and sizes02:19
chirrupsgparted .ect is great for wiping the partition on one disk02:20
chirrupsthere's no fxxing way I am typing all of those commands per disk02:20
pitsnapif you do not have GUI/Desktop access .. for console/term using fdisk02:20
leftyfbchirrups: then script it02:20
chirrupsTherein lies the problem02:21
chirrupsI'm a linux noob02:21
chirrupsI could whip this together in powershell with like 50 characters02:21
leftyfbchirrups: use gdisk and a for loop run through some regex version of lsblk02:21
chirrupsthat I can do02:21
pitsnapuse dd command and script it02:21
chirrups^ I don't want to zero them02:21
leftyfbpitsnap: dd won't format02:21
chirrupsThey're used02:21
pitsnapdd will overwrite hdds..02:21
leftyfbpitsnap: dd won't format02:22
chirrupsRight I am risking bringing these things into a JBOD as it is02:22
chirrupsto be clear02:22
chirrupsI"m not here looking for someone to provide me a script02:22
chirrupsJust guidance02:22
leftyfbchirrups: I think I gave you a good place to start02:23
chirrupsWell you did, I should be able to do some kind of easy loop02:23
chirrupsThat's what I'd do in powershell02:23
chirrupsI need to express that I know legit fucking nothing02:23
chirrupsabout linux02:24
chirrupsLike I have no idea what I'd even look for02:24
chirrups"Linux scripting syntax" is like the closest I can get02:24
chirrupsI't like bash or something right?02:24
leftyfb!language | chirrups02:24
ubottuchirrups: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:24
chirrupsSorry bout' that02:25
leftyfbchirrups: yes, you could use bash02:25
leftyfbchirrups: start with manually formatting A drive using gdisk on the CLI (not the gdisk interface)02:25
chirrupsI mean there's not something that can take an input of a CSV file or something02:26
leftyfbchirrups: Once you got that scripted, then look at lsblk and figure out how to use awk/sed/grep/etc to pull out only the drives you're concerned with02:26
leftyfbthere is02:26
chirrupsI could zero them with that02:26
chirrupsokay a thing I neglected to mention02:27
chirrupsI'm terminal02:27
chirrupsI installed multipathing02:27
chirrupsThey're netapp shelves02:27
chirrupsI can only get the drivers for the HBA working in linux02:27
chirrupsSo like I lsblk and I get ~1500 lines02:27
chirrupsI've got a list of the direct SDA's02:28
chirrupsCleaned it up through putty logging02:28
leftyfbchirrups: you can also try #bash02:28
chirrupsI can throw a CSV at something, I could do a loop from A - B02:28
chirrupsI'm looing at bash right noe02:28
leftyfbchirrups: #bash, the IRC channel02:28
chirrupsohohohoh Yeah I mean I just was hoping someone would be like "Bippity boppity boop I use xydjshf the BEST formatter just google it"02:29
chirrupsI can grind on a script tonight02:29
chirrupsFor sure02:29
chirrupslike I get how scripting work ~in general~02:30
chirrupsjust don't know how to do anything with bash(or shell scripts as I'm learning)02:30
pitsnaptry this02:30
pitsnapwipefs -a /dev/sda02:30
pitsnapremoves / deletes the partition table signature ...02:31
chirrupslegit can do the rest02:31
chirrupsyeah I this is exactly what I need02:31
chirrupsI can run with this02:31
chirrupsThe rest from LVM up to SCSI\LVG whatever I can figure out02:31
chirrupsI just couldn't find an easy way to wipe these things ala quickformat in order to start02:32
chirrupsI imagine along my journey I'm going to get this shell script thing figured out02:32
chirrupsThank you so much02:32
granttrecis there a way to restrict packages to a certain user?02:53
justicematesudo chmod02:56
justicemateor just use the ACL02:57
justicematecheck out setfacl command02:59
tomreyngranttrec: if the goal is to limit the command a certain user can run, the solution is to setup a chroot for them and to only make the minimal set of commands available to them there.03:00
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myselfWell this is weird. 18.04, after a reboot my regular user is no longer a sudoer03:03
myselfI'm not opposed to booting into a recovery console and running visudo, but I have a hunch that's not gonna be easy with encrypted system disk03:04
granttrectomreyn:  thanks, I am trying to be more orgranised with my development on my home pc, so I thought a seperate user for dev would be good, I especially want to make a distinction between the packages, is chroot still a good idea?03:05
tomreyngranttrec: use VMs or containers for this purpose.03:08
tomreynmyself: you just: adduser MYUSER sudo     # ie. you add "MYUSER" or whichever user it it to the "sudo" group.03:19
tomreynthis group is predefined in sudoers, so you dont need to visudo.03:20
Guest92832i need to edit a resume photograph. I already used gimp, but I still have "cat eyes" (a dark contour under both of my eyes. Is there any program that is better than gimp to alter pictures?04:07
lotuspsychje!info krita | Guest9283204:08
ubottuGuest92832: krita (source: krita): pixel-based image manipulation program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.0.1+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 14507 kB, installed size 61116 kB04:08
lotuspsychjeGuest92832: wich gimp version do you use? cause the new gimp features improved alot too04:09
lotuspsychjeGuest92832: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/07/gimp-2-10-4-released-with-faster-start-times-auto-straighten-tool04:10
Guest92832how do I dont have that version? should I install a ppa?04:11
lotuspsychjeGuest92832: no, we dont support external ppa's here but you could try the snap version if you like?04:11
lotuspsychjeGuest92832: gimp  2.10.0  snapcrafters04:12
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speedy01good evening/morning all04:13
lotuspsychjeGuest92832: see also the #gimp & #krita channel04:13
lotuspsychjespeedy01: good morning, how can we help you today?04:13
speedy01anyone else having a problem running vmware player on 18.04?04:13
Guest92832ok, thanks! lotuspsychje04:14
speedy01i thought i would check here, as googling hasn't turned up much04:14
lotuspsychjespeedy01: to get the best support, its best specific issue to the channel, whats happening, details, etc so volunteers can try to help04:14
lotuspsychje*to ask04:14
speedy01im very new to linux...so I'll start there!  I'm trying to run vmware play on a fairly fresh install of ubuntu 18.04.  downloaded and install all the dependancies..and followed vmware install guide...04:15
speedy01problem is, the application doesn't save any of my preference, nor load any vm I try to create.  I downloaded and install the trial of workstation...and it seems to work as it should...04:16
lotuspsychjespeedy01: we dont really support external ppa's, best to contact the maintainer, or install packages from the official ubuntu repos04:16
lotuspsychjespeedy01: alternate to vmware, you could try 'virtualbox'04:16
speedy01sounds mostlylike an issue with vmware..but wanted to ask if anyone had the same problem before going down the rabbit hole of vmware support04:16
lotuspsychjespeedy01: there is also a #vmware channel if you like04:17
speedy01lotuspsychje: yes..that will probably be my next try...im just familar with vmware and wanted to give it a go...anyways..I'll jump over there and see what they have to say..04:18
lotuspsychjespeedy01: the reason why we dont advice external ppa's is because they can scramble your system and make a mess with dependecys04:19
speedy01lotuspsychje: no worries...i totally understand!  im sure I'll have more specific ubuntu quetsions as the days go on...this is my first go at linux as my primary desktop04:21
speedy01i hated windows 10 so much, i decided it was time to try something different04:21
lotuspsychjespeedy01: then i welcome you to the ubuntu community!04:21
speedy01thank you...it has not been an easy road! lol  i had a problem with the installer not liking my hardware...which seemed to be a pretty common issue with it...04:22
lotuspsychjespeedy01: feel free to use #ubuntu to ask your ubuntu questions in the future :p04:23
speedy01lotuspsychje: i have...you have a someone in here (tomreyn i think) who was very helpful a few days ago04:25
lotuspsychjethanks for the feedback speedy0104:25
lotuspsychje!cookie | tomreyn04:25
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:25
jk^hi all, pls at the pc's shutdown it appears some lines, i noticed several error lines which don't appear before... but i have no time to read, because in few seconds pc shutdown. Where may i find those logs?04:26
lotuspsychjejk^: syslog & dmesg mostly hold usefull errors on your system04:27
speedy01im off to bed...thanks again.04:27
lotuspsychjejk^: another way, is to press F1 at your shutdown process, to actually read the lines(if it doesnt get too fast aswell)04:28
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=== Poisoned_Slice is now known as PoisonedSlice
lotuspsychjejk^: do you recognize some errors you have noticed on shutdown?04:32
jk^i remember just yellow and red error's color... however there are too many lines in these logs04:34
lotuspsychjejk^: well its bit hard for us to guess, what you did to your system exactly..does these errors slowdown your shutdown process?04:36
jk^they doesn't04:37
jk^they don't04:37
lotuspsychjejk^: so why do these errors annoy you exactly?04:38
jk^however i see an error that talk about "DAEMON" (I don't know what it's)04:38
jk^i see it in active operating system04:39
jk^there is a message in task bar04:39
lotuspsychjejk^: a deamon is like a service at startup, did you install new programs that could have added to your shutdown text?04:39
jk^mmmmhhh... i guess it's correct... "task bar", no, excuse me... tray bar04:39
jk^"It occurs an error while updating"04:40
lotuspsychjejk^: what is your actual problem exactly?04:40
jk^if i click on that "error icon" in tray bar, after i click on "Verify updates"... it returns me "Impossibile monitorare o controllare le attività04:41
jk^La connessione al demone è stata persa. Probabilmente il demone in background è andato in crash."04:41
jk^"Connection to daemon is lost. Probably daemon in background is gone in crash"04:41
jk^(Approximate translation"04:41
lotuspsychjejk^: have you installed external ppa's perhaps that blocked your update process?04:42
jk^Excuse me, for my english, i hope u understand the meaning04:42
lotuspsychje!it | jk^ see also04:42
ubottujk^ see also: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:42
jk^recently, i just try to set password at startup... and change account type from "Custom" to "Administrator" because i'm the only user of this pc.... then i guessed, it's more useful to set directly my account to administrator account04:43
jk^in the same window, i choose to "Ask me password" at the startup04:43
jk^these are the only changes i've done04:43
lotuspsychjejk^: you did not install new software?04:43
jk^no, lotuspsychje i didn't...04:44
lotuspsychjejk^: can you make a screenshot of what you see?04:44
lotuspsychjejk^: wich ubuntu version is this anyway?04:44
qwebirc71632anyone can help me? i am having problem installing full gnome desktop on ubuntu 18.0404:45
qwebirc71632the command sudo apt install tasksel taking forever to finish04:45
jk^after i tried to set password at startup but preferences "Users and groups"... I reboot, but it don't ask me password... then someone in a support channel told me to add 2 "#" at the last 2 lines in this file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf04:46
jk^lubuntu 16.04.404:46
jk^the rest of the previous message i translated "It seems that the daemon died."04:47
jk^after those problems, i change again the file by: sudo leafpad /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf04:48
jk^and remove the 2 "#04:48
lotuspsychjejk^: you are mixing multiple facts togheter i think...04:49
lotuspsychjejk^: can you screenshot the deamon & update problem plz?04:49
lotuspsychjeqwebirc71632: are you clean installing ubuntu 18.04?04:50
qwebirc71632yes. cleaned installed on a VM04:50
qwebirc71632installation and network config is done. i can log-in and now wanted to install gnome desktop04:51
lotuspsychjeqwebirc71632: gnome is already default on 18.04, why are you installing gnome?04:52
qwebirc71632i didn't know gnome is default, neither i can see how to activate desktop. i wanted to have full graphical desktop as default desktop when server is booted-up04:53
lotuspsychjeqwebirc71632: your on ubuntu 18.04 server?04:53
lotuspsychjeqwebirc71632: ah, best to mention details like that, see #ubuntu-server please04:54
lotuspsychjeqwebirc71632: by default ubuntu server has no GUI04:54
qwebirc71632hmm. ok thanks for the info04:54
qwebirc71632yes, right. thats the reason i was trying to get gnome04:54
jk^it appears if i click on error icon in tray bar (bottom right of screen) and after click on "Verify updates"04:55
lotuspsychjejk^: can you try this from a terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade04:55
jk^sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade04:57
jk^all in the same line?04:57
lotuspsychjejk^: yes, and then hastebin us the output04:58
jk^it asks me "After this operation they have be occupied 162 kb on drive" Yes or Not?05:01
jk^lotuspsychje ?05:01
lotuspsychjejk^: yes05:01
broprohey, i recently installed ubuntu and i'm trying to switch the desktop envronment05:02
broproi've apt install xfce4 no problem05:03
killatayim having trouble getting my built in webcam to work. cheese or skype does not detect. dmesg shows the camera as usb 3-3. any ideas?05:03
jk^pls may u tell me, what that command it's doing to?05:03
broprobut when i log out there's no way to select it05:03
lotuspsychjejk^: its updating apt and updating your system05:03
Jedeehi guys, i've installed a new SSD and installed Xubuntu on it, my old HDD with a faulty distro upgrade keeps booting first instead of the ssd, should i remove the boot flag of the hdd?05:04
lotuspsychjejk^: yes, the package tool05:04
jk^does it take many minutes?05:05
lotuspsychjejk^: depends how long you did not update..05:05
Jedeeis ext4 just as accessible as fat 32?05:06
lotuspsychjejk^: im on breakfast first, after update, reboot please05:06
jk^i have set "automatic updates". I often get notices for updates, and i regularly do all of that05:06
jk^ok... i have to go too... see u soon05:06
Gr33ntea_Hello friends, I was here earlier about needing help installing Ubuntu. Currently I am able to boot into the live cd, but after 3 seconds my ability to click mouse buttons, or type is completely gone. However my ability to move my mouse still works. I was recommended to try and attempt an install using an external keyboard and mouse, however these devices also do not work. I am trying to install this on a lenovo y53005:06
Gr33ntea_Also I should mention it is the new Y530, and not the one released a couple years back.05:07
Jedeeif i delete the boot partition with flags on my old hdd, will it stop booting, and use the ssd?05:09
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broprohey i restarted, sorry05:18
broproanyways im still having a weird issue where xfce is installed but doesn't eem to be.. doing anything05:19
oerheksbropro, logout, click your username, password and change desktop wheel should appear05:22
broproit doesn't appear until you enter your password?05:22
oerheksyes, it is not visible, and should be on the top panel too05:23
oerheksugly design, i know05:24
broproi'm at the login screen and have typed in my password but still no wheel05:29
bropronot sure if theres' any way to take a screenshot05:29
jk^lotuspsychje https://pastebin.com/raw/8CzQeqMV05:30
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broprook, this is silly, but i literally reinstalled ubuntu and then did apt install xfce4 and now it works lol05:54
OlofLI use ProxyJump on a lot of host. Is it possible to have ssh resolve DNS via the proxyjump aswell?06:17
jk^lotuspsychje https://pastebin.com/raw/8CzQeqMV06:28
jk^lotuspsychje i tried to find the logs that contain the lines which appear at shutdown, i just read something like "depending" (in yellow) but i can't find logs whics contain that06:33
jk^i searched in the "Content file"'s text box06:33
=== edb is now known as handlebar
masbergood afternoon, is this the best way to upgrade ubuntu server? https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html.en06:53
oerheksmasber, yes, but do read the releasenotes06:57
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes06:57
masberwhy am I getting this message? Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found.07:09
masberI am running 16.0407:10
masbermmm... release ntos says Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after 18.04.1's release expected in late July. Does it means I can't upgrade just yet?07:11
masberwhy is that?07:11
oerheksgo into the menu updates, set it to LTS, and run updates again07:11
oerheksoh wait, yes, 18.04.1 triggers he upgrade, first bugs are fixed07:12
oerheksthis will happen in august,07:12
masberoerheks: I don't understand why I can't upgrade to 18.0407:14
masberthe docs does not give any reason07:14
confluencymasber: you can force the upgrade if you want to. It won't become available by default until the .1 release.07:15
oerheksit is LTS, and we guarantee it is stable07:16
oerheksso that is why 18..04.1 triggers the upgrade07:16
masberoerheks: ok, so you are saying that 18.04.1 is stable but 18.04 isn't is that right?07:18
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confluencymasber: 18.04 isn't "unstable". Everything is relative.07:19
confluencymasber: waiting for 18.04.1 is considered a sensible extra step for some extra stability.07:20
senapshi all, what is ubuntu 18.04 installer dialogue? does it have any python wrappers?07:20
masberok, so how can I force the upgrade?07:21
confluencymasber: pass the -d flag to do-release-upgrade.07:21
ikoniaerrr no07:21
ikonia-d is a development version07:21
masber-d flag is development07:21
confluencyRight now, doing that upgardes to bionic.07:22
ikoniayou shouldn't use -d unless you understand it07:22
confluencyI just did that, two days ago.07:22
masberyes Idon't want to use development07:22
masberwhaat about -p?07:22
masberit says proposed07:22
confluencyUsing -d on a 16.04 system causes an upgrade to bionic.07:22
ikoniaconfluency: do you know that today ?07:22
confluencyI know that happened literally two days ago when I did it.07:23
ikoniaconfluency: two days ago is not today07:23
ikoniacosmic has moved on -d can take you to cosmic07:23
ikoniaso again -d shouldn't be use unless you WANT a development version07:23
ikoniaand again - only if you know what you are doing07:23
ikoniaplease don't suggest -d07:23
masberikonia, is there anything I can do to upgrade my 16.04 to a supported version?07:26
confluencymasber: 16.04 *is* supported.07:26
ikoniamasber: 16.04 is still in support as confluency states, the official upgrade process starts at 18.04.1 as with the other releases.07:27
ikoniaI think there is a note about it on the upgrade page that normally states the .1 release is the trigger07:27
masberah ok, I see07:28
masberso they release the XX.04 LTS first and then the XX.04.1 with the fixes and that is the official one people should upgrade07:28
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confluencyThe official dicumentation has instructions to use -d on an LTS system to force the LTS-to-LTS upgrade early: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html07:28
masberso XX.04.1 is more stable07:28
confluencyThis is consistent with multiple other sources that I've found.07:29
confluencyIf this is incorrect, is there a more detailed source of information describing the behaviour of -d on an LTS and non-LTS system?07:29
ikoniait's not incorrect, it will technically work as long as the development version has not been flagged as available07:30
ikoniahence why it should not be blindly used07:30
confluencyI wasn't suggesting using it "blindly"; it is my understanding that until the .1 release using it will cause an upgrade to 18.04.07:30
ikoniamasber: .1 allows enough time for all the upgrade testing and fixes to be in for a stable upgrade for the majority07:31
ikoniaconfluency: it's not always until the .1 release07:31
confluencyIs there documentation explaining what determines this?07:31
ikoniaconfluency: it's a meta tag in the release file07:31
ikoniawhat triggers the change in that meta tag, I don't know07:32
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lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | masber08:20
ubottumasber: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.08:20
oerheks" to force the LTS-to-LTS upgrade early"... don't do -d, as Cosmic 18.10 is in development08:23
cpplearnerAnyone using Dante?08:32
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GrievreSo I've noticed an annoying behavior of 16.04 LTS's default install: If you installed with full disk encryption, it installs security updates daily but never autoremoves, so /boot will fill up eventually08:52
Grievre(a matter of like a few weeks to 2-3 months in my experience so far)08:53
GrievreIs there a box I can check that makes it remove old kernels or do I just need to make a root cron job to run apt -y autoremove?08:53
ppfyou can enable autoremove in apt unattended-upgrades08:53
GrievreHmm, no gui option for it though?08:54
ppfno idea, not a gui person08:55
genosim writing to a file continuously and trying to read from it using tail -f file.txt. but this only works after i stop writing to the file. how do i make it so that it works when I'm writing to the file too?09:08
EriC^^genos: that's what tail -f does09:09
EriC^^genos: how are you writing to the file?09:09
blackflowgenos: you're probably writing to the file in a buffered mode09:10
genosEriC^^: Im writing to it with the '>' operator09:26
blackflowgenos: what's left of  >   ?09:28
EriC^^genos: you could use "watch -n1 tail /file"09:30
CatalysmHi there, i'm trying to troubleshoot a cron job. From the logs it looks like it is running, I try and send error output to a file but that error file is empty. From syslog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d2cYcMWhrs/09:33
CatalysmRunning the script directly works, I tried logging env output but same issue, it looks like the job runs from syslog but it's not outputting anything09:34
blackflowCatalysm: 0>  1>   ?    did you mean   1> and 2>  ?09:34
CatalysmOh right, I did 1> 2> aswell. 0> 1> was something I tried while debugging09:35
CatalysmPasted wrong logline, my bad :p09:35
blackflowCatalysm: if it doesn't produce long lines, run it without any redirection. cron should mail you any output. also, what's with that MTA error09:36
blackflows/long lines/significant output unsuitable for mailing as text/09:36
CatalysmNo clue what that MTA error is :/ I didn't really touch any mail stuff on that server09:37
blackflowmight need to set MAILTO=<your adddr>  in the crontab, unless you alias root: to an external address (or check root's mail)09:37
CatalysmAlright let me try messing with the mailing stuff09:37
blackflowCatalysm: start by checking root's mail09:37
blackflow`sudo mail`09:37
CatalysmNo mail on root or postgres user09:38
blackflowCatalysm: oh... whose is the crontab?09:38
Catalysmpostgres user09:38
CatalysmI'm trying to automatically backup a database09:39
blackflowCatalysm: but why run as postgres?09:39
CatalysmGood point lemme switch it out09:39
blackflowanyway, I'd look into that MTA error as if cron wasn't able to mail out error output. also try that crontab without redirection see if cron mails you anything09:39
blackflowCatalysm: I'm guessing you're just doing the dump? or is PITR involved?09:39
Catalysmyep, just a psql dump_all09:40
blackflowCatalysm: I wouldn't use postgres user for that. either root or create a dedicated system user with postgres' "superuser" privilege09:41
CatalysmAhh okay, it ran as root now. Same issues, didn't look like it did anything09:42
CatalysmSame MTA error09:42
blackflowbut for starters, I'd test all this as root, to eliminate permission issues at first.09:42
EriC^Catalysm: make the command > /home/postgres/bkup.err 2>&109:42
EriC^0> is stdin 1> is stdout 2> is stderr09:42
blackflowEriC^: they did, read on :)09:42
blackflow2>&1 is not what they want09:42
EriC^i got d/c09:42
EriC^why's that?09:43
blackflowbecause they want to log stderr and devnull stout, according to that pastebin09:43
EriC^yes and what is 1> you think?09:43
EriC^that's stdout not stderr09:43
blackflowyes, and they DON'T want to log stdout :)09:44
blackflowlike I said.09:44
EriC^blackflow: ok..09:44
EriC^Catalysm: make the command 2> /home/postgress/bkup.err09:44
EriC^might as well log the stdout since some programs aren't that well behaved in that respect, but whatever :D09:45
blackflowEriC^: except this is in cron so cron will mail all that09:45
CatalysmAlright I'll try thanks for helping :d09:45
blackflowlet's not change the orig intention and find out why it's not logging.09:45
EriC^blackflow: no harm in using and understanding these stuff right?09:46
blackflowEriC^: sure, but it's TMI at the moment, first things first ;)09:46
EriC^i think his orig intention was to log the stderr :)09:46
blackflowyup, and devnull stdout09:46
blackflowwhich would shutup cron's attempt to mail stuff.  but eh... that MTA error though... I'd investigate that first.09:47
EriC^ok as i said use 2> if you want to log the stderr Catalysm not 1>09:47
blackflowEriC^: (yup, that was first thing mentioned ;)  )09:47
EriC^blackflow: he's not even "devnull" ing stout in his post, he's sent 0> to /dev/null09:47
qwebirc28590how can i fix this issue09:47
qwebirc28590E: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS _Xenial Xerus_ - Release amd64 (20170215.2)/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs E: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zest09:47
blackflowEriC^: that's why I said read on, so you don't waste time correcting that ;)09:48
CatalysmAhhh I think I got it, the rclone config is messed up in cron vs normal execution09:48
CatalysmDon't really know why that's not logging though09:48
EriC^qwebirc28590: the sources are wrong09:48
blackflowCatalysm: did you try with no redirection?09:48
CatalysmYeah, that was same as before09:48
CatalysmI tried 2> bkup.err09:49
Catalysm2018/07/11 09:47:02 NOTICE: Config file "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" not found - using defaults09:49
Catalysm2018/07/11 09:47:02 Failed to create file system for "stack:Jira-CFL": didn't find section in config file09:49
blackflowCatalysm: did you try NO redirection AT all?09:49
blackflowthe idea being to see if cron will mail you stuff (which it should if there's output09:49
blackflowand then fix the MTA thing if it doesn't.09:49
CatalysmOh yeah I did that, is what I meant. MTA error still happened though09:49
CatalysmThe VPS host is kindof anal about mail spam, maybe they block something in that aspect?09:50
EriC^qwebirc28590: type "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999"09:50
blackflowCatalysm: do you know how to test local sendmail?09:50
CatalysmI know I can google that :) brb09:50
EriC^Catalysm: the 2nd line is your error09:50
EriC^Failed to create file system for "stack:Jira-CFL": didn't find section in config file09:50
blackflowCatalysm: sendmail the binary (and postfix' shim of it), not the whole MTA btw.09:50
qwebirc28590 cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 http://termbin.com/qept09:51
blackflowCatalysm: is that OVH btw?09:51
CatalysmNo, VPS dime09:51
CatalysmI'm trying the mail stuff now09:51
blackflowCatalysm: oh. so they're Banal about mail too eh.09:51
qwebirc28590i gave manully link for update missed files09:51
EriC^qwebirc28590: type "cat /etc/issue"09:52
qwebirc28590cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS \n \l09:52
Catalysmsendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory09:52
blackflowCatalysm: basically you    `sendmail -f root root < test.eml`   where test.eml is a text mail containnig basic headers:   From: root\nTo: root\nSubject: Testing\n\nTesting09:52
blackflowCatalysm: tehre you go. your postfix is illconfigured.09:52
EriC^qwebirc28590: you have some wrong repos there, the zesty ones at the top, time to reinstall09:52
EriC^qwebirc28590: did you update the system since adding those repos?09:53
CatalysmIt is indeed :P Weird though, on the other VPS (from digital ocean) that worked out of the box09:53
CatalysmDidn't know I need to mess with it for local mail09:53
qwebirc28590yes i updated once09:53
blackflowCatalysm: _no_ VPS provider offers sane, unmodified preinstalled linuxes. ALWAYS configure everything yourself ;)09:53
qwebirc28590but same issue09:53
EriC^qwebirc28590: is it a fresh install?09:54
blackflowCatalysm: you need something to deliver mail, even if for local users.09:54
EriC^qwebirc28590: reinstall xenial09:54
CatalysmGood advice ;) I've got something to work with now, thanks alot! I need to go to the store real quick so I'll continue in a few09:54
CatalysmI think I can manage now that I get the errors09:54
qwebirc28590yesterday i have installed this OS09:54
blackflowi'll be sure to thank Alot when I see him. :)     we're here if you need moar help. #ubuntu-server is there too, a bit more appropriate.09:55
qwebirc28590ok , I try to reinstall  xenial09:55
qwebirc28590Going to update these repo for aove issues10:04
qwebirc28590#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #                            OFFICIAL UBUNTU REPOS                             # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#   ###### Ubuntu Main Repos deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted universe multiverse  deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted universe10:04
lotuspsychje!paste | qwebirc2859010:04
ubottuqwebirc28590: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:04
qwebirc28590<EriC^> qwebirc28590: reinstall xenial - it's fine for that10:08
EriC^qwebirc28590: there are other repos below also zesty, also if you actually ran any upgrades with those repos there then your system is borked now10:14
EriC^if it's a fresh install just reinstall and dont add repos or ppas not for your release10:14
qwebirc28590<EriC^> : Now i have updated with this repo . issues of package not available resolved mean of the time10:18
qwebirc28590have a look repo http://termbin.com/apui10:19
qwebirc28590Any one did installation of kamailio application over uantu10:28
qwebirc28590kamailio ?10:30
swebubuntu mini iso 16.04 installtion during base install faild10:31
BluesKajHey folks10:35
qwebirc28590<sweb> is this for kamailio ..os ver should be on 16.0410:41
blackflowsweb: old installation media? that version of apt seems invalid and too old10:42
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swebi just download now from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso10:46
swebit's fresh ... also md5sum checked10:46
anddamI installed a fresh 18 server system, configured the eth interface to use dhclient at install time. How can I see what DHCP server provided info to the system?10:47
anddamthe system is functional and I'm logged onto it via ssh10:47
lotuspsychjeanddam: see #ubuntu-server10:48
anddamlotuspsychje: thanks10:49
ChipM0nkquick question, I have Ubuntu 18.04... I have a wireless keyboard and mouse... every so often my keyboard freezes and doesn't respond to any touches on the keyboard. I have to manually turn it off/on and sometimes unplug the wireless receiver. anyway, is there a setting that could be causing this? it's fine on Windows 10.....?10:49
lotuspsychjeChipM0nk: wireless over bluetooth?10:50
abdulhakeem_in Ubuntu Server, I try to edit my user's .bashrc and make an alias for ls to have the -l flag by default, but it doesn't work. All my other aliases seem to work except for that one specifically10:51
ChipM0nk1sorry lotuspsychje my bnc d/c10:51
abdulhakeem_alias ls='ls -l '10:52
abdulhakeem_but when I source .bashrc and do an ls, it doesn't work its just ls with no flags, instead of ls -l by default like I want10:52
ChipM0nklotuspsychje, it's a mk345 wireless keyboard and mouse.10:53
Shabbysheikabdulhakeem_: have you tried just L... as in alias l="ls -l"10:53
deemabdulhakeem_: are you sure it doesn't get overwritten later in .bashrc?10:53
abdulhakeem_deem: o good point hadn't thought of that10:54
abdulhakeem_Shabbysheik: I can try that too10:54
abdulhakeem_deem: o yep that's the problem. I guess it helps to read the ENTIRE file lol10:55
lotuspsychjeChipM0nk: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and disconnect and reconnect keyboard & mouse again, see what kind of errors you getiing10:55
BluesKajor use bash_aliases instead of bashrc10:56
swebproblem solved seems be for dns. i switch instead of problem solved 0_o10:57
lotuspsychje!yay | sweb10:57
ubottusweb: Glad you made it! :-)10:57
ChipM0nkI also looked on Google and others are having issues too lotuspsychje so I plugged it in the front of my PC and it seems better now. time will tell. xD thanks!10:59
deemabdulhakeem_: you're welcome :)10:59
lotuspsychje!yay | ChipM0nk11:00
ubottuChipM0nk: Glad you made it! :-)11:00
IndustrialHow do I upgrade my ubuntu to the latest version? I dont cAre about LTS I just want the latest one11:02
Industrialsudo apt dist-upgrade does nothing11:02
IndustrialUI am running 16.0411:02
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | Industrial11:03
ubottuIndustrial: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.11:03
Industrialso anything in between?11:03
Industrial17 antything?11:03
lotuspsychjeIndustrial: wait till the end of the month?11:04
lotuspsychjeIndustrial: or clean install 18.04 now if you cant wait11:04
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IndustrialWhat's LTS about anyway? Can't it just always work for everyone when you enter a command "upgrade to the latest version" ? Like why does it have to be in these cycles? Can't it just always upgrade all software to their latest versions? WHy is the whole OS versioned? What am I missing?11:05
confluencyIt's possible to force an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 now.11:06
confluencyIndustrial: LTS exists because not everyone has the same requirements.11:06
Industrialis it because people fear touching their PC and fear breakage with change?11:06
confluencySome people want an extremely stable system which doesn't need new versions of the software,11:07
confluencyThey don't want to risk the slight instability that comes with bumping all the versions regularly.11:07
confluencyThat slight instability can be a major problem on critical infrastructure.11:08
confluencyI run the latest release on my home laptop, and LTS on my work laptop.11:08
IndustrialI have a backup laptop :/ problem solved11:08
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confluencyBusinesses don't have backup servers just lying around, and there is a cost to switching.11:09
confluencyNot everyone has the same requirements and constraints as you.11:09
Industrialright so, then they just should turn off "Auto" updating :p11:09
confluencyWhat does that mean?11:09
udinhello guys11:10
confluencyLTS isn't just about frequency of updating; it's also about duration of support.11:10
Industrialthat I'd want my system to just do the upgrade without even asking me when a software package upgrades on the repo11:10
blackflowIndustrial: you don't want that.11:10
confluencyThe entire point of LTS is that the LTS release is supported and maintained for an extended period of time.11:10
IndustrialI'm going to look into archlinux now.11:10
ShabbysheikIndustrial: that works for you, but business, research and academia have very different requirements. If you want to update now just do sudo do-release-upgrade -d11:10
confluencyYou're mad that people with different needs have different options, and that your system doesn't upgrade stuff without asking you?11:11
Shabbysheiksigh... its like hitting your head on a brick wall some days11:11
blackflow<three weeks later> BAWWW! My rolling release unconditional, unsupervised auto-upgrade borked everything!11:11
Shabbysheiklol, exactly blackflow11:12
ppfi mean, you can enable unattended upgrades11:12
blackflowwhich you shouldn't on critical systems, really.11:12
ppfi'd say it should be a gradual decision but i get the point, yeah11:13
blackflowunfortunately the dream of totally unsupervised, auto-updating, stable system is stil just a dream. maybe one day when AIs take over everything from software development through maintenance :)11:14
confluencyEarlier someone objected when I suggested -d. Surely there is a separate list of development releases for LTS and non-LTS, and -d on an LTS-to-LTS system will never pick Cosmic?11:14
pulsar12blackflow, do you think that is possible? i believe yes11:15
blackflowpulsar12: maybe one day.11:15
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hadifarnouddo you know how can I fix my ipv6 'deprecated' issue?11:20
blackflowhadifarnoud: what do you mean?11:22
hadifarnoudI can't connect to my ipv6 from another machine with ipv6 setup11:22
blackflowhadifarnoud: that's hetzner right?  are you sure about the fe80::1%eth0?  I think you only need fe80::111:24
hadifarnoudyes blackflow. it says in dashboard that my ip is 2a01:4f8:1c17:5d80::1/6411:25
blackflowhadifarnoud: do you even need those pre-up and pre-down route rules? I doubt that.   anway, is there firewall involved? are you blocking icmpv611:25
hadifarnoudit was there by default. not sure what it does11:26
hadifarnoudno firewall. ufw is disabled11:27
blackflowhadifarnoud: by default? you mean by hetzners official ubuntu installation image? if so, you should open a ticket and tell them ipv6 is not woring on their official images.11:27
blackflowhadifarnoud: hetzner also has HW firewall. check that as well in your robot interface11:27
hadifarnoudblackflow: I did ask them. they gave me a config that screwed up the networking. hence me asking here11:27
blackflowhadifarnoud: that eth0:0 stanza looks totally wrong11:28
blackflowhadifarnoud: first things first. which ubuntu is this? 16.04?11:28
hadifarnoudwhat does eth0:0 even mean?11:28
ppfis there a way to download a package from a repo?11:28
hadifarnoud@blackflow: I basically have two IPv4 and one IPv6.11:29
hadifarnoudhow do I set the interfaces?11:29
blackflowhadifarnoud: which ubuntu11:30
blackflowhadifarnoud: you have one  "iface eth0 inet static" stanza, with "address" and "gateway", for each IPv411:32
blackflowhadifarnoud: btw, is it eth0 or predictable naming? I don't use hetzner's official images and I don't know how they set it up11:32
hadifarnouddon't know what you mean by predictable11:32
hadifarnoudit's always eth0 I assume11:33
blackflowwhy are you running a public server that can harm others on the internet, if you don't know these things....11:33
blackflowalso, why are you using Hetzner. They are _very much_ unmanaged and will refuse any help with configuration and setup. you're exected to know how to do all this yourself. Maybe Hetzner is not the best provider for you then.11:34
hadifarnoudbecause they are cheap and we need a lot of VPS11:34
blackflowhadifarnoud: you're setting yourself for failure then.11:34
blackflowthese are all beneficial advices btw. Hetzner is NOT of users who do not know how to maintain their servers.11:35
hadifarnouddoesn't have the luxury of using managed service like Rackspace11:35
blackflowyou will get flagged and shut down by their automated checks if you misconfigure. it'll happen on a friday and you'll be down until monday until you explain yourself to them.11:35
hadifarnoudI pretty much know how to maintain them. been doing it for two years. not a DevOps but I manage11:36
lotuspsychjeppf: apt download or something?11:36
blackflowhadifarnoud: okay then, so "predictable" naming comes with systemd as of 15.04. depending on the configuration, it is etierh that (default) or reverted to old ethX naming.11:36
blackflowhadifarnoud: so first thing, is to know which is it. if you can ssh to that machine, `ip addr show` will tell you11:36
hadifarnoudit's default11:37
hadifarnoudeth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 100011:37
blackflowhadifarnoud: second, for multiple IPv4 addresses, have multiple iface stanzas.    for ipv6, I _think_ you don't need %eth0  for fe80::1 gateway, and those up/down trigger rules seem all wrong, esp. if they set ipv4 from inet6 stanza.11:38
blackflowhadifarnoud: at any rate, when using `ip` you don't need it. can't remember for ifconfig.11:39
blackflowhadifarnoud: third, order yourself a KVM (LARA) incase you lock yourself out with broken network config, have it in standby. it's free for 2 hours, so make sure you set up all you need in that windo, or you'll have to pay for extra time.11:40
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blackflowhadifarnoud: and this is more suitable for #ubuntu-server btw ;)11:40
hadifarnouddid the third already. messed up once and fixed it11:40
hadifarnoudis there any way I can test the config before restarting networking?11:41
Harishello all11:42
Harishow to get php pthreads mod with php5 on 14.04 lts ?11:42
blackflowhadifarnoud: not really, unless you first configure with `ip` and then convert that to permanent stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces11:42
hadifarnoudin that case, let me write the config and show you first @blackflow11:43
blackflowhadifarnoud: #ubuntu-server is more suitable for this btw11:43
hadifarnouddid not find you there11:43
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blackflowhadifarnoud: I'm there alright :)11:44
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ppflotuspsychje: i don't want to add the ppa11:55
ppflotuspsychje: but i just used the browser to download, that works too :)11:55
lotuspsychjeppf: i meant, from terminal you can use apt to download the .deb11:55
smallville7123How do i get my wireless device to be detected in netboot12:04
smallville7123I only have lo and enp2s012:05
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smallville7123i have Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller12:09
smallville7123(rev 10)12:09
smallville7123i have Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10) *12:10
Mr_Pansmallville7123, enp2s0 is your ethernet ..12:10
Mr_Pansmallville7123, need wireless model12:11
Mr_Pansmallville7123, from Terminal ... sudo lshw -C network .. find and red wireless model12:12
smallville7123lshw is not found12:13
Mr_Pansmallville7123, sudo apt-get install lshw12:13
smallville7123apt-get not found12:14
smallville7123apt not found12:14
Mr_Pansmallville7123, sudo apt install lshw12:14
smallville7123sudo not found12:14
Mr_Pansmallville7123,     sudo apt install lshw12:14
rephcat /etc/*release12:15
ioriahe's on the minimal neinstall shell12:15
Mr_Panomg ...12:15
rephsmallville7123: try       lspci12:16
rephshould also list your wifi shenannigans12:16
rephrtl8821ae 802.11ac12:18
smallville7123What now12:23
ioriasmallville7123, i think the module for your card is not included in the mini.iso installer ; confirm (or not) with lspci -k12:25
=== linuxer is now known as Guest36212
ioriasmallville7123, yes, you can only use ethernet12:27
MysticReverieI installed a Ubuntu/Win10 dual boot by disabling secure/fastboot etc.  Now that its installed, will my dual boot work if i re-enable fastboot ?12:28
EriC^^MysticReverie: possibly, try it & see12:29
MysticReverieI dont want to damage my system, if fastboot writes something to the boot record and i cant switch back or something, so nervous to try it12:29
MysticReveriebut can i swtich back if it doesnt work?12:29
EriC^^MysticReverie: no worries12:29
MysticReverieyou sure?  lol12:29
MysticReveriedefinately waont change anywthing?12:29
MysticReverieNot doubing your credintials, but can i get one or two confirmation replies?12:30
MysticReverieIt was a real pain to great installed, dont want to botch it12:30
EriC^^k your time12:31
MysticReverieDidnt mean to be rude12:31
ioriaMysticReverie, EriC^^ has a lot of credintials about this topic12:31
EriC^^no problem12:31
MysticReveriejust hope the secure boot dowesnt overwrite anything12:31
MysticReveriehi ioria, and thanks for your very great help the other day12:31
ioriaMysticReverie, ok12:32
MysticReverieif i can mess with the boot setting without fear of anything being overwritten, then i can always swtich back if they dont work12:32
MysticReverieOk.. I will try it now.12:33
MysticReveriebrb.. Footballs coming home !12:33
ghisthi, after installing the plasma-desktop package the kde desktop didnt work - there was no panel and the apps were black12:34
ghistand after installing kubuntu Alt+1 didnt work either and the scrolling didn't work with the mouse12:34
ghistwhy do the maintainers release broken packages and configurations in the ubuntu main repositories?12:35
ikoniapretty sure they don't release broken packages with any intention12:37
MysticReverieI found officla ubuntu apps usually sem to work.  shame your having problems.  maybe someone here can help12:37
ikoniahave you actually confirmed it' broken12:37
ioriaghist, did you install  plasma-desktop from ubuntu repo ?  did you get some errors  ? what version of uubntu ?12:38
ghistI installed plasma-desktop on regular ubuntu 18.04 - and the state of kde was terrible12:39
ikoniaghist: kde being terrible is not a broken package12:39
ghisteither the package or the configuration is terrible - but kde not having a working default configuration is also a huge problem12:40
ikoniaa.) what repo did it come from b.) thats a meta package, so what package is "broken" c.) have you confirmed the package is broken12:40
ghistyour questions are useless12:40
ikoniamy questions are important12:40
ghistit's the plasma-desktop package from the ubuntu repo - that's it12:40
ghistnothing to confirm12:40
ikoniathat's a meta package12:40
ikoniait references many packages12:40
ikoniaso which package is "broken" and have you confirmed they are actually broken12:41
MysticReverieIt worked, shaved off 5 - 10 seconds of boot time.  Thanks very much12:41
ghistthe plasma-desktop "meta" package is broken12:41
ikoniaghist: in what way is it broken ?12:41
ghistsee my first comment12:41
ikoniadoes it miss packages out ? does it error ?12:41
ikoniaghist: no, you have said nothing about a broken package12:41
ghistikonia: "hi, after installing the plasma-desktop package the kde desktop didnt work - there was no panel and the apps were black"12:42
ghist^that's the definition of broken12:42
ioriaghist, let's open a console , stop your dm, and sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubutu-desktop kde-* || sudo apt-get install -f12:42
blackflowghist: but which package, that's what ikonia is asking. the metapackage doesn't have any such "panel" and "scrolling" functionality in itself, to be broken.12:42
FatNighthi,  I hope all is well ,  I have problem with python2.7 pip at ubuntu16 ,   this bug postem in many website but without fixing the problem,  the bug is the pip crashed when you run it ,,12:43
ghistthe meta package contains the kde panel, and the scrolling issue was in the kubuntu distribution12:43
ikoniaghist: that doesn't mean that's a broken package12:43
blackflowiow, you have to try and identify where exactly is the problem occurring.12:43
ghistnope it's broken because it doesn't work12:43
ikoniaghist: that means one (or more) of the packages may have a problem, that means your machine may have a problem with the packages it's using12:43
ioriaghist, ^12:43
ikoniaghist: ok - then so if you're going to take that approach to working the problem, I'll take that approach to resolving it12:44
ikoniaghist: "fix it then"12:44
blackflowghist: you sound like you just want to complain and not see an actual solution here.12:44
ghistit means A) the given config is broken  B) the app is broken12:44
ikoniano it doesn't12:44
ikoniait means your having a problem, nothing more12:44
ikoniafix it12:44
ghistikonia you didn't help anyway12:44
ioriaok,i'am out12:44
ikoniaghist: I was getting the information to help, if you're not willing to work with people - please stop discussing it12:44
ghistI'm seeking the testers and people with the same experience, I'm not going to debug12:45
ikoniaif you're not going to debug then you can add no valu e12:45
ikoniaplease stop the discussion on it12:45
ghistand btw, reinstalling is not a solution - you should know that12:45
ikoniano-one said re-installing was an option, but as you won't provide information / discussion we couldn't get to that option anyway12:46
ikoniaso please drop the topic unless you are willing to debug/work the problem12:46
ghistthere's no discussion - I'm trying to find answeres why there are broken config in the package and why is the default kubuntu config still hasn't solved the locale issue with the key configs12:46
ikoniathere may not be broken config12:46
ikoniathis is why we need to debug to understand12:46
ghistthere is a broken config12:46
ikoniahow do you know12:46
ghistbecause it works on other distros, that's how12:46
ikoniathat's not a valid test12:47
ikoniaby that logic, everyone who is not having a problem means it's your personal problem12:47
ikoniaso please go and fix it - its your personal problem12:47
ikonia(based on that logic)12:47
ghistbased on your logic, every new linux user just go to the IRC and live debug broken config12:47
ghistI don't want to debug on the irc, i want the testers12:47
ikoniathat's my logic12:48
Alphr3d0Hi all, I'm a little confused. I had a working 17.x install, and have just upgraded to 18.x. First thing I noticed was my usb mouse and keyboard were dead, so I had to go into safe mode to install a module for that. But now I can't get the eth int to even detect. "lshw" tells me it's an RTL8111/8168/8411 which Google indicates has issues. But I don't understand why it worked out of the box in 16x and12:48
ikoniaany person of any skill set should work with people trying to help them resolve it12:48
Alphr3d017x, but died in 18x. Nor can I find any recent tips on how to fix.12:48
ghistwho made the plasma-desktop package and the related packages12:48
ikoniamany people - depends what repo12:48
ghistso, are you an ubuntu dev?12:49
rrgHi all, Can someone give me a good source of LPI training material?12:49
JimBuntuThis is not #ubuntu-devel12:49
ghistok then a maintainer, someone who's responsible for testing packages - i hope the ubuntu devs don't just release after compilation12:50
JimBuntughist, "who made the plasma-desktop package and the related packages" is not an #ubuntu support question12:50
blackflowAlphr3d0: so, you had trouble with keyboard and mouse, installed a module for it (which "module" btw, and how did you install it), and now you have networking issues?12:50
blackflowAlphr3d0: btw, fwiw, same interface here, it's fully supported by the kernel. not even firmware is required, though it exists afaik12:51
JimBuntughist, "I don't want to debug on the irc, i want the testers" Then you should not be asking in #ubuntu.12:51
ghistJimBuntu: I want support but you aren't going to solve this issue without actually trying it out - and reinstallation didn't help, never did12:51
JimBuntughist, This place is for LIVE support, not a place to post issues, ask who the maintainers are/etc.12:52
Alphr3d0blackflow: I had working network when I booted to safe mode, that's how I then followed someone's post about installing a "xorg-something-all" app for usb devices. But now that I'm booted normally, the eth int doesn't seem to be detected properly.12:52
rephghist: which config file in plasma-desktop is broken in your opinion?12:52
rrgHi all, Can someone give me a good source of LPI training material?12:52
rephghist: which file (name it)12:52
ghistreph: how would I know? after starting the session the panel crashes, the icons disappear; I added a global menu to start stuff but all the running apps displayed the a black screen - except the kde settings app which was "just" flickering12:53
JimBunturrg, This is probably not the right channel for your question... but... http://cs.lpi.org/caf/Xamman/partner12:53
rrgTX Jim :) Im out.12:54
Alphr3d0blackflow: FYI, it was "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all12:54
rephwell then don't blame your error on "the plasma-desktop package", because you have to find the culprit first on *your local system*12:55
ghisti wanted to pull a "valid" configuration from a kubuntu installation(in virtualbox) - but that was broken too because the scrolling didn't work and certain shortcuts did nothing(this issue is in ubuntu+kde for non-english locales for 3-4 years and still no fix...)12:55
blackflowAlphr3d0: xserver-xorg-input-all?12:55
Fuchsevery app being black or flickering sounds like an issue with GPU or driver, it would probably help to disable compositing / desktop effects in KDE plasma12:55
rephtry looking at your .xession-errors file12:55
blackflowAlphr3d0: ah you answered that already. k12:55
Fuchshowever, as it works for many other users, I wouldn't call the package broken, rather the combination of your system, your installation and the package12:55
ghistreph: what are you talking about? I just ran sudo apt install plasma-desktop12:55
blackflowAlphr3d0: so okay, now the keyboard and mouse works, but you have no network?12:55
Alphr3d0blackflow: correct12:55
Alphr3d0blackflow: lo0 is all that shows in ifconfig12:56
ghistFuchs: that didn't help, i tried that when I saw the issue12:56
Fuchsghist: then it would be interesting to see some logs12:56
ghistFuchs: the package or its config is broken if it doesn't work after installation, simple12:56
rephghist: try a fresh kubunu installation in a VM for example just to have proof that the problem is not in the distro package12:56
ghistreph: I just did that: fresh kubuntu in vb12:57
zetheroohow does unattended updates deal with new configs?12:57
blackflowAlphr3d0: and that's Bionic, upgraded from Artful?  is there any output for dmesg | grep eth12:57
Fuchsghist: then it would not work for others as well12:57
Alphr3d0blackflow: Correct, and no. I can't really see anything in dmesg about the nic.12:57
Alphr3d0blackflow: Well, correct if Artful is 17.x.12:57
rephghist: try https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=212&t=9815612:57
jocicHey guys, is there a way that I can log which files are transfered using the SCP command?12:57
ghistguys, this is what I'm talking about: I couldn't get a correct kde config because even the fresh kubuntu installation in vm is broken12:57
blackflowAlphr3d0: Artful is 17.10, and I doubt you pgraded from 17.04 to Bionic12:58
rephghist: and post ~/.xsession-error12:58
JimBuntuWhy are we discussing kubuntu here?12:58
jocicI was checking the SSH config, and changing the LogLevel - but no luck.12:58
Alphr3d0blackflow: Sure ok, sorry - I'm new(ish) to the Ubuntu world.12:59
Alphr3d0blackflow: It just ran the upgrade through software update12:59
blackflowAlphr3d0: okay, can you pastebin the output of  dmesg | grep -Pi "net|r8169"12:59
rephJimBuntu: no, we're teaching how behave on the interwebz12:59
blackflowJimBuntu: "#ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors" topic? is not kubuntu official here?13:00
JimBuntureph, Well #kubuntu has it's own channel, with actual kubuntu users in it to provide support for kubuntu13:00
ghistnope, plasma-desktop is an ubuntu package13:00
rephghist: but it's a kubuntu problem ;)13:00
jocicBah, nevermind. It seems that SCP only logs authentications.13:01
JimBuntublackflow, Yeah, I think it is, nvm me13:01
Alphr3d0blackflow: anything you're looking for specifically? Pastebin is hard with no network on the system.13:01
FuchsJimBuntu: as does #ubuntu havae KDE plasma users, and it would be on-topic as well13:01
blackflowAlphr3d0: the output of that command exactly :)   but I'm looking for:  eth -> predictable renames, r8169 module logged as loaded, any error about "net"workign or whatever13:02
Fuchshowever, without logs this one is hard, it might also be an issue with either the host or the virtualization13:02
Alphr3d0blackflow: "audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled)" ?13:03
ghisthere's the related part from my xsession errors: https://pastebin.com/gEewPmVQ13:03
blackflowAlphr3d0: doesn't sound relevant13:03
blackflowAlphr3d0: perhaps you could take a photo of your screen with that output and post it to imgur or wherever?13:04
ghistreph: the kubuntu problems are different13:04
Alphr3d0blackflow: on it13:05
blackflowAlphr3d0: but to cut on possible wasted time, is there any output about r8169?13:05
MysticReverieWhats the difference between the 'update' feature in ubuntu software gui compare to the update in sofwtware ? I ask becasue in the Ubuntu software gui I sometimes get a connection error for a few updates, but the Software Updater GUI gives no errors.  Am I getting all my updated I need?  Thanks13:06
Alphr3d0blackflow: shorturl.at/bfAC113:07
Fuchsghist: seems to be having issues with the VirtualBox provided OpenGL driver,13:07
blackflowAlphr3d0: that requires login13:07
Fuchsghist: after making sure that the correct VirtualBox extensions are installed and loaded on the guest, can you temporarily disable the 2d and 3d acceleration for that guest in virtualbox settings and see if that makes a difference?13:07
blackflowAlphr3d0: but eh, is there r8169 mentioned in that dmesg grep?13:07
Alphr3d0blackflow: try now13:07
ghistFuchs: the blackapps thing was not present in the kubuntu version + kde works well with manjaro and virtualbox13:08
Alphr3d0blackflow: no there isn't13:08
Fuchsghist: could you try what I wrote?13:08
blackflowAlphr3d0: lspci -k    lists Ethernet and "Kernel modules" ?13:09
ghistFuchs: yep, but I'll need to log out and will move to #kubuntu; thanks for the hints13:09
Fuchsyou're welcome13:09
blackflowAlphr3d0: lspci -k -s 02:00.013:09
Alphr3d0blackflow: yes it does13:09
blackflowAlphr3d0: do I have to waste this much more bytes to actually ask which ones they are? :)13:10
Alphr3d0blackflow: Not sure what you're asking. It says 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)    Subsystem: Gigabyte Technology Co, Ltd Onboard Ethernet13:11
blackflowAlphr3d0: I'm asking if that command lists "Kernel modules" for that device, and especially "Kernel driver in use"13:12
Alphr3d0blackflow: right, I misunderstood - I thought you meant did the command list the nic. It doesn't mention anything about kernel modules13:12
blackflowAlphr3d0: then I guess that particular variation of the chipset is not supported by the driver. the kernel is regular bionic's, right?  4.15?13:13
Alphr3d0blackflow: correct: 4.15.0-24-generic13:14
blackflowAlphr3d0: is the package linux-firmware installeD?13:14
Alphr3d0blackflow: yes, v 1.173.113:15
blackflowAlphr3d0: any output  (and photo of it) for command   dmesg | grep "02:00.0"  ?13:16
lblumeHello all13:17
lblumeIs there a tool that can help diagnose if a laptop's battery is dead?13:17
Alphr3d0blackflow: shorturl.at/chlu213:18
blackflowAlphr3d0: uh, you just installed some packages? so networking works?13:20
Alphr3d0blackflow: no, I just did the "autoremove" that apt-get kept asking me to do. Just removed a bunch of old lib* packages13:21
blackflowAlphr3d0: ah, indeed, yes.  Anyway, I'm a bit at loss what to do here, it appears as if the NIC is not supported by the kernel or is missing something, but you say linux-firmware is installed... This worked under 17.10?13:22
Alphr3d0blackflow: sure did... hence my confusion.13:22
zetheroohow does unattended updates deal with new configs?13:22
blackflowAlphr3d0: grep "CONFIG_R8169" /boot/config-4.15.0-24-generic     shows it, and =m  ?13:23
Alphr3d0blackflow: one sec, I thought I'd reboot. I can't remember if I've done a full reboot since being in safe mode (although I think I have)13:24
blackflowAlphr3d0: oh you're in safe mode? no you have to be in normal boot for all the modules to load up.....13:24
blackflowAlphr3d0: meanwhile, can you    modprobe r8169  ?13:25
Alphr3d0blackflow: no I'm not, I was earlier to fix the usb input, and I *think* I rebooted since then.13:25
blackflowAlphr3d0: try that modprobe13:25
Alphr3d0blackflow: ut no hard in trying a reboot.13:25
blackflowtry the modprobe first13:26
blackflow Alphr3d0: then dmesg | grep r8169   or   | grep 02:00.013:26
blackflowAlphr3d0: if there's output,     netplan apply     and you should be having network.13:27
Alphr3d0blackflow: /boot/config* had =m13:30
Alphr3d0blackflow: modprobe gave "FATAL: Module r8169 not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-24-generic13:31
blackflowAlphr3d0: does this say "Exists"?     [ -f /lib/modules/4.15.0-24-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.ko ] && echo "Exists"13:33
benergyHey everyone! I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 with Cinnamon 3.6.7. After today's upgrade (including gdm and libmutter) my cinnamon crashes upon startup. My dmesg indicates segfaults (gnome-shell in libmutter and cinnamon in libmozjs-38.so). Can anyone help?13:34
Alphr3d0blackflow: nope13:35
Alphr3d0blackflow: only think in the realtek folder is "8139cp.ko" and "8139too.ko"13:35
blackflowAlphr3d0: is linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic  installed?   try to reinstall it (apt install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic)  and then you should have that driver, check wiht the above [ ... ] && echo    command13:38
Alphr3d0blackflow: what's the command to check if a package is installed?13:38
blackflowAlphr3d0: dpkg -l linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic    should list it starting with ii13:39
Alphr3d0blackflow: it attempted to re-install but needs web13:39
blackflowoh bummerino, yes, catch 2213:39
blackflowAlphr3d0: welp, live CD rescue time it is then13:40
Alphr3d0blackflow: I can't just download that pkg on another system?13:40
Alphr3d0blackflow: I'm talking to you through a ubuntu 18 laptop13:40
blackflowAlphr3d0: check /var/cache/apt/archives/   if the .deb is there, and theny ou can ship it over with an usb stick or something and dpkg install it13:41
blackflowAlphr3d0: but, it doesn't show as installed with that dpkg -l  check?13:41
Alphr3d0blackflow: what would it say for installed?13:42
blackflowyeah the package line would start with 'ii'13:43
Alphr3d0It says rc13:43
blackflowand we have a winner. try this. copy linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic_4.15.0-24.26_amd64.deb from your working bionic's /var/cache/apt/archives/   and install it with dpkg -i linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic_4.15.0-24.26_amd64.deb  on that other machine you shiped the file over to.13:44
blackflowAlphr3d0: this is just OTOH, I make no guarantees this would work. looks like botched upgrade, and who knows what else is missing. dpkg should complain about missing deps tho' and you can ship over any such .deb from the apt cache of your laptop  ---  ASSUMING both are supposed to be Bionic.13:44
Alphr3d0blackflow: that file doesn't exist on this system13:45
blackflowAlphr3d0: run teh same dpkg -l   chekc to see if the package is installed13:46
Alphr3d0blackflow: it is13:46
Alphr3d0Different version though.13:47
blackflowah which one?13:47
Alphr3d0ii  linux-modules- 4.15.0-24.26 amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for ve13:47
Alphr3d0^^ lappy13:47
=== rooter is now known as rootpt
Alphr3d0the rc line on the desktop says Version 4.15.0-24.26~1613:48
blackflowAlphr3d0: is there any linux-modules-extra-.... package in /var/cache/apt/archives/  ?13:49
Alphr3d0blackflow: on which?13:49
Alphr3d0blackflow: not on lappy13:49
blackflowAlphr3d0: well I suppose on both, but was really asking abotu the laptop (from where you'd copy it over)13:49
Alphr3d0blackflow: nothing linux* in that folder on the laptop13:49
blackflowAlphr3d0: but laptop is the one with working bionic, and desktop is the one with botched upgrade?13:50
Alphr3d0blackflow: correct13:50
blackflowand then I suppose no such .deb file on the desktop either, under /var/cache/apt/archives?13:50
Alphr3d0blackflow: desktop has linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic_4.15.0-24.26~16.04.1_amd64.de13:51
ppfyou can apt download the package13:51
blackflowAlphr3d0: alright, let's try this. first, what's    uname -r     on desktop,    4.15.0-24-generic?13:51
Alphr3d0blackflow: desktop also has linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-23-generic_4.15.0-23.25.amd64.deb13:51
benergyCould someone point me to information on how to debug Cinnamon? Or am I maybe in the wrong forum?13:52
Alphr3d0blackflow: yes that's right - 4.15.0-24-generic13:52
blackflowAlphr3d0: okay, what happens if you      dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-24-generic_4.15.0-24.26~16.04.1_amd64.deb   ?13:53
blackflowon the desktop13:53
blackflowAlphr3d0: and-uh btw... that version looks a bit weird. was that an update from 16.04 or something?13:55
Alphr3d0Alphr3d0: originally, yes13:56
Alphr3d0Ok, that module installed13:56
Alphr3d0It now says "ii" with dpkg -l13:56
blackflowAlphr3d0: modprobe r8169  now?13:56
blackflowthis is not totally a right thing to do, but at least the package should be for more or less correct kernel and ABI13:56
blackflownot so fast13:56
Alphr3d0oh :(13:56
Alphr3d0But I has interwebs! :P13:57
blackflowAlphr3d0: upgrade the system :)13:57
blackflowthat package wasn't there for a reason. botched upgrade, or isn't the correct version, so upgrade the system.13:57
Alphr3d0blackflow: upgrade in which way / sense13:57
blackflowapt update && apt upgrade13:57
blackflowAlphr3d0: if that doesn't upgrade linux-modules-extra, then I suppose that _is_ the correct package that just wasn't installed for some reason.13:59
Alphr3d0blackflow: doing, and it lists a linux-modules-extra....-report package that will be upgraded13:59
blackflowAlphr3d0: and with that, I suppose, you can say FIXED :)13:59
blackflowreboot one more time after the upgrades, to confirm a working network.13:59
Alphr3d0blackflow: it's downloading the package - will advise14:00
bign00bhello, is there a way to show wall messages semt to users as a notification in GNOME?14:04
bign00bI was thinking maybe a service running under their systemd --user instance listening for those and then reading off the terminal device and sending a notification, but i have no idea how thatbwould be done, is there already support for that (or something similar?)14:05
blackflowAlphr3d0: fixed?14:08
Alphr3d0blackflow: still rebooting :/ been sitting a looong time at the ubuntu splash screen14:09
blackflowAlphr3d0: try mashing keys or moving the mouse, could be that entropy issue14:10
Alphr3d0blackflow: mouse not responding14:10
Alphr3d0blackflow: mild hdd activity14:10
blackflowAlphr3d0: reboot, and from teh grub menu, remove "splash" and "quiet" words form the "vmlinuz" line for the default grub entry    (hit 'e' to edit it, remove those words, hit F10 to continue booting)14:10
blackflowthat should at least show you what's going on under it14:10
Alphr3d0blackflow: and then ctrl-x ? (I'm a vim user, not emacs)14:13
blackflowAlphr3d0: ctrl-x for what?14:14
Alphr3d0blackflow: after I've removed the words from the vmlinuz line14:14
blackflowAlphr3d0: then hit F10 to continue booting that one14:14
Alphr3d0blackflow: done, currently sitting at Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount14:15
Alphr3d0blackflow: oh, it's trying to read from fd0, lol.14:15
blackflowAlphr3d0: you have a fd in there?  O.o14:16
Alphr3d0blackflow: nope14:17
Alphr3d0blackflow: but it's trying damn hard to read block 0 from it :P14:17
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blackflowAlphr3d0: if it's stuck there, reboot, same grub dance, but add     modprobe.blacklist=floppy  on the same line14:17
Alphr3d0blackflow: it's moved along14:17
Alphr3d0blackflow: fscking14:18
blackflowAlphr3d0: this desktop has been upgraded from quite a number of installations, hasn't it? what was the original installation, do you know?14:19
Alphr3d0blackflow: annnnd stuck on "Starting Authorization Manager..." and cursor has appeared.14:19
Alphr3d0blackflow: 16x14:19
blackflowtry moving the mouse randomly, in case it's the entropy thingy14:19
Alphr3d0blackflow: no go14:20
blackflowAlphr3d0: you know what? I'd recommend you back up all the data and do a clean bionic installation. upgrades can be.... flimsy, and I've had issues myself, in fact I can't remember a problem-free upgrade and I started using ubuntu with 14.04  :)14:21
Alphr3d0blackflow: that doesn't seem like a good linux mentality :/ Sheesh, in BSD land I used to upgrade systems for years.14:22
blackflowAlphr3d0: totally different complexity level14:22
Alphr3d0blackflow: Gentoo too14:22
blackflowthat's rolling release :)14:22
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blackflowBSDs are not free from that either. each new version of base requires all pkgs rebuild due to abi changes. I've had a fair share of trouble with those, especially perl causing me to lose hair.14:23
blackflow(FreeBSD at least)14:23
Alphr3d0blackflow: yes, perl was always a bit of a painful one14:23
Alphr3d0blackflow: but this is really only 2 major updates...14:24
blackflowAlphr3d0: yeah but it's a complex beast with a lot of pakcages and a lot of changes between major, esp LTS versions14:24
blackflowusually it's gpu related14:24
blackflowI mean you could try and figure out what it is exactly and fix it, but imho it's not worth the time.  backup & reinstall that's what I did when my 17.10 -> bionic upgrade failed and I couldn't figure it out in 10 minutes (time needed to reinstall from scratch and pull data from backups)14:25
Alphr3d0blackflow: Ok, I'll kick it around tomorrow and see how I go. Otherwise, clean install it is :(14:28
Alphr3d0blackflow: many MANY thanks for your time and help though!14:28
blackflowAlphr3d0: yw14:33
hbpantherhello; just testing \/me command [/me ] to verify it's working as I was told. Sorry, to disurb conversations.14:48
MysticReverieHi, im having troule signing in vis SASL on hexchat .  Hexchat room told me 'if hexchat is unable to save its settings, that means write access to the conf is somehow being prevented'14:50
MysticReverieAny was to check if write access is blocked?14:51
omidhow to install tor on ubuntu?14:51
EaglemanI am trying to install a third party package, but I am getting the following message: The following packages have unmet dependencies, with the packages missing listed. Why is it not installing all dependecies automaticly?14:52
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leftyfbEagleman: sudo apt install -f15:00
rdgi'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop that already has Windows 10.. I want to install it to what should be /dev/sdb but Ubuntu/grub only reports one hard drive15:01
MysticReverierdg, i had that problem15:02
MysticReverietry disable fast boot in bios, and also boot mode to uefi15:02
rdgok. i disabled fast boot in windows but I didn't try bios15:03
Eaglemanleftyfb, that was the first google hit, but that didnt work15:04
MysticReverieit worked for me15:04
leftyfbEagleman: please pastebin the error15:05
rdgMysticReverie: here goes nothing xD15:05
leftyfbEagleman: please pastebin the command and the error15:06
MysticReveriegood luck rdg15:08
Eaglemanleftyfb, got it working on 16.04, 18.04 wasnt supported15:08
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leftyfbEagleman: ok, so you don't need help?15:09
EaglemanNope, its installing with 200 dependecies now15:09
guest916needed some help installing cuda 9.2 on 18.04 LTS with GeForce 930MX15:10
guest916Errors were encountered while processing:  /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-Q5aoAI/78-nvidia-396_396.37-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:11
guest916dpkg: error processing archive /var/cuda-repo-9-2-local/./nvidia-396_396.37-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):  trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/rules.d/71-nvidia.rules', which is also in package nvidia-kernel-common-390 390.48-0ubuntu3 dpkg-deb: error: paste subprocess was killed by signal (Broken pipe) Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cuda-repo-9-2-local/./nvidia-396_396.37-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg r15:11
leftyfb!paste | guest91615:12
ubottuguest916: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:12
guest916https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MPS5Y4CVvN/  ==> the errors I amd currently receiving15:14
ELFrederichhi, what is that package that has some kind of "hog" utility which can tell you which packages take up all the space?15:31
ELFrederichahh... it was pig, not hog.  dpigs was the command and debian-goodies was the package15:36
rifoELFrederich: do you mean wajig b y chance?15:36
rifonvm then ^ ^'15:37
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Dr_ChongSo has anyone here used Landscape?15:45
Dr_ChongIs that a no?15:47
bigbadpigI'm unable to make a file association to wine.15:48
bigbadpigI can run wine someprogram.exe just fine15:48
bigbadpigbut there is no way to associate someprogram.exe with wine in ubuntu 18.0415:49
PCatineanAnyone having issues with rebooting speed on 18.04 with dell xps?15:50
PCatineanSomething about noveau dirvers and systemd15:50
PCatineansystemd login15:51
geirhabigbadpig: man binfmt.d    there's an example at the end15:59
apteryxuebera||: thanks for the info. Strangely, I don't have /etc/ethers installed on that Dnsmasq DHCP server16:02
apteryxI think it's an older fedora16:03
apteryxbut I confirm that the fix of removing /etc/machine-id in my provisionned VMs fixed the strange behavior of Dnsmasq to use that as the clientid and give them the same IP.16:04
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WoodsoupWhat config file do I need to delete in my hexchat folder to remove my pfrofile completely?  It keeps reverting to my old names and profile even though I added a new registered one16:08
Woodsoupis ok.. i got the answer in hexchat room16:09
hans_i got a ubuntu 10.04 system i'd like to upgrade to 16.04, should i hop through the LTSs first (10.04 -> 12.04 -> 14.04 -> 16.04), or try to upgrade directly?16:11
ppfdirect upgrade is unsupported16:11
hans_as is 10.04, but should i hop through LTSs then?16:12
j605hi, I am running a server container on joyent. (I don't know if this will be relevant) systemctl --user services don't work16:13
hans_ppf, k, thanks16:13
j605I get Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory16:13
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j605I login normally using ssh so this should work16:14
hans_the 10.04 LTS says "216 packages can be updated. 183 updates are security updates." - are the 10.04 repos still up? should i try to apt update; apt upgrade; ?16:15
ppfj605: if you don't have a 'proper' session user systemd can be upset16:15
Shiva187Guys anyone that is using Conky on 18.04, trying to get my ubuntu top bar to keep its transparency, it seems like when conky loads its either too close to the top bar or it thinks it is a full screen window and therefore it removes the transparency of the top bar. Any insights would be appreciated I have tried moving the bar to the bottom instead of top and still having the same issue.16:15
ppfj605: you need to export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS16:15
ppfj605: like this https://gist.github.com/pfaffe/90481b0b4574032c9b902af2ba20b7a716:16
j605ppf: I already did that :) I landed on a similar gist too16:16
mezod_hello, is it recommended to have several IdentityFile defined in .ssh/config? I have one for github and one for bitbucket, I'm not sure if I can add two IdentityFile there, or will it always try the first key against every service and on failure try the next one? is that ok?16:17
ppfmezod_: usually you define one per host16:18
mezod_ppf: like this https://stackoverflow.com/a/2419609/2129043 ?16:18
blackflownot really per host, maybe per service, but that's not needed even, as you share only the pubkeys16:19
ppfmezod_: ya16:19
blackflowmezod_: it's fine to have multiple keys, you can use ~/.ssh/config to specify which host pattern uses which.16:19
mezod_i'm not sure about the hostnames/usernames since if I only have one I don't need to specify16:19
ddoobbHow can Ihide the top bar and window titlebar when a window is maximised in 18.04?16:19
blackflowmezod_: you can have a default   Host *     entry, and then override where needed16:20
mezod_also, would it be wrong to use the same key for both services?16:20
blackflowit wouldn't16:20
mezod_so maybe this is a better solution hehe16:20
mezod_thank you :)16:21
ddoobbJust look at the wasted space here... this is ridiculous. https://i.imgur.com/rgtszcl.png16:21
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j605ppf: anything else I need to look for?16:22
ppfno that should suffice16:23
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j605that didn't work. I already tried setting those variables before coming here16:24
blackflowddoobb: thats not default theme, right?16:24
ppfj605: did you verify that the values are correct?16:25
j605ppf: just checked again, they are correct. Is a socket supposed to created in /run/user/1000 automatically?16:26
j605I see that the directory is empty16:26
ppfno, it's created when the login session is created16:29
j605loginctl mentions no sessions16:30
j605sudo loginctl list-sessions is empty16:31
uebera||ddoobb: Did you try hitting F11 (full screen display)?16:33
ppfj605: is logind running?16:38
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effortDeeim far from a wifi router, im just getting a signal in this spot, any way i can improve receiving it my end?16:39
EriC^^effortDee: you could use a repeater in the middle16:40
j605ppf: I think so, /lib/systemd/systemd-logind16:41
effortDeeanything i can do for free now?16:41
ppfj605: systemctl status systemd-logind16:41
effortDeei looked at repeaters but something for just tonight?16:41
effortDeeengland play and im sat like 25m from wifi router and cant get closer16:41
EriC^^effortDee: try with the doors open maybe?16:41
effortDeethey are16:41
effortDeeit is helping16:41
xjkxThunar autostarts opening my home directory, why, it's not in gnome-session-proprieties list. Only gnome opens it, openbox and fluxbox don't16:41
EriC^^effortDee: can't you move the router to a closer phone line outlet?16:42
j605ppf: yes it is active and running16:43
effortDeeEriC^^: there are 2 phone lines and the one the internet is on is the opposite side of the house16:44
effortDeeso cant move the router16:44
effortDeeseems ok tho atm16:44
ppfj605: ps auxf | grep systemd # see if there's a user session running16:44
effortDeei moved it 1foot closer16:44
effortDeeand that is helping it seems,16:44
EriC^^effortDee: what do you mean by the one the internet is on? you mean the dsl filter?16:45
j605ppf: there is no user session!16:46
ppfbut logind is there in ps?16:46
EriC^^effortDee: you mean you have 2 phone lines separate numbers?16:46
ppfj605: what ubuntu is this?16:47
ppfand how do you log in to the machine?16:48
j605ppf: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/instances/virtual-machines/images/linux/ubuntu-certified16:48
j605I login using ssh16:48
ppfinto root or the user?16:48
j605user, jagan16:48
ppfi mean which ubuntu version16:48
ppfcat /etc/*-release16:48
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ppfis your ssh daemon using pam?16:52
j605"UserPAM yes" is the default and I didn't change it16:54
j605sorry UsePAM16:54
bigbadpiggeirha  It seems like it's something in the gui that's missing--gnome.  There must be a simple way to associate a file type with an executable.16:56
ppfj605: dbus is up and running?16:56
ppfj605: at this point i'm making wild guesses16:56
j605ppf: “message+  18043  0.0  1.8  45796  2364 ?        Ss   May22   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation”16:57
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xjkxwhats the easiest way to go from 16.04 to 18.04 without a clean install?17:02
EriC^^xjkx: sudo do-release-upgrade17:03
EriC^^no problem17:03
tomreynbut that's not yet supported, right?17:03
EriC^^oh, right july 27ish17:04
xjkxit says no new release found17:04
EriC^^xjkx: if you can't wait til july 27 "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" should upgrade to 18.04 by force17:04
tomreyni think it'll be supported starting shortly after the 18.01 release, which is expected late this month.17:04
tomreynit might also upgrade to 18.10, which would be undesirable17:05
tomreyn18.10 is the latest in-development release17:05
xjkxwhy it's not supported yet? is it so, so recent? and no i dont want .1017:05
EriC^^if he has Prompt=lts would that help?17:06
tomreynso i would suggest you just wait two or three more weeks17:06
tomreynEriC^^: i'm not certain17:06
xjkxok thank you17:06
tomreynactually i can test hits here17:06
EriC^^wouldn't it be a mess to try that?17:07
EriC^^like once that command runs, all hell breaks loose17:07
tomreynit can roll back, and should name the target release before you confirm you want to continue17:08
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tomreynright, update-manager -cd lists 18.04 as the target17:10
tomreynxjkx: so if you want to do it before it's supported, make sure that on the bottom of "software-properties-gtk --open-tab=2" it says "For long term support releeases", then close it and run: "update-manager -cd"17:12
xjkxalright, thanks a lot :)17:13
foca_Hey guys, I'm trying to set a fingerprint device on my Ubuntu, it recognize when I type lsusb "NITGen Co., Ltd", but the application fingerprint-gui does not find it recognize it. Anyone could help me here ?17:20
Lil_Smurfi am running ubunti18.04 as a server with my laptop which is the client running ubuntu 16.04 and my gf's client computer running windows 7 and several phones which at the moment dont matter neither does the windows client, if i want to backup the client running ubuntu16.04 from, can i do it server side with rsync?17:22
impii am on kde plasma ubuntu 18.04 and i cannot connect to my bluetooth speakers17:22
impido you perhaps have a link I can follow?17:22
Lil_Smurfbasically i want the server to pull a backup of the client17:22
someone235Hi, I have a problem. My computer (asus-g752vt) is heated very easily when running linux, and then shutdown. It doesn't happen when I use windows. Someone knows why?17:22
Lil_Smurfsomeone235 turn off your computer-device and open the chasis. then use either compressed air or a qtip to clean all the dust off of the cpu fan and cooler17:23
someone235Lil_Smurf, yeah, maybe I'll try that17:24
Lil_Smurfsomeone235 keep me in the loop how things go17:24
someone235Lil_Smurf, but it's weird, because it started to happen after I did a reinstall17:24
Lil_Smurflet me know if it fixed things someone23517:25
Lil_Smurfsomeone235 maybe the reason is an unrelated17:25
someone235Lil_Smurf, I guess it'll be next week because I don't have compressed air with me :)17:25
Lil_Smurfcompressed air is no good anyways just use what is at hand... toothpick, your brothers tootbrush, q-tip17:26
Lil_Smurfjust make sure the toothbrush is dry and to clean it off after, or otherwise you are in for a beating17:26
Lil_Smurfsomeone235 let me know if it fixed things17:27
someone235I hate to open laptops :(17:28
Lil_Smurfoh! then just blow some air in17:28
Lil_Smurfmaybe with a straw if you got one at hand17:28
benergy Hey everyone! I am facing problems with Cinnamon 3.6.7 after having updated my Ubuntu 18 installation. The update included the packages gdm3, mutter and other libraries. Now, on startup, Cinnamon immediately crashes to fallback mode. I've been able to run dmesg and it indicates that gnome-shell and cinnamon throw segfaults (gnome-shell with "libmutter-2.so" and Cinnamon with "libmozjs-38.so"). Could anyone help me, please?17:30
Lil_SmurfI installed kodi on my Ubuntu 18.04 and it throws a segfault...what do?17:31
tomreynLil_Smurf: did you install the ubuntu package?17:32
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hggdhbenergy: which Ubuntu 18? 18.04, or the in-devel 18.10 (Cosmic)?17:35
tomreynbenergy: which ubuntu release did you upgrade from, and can you show the segfault output? which graphics card do you have there?17:35
benergyhggdh:I'm on Ubuntu 18.04-17:36
tomreynsomeone235: this will be because the BIOS doesn't expose the same level of information to linux as it does to windows. you could try this (but it is somehwat advanced): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html17:39
benergytomreyn: The segfault begins with ACPI Errors (Namespace lookup failure, AE_NOT_FOUND and 1 table load failure); then there's a segfault of gnome-shell (error 4 in libmutter-2.so.0.0.0. And then comes the cinnamon segfault with reference to libmozjs.so). I'm using two NVIDIA GeForce cards, both 1070.17:40
benergyShould I use pastebin or something like that?17:41
benergyBtw, journalctl reveals that application "cinnamon.desktop" failed to register before timeout and after that it says that the fail whale is dead.17:42
drkshadowHow can I specify ClientIdentifier to be MAC on every interface, always? The only option that I can see is to specify it for a given interface in netplan, which also requires I specify full network configuration (maybe DHCP)17:43
drkshadowif I specify it for "all" network devices in netplan, then I have no way to specify any other network device as static -- there's no sense of priority, or defaults17:44
tomreynbenergy: can you access terminal? ctrl-alt-f3 should get you a text login. what does "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" return?17:44
ask-ygU5AP56so, ubuntu 18.04, qt17:45
ask-ygU5AP56any hints as to how to fix the b0rked rendering of fonts for default 18.04 and qt apps?17:46
ask-ygU5AP56I try the QPA export17:46
ask-ygU5AP56I try the qt5 themes17:46
ask-ygU5AP56no go17:46
ask-ygU5AP56what's the preferred, officially supported path in order to get qt5, gtk3, qt4 and gtk2 look all the same or as similar as possible, on ubuntu 18.04 ?17:46
Lil_Smurftomreyn why yes i did! i do not think the issue is with the package but rather with something i didnt set up right? do you have to configure kodi before first running it?17:47
benergytomreyn: It install nothing.17:48
noodlekingIs there a version of ubuntu without the Desktop, that would be suitable for use as a VM for dev work?17:50
tomreynLil_Smurf: i have little experience with kodi, but it surely should not segfault. you can run "ubuntu-bug kodi" to submit a bug report. also, you can run it from a terminal and capture its output and post this to a pastebin so someone here can take a look at it. kodi 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999       # this may only work if it crashes immediatley when it starts up.17:50
noodlekingI used to be able to make "headless" VMs using Ubuntu and Debian, but this was years ago, and I'm very out of touch with things these days.17:50
ioriabenergy, how did you install cinnamon ? cinnamon-desktop-environment    from official repo ?17:51
ask-ygU5AP56any ideas about the qt issue aforementioned?17:51
blackflownoodleking: sure, there's the server ISO you can use for installation: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server17:52
benergyioria: Yep, that's how I did it.17:52
ioriabenergy, cat /var/log/installer/media-info17:52
ask-ygU5AP56noodleking, or mini.iso, like 64 mb or so17:52
ask-ygU5AP56noodleking, think netinstall17:52
blackflownoodleking: yeah, this is a new thing too:  https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/09/minimal-ubuntu-released17:53
tomreynbenergy: try this: edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment: #WaylandEnable=false17:53
noodlekingah, thank you17:53
tomreynbenergy: alternatively, you can try replacing gdm by lightdm17:53
qwebirc66758Hi, I can not connect to a Windows shared folder, I have tried all the solutions privided in help.ubuntu.com and stackoverflow, and all I get is the same error: mount error(95): Operation not supported, I have waste almos an hour reading documentation about mount and cifs and ntfs-3g and all ends in the same result17:53
noodlekingblackflow is that server iso stripped down or with the desktop stuff too?17:53
qwebirc66758Any Ideas?17:54
benergytomreyn: Thanks, I found the first suggestion today on the Internet, but then I was just left with a black screen17:54
ioriatomreyn, i concur17:54
tomreynbenergy: actually no, ignore this,. this is just for when the login manager fails to load, but you seem to get till there, right?17:54
benergytomreyn: Yep, the problem only arises after I log in.17:54
ioriabenergy, cat /var/log/installer/media-info17:54
benergyioria: media-info isn't in the directory?17:55
noodlekingask-ygU5AP56 where do you get the mini.iso is it on the ubuntu website? (I might have missed it) Also, same for the netinstall ... never done that before.17:55
ioriabenergy, grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list17:56
blackflownoodleking: without desktop17:56
benergyioria: Doesn't return anything.17:57
noodlekingblackflow thanks17:57
ioriabenergy,  may i ask you how did you install ubuntu ?17:57
benergyioria: I used Tuxedo WebFAI.17:58
ioriabenergy,  what is that ?17:58
benergyioria: It's an install script provided by the vendor. It downloads and installs Ubuntu and applies some tweaks for the hardware.17:59
ioriai see17:59
ioriabenergy,  uname -r ?17:59
benergyioria: 4.15.0-24-generic18:00
qwebirc2029Hello anyone able to help me with a rsyslog filter condition?18:01
jjenoodleking: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads18:01
ioriabenergy,  well,i have no clue how that script works, but i's switch to tty and i'd try to install --reinstall cinnamon-desktop-environment and then lightdm18:01
ioriabenergy,  you also need to set lightdm as default dm18:02
vavkamilhi, I'm on 16.04 and my system is freezing, can anyone help me debug that?18:02
benergyioria: Okay, I'll try that! Lightdm is a window manager, right? How can I make that my default?18:02
ioriayou'll be asked18:03
benergyioria: All right, thanks a lot. I'll give it a shot!18:03
benergytomreyn: Thank you, too!18:03
tomreynbenergy: also check with tuxedo for a bios update18:04
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qwebirc2029i need to make a filter condition in rsyslog with a wildcard - anyone able to help with that?18:05
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vavkamilrtkit-daemon[1540]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.18:07
vavkamilthis might be a reason why my pc keep freezing18:08
compdocnever heard of a canary thread18:10
vavkamilI hope that my CPU is right18:11
compdocvavkamil, bad power supply or failing hard drive can make the pc freeze. overheating too18:12
vavkamilthis is same issue as mine https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/171285818:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1712858 in linux (Ubuntu) "system freezes occasionally for several minutes" [Undecided,Expired]18:13
compdocso it unfreezes after a while18:14
vavkamilyeah and I think that it might be related to my ipod plugged in USB port18:16
compdocheh, well, thats easy to test18:18
jfox762I'm having trouble with my Bluetooth mouse... it keeps dropping connection18:27
jfox762and forcing me to get ubuntu to "forget" the device, and repair in order to connect again18:27
SomeTin the wrong linux room18:27
SomeTI wanted debian18:27
jfox762I didn't have any issues until i upgraded to 18.0418:28
Sbur3When I start my desktop with Ubuntu, my multi function printer and scanner (MFC6490CW), I see the indication (pre BIOS) that my printer/scanner is a USB drive.  That's not supposed to be the case, right?  And my scanner doesn't work18:30
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jfox762Does anyone know how I can fix my bluetooth issues?18:35
jfox762My mouse keeps disconnecting, and it is really hard to get it to connect...18:35
jfox762Does anyone know how I can fix my bluetooth issues?18:43
jfox762My mouse keeps disconnecting, and it is really hard to get it to connect...18:43
SimonNLjfox762: maybe #linux-wireless are able to help there18:49
leonardusI need to create a soft link that points from one file in /run/user/1000 to another file in /run/user/1000 which is in a subdirectory. But when the program closes doesn't that subdirectory get wiped? How should I go about this?18:50
jamie1anyone know of any video chat clients for ubuntu that are non resource intensive18:51
jamie1running skype on ubuntu with a celeron basically makes the computer just about useless18:51
TyYoungdoes anyone see my measages18:51
leftyfb!ask | TyYoung18:51
ubottuTyYoung: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:51
leftyfbjamie1: tried google hangouts?18:52
jamie1not yet, didnt know how bad the cpu usage was18:52
jfox762Thanks SimonNL !18:53
NexilvaHello guys, I would like to change/modify the plymouth bootsplash but I can't find relative documation on how to do so. can you please advise me>18:54
Nexilvakde-config-plymouth - KCM for Plymouth18:54
NexilvaI see this package in apt-cache search18:54
jamie1leftyfb im seeing how talking is18:54
NexilvaIs there a package that changes it?18:55
qwebirc68238ubuntu 18 server have problems whit samba?18:56
Bacteriashit samba?18:56
drkshadowEvery. Single. Statement. Is openening about five SSH connections to the host, including one to copy a file, a second to run a file, and a third to get the results of that run showing that it can sudo, then it opens another to copy its script, and another to run that script as sudo.... or something very close to that. How do I make it not make SO SO SO MANY connections?18:56
leftyfbqwebirc68238: no18:57
leftyfb!language | Bacteria18:57
ubottuBacteria: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:57
drkshadowUbuntu 18 server has problems with networking.18:57
leftyfbdrkshadow: Please don't18:57
drkshadowlefty: I'm not anything, so that statement is overly fague.18:57
Bacteriaubottu: shutup goof18:57
blackflowNexilva: seen this (and the links at teh bottom of it, especially the first one)?  https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Plymouth/18:58
leftyfbBacteria: can we help you with something?18:58
leftyfbdrkshadow: use "ControlMaster auto" in your ssh config18:58
leftyfbdrkshadow: or make your script do everything over the one ssh session18:59
drkshadowis there a reason to have /etc/ansible not world-readable?18:59
leftyfbdrkshadow: that would be an #ansible question19:00
drkshadowyeargh. wrong channel. :-)19:00
drkshadowso it is the proper place to complain about Ubuntu 18.04 network not working...19:00
leftyfbdrkshadow: define "not working"19:00
leftyfbdrkshadow: networking works fine in Ubuntu 18.0419:01
leftyfbBacteria: can we help you with something?19:01
TBotNikAll: On Kubuntu 16.04 LTS. Been having problems with Network Manager, so ran apt-get remove network-manager and rebooted.  Course now that machine will not goto network, so what is the work around?  What do I need to download and copy to flash and then run install from flash? Is this in a HOWTO?19:01
drkshadowit has no sense of fallback configuration. When the network setup needs to be able to specify a particular IP address either before the machine has ever been configured, or between formats/installs, the MAC _has_ to be used as the DHCP ID19:01
drkshadowSo consider machines with different brands of NICs. They get different names. So you have to match _all_ nics to specify that setup is dhcp-identifier: mac. But then you're specifying network configuration, so you _have_ to define the network configuration. Hope dhcp is good enough, else you're setting the same static IP on all your NICs.19:02
drkshadowOr suppose you need a NIC to have one IP and a different NIC to be DHCP. Well now you can't do fallbacks because that matches everything. So... you just have to write it for all nics, ever, or just... you can't. There isn't a way. Because there's no way to specify that the system send the MAC as the DHCP identifier by _default_ (because there are no defaults), networking is just broken.19:03
blackflowdrkshadow: uhm... you specify the NIC in the network config, so I'm not sure I follow what you mean....19:03
drkshadowfor many corporate uses, networking is just broken.19:03
drkshadowblack: exactly. You specify the nic. There is no concept of fallbacks or defaults.19:03
blackflowdrkshadow: fallbacks for what?19:03
leftyfbdrkshadow: sorry, I don't follow. Can't you just specify the preferred client identifier in your dhcp server?19:03
drkshadowYou can't specify one setting for a group of interfaces and then specific configurations. You specify each redundant setting for each NIC.19:04
blackflowdrkshadow: you mean if one NIC doesn't get networking via dhcp, you try another (but not if it does)?19:04
drkshadowlefty: not that I'm aware of. Doesn't the client send whatever it feels its identifier is? I'm not aware of this being a two-way conversation.19:04
leftyfbdrkshadow: https://www.isc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/dhcp43clientconf.html19:05
drkshadowblack: try and configure a setting to match all NICs, specifying dhcp-identifier: mac. Now try and configure a nic with a static IP. It's incredibly difficult.19:05
leftyfbdrkshadow: dhcp-client-identifier19:05
drkshadowlefty: I'm under the impression that systemd-networkd doesn't even use this.19:06
blackflowdrkshadow: please use my full nickname if you want me highlighted and noticing your post.19:06
drkshadowSecond, it does'nt allow you to specify the mac, only the identifier.19:06
blackflowdrkshadow: so anyway, I'm failing to understnd the use case here. Are you talking about NIC redundancy, if one fails to obtain config, another picks up?19:06
blackflowalso, doesn't bonding do what you're describing?19:07
drkshadowblack: ALL the nics on the system should do DHCP requests with the mac address (not the damn DUID). Then, a third nic should have a static IP. Oops, that's breaking things -- you can't specify "all" and then say "but this specific one" -- you have to redefine all the settings for all the nics individually. Then, if you add a new one (USB?) that NIC doesn't have the settings, because they're no fallback/defaults.19:07
drkshadowThe way it needs to happen is the lexiographic ordering of /etc/netplan/* files, but then you have to _hope_ you name them right, and the "10-netplan.cfg" will probably hit before your particular file19:08
leftyfbdrkshadow: option dhcp-client-identifier, hardware19:08
leftyfbdrkshadow: in dhcpd.config as part of isc-dhcp-server19:08
drkshadowlefty: that's not in the document that you posted, and the document you posted includes it only in the specific interface. Again you have to know all your interfaces in advance, and if you add a USB nic, well I hope you thought of that in advance.19:09
drkshadowBut again -- this refers to dhclient.conf, which doesn't appear to be used by systemd-networkd.19:09
leftyfbdrkshadow: please use full nicks to refer to people here19:09
drkshadowlefty: omfg19:09
blackflowleftyfb: that time of day again. USA afternoon, the kids are home from school, bored.19:12
Nexilvablackflow: I modified the theme, and now when I shutdown, I see my new logo png file, but when I reboot, on startup, I still see the Buntu logo19:18
Nexilvablackflow: do I need to regenrate an initrd or something? If so, how do you do that?19:18
blackflowNexilva: update-initramfs -u19:19
NexilvaI'm trying to find out the logo png's dimensions, I want to put some text inthere too, like Hello, Nexilva or something19:21
NexilvaI wonder where the max image dimensions are listed for plymouth logo images19:21
NexilvaI wonder if the plymouth theme script controls this19:23
blackflowNexilva: did you check those links?19:24
NexilvaI did, but I'm looking for a theming guide, I didn't find much there19:24
Nexilvablackflow: oh, links are on bottom of page. I gotcha19:24
blackflowNexilva: yes, the External resources, especially the first one.19:25
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Nexilva2nd is more I need, with themeing guide 3 part19:27
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NexilvaThis is interesting.19:32
Nexilvalogo.width = logo.image.GetWidth ();19:32
Nexilvasame for height.19:32
NexilvaI suppose it can be a bit bigger. Interesting.19:32
NexilvaI'll make a new one and use plymouth --show-plash to test it19:32
Nexilvalogo.y = Window.GetY () + Window.GetHeight () / 2 - logo.height;19:33
NexilvaAhh, that center is.19:33
dfchso, im on 18.10 now, doing routine update and encounter issue with "libperl5.26:i386" package. Basically error occurs when dpkg unpacking with the message "trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libperl5.26/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libperl5.26:i386"19:33
NexilvaReading the actual .script is more helpful, haha19:33
NexilvaThanks bud.19:33
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dfcham I the only one having the (mentioned above) issue here? basically thats all i want to know19:35
hggdhdfch: wrong channel, please try #ubuntu+1 for Cosmic19:36
Bashing-omdfch: 18.10 is not released and not supported in this channel .. report in the #ubuntu+1 channel :)19:36
dfchgot it thanks hggdh Bashing-om19:36
qwebirc45603Hello! I am having a problem with dropped packets on our Ubuntu router, and I have narrowed it down to the upgrade from kernel version 4.4.0-128 to 4.4.0-130. I have a VM in a test environment with both kernels installed and it drops no packets on 128 but drops packets on 130. Has anyone seen something like this?19:52
qwebirc45603I am on Xenial 16.0419:54
benergy_Reinstalling Cinnamon and installing lightdm didn't help; the error still persists.20:04
Bashing-ombenergy_: restate the issue to the channel .. several of us have joined recently and do not know the background .20:07
qwebirc45603Well, it looks like I'm going to try a git bisect and building kernels to find the commit that caused the problems. It's been years but should be fun.20:11
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=== Bacteria is now known as SatansChariot666
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kasewhen I edit grub in boot menu, how can I save it before proceeding?20:51
kasectrl-x doesnt work20:51
CustomerSupportI've got a Django project using wsgi and Apache2.4 on a Vagrant box running Ubuntu; close to getting it working but the browser is showing 403 errors20:54
CustomerSupportapache2 error log saying "client denied by server configuration"20:54
tomreynkase: i don't think you can actually save your edits in terms of making them permanent, you'll need to do this by editing /etc/default/grub once the system is up, followed by "sudo update-grub"20:54
CustomerSupportEvery debugging article I'm seeing with apache/ubuntu/wsgi/django tells me to either chmod, chown, or update the vhost20:55
CustomerSupportlike https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16362462/flask-mod-wsgi-client-denied-by-server-configuration20:55
Bashing-omkase: Are you editing the file grub.cfg ? heed the advisory that the file will be overridden . One edits the file(s) that build grub.cfg . What is your goal here and we can provide better advise .20:55
CustomerSupportAlready done that, but nothing doing :|20:55
tundra-helpAfternoon everyone, I just installed ubuntu on a laptop and am having trouble getting the correct nvidia driver20:59
tundra-helpI have an older mobile GPU (GeForce Go 7600) and seem to require the legacy driver (304.something)21:00
ahi2tundra-help: did you try settings>additional drivers ?21:01
Bashing-omtundra-help: Pastebin for us the result of terminal command ' sudo lshe -C display ' . We see from that the correct driver to be intalled . // 304 is no longer supported outside of our PPA .21:01
Bashing-omlshw -C **21:02
tundra-helpBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/z8tLNwks21:03
Bashing-omtundra-help: looking ^ . " Support for new Linux kernels and X servers, as well as fixes for critical bugs, will be included in 304.* legacy releases through the end of 2017." See: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3142/~/support-timeframes-for-unix-legacy-gpu-releases .21:04
mojtabaHello, do you know how can I lock TTY1 when waking up the laptop? I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.21:04
tundra-helpBashing-om: Well, how would I go about installing this driver21:06
benergyStill no luck with my Ubuntu/Cinnamon problem. Changing the window manager doesn't prevent Cinnamon from crashing.21:06
benergySadly, unlike many other programs, I find Cinnamon very hard to debug - is it just me?21:07
Bashing-omtundra-help: What release do you have installd ? as our PPA has that driver up to 16.04 : https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .21:07
oerheksGeForce Go 7600] .. works fine on the nouveau driver21:08
oerheksit won't be a youtube-race-monster21:08
kasetomreyn, Bashing-om, I was just trying to run the boot after editing the grub command line when it started. but ctrl-x or f10 didnt work. but it just turned out that pressing "enter" proceeds with boot, with changes accepted21:08
Bashing-omkase: News to me :) // I did expect that the key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process .21:10
tomreynkase: glad you worked it out, indeed, there are both options. i never ran into a situation where ctrl-x would not work, so far. but we're all here to learn. ;-)21:10
blackflowprobably exited the edit mode21:10
tundra-helpBashing-om: So, now that I have that ppa, how would I go about installing the driver? When I do "sudo apt install nvidia-304" I get this: https://pastebin.com/tQZjftKL21:13
uebera||With netplan (Ubuntu 18.04), are "nameservers:" settings ignored when using dhcp4/dhcp6? Shouldn't the "search:", "addresses:" entries put into /etc/resolv.conf? (Note: "renderer" is networkd, I've deactivated/masked NetworkManager.service)21:13
ddoobbHow can Ihide the top bar and window titlebar when a window is maximised in 18.04?21:13
ddoobbHow can Ihide the top bar and window titlebar when a window is maximised in 18.04?21:13
ddoobbJust look at the wasted space here... this is ridiculous. https://i.imgur.com/rgtszcl.png21:13
uebera||ddoobb: You asked that before and I answered: Press F11 for fullscreen.21:14
jpleauquestion: I have a custom iptables rules file in /etc. I'd like iptables-restore to load it before 'docker' starts. What would be the best way to do that?21:14
Bashing-omtundra-help: See the above that up to xenial .. no support for bionic with the 304 version driver :(21:14
* tundra-help sighs21:15
tundra-helpSo there's no way of doing this then Bashing-om ?21:15
ddoobbuebera||: Sorry I missed that answer so asked again. That only applies to FIrefox right. Isn't there a way to hide the title bar like in XFCE?21:16
blackflowjpleau: use iptables-persistent package, or write your own service, schedule it before docker21:16
Bashing-omtundra-help: I faced a similar issue .. got a new generation low end nvidia card for 38 USD .21:16
uebera||ddoobb: F11 should apply to every application.21:17
blackflowddoobb: that's not a standard theme. if you don't like it, don't use it. also what others said about F1121:17
Bashing-omtundra-help: nouvea is your only recourse as things stand now .21:17
oerhekstundra-help, it is an 12 year old gpu, GeForce Go 7600 .. be happy with the open nouveaudriver21:17
kasethank you for your help, bye everyone! :)21:17
uebera||ddoobb: Depending on your display manager, you can define rules regarding looks, position, etc regarding specific apps/windows (I use KDE, though)21:17
ddoobbBlackflow The theme doesn't change anything. The default still takes the same space. I'm running off the liveUSB.21:20
blackflowit doesn't though.21:20
ddoobbblackflow can you post a screenshot of how much it takes on your system?21:20
ddoobbuebera||: I looked at all settings gnome-tweaks has to offer and it's not there. Looks like GNOME is just less customisable than XFCE.21:21
blackflowddoobb: google "ubuntu bionic firefox" and look at the screenshots21:21
blackflowddoobb: it's looking like Unity was looking, much thinner than default upstream gnome21:22
ddoobbblackflow: it's really the same see https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Wm0WDAahfsw/WlW9MmSwEkI/AAAAAAAAD4I/zxM6JgZI440g7hSZ5SXlBec-d9BuuBPrgCLcBGAs/s1600/Screenshot%2Bfrom%2B2018-01-10%2B12-41-44.png21:24
tundra-helpWell, Bashing-om or oerheks , would either of you know how to get hardware video stream decoding to work with the nouveau driver?21:25
ddoobbUnity also had the option to combine the title bar and top bar on maximised windows. GNOME is really unelegant in this regard. Is there a way to hide the top bar completely?21:27
blackflowddoobb: I don't know, but I miss that too in Gnome. Unity really knew how to save screen real estate.21:28
Bashing-omtundra-help: Looking to see what I can find .21:28
oerhekstundra-help, google-chrome could work, probably only fullscreen F11 .. again, it never will be a youtube racemonster21:29
ddoobbI found an extension that seems to do it: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/723/pixel-saver/21:29
ddoobbWill check it out later.21:29
claymorehackhi everyone21:39
Sbur3Where do I send a screenshot?  On startup of the desktop, I get a message that says that my printer/scanner is a USB drive  And I can't seem to get the scanner function to work21:43
Bashing-om!paste | Sbur321:44
ubottuSbur3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:44
Sbur3This imgur.com thing shows that during boot, my Brother MFC 6490 CW is shown as a USB drive.  The printer functions correctly.  But the scanner does not respond nor is it recognized21:49
Sbur3Any ideas as to how to fix the problem?21:50
ahi2Sbur: maybe the printer has an sdcard in it and is being shown as a drive22:00
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jaltkeyserver.ubuntu.com is being very flaky and causing apt to fail. is there any simple workaround that doesn't require changing the keyserver every time i want to update, other than --allow-unauthenticated?23:09
bendagHi, I have trouble with my built-in webcam, when I open cheese I have the message no device found. I tried a lot of things, nothing worked yet23:11
oerheksjalt, what package does that?23:12
jaltoerheks, not a package, but adding ppas (that have proper keys). i can even lookup the keys manually on the server via http, and they sometimes work, but it's flaky23:13
jaltas an example, libreoffice fresh (i will copy/paste, gimme a sec)23:13
oerheksso what pps's, and what mirror do you use? do you have an output of update?23:13
oerhekssome mirrors don't update during summerholidays, like a university, so if 'main' gives these issues too, it is worth looking into23:15
jaltoerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sNnJFnknmW/23:17
jaltthe problem is not the archive/mirrors, it's really the ubuntu keyserver23:18
ahi2bendag: is uvcvideo blacklisted?23:18
jaltand i am not the only one affected: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/11601 https://answers.ros.org/question/296729/problem-when-i-enter-the-key/23:18
jalti just did the exact same update 20 min ago and worked fine23:18
jaltthen about 10 min ago it gave the results i pasted23:19
tomreynoerheks: the problem is the keyserver indeed, there's a known bug in the keyserver software ubuntu (and pretty much everyone else nowadays) uses which caused it to get flaky when long UID keys are synched to it.23:19
jaltmanual lookup seems fine23:19
jaltah, thanks for confirming tomreyn23:19
jaltis there documentation on apt about setting additional key servers and have then tried in round robin fashion, or at least some type of timed-retry (wait 10s and try again, then wait 30s, and if it still failing abort, etc)?23:22
tomreynjalt: you can possibly work around it by specifying a different keyserver, but i'm not sure whether this can be made permanent (until the issue is fixed)23:22
jaltgpg --keyserver [name of keyserver] --recv-keys [keyhash] is the manual workaround, but it's annoying23:22
jaltoops wrong paste: apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823 (from the github i linked earliier)23:23
tomreynright. "apt-key adv" also accepts custom gpg options, but this may not help either.23:23
oerheksoke, so the short fix is using keys.gnupg.net  manually ?23:24
jaltfor my specific use case --allow-unauthenticated is ok, but if a better and equally simple workaround existed.....23:24
tomreyni'd suggest using an sks-keyservers.net pool instead23:24
tomreynbut other than that, yes, that's probably the workaround. or try again later.23:24
jalt^ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA11623:24
oerheksis there a setting to use that one for standard?23:25
* tomreyn does not know23:25
oerheksme too, and if that conflicts with updates and so on23:25
tomreyni dont think it conflicts with updates23:26
tomreynit should only be relevant when adding or removing repositories23:26
jaltonce the ppa is verified (meaning the key has been cached) it should be ok, yeah23:27
jaltbut if you are doing a fresh install it becomes annoying, especially if it's automated23:27
tomreynjalt: are you sure about this? since most ubuntu keys should be shipped through an apt pakcage.23:29
jaltppa keys ;)23:29
tomreynhmm, actually myinformation there may be outdated.23:31
tomreyn!info ubuntu-keyring23:31
ubottuubuntu-keyring (source: ubuntu-keyring): GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive. In component main, is important. Version 2018.02.28 (bionic), package size 20 kB, installed size 42 kB23:31
abcdexyz4hi, i'm having a problem: netfilter-persistent not restoring iptables rules at boot. I spent some time debugging the init file for netfilter-persistent service, and it seems that `sudo service netfilter-persistent start` command is being intercepted by /lib/lsb/init_functions, and the result is empty output. Any alias for `start`, such as `reload`, works perfectly. Where should I start digging?23:31
tomreynokay this one has a  current verison, but not xenial23:32
tomreyn!info ubuntu-keyring xenial23:32
ubottuubuntu-keyring (source: ubuntu-keyring): GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive. In component main, is important. Version 2012.05.19 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 46 kB23:32
tomreynjalt: apt-add-repository has a --keyserver option (no configuration file though, it seems). but i guess this can be good enough.23:33
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jalttomreyn: yeah, but since i expect this to be a temporary glitch i don't want to hardcode the --keyserver option on my deployment script, though that would certainly be a more robust workaround23:36
oerheks'.. one can set up key servers in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf, but those settings are not considered by Seahorse as it forces GnuPG to use the key server configured in seahorse instead23:39
jalttomreyn, oerheks: https://askubuntu.com/a/93237023:40
jalt/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py exists on my system at least, and sounds promising23:40
oerheksyes, the proxy fix, but not keyserver AFAIK..23:40
jaltno, inside it there is: DEFAULT_KEYSERVER = "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80/"23:41
jaltIn AddPPASigningKey:       self.keyserver = (keyserver if keyserver is not None23:43
jalt                          else DEFAULT_KEYSERVER)23:43
jaltso no round robin, but hey, it's a start23:43
mtdmsim trying to find apt-get for swift programming language in my ubuntu , is there something?23:45
mtdmslike that23:45
mtdmsi cant install it with package i would like to install it easier23:45
tomreynjalt: i don't seem to understand what you're suggesting to do / how to override the default keyserver unless with a command line option. you could surely place keyservers.ubuntu.com in /etc/hosts, amipulating the resolver, but that's a rather dirty hack.23:48
mtdmswhen i cant install from packages , is there a way to install adding repositories? for then using apt?23:49
jalttomreyn, i was just trying to find where was the default keyserver set, and if it would feasible to add others23:49
tomreynoh ok23:50
jaltsince it's not currently supported, a quick fix would be to simply replace the ppa.py with a patched version hardcoded for a keyserver pool. once sks gets fixed i can restore the original file.23:50
guiver_dmtdms: what Ubuntu are you using (https://gist.github.com/Azoy/8c47629fa160878cf359bf7380aaaaf9 covers 14.04 & 16.04)23:51
mtdmsi founds this : https://dev.iachieved.it/iachievedit/introducing-swift-3-0/23:51
mtdmslooks good :)23:51
oerhekscompare some swift howto's ..23:51
mtdmsUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS23:52
oerheksanyway, it is programming, so you will read a lot more :-)23:52
mtdmsis there always a way to add repositores?23:52
mtdmsi mean when i cant install  a package, can i look for repositories and add to my ubuntu for then using apt-get?23:52
oerhekssure, if they are PPA repositories, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<ppa_name>23:53
guiver_dmtdms: doing that autmatically (searching for a package that has what you want & auto-adding it) just screams will-break-system to me..   (apt) rules exist to protect from api/abi change damage23:54
mtdmsdo you mean it is unsafe?23:54
guiver_dpotential for damage (usually in the future, or if you don't do your homework before adding.. my comment was mainly for automatic add repo [ie. no homework])23:55
mtdmsi see23:55
mtdmsthanks a lot23:55
mtdmsi didnt know about it23:56
mtdmsso i can look for them , they are names ppa, but i need to be carefull, then i add them and then when i use apt-get, they will appear in my ubuntu?  i got it?23:56
zhdncpqany thought about why iptables-persistent might fail to persist iptables rules at boot time? I have a strong suspicion it might be because /lib/lsb/init-functions is doing something weird when getting 'start' command, but maybe someone has other ideas?23:58
tomreynmtdms: that's roughly correct.23:58
tomreyn!ppa | mtdms23:58
ubottumtdms: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:58
mtdmsTHANKS A LOT23:58
mtdmsi learned something new today :)23:59
Sean_McGanyone here good at writing udev rules? is this a good place to ask or is there a better channel on freenode?23:59
zhdncpqinit script for iptables-persistent service is basically a switch, which selects based on command in $1. but first it runs `. /lib/lsb/init-functions`. when I run `service iptables-persistent start` it just quietly exits without any output. when I run `service iptables-persistent reload` (which is actually a synonym and included in the same switch branch), it works as it should. what's going on here?23:59

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