
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:12
brobostigonmy little daughter is on her way, labour has started, :)08:10
zmoylan-pigood luck!08:12
brobostigonty, :)08:15
zmoylan-piso... you going to raise her a vim or emacs user? :-P08:21
brobostigonemacs all the way. :)08:22
zmoylan-pitrekkie or star wars?08:23
brobostigondefinitly trekkie, :D08:24
zmoylan-pi...or whovian...08:24
brobostigonthat too, :)08:24
zmoylan-pipython or perl?08:24
zmoylan-pizx spectrum or c64?08:25
brobostigonhmm, neither, C++. definitly c64.08:25
zmoylan-pithere's so much they don't prepare you for to be a parent... :-D08:26
brobostigondefinitly not.08:26
zmoylan-piat least you can start their geekdom young now... https://www.zazzle.com/dungeons+and+dragons+baby+clothes08:28
brobostigonhehe, :)08:28
marshmnso... say I want a script that I call with sudo, and I want to pass a command with args to the script and have that command be run as another user (using su)15:26
marshmn(it's not what I want to do, but it illustrates things)15:26
marshmnI have this working using a here document, like this: https://src.crazedbytes.net/snippets/1115:26
marshmnbut it feels like there should be a way to do that using 'su -c ...' - but I can't get the escaping right to make that work15:27
marshmnI tried this for example: https://src.crazedbytes.net/snippets/1215:27
marshmnany ideas on how I make that work?15:27

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