[01:51] hello everyone [01:51] I would just like to seek help here [01:52] hey easyOnMe, irc works best with specific questions :) [01:52] I created a subdomain like countryName.domainName.org but when I tried it on the browser it says: You don't have permission to access / on this server. [01:52] .. exactly like that. hehe. [01:53] easyOnMe: have you checked the webserver's error logs? sometimes they point out hte error clearly [01:53] hang on let me see and I will get back on something that I do not understand [01:56] sarnold: I got this from the error log [01:57] sarnold: [Fri Jul 13 21:33:47.260068 2018] [autoindex:error] [pid 28044] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/html/countryName/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,index.html,index.cgi,index.pl,index.xhtml,index.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive [01:57] [Fri Jul 13 21:33:47.527334 2018] [core:error] [pid 28044] [client] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: https://countryName.domainName.org/ [01:58] the thing is that there is already an existing directory at /var/www/html/countryName [01:58] and an index? [01:59] I am not sure about that but let me tell you this first [01:59] this error of forbidden access started occurring when I implemented an ssl certificate [01:59] previous I can access all the subdomains I created by just using the http:// [02:00] but when I implemented a certificate for some reason it started all these errors [02:00] I am using codeigniter so I just placed all the folders inside the subdomain folders [02:00] so I am not sure about this index stuff that the error is talking about [02:02] sarnold: it keeps on giving this error: You don't have permission to access / on this server on port 443 [02:03] easyOnMe: hmm, I *think* the thing to do is ignore the cert for the moment.. focus on the log error messages.. [02:03] easyOnMe: ls -l /var/www/html/countryName/index* and make sure that something is there [02:04] ok give me a minute [02:05] sarnold: no such file or directory [02:05] so what do I do now [02:06] easyOnMe: find out why! :) [02:06] easyOnMe: should the direcdtory be there? or is it using the wrong name? [02:06] the directory is there and it is the correct name [02:07] the thing is I am using codeigniter and all usually do is copy and paste the whole codeigniter folder and it usually works [02:07] and this is what i did in this case [02:07] but for some reason the error says no index stuff all that [02:07] this is what I did with the main domain so I thought similar procedure will work with subdomain [02:15] easyOnMe: hmm. maybe restart the server and make sure that the configuration file you're debugging is actually the one in use? [02:17] sarnold: yeah already did that earlier [02:17] the problem still persist [02:20] sarnold: do you the countryName.domainName.conf file [02:20] sarnold: do you need the countryName.domainName.conf file [02:20] cause I can show it to you [02:21] easyOnMe: I'm running out of ideas.. it wouldn't hurt to pastebin the configs though and maybe someone who knows apache better than I do could spot something? [02:22] here it is: https://pastebin.com/FUyBNtaB [02:23] that's :80 though [02:23] right? [02:23] not 443? [02:25] yep [02:25] is that a problem [02:26] cause there is on existing subdomain that is working using a similar .conf configuration [02:26] the only difference is their subdomain name [02:26] but that one is working while this other subdomain is not [02:27] it might indeed be the source of the problem [02:31] sarnold: so do you want me to change the port [02:31] into 443 [02:32] easyOnMe: if you do that your http service is liable to stop [02:32] well, for that domain [02:32] or.. maybe all? [02:33] dunno.. anyway probably you'll have to understand it better than I do :D === flommi_ is now known as flommi [11:04] How do I specify the Mac and static-ip for a guest when creating it via uvt-kvm ? === flommi_ is now known as flommi === jelly-home is now known as jelly [15:04] Can someone tell me how to specify the MAC Address to uvt-kvm when using the --bridge parameter? At the moment my bridge interfaces is coming up with a random MAC [15:05] thats odd. I think my bridges use the same mac as the interface [15:35] compdoc: Each on my vnet interfaces on the host has to have a specific registered mac to be allowed traffic by my hosting provider's network === qwebirc77402 is now known as flipwalker42 [19:48] Hey I'm having a heck of a time getting a server install of 18.04 working. It seems to install normally, but on first boot goes to grub rescue. Installing on a Dell R710 2x6core proccessors with 64GB ram, 6x4TB HD setup with a hardware raid 10. Installing using basic 'use entire disk' partitioning. [19:53] flipwalker42: uefi? legacy? [19:55] Hm. I assume UEFI, but I haven't actually checked. Going to go confirm. [19:55] flipwalker42: when running in live mode/or installer can you check if you see your raid ctrl? do you have drivers for it? is there module that needs to be build in initramdisk in order to boot of of it [20:26] memphisto: YOu hit the problem on the head. THank you. It was runing legacy. Switched to UEFI and reinstalled. Working perfectly now. ANd I feel dumber. But thanks! :-) [20:27] flipwalker42: good to hear its working [21:55] learning new things doesn't make you dumb! === hehehe is now known as fatcat === fatcat is now known as hehehe