[15:09] Eickmeyer: I haven't forgotten you; reviewing stuff is sometimes time-intensive, and I've been busy with other things [15:09] so, I have some requested changes [15:10] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kyVRmcZzsz/ [20:28] Eickmeyer: regarding adding /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio-plasma sub directory... What is in /etc/xdg that you think should be replaced? [20:36] That is, if there is nothing in there that needs to be replaced... the original menu is fine (for once) [21:28] never mind, just need to figure out how. [21:31] that said, whatever package this comes from: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_ubuntustudio-default-settings.gschema.override [21:31] should be updated [21:31] picture uri is 1404 [21:34] OvenWerks: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings/tree/debian/ubuntustudio-default-settings.gsettings-override [21:35] I thought it might be [21:36] the picture uri should probably be changed to the default one. Now that we use a default name. [21:36] Yeah. [21:38] still, I would like to have a Studio-plasma iso to play with so I know what comes with it now.