
tsimonq2mitya57: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3291/+build/15121400 qtwebengine is FTBFS on arm64 in the PPA.06:53
mitya57Oh, internal compiler error :(07:21
lubot<tsimonq2> I retried, I'm hoping it's just a one time thing07:21
lubot<acheronuk> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_4032.gz07:21
lubot<tsimonq2> Rik has the log07:21
lubot<tsimonq2> You can see it in Telegram; I dunno if my bridge works with files anymore properly07:21
lubot<mitya57> I had the log too :)07:22
lubot<tsimonq2> Ah cool07:22
lubot<mitya57> But the bridge does not seem to work, http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_4032.gz → 40407:22
lubot<acheronuk> I also set it rebuilding in a seperate PPA07:23
lubot<tsimonq2> @mitya57, Right07:23
lubot<acheronuk> A quick google seemed to suggest maybe out of memory/swap for similar errors, but google could be wrong07:23
lubot<acheronuk> and I don't know enough about building this to judge07:24
lubot<mitya57> Out of memory usually happens during linking phase, but here it died compiling a single C++ file (`render_frame_devtools_agent_host.cc`)07:24
lubot<acheronuk> https://medium.com/hi-z-labs/yocto-qt5-b2qt-build-fails-on-qtlocation-or-qtwebengine-with-cryptic-gcc-error-1051a7effe3a07:26
lubot<mitya57> OK :)07:27
lubot<acheronuk> that failed on compiling render_frame_host_manager.cc07:27
lubot<mitya57> If it is a memory issue then using --no-parallel may help.07:28
lubot<acheronuk> that would take how many days to build? :P07:29
lubot<tsimonq2> @mitya57, Let's see if it's erraneous and builds on this next go. If it doesn't build, then let's do that.07:30
lubot<acheronuk> you have it building in ci-train. I have a build going in a private ppa. so by this evening we should see the result of those07:31
lubot<tsimonq2> True.07:31
lubot<mitya57> [Normal build](https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3237-deletedppa/+build/14765245) (with -j4) took 12 hours, so -j1 would take just two days :)07:33
lubot<acheronuk> urgh07:33
lubot<acheronuk> @mitya57 FTBFS on same render_frame_devtools_agent_host again12:35
lubot<acheronuk> same on my other ppa build12:36
lubot<mitya57> Ok, so our options are:12:37
lubot- try --no-parallel / -j112:37
lubot- force another compiler (older gcc?)12:37
lubot- try with different compiler options12:37
lubot- ask doko or on ubuntu-devel@12:37
lubot<acheronuk> either that is a real kill point on mem usage, or there as you suggested is more to it than just that12:37
lubot* acheronuk tries Neon's packaging for the hell of it12:44
lubot<acheronuk> more for curiosity than anything else, and on an out the way ppa12:45
lubot<Lazy B> (Photo, 477x71) https://i.imgur.com/DwbJcBl.jpg14:06
lubot<Lazy B> (Photo, 732x173) https://i.imgur.com/l0hgJZM.jpg14:06
lubot<Lazy B> RPL_CONSUMER_TYPE_ERASED_ALWAYS macro instructs gcc to use less memory14:07
lubot<Lazy B> Compilation time will be (almost) not affected14:07
lubot<Lazy B> It's also possible to use -g1 glag to generate less debuging information14:17
lubot<Lazy B> But rather to disable it if it's enabled14:25
lubot<mitya57> @Lazy B, I think our qtwebengine has all debugging disabled already.16:59

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