
aroonianyway to find out why f2 is binding to mute on ubuntu 18.04 ?00:12
conrHow do you boot a mount from grub command line?00:26
guivercconr, i can only be vague (haven't done it in ages), but set root=(hdx,y) ; linux /boot...; initrd /boot...; boot  though if non-linux you can use chainloader..00:31
guiverc(simpler commands to what you see in grub.cfg anyway)00:31
conrguiverc: I'm half way there.00:32
conrProblem is I don't know what my initrd.img version is00:33
conr$ ls /boot00:33
arooniis this the way to fix gnome shell freezing up on 18.04?00:33
arooni        gnome-shell --replace00:33
guivercon most machines; there is a link to initrd (& vmlinuz) so you don't need to remember the latest...00:33
conrshows me a lot of .old-dkms00:33
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
RoadRunnerany advice for a good ebook reader?00:36
granttrecRoadRunner: for simplicty currently calibre sadly00:36
guivercconr, have a look in / ; my latest (& prior) initrd.img & vmlinuz have links there (ubuntu 18.10 for me)00:36
RoadRunnergranttrec: what thoughts on Bookworm or Buka?00:37
granttrecRoadRunner: both kind of buggy last time I tried, if you are just reading novels should be ok, one of them has a lot of deps tho I dont remeber which, you also might have to manually install00:39
granttrecI am also not hating on calibre based on how it looks since that is easly changed I just wanted an ebook viewer only00:40
Bashing-omconr: What is your partitioning ( MBR, GPT ) and do you know your partitioning layout ?00:41
conrBashing-om: GPT00:41
conrI had 16.04 for years and was playing around with katoolin and accidently installed Kali00:42
RoadRunnergranttrec: so what's the problem with calibre?00:46
Bashing-omconr: do youu know which partition the ubuntu root directory is installed to ? or do we have to hunt for it ? .00:46
conrI'm pretty sure it's on (hd0,2)00:47
granttrecRoadRunner: nothing it just too much when a want an e-book viewer only00:48
Kurt-xubuntuhello i have a Aspire 7750G with 16gb of ram its intel I7 2.20ghz with the silly dual intel video cards but i currently have the second video card turned off in the bios running ubuntu 16.04 lts dual boot with win 7 under ubuntu it keeps locking up solid tried all the keyboard commands to bring up a terminal tried "reisub" to force a reboot and hopefuly generate some error in the logs in so doing nothing works exept holding00:48
Kurt-xubuntudown the power button and then when booted back up there are no errors in the logs to go by00:48
Kurt-xubuntutried running the intel video driver update tool for 16.04 did not help00:49
Kurt-xubunturan memtest86 all the way through one pass00:50
Kurt-xubuntuno errors00:50
RoadRunnergranttrec: besides format convertions, what other features are there in calibre (or what features do you consider bulky and extra)?00:50
granttrecRoadRunner: it is basically a personally database for orgransing all books, isbns and all, which I dont care about, just rather have my stuff as files00:51
RoadRunnergranttrec: what are isbns? and aren00:53
RoadRunneraren't individual ebooks kept as distinct files in it?00:54
granttrecRoadRunner: just load it up and see for yourself :)00:55
RoadRunnergranttrec: will do, just wondering if the other two apps are worthy of the same test :)00:55
Bashing-omconr: try then as ' set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/boot/grub ; set root=(hd0,gpt2) ; insmod normal ; normal ; insmod linux ; linux /boot/vmlinuz<hit tab to complete the newest kernel> root=/dev/sda2 ro ; initrd /boot/init<tab again for matching vmlinuz image> ; boot .00:55
granttrecRoadRunner: i'd say no00:56
RoadRunnergranttrec: thank you :)00:56
conrBashing-om: No dice. Just goes to busy-box cmd line01:02
conrand still says Kali01:02
conrWhat should my /etc/lsb-release say?01:03
cjosephdoes anyone know where the skl_uncore driver comes from? I tried to search for that in the menuconfig of the kernel I'm running but it was not there01:03
cjosephI'm running into a graphic issue in compiling an alternative kernel, and the difference seems to be that in the working kernel skl_uncore is in use for the skylake host bridge, and in the broken version the skylake hostbridge has no kernel driver in use01:04
cjosephI figured it would be a simple matter of enabling a new menuconfig option and recompiling, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what enables it01:05
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
guivercQuestion: message on updates "W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=be5f.." which is because of /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume; would folks recommend change the UUID in that file?, changing another file? or just remove file? or just continue to ignore?01:10
Bashing-omconr: then I suppose that sda2 is the kali install . From the grub prompt what shows ' ls ' ? we see if we can find a ubuntu partition.01:11
conrBashing-om: (hd0) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2), (hd0,gpt1), (hd1) (hd1,gpt9) (hd1,gpt1) (hd2) hd2,gpt9) (hd2,gpt1)01:13
Bashing-omconr: and which drive is ubuntu installed to ?01:14
conrBashing-om: Like efi/ubuntu ?01:14
Bashing-omconr: No, ubuntu will be on a partition .. like say (hd0,gpt3) .or maybe (hd1,gpt1) ? .. or we can continue the hunt to try and identify where ubuntu is installed to . - we got to tell grub what to do .01:17
nexus6What does LD in LD_LIBRARY_PATH stand for?01:17
conrBashing-om: So I $ ls all of them and only two are readable01:18
guivercnexus6, i could be wrong, but maybe List.of.Directories to search... (http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html)01:19
nexus6guiverc: Thanks.01:20
wespihow to install ubuntu store on mate and possible ?01:21
Bashing-omconr: I have to wonder with GPT partitioning what happened to the partitions on 2 drives between the 1st and the 9th partitions . I would expect all partitions to be listed in order .01:21
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guivercwespi, i can't find the package, but you could always use synaptic01:24
conrBashing-om: I'm thinking of just making a Ubuntu boot disk and installing over that driv01:25
conrThe only think i'm worried about is a 2TB raid partition mounted on another01:25
Bashing-omconr: raid adds a level of complexity that I am not equiped to cope with in this instance .01:27
conrBashing-om: Can you help with this01:28
conroops i mean this https://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error01:28
Bashing-omconr: well, if it is nvidia graphics I do a some experience there .01:29
monty86anyone use ubuntu with vmware and a piv cac smartcard?01:30
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe
conrBashing-om: If I have a intel corporation 4th generation core processor family integrated graphics controller [8086:041e] (rev 06), is that too old for Xenial?01:45
Bashing-omconr: No, not too old .. but my experience is limited with Intel . I do not know how strong of a chip set you have .01:49
conrBashing-om: Is there anyway to remove all system folders on the (hd0,gpt2) and copy fresh ones from a USB?01:53
Bashing-omconr: sure while one can .. is a great way to break the system . ALL files would have to be compatible - updated libs in the install .. hard row to hoe and chasing down config files ..oH Boy ! Got to be a better way .01:57
conrBashing-om: I would just clean install the whole system but I have that 4TB Raid mount01:58
Bashing-omconr: At this point .. If I were considering moving system files .. I would in fact mount the partitions, pull off my data and do a clean install !02:00
conrBashing-om: Yeah, I just don't have another 4TBs of backup to use02:01
Bashing-omconr: The operating system(s) on seperate drives ? then why not dis-connect the raid drives to protect that data .. and clean install a new server . ( desktop does not have the raid tools installed by default)02:03
conrYeah just not to confortable with using zfs02:05
conrSomeone helped me setup with zfs02:06
Bashing-omconr: Me Neither ! Have yet to even look at zfs .02:06
conrI'll ask someone from zfslinux. Thanks!02:12
Bashing-omconr: Sorry not to have been of any help :(02:13
easyOnMei tried downloading and installing filezilla using the software updater02:18
easyOnMeafter it installed filezilla it shutsdown after each time I clicked on a directory02:18
easyOnMecan anyone please help02:18
guiverceasyOnMe, maybe run it from a terminal; you may get some messages that will help you to detect the problem02:34
easyOnMeguiverc: like how02:34
easyOnMecan you show me an example using the terminal command02:34
easyOnMecause I just uninstalled filezilla02:35
easyOnMebecause it was such a futile exercise to use it02:35
guiverceasyOnMe, i don't use filezilla, but I'd ctrl+alt+t to open a term, then file<tab><tab> to expand the list to whatever commands start with file, then look for something like filezilla (filez<tab> may be all you have to type), then enter02:36
easyOnMeguiverc: I see02:36
guivercmessage on updates "W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=be5f.." which is because of /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume; would folks recommend change the UUID in that file?, changing another file? or just remove file? or just continue to ignore?02:48
Bashing-omguiverc: My notes " RESUME=UUID=xxxxxxxx" change to RESUME=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx" .02:51
guiverci don't know when, but the UUID of my swap is different (must have been reformatted; and I only changed /etc/fstab)02:52
Bashing-omguiverc: Huh ! .. resizing swap will also give it a new UUID .02:53
guivercsorry Bashing-om, my thoughts are always 'a-jumble'  (don't have a brain injury!)  would you recommend changing UUID in that file?  remove? or??02:55
Bashing-omguiverc: Got a bitt of experience here .. what shows in the /etc/uswsusp.conf file ?02:57
guivercno file exists02:58
Bashing-omguiverc: Think that only says not encrypted :)03:03
Bashing-omdo these look sane ' sudo blkid | grep swap ; ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/<^^ that UUID> ' .03:07
guiverchold on... i made an err03:09
Bashing-omguiverc: Moving on along ' ls /dev/mapper ' returns " control" ?03:10
guivercyep (all fine, I compared partuuid & uuid - my err)03:10
Bashing-omguiverc: trying to resume ? does this file exist " /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume " ?03:13
guivercyep: file = ascii text03:13
eraserpencilI have trouble adding .img.xz files to MultiBoot USBs through MultiSystem?03:13
Bashing-omguiverc: and the file has " RESUME=UUID=xxxxxxxx " where we want to change to " RESUME=/dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx " ??03:15
eraserpencilMultiSystem asks to add an .img, but they spring up an error stating it is not an .iso03:15
BDSM_Pornso horny03:16
BDSM_Pornmust have more porn03:16
guivercBashing-om, it contains the wrong (I assume old) uuid03:17
guiverci have no idea what creates that file, editing & correcting that file was my question (or other)03:19
Bashing-omguiverc: I have never known blkid to lie .. I would make the UUID as per what the system reports from blkid output .03:19
guivercthanks Bashing-om - that's what I wanted to do anyway... thanks for confirming!!03:20
Bashing-omguiverc: Let's get out of the woods before doing the feel good dance :P03:20
guiverci'm happy Bashing-om ; whilst I don't know what command generates the warning that led to my question; update-initramfs doesn't (it was what i tested thinking it may be what threw it; but I don't know)... thanks !!03:28
Bashing-omguiverc: What are friends for :P03:31
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takemei can’t open terminal after update, what’s wrong?03:34
guiverctakeme, how did you try to open a terminal?  ctrl+alt+t or via menu?03:35
takemeclick terminal picture03:35
takemei think that this is related with https://askubuntu.com/questions/613582/terminal-wont-launch-after-upgrading03:36
takemeguiverc: ?03:36
guiverctakeme, i don't know, but if you'd have removed the app during this session, it's menu may still be there (in cache) but the program behind it is gone.  i'd suggest trying ctrl+alt+t to see if that works, other wise type 'term' in menu & see what other options you have?03:37
lotuspsychjetakeme: can we have a bit more details? ubuntu version? terminal version?03:40
takemelotuspsychje: it is kali that is son of ubuntu03:43
lotuspsychjetakeme: we dont support kali here03:43
lotuspsychje!kali | takeme03:43
ubottutakeme: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)03:43
takemelotuspsychje: it is ubuntu really heh03:48
takemeit is joking only03:48
lotuspsychjetakeme: derivatives have seperate channels for a reason, use them?03:49
takemei use ubuntu ;)03:50
takemeit is joking03:50
guiverctakeme, kali is not Ubuntu, nor an official flavor or Ubuntu.  It's also not built from Ubuntu, but debian.  Please stay on-topic (Ubuntu Support questions only!)03:50
takemei use ubuntu only03:51
takemeheh ;)03:51
takemeubuntu is best03:51
takemehelp me03:51
jackI can't find my SD Card reader on Ubuntu 18.0403:54
=== jack is now known as JFox762
JFox762I can't find my SD Card reader on Ubuntu 18.0403:54
takemeJFox762: what you mean?03:55
takemesd card reader is not device?03:55
JFox762So many things since my upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 have broken on the update process.... Bluetooth doesn't work... and now SD Cards don't work either03:55
JFox762I plug in an SD card, and nothing shows up03:56
takemeJFox762: how about installing 18.04 directly?03:56
JFox762How did I install it incorrectly?03:56
takemeyou use ubuntu directly03:57
takemeinstead of using virtual machine?03:57
JFox762no virtual machine03:57
JFox762bare metal03:57
takemeah great03:57
takemei want to use it like you03:57
takemebut i have only one computer03:58
takemeso i can't03:58
JFox762I only use VMs for testing purposes since I can never figure out how to get VMs to function with decent performance03:58
JFox762The Performance on VMs is *ALWAYS* horrid03:58
JFox762well compared to bare metal...03:58
takemeand vmware size will grow only03:59
JFox762so I only ever use VM linux installs for nothing more than checking out other linux distros03:59
JFox762So I can'03:59
lotuspsychjeguys, keep it ontopic plz03:59
JFox762So I can't figure out how to get my Linux to recognize my SD card03:59
takemenevertheless i delete file, vmware size don’t shrink03:59
takemeusb connector is normal?04:00
guivercJFox762, I have almost no experience with sdcards; but i use `lsusb` to list usb devices (where I plug in camera or sd-cards from camera via dongle) to ensure it's recognized; `blkid` to get details of my sd card, then `mount` it  (none via gui, which is why I didn't respond)04:01
JFox762I have a Lenovo T430s, and it has worked perfectly before... Bluetooth worked perfectly fine on 17.10... and so did SD Card reader04:01
JFox762blkid has No output04:01
takemeJFox762: how about installing 18 instead of upgrading? JFox762 ?04:02
JFox762I just typed it and it merely returned to prompt with nothing in between (which implies a list of zero)04:02
JFox762Takeme, that is exactly what I did... sorry04:02
JFox762sorry I wasn't more specific :)04:02
JFox762I did a clean reeinstall04:02
takemeupgrading ubuntu have problem04:02
edencI see all kinds of different recommendations, what's a decent partitioning for ubuntu 18, just / and /home sufficient?04:02
lotuspsychjeedenc: setup simulates a partitioning automaticly for you, if you want04:04
guivercedenc, sounds good to me.   everyone's needs/requirements differ, which is why there are so many recommendations...04:04
edenclotuspsychje: simulates? In my case its unallocated space on a secondary drive04:04
edencguiverc, okay and I believe apt installs under / not home, so I could probably get away with large / and small /home? like say 200GB and 30GB for instance04:05
guivercedenc, yes programs, libs etc install to /, but you don't need 200gb, a 32-40gb should be fine in my opinion, save the space for your data (/home)04:07
JFox762trying something04:08
edenchow about suggestions for say a /var, couldn't I always just create that folder in /, is there some benefit to partitioning it?04:08
guivercis this a server? (with what purpose?) or a desktop you are talking about edenc ?04:10
edencdesktop, development mostly.04:10
edencI think I'll go maybe 100/100 / and home, that's sufficient :').... so technically those 2 mount points are required?04:11
JFox762I fixed it!04:11
guivercI'd not bother with /var; (if it doesn't have a partition, it'll use /'s space), ie. don't give it its own partition...  (note I don't know your development tools so your specific needs may be different to what i've used/experienced)04:11
edencso /boot and SWAP are simply not needed is my understanding, defaults to swap file, and why do some suggest /boot04:12
JFox762^ That is the solution I used to fix the issue. Worked perfectly :D04:12
guivercedenc, at times /boot partition can be real handy; at other times it's a [royal] pain... - your usage will dictate...04:13
edencits a dual boot too, but I imagine that doesn't effect much04:14
JFox762Anyone know what the best software to use to Flash an SD Card with a Raspberry Pi?04:15
JFox762Flash it with Raspbian that is?\04:15
guivercJFox762, only Ubuntu is supported in this channel with regards Raspberry Pi, or in fact any architecture; though I've never seen a s390 question here.. but I wait for it :)04:16
guivercedenc, dual boot - is the other distro a *nix??  or a doze? ; if a *nix, they can share the swap space (if partition), which means you don't have two OSes making swapfiles...04:20
Bashing-omedmz: Partitioning and drive usage is totally use case dependent. I have 6 drives and presently 2 online, as a reference : http://termbin.com/1cab .04:27
XLVanyone knows of any guide on how to add a newer kernel than default to the ubuntu 18.04 install media?04:29
Bashing-om!mainline | XLV Here ? ::04:31
ubottuXLV Here ? ::: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds04:31
lotuspsychjeXLV: whats the reason? something doesnt work well?04:31
XLVlotuspsychje, yes04:31
XLVlotuspsychje, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1724639?comments=all04:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Medium,Confirmed]04:31
lotuspsychjeXLV: bionic has 4.15 kernel04:32
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic04:32
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB04:33
XLVlotuspsychje, well i wanna try a newer one, since i have tried it with the kernel it comes with on an atom n270 netbook using the alt install media and it exhibits the problem described04:33
XLVlast message on that link "However, it is not present in kernel 4.16.16 and it is also not present in kernel 4.17.2."04:34
XLVor perhaps i can try the alt install without the ubuntu desktop, add the newer kernel and install ubuntu desktop afterwards04:35
gartralhey all, I got a problem with a laptop here, the issue is that the window manager isn't responding to mouse clicks or, the mouse is clicking "through" to either the desktop or a lower window, firefox, chrome, terminals and the filemanager are all exibiting this04:59
gartrali'm at a loss here, I don't even know how to phrase the issue into something google would understand and find a relevent result too05:00
guivercgartral, what version of Ubuntu?, and what window manager?05:03
gartralguiverc: ubuntu 18.04 lightdm with xfce05:05
guivercthinking of causes... you aren't using a strange theme are you? (i've had strange responses when I try unusual ones, eg. ones for gnome2/lxde/ or a non-xfce build)05:10
lotuspsychjegartral: have you tryed to restart lightdm yet?05:12
gartrallotuspsychje: many times, happens on a fresh install as well05:15
guivercgartral, i see nothing useful in settings; and nothing in a couple of searches. did you verify the download  (iso checksum?)05:16
gartralguiverc: yes I have05:16
gartralI beleive the issue is with the i915 display driver, this is an *old* laptop05:17
guivercyou said Ubuntu 18.04 with xfce; do you have gdm3 installed (my system uses it; it's ubu with xfce de added) - ie. try a different dm  (a thought)05:22
lotuspsychjegartral: and old hardware= try lubuntu?05:26
anliI am trying to debootstrap so I can use the newest versions of packages, trying debootstrap --no-check-certificate --components=main,universe bionic-proposed myfolder, but bionic-proposed is not recognized05:29
anliWhat is the correct syntax?05:29
ghostnik11hi i am trying to erase a 32gb micro sd card but the thing is when i try to delete stuff from it, it gives me error, as if i can't delete anything from it. so i want to try and erase it, all and have it just be a blank 32gb micro sd card. do i use the dd command to earase it?05:30
gartrallotuspsychje: that's basically what i've done05:33
Spookanghostnik11: Use Gparted and format it.05:41
XLVanli, try bionic without the proposed05:42
kurt-xubuntui second using gparted sudo apt-get install gparted it is not installed by default in ubuntu anymore05:43
kurt-xubuntuformat it fat3205:44
ghostnik11Spookan, okay will do that now05:44
kurt-xubuntube careful don't acedently format your primary drive lol05:45
qwebirc87659hey, how do i open a EXE file? im new to ubuntu and just downloaded mint cinnamon05:45
anliXLV: got a too old version of libpangocairo-1.0-005:46
qwebirc87659ill pay 10 bux or so on paypal if someone can help me, been at it for 3 hours lol05:46
XLVanli, some info here http://ubuntu-on-big-iron.blogspot.com/2018/02/howto-use-proposed.html on how to add -proposed to apt sources05:46
kurt-xubuntulol exe files are for windows05:46
qwebirc87659wanna do a remote access? i have no clue what im doing05:46
anliXLV: if I can add a switch to debootstrap so I do not have to edit the apt.sources, that would be great05:47
qwebirc87659how do i re-install my windows05:47
kurt-xubuntulook in your distros verson of software center for software05:47
ghostnik11Spookan, has this ever happened to you, so i choose gparted from the ubuntu menu and put in my password and then it doesn't appear, do i need to update it b/c i could have sworn that the terminal told me it was installed05:47
qwebirc87659can u help me kurt05:47
anliHow do I reinstall my microwave oven05:48
kurt-xubuntugoogle how to boot into the restore partition for your computer and pray its still there05:48
qwebirc87659i plain on just reloading my OS anyways05:49
Spookanqwebirc87659: Install wine and open it with that.05:49
qwebirc87659i cant find it, it doesnt exhist05:49
kurt-xubuntuor if you had windows 10 on it just find another windows computer and download a .iso from microsoft and burn it to disk05:49
Spookanghostnik11: What does sudo apt-get install gparted say?05:50
qwebirc87659oh ok05:50
kurt-xubuntuas long as you install the same version it will remember its key05:50
XLVanli, also with pinning apt sources https://medium.com/@george.shuklin/how-to-install-packages-from-a-newer-distribution-without-installing-unwanted-6584fa93208f , it'd work too.. still not how you want it with debootstrap05:52
XLVor here https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-enable-proposed-archive-repo-on-ubuntu-linux-to-install-packages/05:53
kurt-xubuntughostnik11 you could not afford me just muddle though05:53
ghostnik11Spookan, it said it has already been installed05:53
XLVanli, havent not seen any reference with debootstrap differentiating between main, security, proposed etc, just the release main name05:55
ghostnik11Spookan, okay i found the solution it had to do with this: sudo apt install --reinstall libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 apparently that was a bug with gparted and ubuntu 16.0405:55
SpookanOh you are on 16.04, that one is old.05:56
kurt-xubuntustill supported05:56
XLVanli, perhaps with the switch --variant=proposed ?05:56
kurt-xubuntu18.04 lts is still to new to many gremlins05:57
ghostnik11Spookan, okay i got gparted up and running. well i am on 16.04 because one its long term support and because i am running ubuntu off of a asus t100 (2 in 1 tablet/pc) which came with windows so i had to gut it and its amazing to have ubuntu/linux on this machine because its not suppose to have it working this well05:57
ghostnik11Spookan, hopefully i can delete all the contents on the micro sd card through gparted and then it will be back up and running normal05:58
Spookanghostnik11: Hehe ok, good luck. :)05:58
kurt-xubuntuhehe once you get a working box don't switch until you absolutly have to unless you just like pain05:58
kurt-xubuntuspeeking of was wondering if anyone could help me with my question i asked earlier never got a response06:00
kurt-xubuntui have an Aspire 7750G complete specs can be found here http://gallery.anotherpower.com/main.php/v/pics/mySpecs_html.html its an Intel i7 with 16gb of ram has that silly dual Intel graphics cards but i have the second graphics card turned off in the bios because linux has trouble detecting it06:05
kurt-xubunturunning ubuntu 16.04 it keep locking up hard none of the normal keyboard commands will bring it out of it or make it do a soft shutdown06:06
kurt-xubuntualso locks up running from 18.04 dvd06:07
kurt-xubunturan memtest full pass no errors06:07
kurt-xubuntui used the intel video driver tool for ubuntu 16.04 to update the video driver06:08
takemeCommand 'gnome-tweaks' not found, but can be installed with:06:08
takemesudo apt install gnome-tweaks   <— i want to use windows list, then i  can use windows list after installing gnome-tweaks?06:08
MysticReveriecan you delete the new driver?06:08
MysticReveriesee if it gets better06:09
kurt-xubuntuit did it before06:09
MysticReverieI'm not an expert, but many here are. maybe sumone can help06:09
ghostnik11Spookan, i get this error when i try to delete the fat32 partition on the microsd card Input/output error during write on /dev/mmcblk206:12
ghostnik11Spookan, do you think i should dd command it?06:13
MysticReverieAnybody know an easy to use RAW photo splitter so I can get HDR image?06:20
ghostnik11yeah i think i have to dd command it06:20
takemecan i use windows list on ubuntu?06:20
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: is the bios up to date?06:24
kurt-xubuntugood question i will have to check06:25
kurt-xubuntuthat is something i have not looked at06:26
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: you have the latest06:26
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: have you checked syslog about why it may lock up?06:27
kurt-xubuntuyes nada06:27
takemedefault is gnome ?06:28
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: do you happen to have a second computer and a PL2303 wire?06:28
tomreyntakeme: are you asking whether the default desktop on ubuntu is gnome? it is since 18.04. the ubuntu dekstop there is based on gnome 3.06:29
takemetomreyn: thanks but i can’t execute gnome-tweaks?06:29
kurt-xubuntuno PL2303 wire06:30
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: is acquiring one an option?06:30
kurt-xubuntuwhat do i do with it??06:30
takemetomreyn: ?06:30
tomreynkurt-xubuntu: it could help yu getting a better insight into why ubuntu on your aspire 7750g fails.06:30
tomreyntakeme: i don't know about gnome-tewaks really.06:31
takemehow can i use windows list on ubuntu?06:32
tomreynsee this kurt-xubuntu https://debian-administration.org/article/492/Debugging_system_freezes06:34
anliIs it possible to run an x application from inside a chroot jail?06:36
anliI can maybe create a link to a fifo or something :)06:38
anliAh, had to use xhost + in the host system06:41
kurt-xubuntuthank you tomreyo for the link that was very helpful06:42
kurt-xubuntugives me a starting point06:42
tomreyntakeme: what do you mean by "windows list"?06:43
takemetomreyn: https://askubuntu.com/questions/99932/missing-window-list-on-bottom-panel-in-gnome-classic06:44
tomreynto get a list of all running applications, you can use the 'ps' command on a terminal. there are graphical alternatives.06:44
takemei did it06:44
tomreyn:) well done06:45
XLVstill hangs.. anyone here has successfully installed 18.04 on an aton n270 or similar architecture?06:55
tomreynXLV: have you tried, if so, does it not work, if so, how?06:56
XLVtomreyn, i tried, it just hangs. i updated the kernel due to bug with intel 945gm IGP, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1724639?comments=all and it still hangs..06:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Medium,Confirmed]06:58
tomreynXLV: and it still doesn't work with 4.15?06:58
XLVtomreyn, its two bugs in there.. the 2nd one appears on 4.15 too, i installed 4.17.206:59
tomreynXLV: i guess you could try a 4.18 rc.07:01
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:01
tomreynhttp://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/wget_kernel_mainline.sh is handy in managing (and authenticating) mainline kernels.07:02
ironpillowhi all, need help with logrotate. Under lastaction how can I get the filename AFTER dateext/dateformat have renamed the file. I need to pass in the exact filename to an external script. if I use $1 inside lastaction, i am receiving the plain file name /var/log/mylog but I want /var/log/mylog-2018-07-13-1531550948. thanks!07:11
cesdoHi guys! I have three mp4 videos: 25 fps, 23.976 fps, 29.97 fps. How can I mix them with variable framerate using ffmpeg?07:23
cesdoHere is information about my files07:24
cesdoAh, I need concatenate videos with sound, of course!07:24
duncan213hello everyone08:06
XLVtomreyn, it boots.. but slowly as hell.. guess 18.04 is proving to be quite heavy for the old POS08:18
abb4shey every body08:22
abb4si have a .pbk file for connecting to vpn with a "Device=WAN Miniport (PPTP)" in it . so how can i import settings of this file ??08:23
abb4sand connect to vpn server08:23
tomreynXLV: yeay, what did you need to do then?08:26
XLVtomreyn, if i tell you i dont know? i went into recovery mode, with the 4.17.2 kernel i selected some options there, fsck etc, then i selected normal boot from there, and it booted08:29
XLVdidnt install a newer kernel than 4.17.208:29
tomreynabb4s: this is a windows file format for an l2tp / pptp vpn. you should be able to iopen it in a text viewer and create a custom vpn configuration based on it using network manager.08:33
tomreynabb4s: i dont think there's a converter for those files which would create a profle you could import into network manager (but have not really searched much)08:34
oerheksabb4s, i find np pbk manuals, this answer says to set up manually, as pbk is just a text file with vpn connection information, and you can copy that manually https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173439608:34
tomreynXLV: well, glad it worked uot then :)08:34
abb4stomreyn, oerheks  : thanks . actually theres so many fields and configuration in file. and its hard to find out which one is for which one !08:38
oerheksabb4s, maybe your vpn vendor has more information, or better config files08:39
oerheksan .ovpn or something like that08:39
dc-sup :]08:41
dc-just rejoined irc after a long hiatus and am wondering what are the active channels and networks for general computer and technology chat? Just seem to end up at #ubuntu, which is in no way bad, though :D08:43
oerhekshi dc, this is ubuntu technical support08:44
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"08:44
dc-oerheks: thanks :)08:45
dc-I also have a technical Ubuntu question08:45
=== fred909 is now known as fred-
dc-When I run 'systemctl list-units' I can see some snaps being loaded multiple times, as in multiple versions. For example, I can see "snap-gimp-38.mount", "snap-gimp-39.mount" and so forth. I also see VLC being loaded twice and VS Code has three different versions loaded. I also have VLC shown twice in the Ubuntu Software -application with one stating "VLC" and the other "VLC media player". How could I clean08:47
dc-this up?08:48
oerheksthose are older versions, so you can roll back08:48
oerheksstandard snap keeps N=3 versions08:49
oerheks snap remove --revision=N <snap name> >> answer #5 https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/155521708:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1555217 in snapd "snappy keeps N=3 revisions of each snap around" [Undecided,Won't fix]08:50
dc-Alright, so maybe I'll just let them be unless I run out of disk space08:51
oerheksyes, that depends if it is a game of 400 mb+, i would do that manually08:52
dc-right, thanks :)08:53
oerheksnot ideal, i agree08:53
oerheksdc have fun!08:53
dc-yeah I suppose there's opinions on this08:53
oerheksthe option to roll back, is nice. but 3 ..08:53
dc-hey, which news reader for usenet would you recommend?09:10
dc-with SSL09:10
poutinedc-, for actually reading nntp?09:18
acetakwasDid a two-step upgrade from 17.04 -> 17.10 -> 18.0409:28
acetakwasAt 17.10, I couldn't login successfully.09:28
acetakwasGot something like "Failed Authentication"09:28
acetakwasSo at the login screen I switched to tty1, then completed the upgrade from there.09:29
dc-yes, for actually reading09:29
dc-I tried Pan but it's not exactly inspiring09:29
acetakwasNow with 18.04 fully installed, I'm stuck at splash screen.09:29
dc-does anyone post there anymore?09:29
acetakwasWhat can I do, please09:30
CrackedCrackerHello. Where does xubuntu start window manager (xfwm) by default? Context: I'm using xubuntu 18.04 and recently my window manager (xfwm4) have stopped starting after login. It still works fine on its own, if I start it manually afterwards, but want to put it back into autostart.09:31
oerheksCrackedCracker, sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target # and reboot09:37
oerheksand to return to tty login: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target09:37
qwebirc59224who are in there09:38
oerhekshi qwebirc59224, choose a name, this is ubuntu support09:38
qwebirc59224how i can change my name?09:39
rud0lffor example to simon_21, /nick simon_2109:39
rud0lfsome nicks may be taken, it's a big network09:40
oerheksnormally one does that before logging in on the website09:42
oerheksacetakwas, no support for 17.04, it is dead, EOL09:45
acetakwaseraserpencil: It is not 17.0409:45
acetakwasIt is 18.0409:45
acetakwasInstalled but stuck at splash screen on boot.09:46
CrackedCrackeroerheks: um, so, essentially, it's started by systemd?09:46
ppfacetakwas: stuck how09:46
ppfyour screenshots are showing apt failures09:46
acetakwasThe splash screen never ends.09:46
oerheksCrackedCracker, who knows what broke your gui login..09:46
acetakwasI had to turn off splash at GRUB09:47
acetakwasAnd get into tty109:47
oerheksbut systemd/systemctl is a fix, indeed09:47
ppfacetakwas: so the system is booted?09:47
acetakwasSo I tried to run apt update, but got the error I shared.09:47
oerheksacetakwas, oh, i read just the first line.. and why did you comment out all sources?09:47
ppfacetakwas: start from the top please09:47
ppfyou booted into the rescue system?09:47
acetakwasppf: oerheks I suspect that's the issue. But not sure what should be uncommented.09:48
CrackedCrackeroerheks: um, gui login works, even some windows load after i login into my account, it's only xfwm that isn't starting09:48
acetakwasppf: I turned off deleted "splash" from the prompt at GRUB.09:48
acetakwasWhen I pressed `e`09:48
oerheksCrackedCracker,  err ... windows loads, but xfwm not.. how is that possible?09:49
ppfacetakwas: you can't run apt in grub09:49
CrackedCrackeroerheks: there aren't any borders and i can't move focus with my mouse09:49
CrackedCrackerlike, a regular windows, except there isn't any way to manage them :)09:50
acetakwasppf: Please look at the pictures. I am not trying to run "apt" in GRUB. I know I can't do that.09:50
acetakwasI turned off splash from GRUB09:50
acetakwasThat way I got a tty1 screen at boot.09:51
acetakwasNow running apt update I see the errors shared.09:51
ppfso what did you boot into09:51
acetakwasI looked into my /etc/apt/sources... and I saw what I shared in the second picture.09:51
acetakwasppf: I don't understand you.09:51
acetakwasI booted into the system.09:52
acetakwasI've practically repeated myself.09:52
ppfyou said the system doesn't boot, so _what_ did you boot09:52
acetakwasCrackedCracker: Do you understand the situation better?09:52
ppfwe can't until you tell us what you did09:53
acetakwasppf: I don't think you understand it, so it's pointless saying the same thing over and over again.09:53
acetakwasCould someone at least tell me what to uncomment from the sources file?09:53
UrbanecmHello everyone, I want Santali language to display on my Ubuntu (for example the part after "Ol Chiki" on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santali_language). I don't want to change localization, just install fonts supporting this language. Thank you!09:56
CrackedCrackeracetakwas: you mean, my situation after the explanation by @oerheks? Might be, I'm still looking into systemd configs :)09:56
CrackedCrackerJust it wasn't an answer to my question, which is why I'm asking again.09:56
oerheksacetakwas,  use the update tool, and select there the souces again09:56
acetakwasoerheks: Can't do that since I can't get a GUI.09:56
acetakwasI am in TTY1...09:56
oerheksCrackedCracker,  i have no clue, first you claim it does not start, now it starts but not xfwm..09:57
oerheksmaybe #xubuntu is can answer that better09:58
CrackedCrackeroerheks: sorry, might have sounded a little bit rough. thank you for the answer anyway.09:59
CrackedCrackereverything starts, except window manager (i thought i wrote the same in the first question, but ugh, seems it wasn't clear)09:59
CrackedCrackerand thanks for the recommendation, I'll try my luck there09:59
oerheksCrackedCracker,  run updates again from tty, and/or apt install -f # to see if thing get fixed, as you didn't state what happened before this issue appears, we must guess10:01
CrackedCrackerwelp, that's why I asked not for the recommendation, but what configures xfwm to appear in autostart10:04
CrackedCrackerit's all fine with apt, I usually start xfwm by hand from the terminal10:04
CrackedCrackerIf I can clarify the situation in any way -- like, provide logs from boot -- I'll be happy to do that10:04
CrackedCrackerusually --> after it broke10:05
oerheksacetakwas, seems like you have no dns, or networking at all10:12
acetakwasoerheks: https://imagebin.ca/v/48e12A1HL2ko10:14
acetakwasoerheks: ifconfig: https://imagebin.ca/v/48e1fBi37SfG10:16
oerheksnot sure, but that bigstepcloud is old, http://repo.bigstepcloud.com/ubuntu-releases/10:17
BluesKajHi folks10:17
oerheksacetakwas, so you have no wireless, put in a network cable10:18
acetakwasoerheks: Okay. I'll have to find one.10:19
dc-Is there a convenient way of using OpenVPN but excluding a specific application to use direct connection?10:35
dc-Or let me rephrase, can I use a direct connection with a specific application when otherwise I connect to internet through VPN using OpenVPN?10:36
blackflowdc-: maybe not at individual application level, but you can add a route to specific IPs that go through a non-vpn NIC10:37
BluesKajdc yes , but a lot depends on which server you use . PIAVPN provides a socks5 proxy server that one can use with some IRC clients and some torrent apps like qbittorrent10:38
BluesKajI guess what you want is the reverse of my suggestion10:42
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WallyHello, can someone please tell me what Ubuntu uses for it's first run wizard?10:56
dc-Hey blackflow and BluesKaj thanks for answers. What I am trying to do is access a specific website and use a video player without VPN.10:56
BluesKajWally, wizard?10:57
WallyThe setup GUI10:57
BluesKajWally, the installer or the first login after installation?10:58
WallyIs it GTKassistant?10:58
oerheksfirst run wizzard? that happens during install with ubiquity10:59
BluesKajWally, what exactly is your issue?10:59
oerheks!info ubiquity10:59
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 3175 kB, installed size 17176 kB10:59
blackflowdc-_: if specific site, then consider routing. Also, what you want might be possible by running applications in different namespaces, in theory at least, but routing is the easiest solution, if all you want is direct access to some website(s).10:59
Wallyoerheks yeah the installer, I am just curious about what it uses. I guess I can find out by looking into the ubiquity11:00
BluesKajubiquity is the installer11:00
oerheksWally, there is also an oem option, where the user can setup on 1st boot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview11:00
oerheksbut i think you want ubiquity11:01
BluesKajhe's gone11:01
ammiegirl808__msg nickserve identify ammiegirl808_ Passw0rd!11:09
ammiegirl808__I connected with you on chrome. I had the seedbox open in forefox. I closed the firefox windows which left me in chrome.11:10
dc-blackflow: hmm, care to point me in a direction where I can find more information?11:12
tomreynammiegirl808__: looks like you posted your password to this channel. but if it is "Passw0rd!" you have a problem anyways.11:18
dc-oops he he11:18
SimonNL/msg nickserve won't work11:27
BluesKajit nickserv11:27
BluesKajshould be typed in the server/freenode  box11:29
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
dc-Hey, if one would go about developing their own tool that would add a dropdown-menu on the task bar, where would I get started?11:37
tomreynin #ubuntu-app-devel ;)11:40
oerheksgnome3/gtk .. find a project on github for such gnome plugin, and see/learn how that works11:41
dc-thanks, just found the Python guide11:42
=== littlebit1 is now known as littlebit
dc-Seems like they removed the feature entirely12:26
jeffreeubuntu18.04, twm login does not work for me, it just hangs. Does twm work for anyone else?12:27
oerhekstwm uses xinit, 18.04 uses systemD.12:33
oerheksb.t.w. not sure why TWM is still in the repos, it is dead jim12:33
AscavasaionI am trying to extend my desktop on my laptop running LXDE.  But I am unable to get the bar at the bottom onto the right hand display.  Any advice?  I have tried arandr but I cannot see how to do it, or if it even can be done.12:43
oerheksAscavasaion, maybe you better reask in #lubuntu too12:45
Ascavasaionoerheks: I did, thank you.12:45
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=== seiflek is now known as slekbir
dc-I just don't get my head around this routing13:20
lotuspsychje!details | dc-13:22
ubottudc-: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:22
dc-I am using a vpn with openvpn and am trying to create a route so I can use a certain website directly without vpn. I am trying to figure out the route-command but am stuck defining the gateway. I try to do "sudo route add -net ip.of.website gw ip.of.gateway metric 1" but am unsure what the gateway is supposed to be, the router gateway?13:26
lotuspsychjedc-: sounds like more a question for ##networking13:27
dc-I will ask there, thanks :)13:28
anddamhi, why does trying to just download a package like    'apt get --downloads-only tmux'    results in E: Command line option --download-only is not understood in combination with the other options ?13:33
anddamohh get isn't a command13:34
anddaminstall is13:34
anddammy bad13:34
oerheks-s  --download-only13:34
anddam--dry-run? what for?13:35
oerheksthat simulates install, to see what happens, missing dependencies and such13:35
anddamno I was actually going to check what the post-install script are but the package doesn't provide source13:36
anddamit's google-musicmanager-beta13:36
anddamI suspect it has some step in script that rewrites the sources.list file, I add arch=amd64 to the deb line and each upgrade of packages removes it and then I get a warning about i386 packages not being present13:37
anddamoerheks: but I'm not sure the package itself is the culprit, I mean I could understand a script in the package was the responsible *if* the package got reconfigured, but it is ever hardly updated13:38
anddamso let me phrase an actual question: who is the responsible for removing an [arc=] options to a deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-musicmanager.list when I do an update?13:39
oerheksandyou should not have to do that, if it gives i386packages only?13:41
oerheksi have not tried that manager, not really interested actually to find out too13:42
fightthewalrushi I'm haing trouble to perform an update due to dpkg hanging on installing the virtualbox package13:53
fightthewalrussome fixes seen elsewhere suggest that I should uninstall and install the package again, but apt complains that the process didn't finish correctly13:53
anddamoerheks: no, it gives amd64 packages only, but when I update apt gives me a warning saying the i386 package cannot be found, I udnerstand that and that's why I try to force apt to only look for amd6413:54
fightthewalrushowever, just running the suggested command makes the program hang all over again, and so in a cycle13:54
fightthewalrushow can I purge the package if dpkg complains?13:54
anddambut that gets reverted at some point, that is the first update I run after editing the source.list goes fine13:54
anddamthen later I see the warning again but I'm not able to figure what's actually triggering the change in the source.list13:55
anddamand notice I change the .list and .list.save13:55
oerhekssoem virtualbox dkms package needs some time to compile/install, be patient13:55
anddamoerheks: also google music manager is utter crap, don't bother13:55
oerheksas long as caps lock light works, it is fine13:56
anddamoerheks: but it does somehow a job of syncing a local directory with the account13:56
oerheksanddam, google, sure it wants to know your misic lib13:56
fightthewalrusoerheks: I've been waiting for about 1 week now13:57
anddamoerheks: ok but that doesn't really relate to the arch issues in sources.list file13:58
fightthewalrusat times I had the computer on for more than 5 hours waiting for the command to finish, so it seems to me that it's hanging13:58
=== dc-_ is now known as dc-
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oerheksfightthewalrus, the only thing i can think of is UEFI, that prevents that dkms13:58
fightthewalrusis it a sources.list problem?13:58
fightthewalrusUEFI as in secure boot?13:59
fightthewalrussuppose this machine is locked and I cannot change any settings in secure boot14:00
fightthewalrusis there a way to still fix this?14:01
Ascavasaionoerheks: I figured it out... thank you for at least recognising my question.14:01
fightthewalrusI fluked to the point that I was able to skip the virtualbox update and then dpkg installed all the other ones. I tried running apt-get purge virtualbox but the same issue happens, it can't build the module for the kernel14:02
oerheksAscavasaion, have fun!14:02
oerheksfightthewalrus, i am looking, but find no fix, some install virtualbox from their site14:03
oerhekssudo apt-get -y install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms # and then their binairy blob14:03
rdgin the ubuntu file manager how can I change it so I can type in the path I want to explore and not just point and click14:08
ioriardg, ctrl+l14:10
xdaxi have an issue that might be network-manager related14:11
sonicwinddid not know about that... thanks ioria14:11
sonicwindand rdg14:11
ioriasonicwind, no prob14:12
xdaxmultiple wireless devices that act as mini-routers fail to get the MAC correctly14:12
rdgoh god thank you ioria14:12
xdaxi can get on internet with normal wireless routers though14:12
rdgi was constantly clicking it hoping it'd give me something useful14:12
ioriardg, ok14:12
xdaxmac is shown as <incomplete> with arp however14:13
xdaxi switched to a windows machine and the problem doesn't lie on the device side14:13
xdaxi think the devices have static ips and network-manager is doing something fishy by default14:19
ioriaxdax, fishy ,how ?14:27
xdaxok i got it14:28
xdaxnetwork-manager had dhcp enabled by default which was breaking the static ip stuff14:28
ioriaxdax, i don't think so14:28
xdaxso i have to set each device to manual14:28
xdaxioria: these are those devices like chinese-made wifi cameras that just take a device and slap it on a cheap wireless router14:29
ioriaxdax, ok14:30
xdaxthey want a static ip and network-manager's dhcp settings scream at them14:30
jeffreeoerheks: lol, thanks14:49
xdaxioria for the record of how finicky this hardware was14:51
xdaxit's not even a webcam14:51
xdaxit's a series of snapshots on a loop which gets delivered to an app over telnet???14:52
adhamhello everyone, do anyone know if there is any way I can use my wigig dock on my wigig wireless on ubuntu 18.04?15:10
adhamdo anyone know if wigig is supported on linux15:19
tomreynadham: i'm just reading up on this, never heard of it before. can you explain what it is supposed to do, and which decvices it consists?15:20
qwebirc45226Hello! I have an Ubuntu 16.04 stuck in a boot loop and all solutions I found on the internet didn't solve it. So I came here for some ideas on how to solve it15:20
tomreynadham: apparently is't a docking station, with a wireless interface, and a separate (secondary) wireless interface in the laptop?15:20
adhamtomreyn: wigig is part of my wireless card15:20
adhamwhich allows me to connect to my wigig docking station (beside my wifi) wirelessly15:21
adhamif I moved the laptop away from the wigig dock, it will lose connection because it's connected to the dock wirelessly15:21
adhamthis is the software that is available for windows but not linux15:22
tomreynadham: is it this chipset (run lsusb / lspci -nn? https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Linux-Discussion/unable-to-run-ThinkPad-WiGig-Dock-with-T460-on-linux/td-p/384258615:22
adhamthis is my wifi https://www.intel.com.au/content/www/au/en/support/products/95080/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/intel-wireless-gigabit-products/intel-tri-band-wireless-ac-18000-series/intel-tri-band-wireless-ac-18265.html15:22
adhamtomreyn, yes, in the last comment, it looks like it's close to my wifi, except that I'm 5 higher, i.e mine is 18265 and his is 1826015:23
tomreynyou may have read https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/11/intel_discontineues_wigig_parts_for_wireless_docks/ - since lenovo + intel don't seem to provide linux drivers for this hardware, and since the hardware is already considered a strategy failure, it seems a bit unlikely that someone will spend much effort on making it work in the future.15:24
adhamthat's disturbing15:25
oliver__I've got some trouble running a script located @ /media/speicher/system/ at system startup unter 18.04. I've tried to activate rc.local and have tried to write a systemd-unit but to no avail.15:25
adhamthanks tomreyn, seems like thsi device will be a decore on the desk15:25
Delvienoliver__: first thought, is /media even mounted when the script is called?15:26
tomreynadham: it may be. :-/  feel free to show your outputs form lsusb + lspci -nn, though, then i can look some more15:26
tomreyn!details | qwebirc4522615:26
ubottuqwebirc45226: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:26
oliver__Delvien: I'm not sure. How to find out?15:27
tomreyntell us about your hardware, qwebirc4522615:27
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
qwebirc45226It's a MacBook 6,115:27
qwebirc45226Not running dualboot or anything15:28
adhamtomreyn: https://pastebin.com/uE5NvPCe15:28
Delvienoliver__: is your "speicher" folder mounted via fstab?15:28
tomreynqwebirc45226: also, how did you install, which 16.04 point release (lsb_release -ds) is it?15:28
oliver__Delvien: It is.15:28
qwebirc45226Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS15:29
tomreynqwebirc45226: also did it ever work on 16.04? did it ever work with linux? what happened between when it worked and now?15:29
Delvienoliver__: try making a folder in /var/ and putting your script there, then setting it to call on the script on startup.15:29
qwebirc45226installed via bootable USB stick15:29
oliver__does this look good? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9VDSymm5pM/15:30
Delvienoliver__: 2nd thought, if you run the script manually does it work?15:30
adhamtomreyn, pls let me know if you have any ideas I've been trying to find any drivers or anything that could help tbh15:30
oliver__Delvien: It does if I run it manually but not if I try via systemctl start resetchristeluw.service15:30
Delvienoliver__: i cant help with the systemctl, but put the script somewhere like /var/ and then change your configs to reflect that change15:31
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
tomreynadham: thanks for posting. i just looked more. the device id is "8086:093c". but there is no support on linux for it.15:32
Delvienoliver__: its just my guess as why its not starting on bootup, it may be calling for it before fstab has done its job? I could be wrong15:33
adhamtomreyn: no workaround any unofficial release that might help?15:33
oliver__Delvien: I thought into that direction as well15:34
oliver__trying to move it to var/local15:34
Delvienoliver__: good luck, I have to go :D15:34
qwebirc45226What happens is Ubuntu boots and after a little while there's just a black screen with the mouse cursor, no login prompt or anything. Before my attempts of repairing it it showed the login screen, and after logging in the screen went black just to show the login screen again15:35
tomreynadham: nothing at all from what i could find, not even mailing list posts discussing it.15:39
adhamthx tomreyn, seems like a bad luck for me :(15:39
tomreynadham: the other wireless work, thought, right?15:39
adhamyes, I'm connected to wifi just fine15:40
tomreynadham: it's always gambling to buy new hardware concepts before there is driver support on linux...15:40
adhambut no wigig dock usage cabability15:40
adhamit works on windows really great, tbh it's a great piece of hardware that saves you from too much cables15:41
gambl0recan anyone recommend a simple ux design application?15:42
tomreynadham: you can run linux on a vm under windows then, or multi-boot. or sell the docking station. i'm afraid i have no better suggestions for you.15:42
adhamyes, sounds like the only option but too much resource consumption as I mainly rely on linux for development15:43
tomreynqwebirc45226: see if this matches your issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/172735615:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727356 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Login screen never appears on early generation Intel GPUs (Core2 and Atom etc)" [High,Triaged]15:43
adhamthx tomreyn15:44
adhamdo you know if there are any wigig software at all?15:45
adhammaybe it will just work if I have the app, I just found a dongle that supports linux https://www.seeedstudio.com/WiGig-USB3.0-Dongle-p-2827.html15:45
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tomreynadham: not on linux, i dont think so.15:50
tomreynafter all, why have softwaqre then there are no drivers15:51
adhamis it possible to use wine?15:52
tomreynadham: is this a generic question? if so, yes, you can use wine. will it make all windows applications work on linux? no, maybe some.15:54
qwebirc45226The description fits... Although, the solution didn't work15:55
tomreynadham: this "wigig dongle" appears to be entirely different hardware, and a different (but similar) concept, and an attempt to do more sales by reusing intels marketing term.15:55
oerheksodd that "foss"bytes has an article about it, https://fossbytes.com/wigig-wi-fi-802-11ad-finally-arrived-insane-8gbps-download-speeds/15:56
oerheksno linux driver yet indeed, and no way to trottle back to 54 mbit?15:56
adhamahh no, sorry, I meant as in is it possible to use wine to install drivers and wigig dock manager?15:57
tomreynoerheks: well these computers which support it have two wireles cards, the wigig one is to link to the station only, and there's another one to do the normal stuff.15:58
jackschnupsHey Guys15:58
oerheksadham, i think that will not work, but check out in wineHQ15:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:59
tomreynadham: there used to be, and kind of still is https://wiki.debian.org/NdisWrapper - but i dont think this will work with this hardware. and if it did, it would not be satisfactory.16:00
adhamthanks tomreyn, i am to officially giveup for now and go to sleep, i'll check it out tomorrow16:04
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
EdicoHow can I create a desktop shortcut or put an icon on the dock. I have a .sh file and I want to create an icon for it16:36
EdicoI use ubuntu 18.0416:37
mojtabaHello, Could you please let me know what is suitable for lengthy screen recording?16:38
mojtabaI have tried avconv and ffmpeg, but both have problems in synching or even recording the sound properly.16:38
mojtabaIs Kazam a good choice for lengthy (1 hour) recording?16:38
mojtabaIs there any professional solution with no problem?16:39
mojtabaI am using Ubuntu 16.04LTS.16:39
nik90mojtaba: Checkout RecordMyDesktop at http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/about.php. Decent and reliable solution.16:40
mojtabanik90: Have you tested it before?16:41
nik90mojtaba: Yes, I used to use it quite often. Tbh I haven't used it lately, but when I used it, it was reliable.16:41
nik90mojtaba: I think it is worth testing.16:42
mojtabanik90: thanks, I will give it a shot.16:42
tomreynrecordmydesktop, last updated 10 years ago. it may still work, but i had it crash on my several times.16:44
anondyecan anyone direct me to a service like Putty or multi-putty for ubuntu?16:45
tomreynanondye: umm, you mean ssh?16:46
anondyeyes, but im trying to find a program that looks and feels like putty16:46
dc-maybe you could tweak the terminal gfx16:46
tomreynbeing unix-like, linux and ubuntu can benefit from running the ofiicial openssh client and server implementations16:47
tomreynwell, you could install putty16:47
tomreynmaybe remmina is roughly what you seek16:48
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
anondyeI got putty installed but im trying to get muti-putty installed where i can have saved list16:48
anondyeworking with lots of nodes and keeping a nice list would be quite helpful16:49
tomreynif remmina is not it, you could also use a terminal multiplexer16:49
anondyecan you save inlist16:50
tomreynnot sure what this means16:50
tomreynyou can create connection profiles in ~/.ssh/config16:51
tomreynthere is also a perl gui named "pac"16:51
anondyeyeah that looks nice thanks tomreyn16:53
anondyedo you also know how to just right click=copy16:54
anondyein terminal16:54
anondyeauto copy and past in terminal16:54
oerhekshold shift, then ctrl v16:54
anondyeI mean highlight=copy16:54
oerheksthat is a protection16:55
anondyei just want to highlight and it auto copies16:55
tomreynanondye: there is also 'gnome-connection-manager' (also available as a package). and probably a lot more like it.16:59
d3bugI have an install question about ubuntu mate 18.04 LTS:  when installing I want to use XFS for /, however, regardless if I tell it to install the bootloader on sda or on the efi partition, I just get a "grub>" prompt instead of the choice of what to boot.  Any idea why?17:00
d3bug(gpt table btw)17:00
mojtabanik90: Hello again, I am getting this error trying to use recordmydesktop17:00
mojtabaX Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)17:00
mojtabaBad Access on XGrabKey.17:00
mojtabaShortcut already assigned.17:00
mojtabaHave you faced this before?17:01
tomreynanondye: you can drag the mouse across text, which will copy into one of the two types of 'clipboards' that linux has. then paste using midle mouse button.17:01
tomreynthat's a bit similar to what you are used to from putty, i guess.17:01
tomreynbut too easy pasting into a temrinal is also a recipe for disaster17:02
rud0lfalso, be careful pasting commands from internet pages, those can be forged to put something else to clipboard than you see17:03
oerheksxfs and uefi, i think that is still an issue with an signed module https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/165282217:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1652822 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub efi doesn't install fs module needed to access root" [High,Triaged]17:04
oerheksdisable secure boot and use legacy17:04
d3bugI am not using secure boot17:04
d3bugreading the bugreport now...17:05
oerheksyou can make a small ext4 for /boot, but this all is a workaround https://askubuntu.com/questions/945337/ubuntu-17-04-will-not-boot-on-uefi-system-with-xfs-system-partition17:07
d3bugwow, quite the mess... lol17:07
oerheksand xfs is not fast17:07
d3bugit is for me17:08
d3bugmuch faster than ext4 on my system17:08
d3bugI'll give it a shot with a /boot partition using ext4.17:08
d3bugi'll let you all know if that works...17:09
tomreynmojtaba: http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/ may be a good choice, too.17:09
mojtabatomreyn: thanks17:09
tomreynit's old, but still getting updates https://github.com/MaartenBaert/ssr17:10
mojtabatomreyn: E: Unable to locate package simplescreenrecorder17:10
tomreynmojtaba: looks like it wasn't packages under this name until 17.10. maybe it's called differently before this, or not in earlier ubuntu releases, yet.17:11
mojtabatomreyn: I just followed the command on the website, for debian.17:11
d3bugquick question... i know the normal swapfile size is 1:1 with RAM, but I have 16GB... is it really necessary to make that large a swapfile or can i get away with something smaller?17:12
tomreynmojtaba: you don't run debian, though. ;) on ubuntu 16.04 it's available from the getdeb.org repository, but probably also other PPAs.17:12
mojtabatomreyn: hmm, yes.17:13
mojtabatomreyn: Have you tested it before?17:13
sonicwindd3bug, look into the program swapspace... it can create and manage (and reduce) the swap file dynamically as needed17:13
tomreynmojtaba: no, i have never used it, i just noticed it's getting regular updates and the GUI looks good enough to me.17:13
tomreynmojtaba: also the feature list sounds good17:14
d3bugsonicwind:  I don't have it installed yet (ubuntu).  I wanted to make a static swap partition actually.17:14
mojtabatomreyn: thanks.17:14
d3bugso, with 16GB of RAM, how much do I actually need (where are the diminishing returns) ?17:15
nik90mojtaba: sry, just saw your msg. I haven't hit that error. Btw SimpleScreenRecorder is also an excellent recorder.17:16
nik90Those 2 are the only ones I have tried17:16
nik90They are older apps, but work well under Xorg.17:16
tomreynd3bug: if you're going to suspend to disk, you'll need as much as you'll ever fill your ram,17:17
tomreynd3bug: if not, and if you don't mind the oom killer, you can get away with a fraction, like 500MB or 1GB17:18
d3bugtomreyn: aaah ok, so it uses the swap partition for suspend to disk as well then?17:18
tomreynd3bug: yes, this is pretty much going to be the only time when more than just a little bit of it is going to be used on this system of yours, i guess.17:19
tomreynd3bug: that's unless you'll regularly require all of the 16 GB RAM (and more)17:19
d3bugtomreyn:  I doubt it... the only time I use alot of RAM is compiling because I tend to do other things while it's building.17:20
d3bugtomreyn:  so, I'll make it 16GB+1GB for breathing room... :)17:21
tomreynd3bug: running VMs would be the common reason why you'd actually allocate this much ram. maybe compression, too, compiling probably not as much, that's usually more cpu bound.17:22
tomreynvideo editing, too, i guess. i dont do this.17:22
tomreyn+ 3d rendering17:22
d3bugtomreyn:  well, I guess I am good then. :)17:23
tomreynthough that's mostly going to land on the graphics card.17:23
d3bugtomreyn:  I think I am fine there... Sapphire Nitro+ RX480 8GB17:25
tomreynyes, probably17:25
mojtabaIs there any way to start recording the desktop using Kazam through command line?17:25
tomreynmojtaba: does it have a --help or --usage output?17:26
tomreynor a man page?17:26
oerhekswe are the RT manual \0/ .. not17:29
d3bugbbl... thanks for the help17:30
mojtabatomreyn: yes, thanks17:31
Ghosthree3is there a way to pull the latest archlinux.org news post to the terminal17:56
Ghosthree3so when pacman craps itself i just run that and dont have to open a browser17:57
blackflowGhosthree3: wrong chan? :)17:57
raidghostblackflow: Seems like he might need some glasses, if he/she sees #ubuntu as #arch :p17:58
Ghosthree3blackflow: oops, yes18:02
xubuntu1804Why is my /var/log/auth.log , [ grep pam_kwallet /var/log/auth.log ] , have many entries of;  lightdm: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  lightdm: PAM adding faulty module: pam_kwallet.so18:02
i4iVery strange things that in Ubuntu still present a bug with shortcuts in non-latin keyboard mode... There is not working CTRL+C CTRL+V etc default keyboard shortcuts... And as I see that this bug is present from previous versions of Ubuntu... 13.x and higher... Maybe present some solution for Ubuntu 18.04?18:03
xubuntu1804o/s, xubuntu-18.04 fully up-to-date   uname -a Linux 'name' 4.15.0-24-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 13 08:44:47 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:03
i4iI try to use some advice from linux forum and kill ibus processes but after that keyboard and mouse not react and I can't type anything... But CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE is still working18:04
i4iMaybe present some solution or temporary fix?18:04
linociscohi all18:04
i4iThis is very old and annoing bug!18:05
linociscoExcept imagemagick, which can be used to combine all jpgs to one single pdf?18:05
lotuspsychjelinocisco: have you tryed inkscape?18:05
linociscolotuspsychje, not yet. I thought it is like adobe illustrator or indesign for vector?18:06
lotuspsychjelinocisco: it has some pdf features too, but not sure if you wish has it also18:06
lotuspsychjelinocisco: i know its also used to edit pdf's so..18:07
linociscolotuspsychje, i know pdfsam but which can merge only pdfs. not from jpg18:07
lotuspsychjei4i: did you actually file a bug?18:08
i4iThis problem is posted many times18:09
i4iI don't think that is good idea to duplicate bug posts again18:10
lotuspsychjei4i: have you added yourself affected to the existing bug then?18:10
i4iY ofcourse18:10
i4ilotuspsychje, I can't use shortcuts in non-latin mode18:11
i4iBut not in all apps... In some apps it's working goo18:11
i4iIn XChat it working properly18:11
lotuspsychjei4i: you have bug url please?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1226962 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Xenial) "Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) not functional in some cases in non-latin keyboard layouts" [High,In progress]18:12
oerheks"in some" makes it curious18:13
lotuspsychjei4i: 18.04 doenst have unity..18:13
i4iBut in my Ubuntu 18.04 Budgie no Unity18:13
i4iYes right but problem is the same18:13
oerheksit all depends what apps, QT, gtk, java ..18:14
oerheksi see fixes for java, so it all is a little unclear18:14
lotuspsychjei4i: did you upgrade or clean install budgie?18:14
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i4ilotuspsychje, it was clean install18:19
lotuspsychjei4i: as your bionic budgie is different from xenial, i would try a new bug perhaps18:20
i4ilotuspsychje, yes it's not xenial18:23
i4iAnd this bug very annoying at work...18:23
lotuspsychjei4i: yes..you already said that18:24
i4iFor example I open Sublime Text 3 and in non-latin mode CTRL+C CTRL+V and etc is not working...18:24
lotuspsychjei4i: help yourself & the community, file a new bug and fill in what you have tested18:24
i4iWhere to create this bug?18:24
lotuspsychjei4i: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug yourpackage18:25
lotuspsychjei4i: then follow the procedure on your screen, and fill in all the details/story of what happens in your system18:25
i4iAnd how can I understand which package I must to point?18:27
i4ilotuspsychje, I don't know with which package of ubuntu this bug is?18:28
lotuspsychjei4i: the package affected18:28
ioriai4i, are you sure it's not a program language setting issue ?18:29
lotuspsychje!ask | gambl0re18:30
ubottugambl0re: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:30
i4iioria, what do you mean by that?18:30
anondye_what he is saying is dont make line brakes18:30
anondye_like this18:30
anondye_to finnish things18:30
ioriai4i, it was just an idea: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16768718:31
anondye_type your entire question like this so that people can read it and not have line breaks and have to search the chat18:31
JaredHey all, I have a problem setting up my Wifi to work on Ubuntu. I get the error "Wifi Adapter is not found". I have ran lspci and  cannot find any netowrk controller in this list; only an ethernet controller, which is what I'm using now to chat. And advice?18:36
lotuspsychjeJared: could you hastebin us the output of: sudo lshw -C network18:36
JaredHere you are: https://pastebin.com/xB3Z5cMy18:38
lotuspsychjeJared: only ethernet card indeed, wich ubuntu version is that? did you disable secureboot and fastboot?18:39
Ubu-1604question : I always use the 'software updater' icon to get OS updates, and they always work well. but using the 'Ubuntu Software' icon it says I have software updates to install.  I saw a youtube video of this as well and they didn't know the difference either.  Should i just ignore the ubuntu software screen?  Hope that made some sence.18:40
i4ianondye_, ioria, this bug is present in bug list and present from Ubuntu 13.x...18:40
Jaredlotuspsychje: It's 18.04. I have disabled secure boot in the BIOS, though haven't seen anything about fastboot. Should I restart and look for that in my BIOS?18:41
i4iWith different variations of detection and apps18:41
lotuspsychjeJared: yeah plz try, do you recall wich wifi chipset you have exactly?18:41
ioriai4i, yes,but have you tried to set/tweak the language settings of your app ?18:42
jattoHello. Anyone knows how to set the domain name in 18.04 ?18:42
Jaredlotuspsychje: I'm not quite sure. I haven't found a way to get any info on a Wifi Card in this laptop so far; it really won't recognize it.18:43
i4iioria, what do you mean? I do many thing but no luck then going to asking an advice here18:43
lotuspsychjeJared: perhaps if you lookup your right model, you might see18:43
i4ijatto, in /etc/hosts18:43
alumnoQue es esto?18:44
i4ijatto, you can simply edit the string with ip adress and hostname18:44
Jaredlotuspsychje: oh that's a good idea, let me see if I can  find this laptop online anywhere18:44
jattoi4i: I've edited /etc/hosts but I still get inconsistent results with  hostname and hostname --fqdn18:44
lotuspsychje!es | alumno18:45
ubottualumno: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:45
i4ijatto, can you pastebin your file?18:45
i4ijatto, there is two files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname18:45
i4ijatto, you was edited both?18:46
jattoi4i: /etc/hostname  only contain the hostname, not FQDN18:46
tomreynJared: what's the output of: sudo dmidecode --type system | grep -i product18:48
xubuntu1804!patience found it! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1309535/  explanation on the faulty module warning: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1309535/comments/1818:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1309535 in pam (Ubuntu) "Running without pam-kwallet installed issues a warning in auth.log" [Low,Won't fix]18:51
Jaredtomreyn: HP ENVY x360 PC18:51
ubottuxubuntu1804: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:51
xubuntu1804thanks for looking18:52
tomreynJared: hmm okay that's actually nto the full model name. it probably says on the bottmo near the battery, possibly in grey font on silver.18:52
lotuspsychje!yay | xubuntu180418:52
ubottuxubuntu1804: Glad you made it! :-)18:52
xubuntu1804<lotuspsychje> <-- thank you18:53
Jaredtomreyn: I get the following when I run sudo lshw, see here: https://pastebin.com/xzvCGfA518:54
JaredI've been trying to find info on it's Wifi card ... this might be a dumb question, but it is basically guaranteed that it has one, right? I mean why would a laptop ship without one lol18:55
lotuspsychjeJared: laptop that recent, would surely have one yeah18:55
lotuspsychjeJared: but some chipsets are blocked due uefi settings..or perhaps might need kernel parameter18:56
lotuspsychjeJared: is your system up to date also?18:56
i4ijatto, ok what do you want to do?18:56
Jaredlotuspsychje: Recently it said all my software was update. Do you mean running sudo apt-get upgrade though? I'm not sure, let me try18:57
tomreynJared: not guaranteed, but very likely, yes. this model seems to have a combined broadcom wifi and bluetooth chipset.18:57
lotuspsychjeJared: yes, check also wich kernel version you are on please18:57
tomreynJared: or just post dmesg: dmesg | pastebinit18:59
JaredI'm on version 4.15.0-23-generic19:00
jattoi4i: I belive I've foud the issue. with just "hostname" ubuntu shouws the full FQDN, while debian does not. This got me confused19:00
Jaredtomreyn:  Here's that pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/znVdYqnhBh/19:01
JaredI think I might reboot and look for the fastboot option to see if it's disabled. I know secureboot is but I didn't check that19:02
JaredThat sound like a plan? Ill hop back on if  it doesnt work19:02
tomreynJared: you have a very old bios (F.07 07/11/2014) there, should get https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-envy-15-u000-x360-convertible-pc/6944194/model/7242141/swItemId/ob-214148-119:03
tomreynJared: sure, just reboot19:04
qwebirc95198hello i have problem when i type sudo apt-get upgrade i have this error "Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives19:04
qwebirc95198who can help me please ?19:05
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95198: have you added external ppa's to your system?19:06
Jared_sorry I dced. So I should install that new BIOS?19:06
lotuspsychjeJared_: if a new version available, always wise to install yeah19:07
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tomreynJared_: i'm still looking at your dmesg output. so sure, why not, it may fix it already.19:07
lotuspsychjeJared_: also have a look in your uefi settins too ok, are you singlebooting or dualboot?19:07
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95198: can you hastebin us your sources.list please ?19:08
Jared_lotuspsychje: If by "singlebooting" you mean that ubuntu is my only OS then yes, im singlebooting. Otherwise I'm not sure I understand the term.19:08
lotuspsychje!sources | qwebirc9519819:08
ubottuqwebirc95198: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.19:08
Jared_Let me download that firmware pack though19:09
lotuspsychjeJared_: ok yes tnx, usually for ubuntu single install you can disable fastboot & secureboot19:09
qwebirc95198lotuspychje i don't know which way i can pastebin ?19:09
lotuspsychje!paste | qwebirc9519819:10
ubottuqwebirc95198: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:10
Jared_qwebirc95198: I just sudo apt-get install pastebinit and then redirect any program output to pastebinit, like <program> | pastebinit19:10
qwebirc95198now what i can to do ? :( i don't understan19:11
=== jamesmyers_ is now known as jamesmyers
tomreyn!pastebinit| qwebirc9519819:12
ubottuqwebirc95198: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit19:12
Jared_Ok so I downloaded that firmware upgrade and it won't open it. I get "An error occured while loading the archive". Do I need like winzip or something?19:12
Jared_winrar**, not winzip19:13
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95198: for us to help you, we need to see whats happening in your system= paste19:13
lotuspsychjeJared_: for uefi/bios firmware upgrades, check the official hp manuals19:13
lotuspsychjeJared_: mostly you will need to burn on cd or usb, then follow the procedure described on their website19:14
Jared_lotuspsychje: ok, will do. For now I'm going to reboot and look for anything called secureboot or fastboot in my BIOS. I know secureboot is disabled but not sure about fastboot. Anything else I should look for? Ill come back afterwards19:15
qwebirc95198okey now i need install what ?19:15
Guest31346Yo, new to Linux in general, anyone know where or how find the drivers I need for stuff? Running Ubuntu Mate.19:15
lotuspsychjeJared_: yeah check also if you find wifi settings, or a wifi switch19:15
bradleywho runs mint?19:16
Jared_Will do. Ill take pictures and put on imgur or something19:16
lotuspsychje!ot | bradley19:16
ubottubradley: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:16
ioriaJared_, anything related to wifi card; if you find it 'enabled', diasable it,reboot and enable again19:16
Jared_ok will do ioria19:16
tomreynJared_: also look for bluetooth19:16
lotuspsychjeGuest31346: define 'stuff' please?19:17
Jared_Alright wish me luck guys. I'll report back19:17
ioriagood luck19:17
tomreynJared_: sp88691.exe is a (windows) self-extracting zip archive, including 3 .bin files, which are probably bios variants for different variants of envy x360, or different devices in your computer.19:17
tomreyn(we can discuss this later)19:18
oerheksbradley, mint has its own issues, and polling here is useless19:18
Guest31346My headphone jacks don't work, and my mousepad won't work how it does in Windows. Other than that, everything seems to work fine. My suspicion is that the drivers for them don't work in Mate.19:18
lotuspsychje!sound | Guest31346 start here19:18
ubottuGuest31346 start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:18
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qwebirc95198it's my error https://ibb.co/iFL8ST19:20
Guest31346Is Volume Control the same as Volume?19:20
ioriaqwebirc95198, reboot19:21
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95198: reboot and update system first before you install software19:21
qwebirc95198so thanks for this support ! this ubuntu channel is really best support19:22
qwebirc95198@ioria thanks19:22
qwebirc95198lotuspych thanks19:22
ioriaqwebirc95198, ok19:22
qwebirc91755:/ i type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade but i get it https://ibb.co/chAKZ819:29
qwebirc91755i don't know what i can to do now ?19:29
lotuspsychjeqwebirc91755: press TAB to goto ok19:30
qwebirc91755oh -_-  lotuspychje so Thank you very much <319:31
Ubu-1604bbl .. buying pet food19:33
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foodSurplushey friendos19:41
foodSurpluscan you guys recommend me some games i can play in an intel Atom with 2gigs of ram19:42
foodSurpluswith ubuntu and fluxbox19:42
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: we usually dont take polls here, but there's an active #gamingonlinux community if you want19:42
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: lots of 2d games in software center you can try19:43
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: or less high end games...19:43
foodSurplusoh ok19:43
qwebirc91029Hey I'm having a heck of a time getting a server install of 18.04 working. It seems to install normally, but on first boot goes to grub rescue. Installing on a Dell R710 2x6core proccessors with 64GB ram, 6x4TB HD setup with a hardware raid 10. Installing using basic 'use entire disk' partitioning.19:44
foodSurplusill have to see how to load itup19:44
foodSurplusfrom console19:44
foodSurplusoh i have another question19:44
foodSurpluscan i stop certian packagesfrom updating19:44
lotuspsychjeqwebirc91029: see our server channel @ ubuntu-server they might help you on it19:44
foodSurplusi have mono and mono-devel, and i want to not update them with apt upgrade19:45
foodSurplusthey are huge compared to the rest19:45
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: its not wise to not-update your system..19:45
foodSurplusi just want to hold back mono from updating19:45
foodSurplusright now, because its pulling so much data, i cant upgrade the rest of my system19:45
foodSurplusbut im not 100% sure im ready to delte mono for good19:46
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: connect to faster wifi/eth and update?19:46
foodSurpluswhat would you tell someone in africa with no fast net19:46
lotuspsychjefoodSurplus: running ubuntu with old packages is a security risk19:47
foodSurpluscan i see what programs uses mono19:47
memphistofoodSurplus: sudo apt-mark hold <package-name>19:48
memphistofoodSurplus: then upgrade19:48
foodSurplusthank you19:48
lotuspsychjeafterwards you will need to update mono anyway..19:49
foodSurplusis there a way i can see what depends on a package19:49
memphistofoodSurplus: apt-cache rdepends <pkg_name>19:50
memphistofoodSurplus: there should be also apt rdepends19:51
DarekDeoubuntu 18.04 gnome, ive updated system from 16.04. to search for new system updates I have to use apt update. Nothing regarding updates is displayed in gnome-software app, how can i fix that? I have different machine running fresh installed 18.04 and updates do appear in gnome-software19:51
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | DarekDeo19:52
ubottuDarekDeo: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.19:52
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: not reccomended to upgrade yet19:52
DarekDeolotuspsychje: do you mean - never do ltsupgrade? :d19:54
DarekDeowoops, did not read 2 next messages. I've upgraded from 16.04 to 17.04 when it was released, then ive upgraded to 18.0419:55
DarekDeoin between19:55
DarekDeoi think system was originally installed as 16.04, but I was upgrading it every 6 months19:56
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: your version of gnome-software?19:57
lotuspsychje3.28.1-0ubuntu4.18.04.1 should be it yes19:58
DarekDeoi was using gnome3 flavour before 17.1019:58
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: can you try to launch it from terminal? perhaps we can see some usefull errors?19:58
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: are you sure also, there are updates? and your system is not already latest?19:59
DarekDeoflatpak and (I think) snap updates do appear in gnome-software, I just have nothing regarding apt19:59
DarekDeoI am sure, I am experiencing it since upgrade to 17.10. whenever i search for new updates in gnome-software I get nothing, but then when I type in terminal apt update I am getting lots of updates20:00
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: have you tryed to purge gnome-software, clean configs and reinstall?20:01
DarekDeowhich do not appear later in gnome-software even if apt -list -upgradable contains lots of updates20:01
hidefHi there is a program i tried to get rid off its stuck in my application menu the name is Edraw20:02
DarekDeoyes, ive tried to purge gnome-software, it should clean all configs?20:02
hidefI tried all autoremove and purge options but the program button is still there and working when i open it please help20:02
JaredAlright, I'm back. Sorry for the delay, my phone is so stupid that it cant send photos. Anyways, here are the photos from the reboot: https://imgur.com/a/usgyuof20:03
DarekDeolotuspsychje: runned gnome-software from terminal but I am not getting any logs, is there any debug param to see logs?20:03
JaredProblem still persists though; whether that "INternal Networker Adapter Boot"  is on or off, I still get a "Wifi Adapter not found"20:04
lotuspsychjeJared: hmm weird20:04
Guest31346Managed to get my headphones working. Thanks!20:05
lotuspsychje!yay | Guest3134620:05
ubottuGuest31346: Glad you made it! :-)20:05
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: try clean cache perhaps /home/cache/ gnome-software20:05
SimonNLGuest31346: So glad you made it20:05
lotuspsychjeJared: at ubuntu setup, did you enable updates during setup and 3rd party software?20:06
lotuspsychjehidef: did you add external ppa's to your system?20:07
Jaredlotuspsychje: Aww shoot, I can't quite remember. I think I did though, but not sure ...20:07
lotuspsychjeJared: can you recall if you had wifi icon in setup?20:07
DarekDeolotuspsychje: removed cache/gnome-software and did apt purge gnome-software, updates list is still empty, even when I refresh it gnome-software says there are no new updates20:08
Jaredlotuspsychje: OH yes, shit I meant to mention this. The first day I had ubuntu on I very briefly had a Wifi connection, but is was very slow I think20:08
lotuspsychjeDarekDeo: out of ideas then, other then try a live/clean install on that machine..20:08
DarekDeolotuspsychje: yeah, thinking about it too, thanks for help anyways ;)20:09
lotuspsychjeJared: so..if you had wifi at setup once, it must be something else...20:11
Jaredlotuspsychje: I know my Wifi is fine rn, it20:11
Jaredlotuspsychje: it is up and running on my other devices.20:12
hideflotus I don't know I tried this edraw software and and its junk it's like its installed but its not20:12
lotuspsychjeJared: no i mean your chipset wifi on your pc20:12
Jaredlotuspsychje: oh ok, gotcha20:12
tomreynJared: if you'd set "legacy support" = disabled in bios, would ubuntu still boot?20:14
Jaredtomreyn: hmm, not sure, didn't try it. Want me to give it a shot?20:15
tomreynJared: if it's not going to take you too long, give it a try.20:16
hidefLotus: so when I click app menu its still there and you can open it if I right click and details its not showing up in installed software I checked home folder etc nothing20:16
lotuspsychjehow did you install it hidef ?20:16
Jaredtomreyn: will do. I'll brb20:16
hidefLotus:tar -zxvf edrawmax-9-64-en.tar.gz20:18
hidefchmod +x EdrawMax-9-64.run20:18
hidefsudo ./EdrawMax-9-64.run in that order20:18
lotuspsychjehidef: whereis edrawmax from terminal20:18
hidefcan't find it anymore thats the problem lolz20:19
lotuspsychjehidef: i mean, its the command from terminal: whereis20:19
lotuspsychjehidef: so? does it find a dir?20:20
Jared_YOOOO that did it tomreyn ! Im talking through WiFi now! When I disabled it, I had to redisable secure boot and enable the "Internal Networker Adapter Boot", but I'm up and running! Thanks everyone20:22
hidefso what you think ?20:22
lotuspsychje!cookie | tomreyn20:23
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:23
lotuspsychjehidef: you found the dir, remove?20:23
hidefok I try hold20:23
=== anonymous is now known as Guest12368
sal002Hi - the graphical installer for 18.04 keepts crashing (just opens and closes quickly)   What is the command line to run it so I can see if it gives any indication why20:26
hidefLotus: would this be correct : sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/edrawmax20:27
steliosCan anyone read this?20:28
hidefHI yes20:28
steliosAlright wonderful!20:28
steliosLooks like i set it up correctly20:28
RandolfHello stelios.20:29
steliosHello, Randolf!20:29
steliosSo uh, I assume i can ask questions about Linux here?20:29
hidefyou sure can Ubuntu most likley20:31
hidefLotus: still on ?20:31
Randolfstelios: Yes.  If it's Ubuntu-specific, then that's even better.20:31
steliosAlright, wonderful!20:31
steliosSo I play videogames as a passtime, and I've discovered Wine and such, but are there any repos for videogames exclusively, besides multiverse and universe?20:32
steliosI already have that! Anything else?20:33
RandolfJust about any game written in Java will work on Ubuntu Linux.20:33
RandolfYou'll just need to make sure you have Java installed.20:33
steliosAlright, thank you!20:33
hidefnot that i know off but that mean nothing ... :)20:33
hidefRandolf how do I delete this /usr/bin/edrawmax ?20:34
hidefsudo apt-get purge /usr/bin/edrawmax ... tried this but20:35
tomreynstelios: there are several games in ubuntu's default repositories. others can be installed from third party software repositories, but those ar enot supported. playdeb.net for example. and if you're on 18.04 you can also install games via snaps, so from the software center.20:35
hidefcame back with this E: Unsupported file /usr/bin/edrawmax given on commandline20:35
sal002Anyone know how to start the installer from the command line?20:35
JaredOk,well, I had to reboot one last time but I think I'm good now.  Thanks for the help everyone :)20:36
tomreynJared: i would still reocmmend you do the bios upgrade20:36
tomreynJared: glad it worked out with wireless, though20:36
Bashing-omtomreyn: Not messed about with it .. but there is a new snap store: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/07/online-snap-app-store .20:37
Jaredtomreyn: I will get around to it soon, I'm sure. I'll have to find a spare flashdrive to put it on though... anyways thanks again! Now I can sudo apt-get to my hearts content haha.  I think Im gonna like linux20:37
HelloBeerHi everyone. Since a few days (I don't know exactly) I can not see categories of applications in the ubuntu software store. Is this a update or a bug ? I'm onubuntu 16.04. Thanks !20:38
tomreynBashing-om: yes, i know about software center?20:39
oerhekssnapstore equals softwarecenter, but it takes comandline to get edge packages20:40
=== Tin__man is now known as Tin_man
mib_mibhi all - how can i set UFW to disable all outgoing external traffic, while allowing outgoing traffic on the local network?20:52
sal002When I try to run pkexec ubiquity, I get the screen temporarily then a "bus error: - core dump20:54
hggdhmib_mib: I am not sure I understand what you want. Can you please expand?20:54
mib_mibhggdh: sure - i have a server inside of a VPN - and I'd like to prevent people from downloading things on it, so I want to take it offline essentially, but using UFW - i.e. disallow users connected to make external web requests from it20:55
mib_mibhggdh: of course, it still needs to allow traffic to and from the server on local ip addresses20:56
mib_mibsomething like, default deny outgoing, with allow from 192.168.*.* or something20:56
tomreynBashing-om: oh you didnt actually mean software center, sorry, got you wrong there. i assume you maybe wanted to address stelios also.20:56
hggdhmib_mib: you add a rule to allow internal traffic, then allow from the server to outside, then deny all others20:59
hggdhmib_mib: of course, the the internal users go to the server to get outside, you might have problems20:59
mib_mibhggdh: no, they are on a vpn20:59
mib_mibso its internal traffic21:00
mib_mibhggdh: nah thats not what i want, i want to prevent them from making external web requests21:00
hggdhmib_mib: how many interfaces?21:01
mib_mibnot sure is that relevant?21:03
mib_mibjust 1 i think21:03
mib_mibwell now i'm confused, if a person wants to make a web request FROM the server, say a curl or what not21:04
Svetais the data for https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/ available online in json format or something similar?21:04
hggdhmib_mib: then you allow from internal network to internal network, and block from internal network to any21:04
mib_mibi assume thats considered outgoing21:04
hggdhmib_mib: yes, this is why I was asking21:04
mib_mibokay well this is on an aws vpc21:04
mib_miblet me see, i guess i'll look at the internal ips, they are like 172.31.xx.xx21:05
mib_mibso, do i need a default deny out or anything like that?21:06
hggdhmib_mib: yes, you will have a genery deny at the end21:08
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mib_mibso something like `ufw allow from`21:09
hggdhmib_mib: you probably should have (1) allow local IP any, then allow any to any, then block any21:09
hggdhmib_mib: for both TCP and UDP, I guess21:10
mib_miboh right, hmmmm21:10
mib_mibwell i'm not sure i need udp on this machine, probably only on the vpn machine21:10
mib_mibstill, this is complicated.. hmmmm21:11
mib_mibi'm not sure thats 100% right21:11
hggdhmib_mib: neither am I :-) difficult to say not knowing the network21:11
hggdhmib_mib: but the basis is first allow what you want, then block21:12
mib_mibhggdh: is there a point to using 'any'?21:12
mib_mibisnt that by default?21:12
mannyHi. Anyone knows how to install system-monitor applet in the topbar on 18.04 without installing browsers and browser extensions? This used to work21:12
mib_mibwhy not just this: ufw allow from to
mib_mibjust all protocols i guess right21:13
hggdhmib_mib: this could work as well. Keep in mind that the default for ufw (and many others) is block incoming, allow outgoing21:14
mib_mibhggdh: so how do i allow all protocols, with this command: ufw allow from to
mib_mibi.e. where do i put the 'any'21:15
hggdhmib_mib: if you do not specify TCP or UDP, it is valid for both21:18
Strollmanhow do i become linux/ubuntu l33t?21:18
mib_mibalrighty cool21:18
hggdhStrollman: by studying and trying, from the simple stuff first21:21
Strollmanhggdh, i've been using ubuntu for a while but most of the stuff here goes over my head21:23
hdfhjwhats the comand line to display files sizez invar/log dir ??21:24
Strollmanls -a?21:24
mfaroukgwhat is the issue with apache2 suddenly21:25
qwebirc15849hello i want install w3af for my ubuntu 18.04 TLS 64-bit21:26
hggdhStrollman: grab an introductory-level UNIX/Linux book, read it & try. There is really no other way21:26
sal002Hello - is there a command-line installer installed in the normal 18.04 live CD?21:27
Strollmanhggdh, recommend intro text plz21:28
hdfhjStrollman: ar you sure just ls -a without specifying the directory ??21:28
ppfsal002: why?21:28
hggdhhdfhj: ls -l /the/directory/you/want21:29
Strollmanhdfhj, when in dir ofcourse if not specify21:29
Strollmanhggdh, why not ls -a?21:30
oerheksor ls -la21:30
sal002Anyone else have ubiquity crash right away? I checked the iso and it appears accurate21:30
confluencyWhy -a? There are no hidden files in /var/log.21:30
ppfsal002: how is it crashing?21:30
ppflike, what's the error ^^21:31
hggdhStrollman: ls -a displays the names of all files, hidden or not, but not the size21:31
oerhekssal002, depends more likely on your system/gpu21:31
confluencyAnd -a does not default to long listing. So no sizes.21:31
confluencyUnless you've aliased it to that, and forgotten about it.21:31
Strollmanhggdh, true thanks21:31
sal002Just opens briefly and crashes.  Says bus error when I launch it via terminal21:31
sal002What is a good way to enable safe graphics mode on the live CD?21:31
ppfsame way you'd do it for a regular system, add the flags to the kernel commandline21:32
oerheksdepends on your videocard likely21:32
sal002(which is what I forgot how rto do) :)21:32
Strollmanhggdh, still waiting on your recommend for intro text?21:32
ppf!nomodeset | always an option21:33
ubottualways an option: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:33
hggdhStrollman: cannot do that, been a long time I looked at any beginners book. But I am pretty sure there are tons of suggestions on-line21:33
Strollmanhggdh, what are you currently reading?21:34
sal002still crashes with nomodeset21:36
hggdhStrollman: a book on thermodynamics... nothing to do with Linux21:38
confluencyStrollman: do a search for linux shell tutorials. Look at the results. Pick the ones which focus on interactive use rather than writing scripts.21:38
oerhekssal002, time to give some specs then ..21:38
confluencyStrollman: this isn't something that you learn by studying the theory. Its something you learn by doing it. I suggest that you try using a terminal instead of a file manager for file management tasks for a while -- this is one of the areas where the commandline is really efficient.21:40
sal002AMD Phenom II21:40
=== raijin is now known as Guest12419
sal002Radeon RX 58021:41
Strollmanconfluency, never thought of the interactive use approach thanks, any book in mind?21:41
hggdhStrollman: and remember, man is your friend. "man ls", for example, will give you the most common options of the command21:41
Strollmanhggdh, ok thanks21:41
hggdhStrollman: and, in fact, I learned UNIX reading man pages21:41
Strollmanhggdh, man i hate man not for me21:42
confluencyStrollman: your original question was kind of vague. I thought this is what you meant. What, specifically, do you want to learn about?21:42
confluencyStrollman: if you refuse to use one of the primary references for the way programs work, you're going to have a bad time.21:43
=== qwebirc38800 is now known as Vonologic
Vonologicis there a way to install windows without a usb/cd? like creating a bootable partition or something21:44
Strollmanconfluency, i can use the command line for a session at a time but nothing beyond the basic stuff so i'd like to level up from there21:44
confluencyStrollman: then look for some tutorials.21:45
qwebirc99903hello i installed w3af when i type ./w3af_gui i get this problem https://ibb.co/fgP24821:45
oerheks"how do i become linux/ubuntu l33t? " git clone http://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages21:45
confluencyStrollman: I have absolutely no idea which ones are good. I just googled.21:45
Strollmanconfluency, like which ones is what i'd like to know fyi i prefer books21:45
confluencyStrollman: why do you prefer books?21:46
ppfqwebirc99903: the message is pretty self-explanatory21:46
confluencyStrollman: I'm telling you that I don't know. Just pick one and try it. If it sucks, try a different one.21:46
qwebirc99903ppf which way i can fix it ?21:46
Strollmanconfluency, following up on the examples etc is easier and i generally just like reading21:46
hggdhStrollman, confluency: now it is the time to go to, say, #ubuntu-offtopic and keep this dialog there21:46
hggdhlet's return to topic21:47
XLVVonologic, PXE boot, look at serva https://www.digitalcitizen.life/how-install-any-version-windows-other-network-computers21:47
ppfqwebirc99903: so if this is an obstacle, maybe you shouldn't do software security?21:47
Strollmanhggdh, oh sorry for that my fault21:47
qwebirc99903im security reseacher i need all software security like w3af and acunitex..21:47
XLVVonologic, or you can use some winpe distro like medicat, copy all files to some ntfs formatted hdd/ssd, run setup.exe from that hdd/ssd and make sure you dont format that nfts hdd/ssd while you install on it21:48
oerheksqwebirc99903, heh, if you cannot read these clear hints in that screen, what are you researching: us?21:48
Strollmanconfluency, all in all thanks for trying am a lost retard but i'll find my way21:48
qwebirc99903before i start and work in windows :) and now i want know about linux and working in linux :)21:49
VonologicXLV: thanks21:49
XLVVonologic, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/copy-dism-to-another-computer21:49
qwebirc99903i don't know it's not shame i want learn21:49
qwebirc99903now anyone can help me for solve this problem ?https://ibb.co/fgP24821:51
ppfif this isn't self-explanatory then really no21:52
qwebirc99903what mean self-explanatory i don't understand21:52
ppfthe error literally tells you what to do21:52
oerhekswhy would we type over what packages you need to install21:53
oerheksand not sure those dependencies will be met21:53
qwebirc99903yes i know it's say to install pip and i installed pip succesfuly but i don't know why i have problem21:53
qwebirc99903fucking ASK!21:54
qwebirc47066i fixed my problem :) Thanks for Fucking support ubuntu21:56
lol-md5i am trying to compile the Dymo SDK drivers so I can use my Dymo LabelWriter 450 printer on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I have already installed gcc, libcups2-dev, and libcupsimage2-dev as per https://askubuntu.com/a/772201. ./configure ran successfully, however now i get the following error log when i run make: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/24v8Hrv5QJ/22:03
lol-md5what should i do?22:03
oerhekssudo apt-get install libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev gcc g++22:06
lol-md5i did that22:06
oerheksthat is the line i find, missing g++ there22:06
hggdhlol-md5: you might have had some warnings when you ran configure about missing things. Try looking at the output of configure22:08
lol-md5Try `/home/benjamin/code/downloads/dymo-cups-drivers- --help' for more information22:08
lol-md5configure: WARNING: `missing' script is too old or missing22:08
lol-md5missing script is missing :^)22:09
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver
lol-md5oh it's just too old22:09
lol-md5what should i do?22:09
sal002Any other suggestions?22:09
hggdhlol-md5: IDK. Perhaps the driver source is not up-to-date? Very difficult to say22:10
lol-md5it's vendor hardware code22:10
lol-md5no way they're gonna upgrade it22:10
hggdhwhich does not mean it is compatible with *you* level of libraries, etc in your Ubuntu22:10
lol-md5well autoreconf -fiv fixed the "missing script is old" warning, but not the compiler error22:11
lol-md5is there another channel i could ask in?22:15
lol-md5maybe #c++ or smth22:15
dunnousernamefnHey, is there a way to make gedit not make a billion .goutputstream or whatever files in the current directory?22:16
lol-md5simple: don't use gedit22:17
dunnousernamefnbut... but... syntax highlighting22:17
lol-md5nano has it22:17
lol-md5so does mousepad22:17
dunnousernamefnmaybe nano22:18
lol-md5nano is comfy22:18
dunnousernamefnMaybe if I make a super huge terminal22:18
lol-md5what lol22:19
lol-md5why ?22:19
dunnousernamefnbecause 80x25 is just sad22:19
lol-md5yeah 119×25 then :^)22:19
lol-md5i do 110×24,  typically22:19
lol-md5sometimes i make it taller22:20
gigirockdunnousernamefn: make a script on exit , rm22:20
dunnousernamefnthey don't stay there gigirock, it's just that they fill nautilus22:20
dunnousernamefnlol-md5, don't you say a thing about nautilus lol22:20
gigirockdunnousernamefn: use mc22:21
lol-md5no no use your shell22:21
lol-md5cd ls22:21
lol-md5nah i like thunar tho cause it still has the type to autocomplete thing that they yanked out of nautilus in favor of the much slower search22:21
gigirockyear of study and development for graphical desktop.....22:21
gigirockdunnousernamefn: make a modfication to the filesystem so it doesn't display those file anymore22:23
dunnousernamefnI'll make it a kernel module too22:23
dunnousernamefnI'll train gedit by panicking whenever I find one22:23
gigirockdunnousernamefn: yes u r on the right way22:24
BiessieI just upgraded about 55 new upgrades. it's been about 7-10 days since i ran the command. i usually run it daily. should i reboot or its not needed?22:24
gigirockBiessie: yes reboot is a good idea... but also sudo apt autoremove22:25
Biessiejust finished that :)22:25
Biessiethanks ill reboot shortly22:25
dunnousernamefnubuntu keeps wanting to screw up my graphics drivers and special PPA's22:25
dunnousernamefnMy graphics driver issues come from the deepest chasm in hell22:26
dunnousernamefnI just hold the package22:26
gigirockdunnousernamefn: ubuntu want you become safe at next reboot22:26
dunnousernamefnno, but whenever I do something with the graphics drivers X windows stops working22:27
dunnousernamefnI can't login to the ubuntu DE22:27
lol-md5i got it to work!22:27
lol-md5it took much liberal use of #include <cups/ppd.h>22:27
lol-md5and one #include <stdio.h>22:27
dunnousernamefnI'm trying to compile something and literally every single function call causes a linking error22:28
dunnousernamefnOn every compiler22:28
ppfthat sounds like a layer 8 error22:32
dunnousernamefnprobably, considering I had to look up 'layer 8'22:33
ppfso what problem are you solving?22:33
ppfwhat's up with your compilation22:33
dunnousernamefnI'm not sure22:34
dunnousernamefnLike, I specify -l[...] but every command still fails22:34
ppfwhat are you compiling22:34
dunnousernamefnsome bullet physics engine code22:34
dunnousernamefnThe errors change (at least order) when I change the order of the arguments22:35
ppfthat's probably a bit too specific for us to help with22:35
ppflinking is order sensitive22:35
dunnousernamefnthat helps22:35
ppfbut whoever provides the software should tell you how to build it22:35
dunnousernamefnI'll look into the order I'm linking stuff22:35
dunnousernamefnI think it might be related to my graphics driver error22:41
dunnousernamefnin addition to the order of the linking22:41
ppfhow would that be related22:42
dunnousernamefnI got an error with libGL22:43
dunnousernamefnbut the error... it keeps changing... I'll keep doing random things to see if it starts working22:44
ppfthat sounds like a sane plan22:44
ppfif you pick a problem and spill some details, maybe we can help you a bit ;)22:44
dunnousernamefntbh I think it's mostly related to what I'm doing; I wrote the code that uses all these libraries22:45
dunnousernamefnYUS I reinstalled the libraries and it works22:48
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
BiessieI have x11vnc running and about 50% of the time i change the size of a window.. (dragging the corner to resize) it shuts down the server. I must SSH back in and restart the server. What could cause that?22:50
Biessieor is there a better VNC server i should use?22:51
Biessieif it matters - 18.04 LTS is what i'm running and all my packages are up to date22:52
gigirockBiessie: better it depends from the de and what performances you need22:52
BiessieI dont really need the greatest performance. im just doing basic tasks22:54
gigirockBiessie: if you don't use graphical things ...............22:54
Biessiei am mostly using VNC to view images i have on the HDD and organize them in my web server folder.22:55
XLVBiessie, vino is the default one ubuntu uses and it works well https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-remote-desktop-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux22:55
gabbomanHi, I'm having problems with 18.04 and chrome: sometimes youtuber shutters22:55
Biessiefamily pics i am seperating into different catagories.. kids, grand parents, family holidays, etc22:55
BiessieXLV - Vino? Is it compatible with cinnamon? i would assume yes?22:56
gigirockBiessie: are u on ubuntu ?22:56
Biessiegigirock : yes i just changed my desktop from gnome to cinnamon. easier on my CPU22:57
XLVBiessie, its gonna load tons of gnome base packages, so idk about that but there are other vnc servers you can try eg https://linuxconfig.org/vnc-server-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux22:57
BiessieXLV : Ill check that link out. Thanks22:58
XLValso tightvncserver https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-18-0422:58
gigirockBiessie: keep in mind that every de has special conf about rdp , and also consider the 'remote' de , 3d de are so difficult for rdp22:59
BiessieThanks XLV & gigirock. You guys gave me a good place to start. Ill take it from there.23:00
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
SleePyAppears in 18.04 if I install the package "php", apache is automatically installed.  Is there a simple way to not install apache?23:07
gigirockSleePy: did you install php-defaults ?23:10
SleePyNope.  Ran: apt install nginx php mariadb-server php-mysql23:10
SleePyInstall failed near the end with nginx-core.  Found that apache2 was running on port 80.  Found that php goes to 7.2 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/php7.2) which seems to install libapache2 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libapache2-mod-php7.2)23:11
SleePyFor some reason, libapache is a dependency.  I want it to resolve other dependencies.  Just want it to ignore apache.  As that was annoying to fix23:12
gigirockSleePy: try to install php-defaults23:12
Bitcoiner69how can i delay like a service from starting for example a 1 minute delay on ufw and deluge23:13
SleePygigirock: Will try next time.  Annoying I have to specify -defaults, but good to know when I spin up another test vm23:14
SleePyActually, getting a message that php-defaults doesn't exist :\23:14
NetEchohey folks I'm looking at virtualizing ubuntu from my windows rig and am wondering what typer 2 hypervisor seems to have better performance overall especially in the graphical side of things for running a full DE like KDE or Unity?  I have access to VMWare Workstation Pro 14 , VirtualBox and Microsoft Hyper-V23:40
gogeta#NetEcho kde these days is nearly as light as xfce23:44
NetEchoreally? dang I remember when that was the heaviest DE out there lol23:44
bapaNetEcho: It is, really. It's a miracle. KDE is actually *fast* now... and very light on RAM... I don't know what universe I'm in anymore.23:45
bapaGnome 3 on my box takes up 1.3 to 1.5 GB on boot, and KDE only takes about 700 MB.23:45
bapaAnd the box seems much, much snappier under KDE than GNome.23:46
bapaNot that you're comparing Gnome (it's KDE -vs- Unity), but still...23:46
NetEchoyea that's really hard to believe (at least until I set up some VMs) wow good job kde23:46
dunnousernamefnIIRC some packages/libraries have a -dbg variant. Does that mean they are compiled with -g in addition to having -dev headers?23:46
bapadunnousernamefn: I think they're just the debug symbols, not binaries.23:47
bapathe -dbg packages, I mean23:48
jattoHello. How do I change dns settings via cli iin 18-04?   /etc/resolv.conf says not to edit that file...23:48
dunnousernamefndon't the debug symbols need to be built into the libraries though23:48
NetEcholooks like vmware may be out of the running already lol says my system can't support a 64bit guest even though it most definitely can23:48
bapaI can only assume that all pkgs I are built with debug symbols on Ubuntu, but they're stripped and stuffed into their own ELF files (which only contain debug data, and have no executable code and other data, and cannot be executed or linked against).23:48
dunnousernamefnI didn't know that was possible23:49
bapadunnousernamefn: No. You can move the debug symbols into separate files, and you just need to tell gdb or lldb to point to it.23:49
bapayou can install one of them and see for yourself though23:49
bapadpgk -L yourpkg-dbg23:49
dunnousernamefnthats cool23:49
bapaand then run ``readelf -a`` on that pkg23:49
bapaand you will see it is an ELF file that simply contains debug data23:49
bapaerr, readelf -a on that pkg's debug symbol files**23:50
bapaI'd go test for you right now, but I'm not on Ubuntu atm. :X23:50
dunnousernamefnI just recompiled a library with -g, however gdb still says "/usr/local/lib/libBulletSoftBody.so.2.88" without source code line numbers... hmm23:51
dunnousernamefnbapa: that seems really interesting, and I'll look into that23:51
bapadunnousernamefn: Hold on. There's also ``dbgsym``-affixed pkgs too. Hmm.23:52
bapaNow I'm curious to boot into my ubuntu install and compare *-dbg and *-dbgsym for myself23:52
bapaoh, looks like you might be right. *-dbg might actually be the same pkg but built with debug flags on (though, it's still possible the *symbols* might be in *-dbgsym in that case as well).23:53
dunnousernamefnI wonder what happens when the -dev is updated; if the -dbg isn't, everything won't work in terms of debugging23:53
bapaI'd imagine it's all just kept in-sync.23:53
dunnousernamefnCan I tell gdb to load external libraries with debug symbols? Or maybe it does and I did something wrong23:54
dunnousernamefnI did CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-g when compiling23:54
bapaas far as I know, the -dev packages mostly just contain headers and probably static libraries. You can probably debug without -dev23:54
bapaHmm, looks like I was wrong about being wrong. -dbg, at least for ntfs-3g-dbg, really are just the debug symbols.23:56
dunnousernamefnthen are you wrong or right? *gasp*23:56
* bapa takes the subjective route and believes everyone has Their Own Truth(TM)23:57
dunnousernamefnso, lldb (not gdb) gives me addresses, but still not sources23:58
dunnousernamefnand I still don't know how to use addr2line, or maybe I do and it doesn't work with lldb23:58
bapadunnousernamefn: To my knowledge, lldb is usually pretty bad with automatically finding debug symbols in most distros. I usually have better luck with gdb.23:59
bapaYou can use the debug symbols with lldb, but it usually requires manually entering cmds to load the symbols.23:59
dunnousernamefnI think I used clang to compile, but I can't remember23:59
bapaI don't think it should make a difference tbh.23:59

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