
mupBug #1781361 opened: Updating 'service_set' of rack controller using API <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781361>07:54
=== wiro_ is now known as wiro
mupBug #1781361 changed: Updating 'service_set' of rack controller using API <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781361>13:28
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1781464 opened: [2.5] When running unit tests, MAAS log should be printed to the console <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781464>19:17
xygnal_we cant seem to run recent centos images without cloud-init failing to finish/check into maas.19:40
xygnal_did anything change? old images seem to work19:40
mupBug #1772616 changed: Duplicate MAC or hostname causes MAAS to confuse rack controllers <sts> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772616>19:47
mupBug #1772616 opened: Duplicate MAC or hostname causes MAAS to confuse rack controllers <sts> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772616>19:53
mupBug #1772616 changed: Duplicate MAC or hostname causes MAAS to confuse rack controllers <sts> <MAAS:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1772616>19:56
roaksoaxxygnal_: what cloud-init version is that ?20:06
roaksoaxxygnal_: are these the maas provided images ?20:06
roaksoaxxygnal_: also, did you ever transition to 2.4 ?20:07
xygnal_yes we are 2.4.  that is when the problem started.20:09
roaksoaxxygnal_: i woudl check that /etc/maas/rackd.conf points to the right IP first20:10
xygnal_not untouched cents image, but based off it with no modifications to cloud init.20:10
xygnal_that would cause old images to deploy but not new ones?20:10
roaksoaxxygnal_: no not really. Unless the new images are missing a driver or something along the lines20:11
roaksoaxxygnal_: but that said, looking at our CI jobs20:12
roaksoaxxygnal_: i can confirm that the last centos test run was 11 hours ago, and no issues20:12
xygnal_just checked.  ip is correct.20:12
xygnal_we also caught the new image trying to connect to the internet for centos repos we did NOT add ourselves20:13
xygnal_which we had not witnessed before20:13
xygnal_which could never work, firewall20:14
xygnal_what do maas built in proxy settings cover and not cover?20:17
mupBug #1771885 opened: bionic: static maas missing search domain in systemd-resolve configuration <bionic> <network> <cloud-init:Won't Fix> <juju:Fix Released by ecjones> <juju 2.3:Fix Released by ecjones> <MAAS:New> <MAAS 2.3:New> <MAAS 2.4:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771885>20:26
roaksoaxxygnal_: the built in proxy is just a caching proxy really20:31

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