
yukipany links to lubuntu next? lxqt01:47
tsimonq2Not particularly, because Lubuntu Next is no longer a thing.01:48
tsimonq2We're switching for 18.10.01:48
tsimonq2So Lubuntu Next is now Lubuntu. :P01:48
yukipoh, cool01:48
tsimonq2No problem.01:48
tsimonq2yukip: There's some rough edges, but http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/01:48
holywater"This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a standard 703MiB CD. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine."04:48
tsimonq2holywater: Yeah, I need to talk to someone about fixing that.04:49
tsimonq2Thanks though.04:49
holywateroh, there are plans to make lubuntu fit back into a CD?04:49
tsimonq2Well, *maybe*. I have an idea along those lines for down the road.......04:49
holywateralso, is there anyone i should talk to, regarding tweaking configuration files?04:50
holywatermostly things like setting default font to ubuntu'04:51
holywaters font and the like04:51
tsimonq2You've come to the right place :)04:51
tsimonq2holywater: Can I PM you? (You have +g set.)04:53
Unit193Side note: You can just /accept tsimonq2  to recieve PMs from him, or you can simply message him first.05:08
hehehewho here uses linuxium ?08:53
tsimonq2Hey, how ya doin'?08:53
hehehei am fine08:54
hehehethinking how to install lubuntu 18.04 on lenovo 100s08:54
tsimonq2Hm, what's Linuxium?08:54
tsimonq2Oh nice. :)08:54
heheheit is  a giant script sh :) to respin iso and add 32 bit uefi boot etc08:55
tsimonq2Oh, that's interesting.08:55
tsimonq2Got a link?08:55
tsimonq2(I'm Lubuntu's Release Manager and for 18.10 we're going to use Calamares; maybe we can incorporate some stuff in there.)08:55
hehehewould be awesome08:56
tsimonq2hehehe: So, how common are these devices?08:57
hehehelenovo 100s very common08:57
tsimonq2Can you buy one off the shelf today? How old are we talking?08:58
heheheyes you can08:58
heheheI have bought one 5 months ago08:58
tsimonq2I will admit; this is not my area of expertise. But I'll look into it.08:58
hehehefor argos for 85 GBP :)08:58
hehehe4 cores 64 bit atom processor :D08:59
heheheruns pretty fast on lubuntu08:59
hehehethere is ready made ISO for ubuntu http://linuxminipcs.com/isos09:00
hehehebut not for lubuntu :D09:00
tsimonq2Do you know this guy/gal?09:00
tsimonq2(The person who wrote this.)09:00
heheheplus with his script you can install lubuntu on intel sticks I think and all kind of mini pcs :)09:00
hehehenot personally09:01
hehehehowever he seems to be active09:01
tsimonq2These seem like some hacks :P but if they work, more power to ya.09:01
hehehethey do work :D09:02
heheheand what it does - lenovo changes bios by default so it will only boot windows :D09:02
hehehehowever now you can boot and install linux on them09:02
heheheyes would be fun to chat with Ian on irc - the guy behind isorespin09:03
heheheI can ask him if he is on freenode sometimes :)09:04
tsimonq2I'm on freenode, OFTC, and GeekShed; PMs are open, if he could shoot me a message. :)09:04
hehehehttps://plus.google.com/+IanMORRISON :)09:05
hehehesome wild stuff09:05
tsimonq2For sure.09:06
hehehetsimonq2: whereabouts are you based?09:07
tsimonq2hehehe: Wisconsin, USA.09:07
tsimonq2Doing some late night hacking :D09:08
heheheI fell asleep on a sofa last night doing it09:08
hehehetsimonq2: also back to my lubuntu issue :) I did respin 18.04 with 32 boot loader and atom support - however stick is yet to be detected - it seems I am missing something obvious09:10
hehehewhat could it be... :)09:10
tsimonq2I'm not sure.09:10
tsimonq2I've never personally worked with that hardware; your best bet would probably be to try #ubuntu (those guys and gals have tested all sorts of hardware) or talk to Ian.09:10
hehehetsimonq2: or lets say ubuntu iso will work? is there an easy way to make it lubuntu?09:11
tsimonq2hehehe: There's more than one way :)09:12
hehehefor example? :)09:12
tsimonq2sudo apt -y remove ubuntu-desktop^ && sudo apt -y install lubuntu-desktop^09:12
heheheyes lightweight desktop09:13
heheheI have read that lubuntu also uses more lightweight libraries?09:13
hehehefor many things09:13
tsimonq2If you're willing to do something much more hacky to just strip the install way down: http://askubuntu.com/questions/240346/how-to-keep-only-ubuntu-minimal09:13
tsimonq2Right, well, 18.04 and previous releases focus on being much more lightweight.09:13
tsimonq2We use LXDE and many lightweight applications.09:14
tsimonq2However, with 18.10 and on we're focusing on UX much more.09:14
tsimonq2Sure, LXQt is still a very light desktop, and by default we'll keep it minimal, but our goal is to then enable people to Use Their Computer. :)09:14
heheheyou should look into atom devices09:14
hehehethey are cheap and if there is a ready made iso :)09:15
hehehemore people will be getting into lubuntu09:15
tsimonq2How cheap are we talking?09:15
heheheunder 200 usd new! :D09:16
heheheand lightweight09:16
tsimonq2I'll look into it, thanks.09:16
hehehelightweight netbook + lightweight distro09:16
hehehetsimonq2:  https://blog.laurens.xyz/post/Ubuntu-on-Intel-Atom-Device.html   Note however that the respinning is done on an Ubuntu distribution itself, as I found that spinning the ISO on an Lubuntu distro results in unbootable ISO's as well.09:53
hehehelast time I recall I did respin on ubuntu and it did boot09:53
hehehenow I will get into ubuntu server and re spin there and then I think it will work09:54
holywaterhehehe: if it helps, cubic is a good alternative for creating your own lubuntu flavor10:30
heheheholywater: cool11:59
hehehere spinned on ubuntu might work now :D13:46
hehehedownloading iso from ubuntu server13:46
heheheblack screen14:23
heheheat least boots14:23
heheheguys how come no one here uses linuxium? :D14:23
heheheI feel its 5 min question14:24
heheheand I spent 10 hrs on it14:24
heheheo well I will simply pay someone will be quicker14:24
heheheok works14:56
hehehenomodeset :D14:56
hehehehow come by default encryption option is greyed out15:39
heheheon lubuntu when live usb is booted15:39
ilyaigpetrovThese are input fields in Empathy and Gajim. How may I fix it? Tried purging and upgrading. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WZnfOLaA/empathy-gajim.png16:17
ilyaigpetrovmaybe it's because I've install ibus recently, because I wanted ctrl+u to be working16:19
ilyaigpetrovwhich input method was the default?16:20
ilyaigpetrovsetting input method to None solved the problem, but ctrl+shift+u doesn't work16:25
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hehehetry to ask in ##linux17:32

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