
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
AscavasaionI am trying to extend my desktop on my laptop.  But I am unable to get the bar at the bottom onto the right hand display.  Any advice?  I have tried arandr but I cannot see how to do it, or if it even can be done.12:41
Ascavasaionfigured it out, thank you all14:02
weissouipHello! I use  echo "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12" > ~/.Xmodmap && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap to enable natural scrolling for touchpad but when I connect mouse I don't want it to follow this configuration. Is there a way to have separate config for touchpad and mouse?14:04
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest95994
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
=== hehehe is now known as fatcat
=== fatcat is now known as hehehe

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