[07:21] ok, today I have the issue with the NumLock enabled again, I ran "laptop-detect ;echo $?" and I've got "0" in response [07:22] and I think I know why, yesterday I was testing it on on the battery, and it was all fine [07:22] today my AC adapter is plugged in [07:24] maybe that is the issue here [07:25] and I have my mouse plugged in today, maybe that's important too [07:25] A return code of 0 means it is a laptop/netbook/mobile. [07:26] hmm, in that case that numlockx behaviour is random [07:27] no idea why suddenly today it was enabled on my login screen, yesterday I was rebooting like 4 times and it was ok [07:27] I presume you have modified nothing in /etc/default/numlockx? [07:28] nothing, I left it is it was, auto [07:29] brb, will reboot again [07:41] did some tests, many reboots, and - my mouse is the culprit [07:42] ...Your mouse? [07:42] when it's plugged in on boot I have NumLock enabled [07:42] when I unplug it and reboot, it's all ok [07:42] Ooooooh. [07:43] I thought I saw some sort of mouse code in there somewhere. [07:43] it's a mouse from my desktop, maybe my Dell knows... ;) [07:43] smart machine [07:43] anyway, yeah, that's why it was working yesterday and before [07:45] still, if it detects that I'm on a laptop correctly, why NL is on? my mouse shouldn't be a factor here [07:45] a bug maybe? [07:48] should I test with other mouse? [19:56] iirc - if AC it numlock's on [20:01] ochosi: default panel when you first start up - and have no windows or anything open looks rather bizarre - we have a visible seperator right next to whiskermenu [20:01] https://i.imgur.com/QdFcEOT.png [20:10] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::platform:: Remove ureadahead from standard seed @ http://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/commit/?id=f4daec09614e6c622dbd80da6358b49cd1d232ee (by Julian Andres Klode) [20:12] flocculant: yeah, the separator is a matter of configuration though [20:12] it used to be practically invisible in gtk2, which was not really a good thing tbh [20:12] so i fixed it in the code [20:13] but you can make the separator go away by deactivating the "show handle" setting in the window list [20:13] if you still want some invisible space in between, you can add an invisible separator [20:13] maybe something to discuss with bluesabre for the default panel layout [20:23] ochosi: ack - I'm just talking about our default here - any seperators I've got only exist in my head :) [20:24] just think it looks a tad bizarre when empty :) [20:24] ppl will get used to it ;) [20:24] heh [20:24] also, i could tone it down more in greybird [20:24] but imo it's supposed to be visible [20:25] at least if enabled [20:25] otherwise what's the point [20:25] ftr - I'm totally for us making them more visible than the old gtk2 style [20:25] and yea would agree your last point too [20:25] kk good [20:26] * flocculant wanders off again [20:27] back a bit more over the next few days - then invisible for a week [20:28] week after I'm back we have 18.04.1 and then 16.04.5 in concurrent weeks [20:47] flocculant, in my case AC didn't matter, just the mouse plugged in or not [21:45] Spass: https://sources.debian.org/src/numlockx/1.2-7.1/debian/55numlockx/#L30 - run the command in backticks there to see if your mouse identifies itself as a keyboard instead. Also, what is it exactly? [21:49] krytarik, ok 1 sec, need to boot my laptop, my mouse is Logitech G700, right now I run it wired with no batteries [21:53] ochosi, flocculant, cool with dropping the handle and adding an invisible separator [22:04] krytarik, is that enough to tell something? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xtbN9yWV6q/ [22:08] Spass_: And what is the output of "evtest"? [22:12] krytarik, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WMCfpn4jyp/ [22:13] you know what? I think I know what can cause that... that mouse has built in button profiles and my current profile has some of the buttons assigned to some media keys [22:14] like XF86AudioLowerVolume and XF86AudioMute [22:15] so maybe my system thinks it's some kind of mouse / keyboard hybrid [22:17] yeah... that could be it, I need to test it more tomorrow, in that case I'd probably need to live with it forever, no way any dev will try to fix that corner case issue [22:21] or my profile doesn't even matter here, just look at those "supported events" :) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5ySCPGcnQR/ [22:22] "udevadm info --query=all --name=input/event7" - for completeness. And I would think 'ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD' is independent from whether or not any of those extra buttons are actually assigned to any keys. [22:25] yup, =1 :/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SJf3YFsF3Q/ [22:26] And of course, you can always set it manually in '/etc/default/numlockx' then. [22:27] yeah, no other way around it, numlockx dev "probably" isn't interested in excluding every weird mouse model in the code [22:28] thank you very much krytarik for helping me investigate that issue [22:29] Sure. :) [22:30] NUMLOCK=off, will reboot and see [22:34] yup, works as intended, no more issue and I've learned new things \o [22:34] \o/ (that's what I wanted) [22:34] :D