[00:41] B W was added by: B W [00:43] Howdy. I've been trying to customize the Nexus 5 kernel options. I'm able to make the kernel zImage-dtb and subsequent boot.img but cannot get it to boot, it hangs on the google logo. [00:43] There's nothing unusual in /proc/last_kmesg suggesting what's wrong [00:43] anyone seen this before or able to offer some insight? [00:44] What initramfs are you building into the image [00:44] I pulled the one from boot-hammerhead.img [00:44] as well as trying the one extracted from the boot partition of the device [00:45] (unmodified touch is installed and running) [00:45] you are building the correct kernel source with all the ubuntu patches, and apparmor, and not disabling anything that was already enabled, yes? [00:45] Right, you'll need to start from ubports/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead [00:45] Yes, that's the one I have checked out [00:46] And you're building it in the Android tree, not trying to make it externally? [00:47] While I agree that downloading the whole thing is a waste of resources, it's better to not poke the bear. [00:48] I've been following the same steps I used successfully for the stock hammerhead kernel from google [00:48] So... no? [00:49] If by "android tree" you mean the steps involving " phablet-dev-bootstrap phablet", then no [00:49] I get 503s trying to visit phablet-dev-bootstrap phablet [00:49] err [00:49] https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/ [00:49] Well that's to be expected, the service is down [00:49] It went down on the 2nd, the repositories are rehosted at https://github.com/ubports-android/ [00:50] ah. so I need to wait for it to come back up? [00:50] No maintained documentation uses `phablet-dev-bootstrap` [00:50] But [00:50] No maintained documentation details setting up the ubp-5.1 tree either [00:50] so [00:51] You'll want to `repo init` using https://github.com/ubports/android [00:51] something something transitional phase something [00:52] Then, use the manifest fragments in https://github.com/ubports/devices to create a local manifest for your chosen device [00:52] If you're trying to build a custom kernel, I'd encourage you to contribute any fixes back into our hammerhead kernel [00:53] my "customization" quite literally consists of enabling MIDI sequencer support [00:53] i.e. CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER=y … CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER_OSS=y … CONFIG_SND_RAWMIDI_SEQ=y [00:53] Here, I think I have the tree locally. I'll build a bootimage with those. [00:54] what does that even do for hammerhead though? [00:54] creates /dev/snd/seq[uencer] [00:54] That's available on 3.4, right? [00:55] yes [00:55] I had it on stock hammerhead but had other issues getting audio out from chroot [00:55] it actually has midi seq in the hardware? [00:55] wow [00:56] Android gadgets are wonderful [00:56] (Photo, 1015x839) https://irc.ubports.com/1hcbmqF8.png here we go [00:56] It may not, I think that just exposes the ALSA sequencer dev node [00:56] For the curious I'm attempting to turn my disused Nexus 5 into a substitute MT-32 with munt [00:57] If it works you need to make a blog post about it! [00:57] which needs the /dev/snd/seq devices purely for midi routing [00:57] It's been done in chroot before [00:57] https://forum.xda-developers.com/g4-play/development/tool-emulate-roland-mt-32-using-munt-t3774457 [00:58] alas chroot has audio out issues on N5 [00:58] huh [00:58] spent the better part of several days beating my head against that issue [00:58] and since android supports USB MIDI devices, a cheap USB midi adapter in your OTG port and you have a fake MT32 [00:59] Normal warnings about trusting random binaries on the internet, blah blah blah [00:59] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/J8uO0Tp0.7z [00:59] πŸ‘ [00:59] will give it a stab right now [01:01] Oh, right [01:01] ``` sha512sum boot.7z … d52b25ba718e04cd6b7aefc3a2522cfd12753d11ab11662664b4c3aa87b047aafd7177d2ba43eb17991d230da9f3b2920701432f259311bd74d5bb613daae375 boot.7z``` [01:01] [Edit] $``` sha512sum boot.7z … d52b25ba718e04cd6b7aefc3a2522cfd12753d11ab11662664b4c3aa87b047aafd7177d2ba43eb17991d230da9f3b2920701432f259311bd74d5bb613daae375 boot.7z``` [01:01] editing goes worse [01:03] drat, must be missing something in the config [01:04] So it booted? [01:04] by-path pcmC0D11c pcmC0D14p pcmC0D19c pcmC0D22c pcmC0D3c pcmC0D7p … comprC0D9 pcmC0D11p pcmC0D15c pcmC0D19p pcmC0D22p pcmC0D3p pcmC0D8c … controlC0 pcmC0D12c pcmC0D15p pcmC0D1c pcmC0D23c pcmC0D4p timer … pcmC0D0c pcmC0D12p pcmC0D16c pcmC0D1p pcmC0D24p pcmC0D5c … pcmC0D0p pcmC0D13c pcmC0D17c pcmC0D20p pcm [01:04] C0D25c pcmC0D5p … pcmC0D10c pcmC0D13p pcmC0D17p pcmC0D21c pcmC0D2c pcmC0D6c … pcmC0D10p pcmC0D14c pcmC0D18p pcmC0D21p pcmC0D2p pcmC0D6p [01:04] aye, it booted [01:04] Ooh, careful about large pastes [01:04] Makes IRC users unhappy [01:04] heh, sorry [01:04] and it does seem to be the correct kernel [01:04] Linux version 3.4.0-cyanogenmod-g2669fa0-dirty (root@dalton-ryzen) (gcc version 4.8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 20 19:39:53 UTC 2018 [01:04] I thought IRC was better with large pastes then telegram? [01:05] Wed jun 20 [01:05] Hm [01:05] I'll do a clean rebuild [01:05] hang on, let me double check my config as well vs the AOSP hammerhead [01:05] @PhoenixLandPirate, yeah no [01:05] pastebin is great with large pastes though [01:06] Hi people! Quick question: is there any workaround on Dekko2 to make it work with my Yahoo account? [01:06] Or any configuration that I'm missing? [01:08] @dohbee, This is true [01:08] @dohbee, Ive used irc less than Ive used Bing. [01:08] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/0pB64u0M.7z [01:09] There, clean rebuild [01:09] #BlameAndroidBuildSystem [01:09] Thanks [01:10] if that doesn't work I think it might mean I need to do some ALSA tinkering/configuring [01:14] hmm [01:14] looks like the config changes did not apply [01:15] # CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER is not set [01:15] pulled from /proc/config.gz [01:15] # CONFIG_SND_RAWMIDI_SEQ is not set [01:17] ^^ Looked at your build screenshot above... did you miss make hammerhead_defconfig after editing? ;) [01:18] No actually, that should be done automatically by the build system [01:20] I'll try without ccache, I guess [01:20] fair enough; I'm only familiar with my own environment so I'm not qualified to comment on your setup 😊 [01:22] Well if you were, I'd start with "Hey, this kernel is built as root" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― [01:23] heh, I can see that from dmesg | head [01:25] part of me wants to learn more about android development because I have several phones which are no longer in service but still perfectly useable as miniature computers for odd tasks. [01:26] but when you do software development as a day job... the motivation to do more dev at home in your spare time kinda goes away. [01:26] Yep, I edited the wrong config [01:27] the folder has `cyanogenmod_hammerhead_defconfig` and `hammerhead_defconfig` [01:27] only one is correct [01:29] heh [01:29] the number of times I wasn't editing what I *thought* I was editing... happens to the best of us [01:30] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/R1mUTTHs.7z [01:30] There. Checked the `.config` this time. [01:32] bam [01:32] ls /dev/snd/seq … /dev/snd/seq [01:32] there it is [01:33] All you gotta do is do the right thing. :P [01:33] πŸ˜‰ [01:35] moment of truth [01:35] I HEAR MIDI [01:36] *high5* [01:36] Oh man. Do you have the sad midi saxophone yet? [01:37] well... I have this [01:37] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIW4F285QjA [01:38] somehow it sounds better on a fake MT32 [01:40] Glad to be of service [01:40] Now I just need to fix up the munt GUI to run on touch :) [01:42] and very much appreciated! you've probably saved me 15GB of bandwidth and probably several hours of cursing [01:43] I'll have to order a second MIDI cable now to get it setup with my desktop and the N5 as the synth [01:44] I'm making a note to make a little video and come back here and share once I have it all figured out [01:44] Yay! [01:45] and my N5 gets a second life other than dust collector [01:51] Thank you very much again... bedtime for me but now I have something else to look forward to doing tomorrow 😊 [01:51] No problem [03:34] Albus Dumbledore was added by: Albus Dumbledore [03:35] Hello there, I have a question does Ubuntu Touch support dual sim feature? [03:42] mr_imanx was added by: mr_imanx [04:06] Yes [04:11] Is WINE (www.winehq.org) included in UBports apps? [04:17] @cls006, what do you expect from wine on arm architecture? [04:17] No it is not [04:17] @ar7ch, ++ [04:23] @ar7ch, There are WINE apks for Android. [04:26] @cls006, of course, but they are for x86-based devices, arm devices only support windows RT which is... meh [04:27] @ar7ch, To run Windows apps on UBports. πŸ˜‰ … Or use WINE + QEMU to run x86 Windows apps. [04:29] @ar7ch, well RT was deprecated a long time ago and there are definetly much better alternatives for its apps [04:30] @cls006, are you sure that qemu will give you performance level you need? [04:54] your SoC probably doesn't support hardware virtualization like x86 cpus, moreover, very possible that qemu wouldn't start because of Halium hacks and android kernel [05:30] @vanyasem, How much u did [05:31] @amolith, I am not able load it , pls reload or upload as video [05:33] @John_athan, It's just an MP4. I'll upload it again and see if it makes a difference. [05:34] @vanyasem, What? [05:35] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/z6TBLvfe.mp4 [05:35] Apparently it's so small that Telegram converts it to a GIF [05:35] Could you please stop pinging me for no reason ^.^ [05:35] Thank you [05:36] @vanyasem, I didn't know if you were replying to what I sent or not [05:36] @vanyasem, Same here [05:36] Ok . . . [05:49] @amolith, telegram converts video with sound turned off to gif [05:55] I can't view your file anyway [05:59] Not sure why. It opens in VLC just fine. [06:00] I might put it on my YT channel. It's a screen recording of Ubuntu Touch. [06:25] @amolith, Any thing new in that video, any new features? [06:33] I think it's literally just a test recording [08:15] thre4dinf0 was added by: thre4dinf0 [08:15] Hello everyone :) [08:16] Thought I'd join here, because I hit an issue trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4, and I haven't seen any solution online [08:17] I am running the latest UBPorts installer, and it doesn't seem to be able to detect the phone in fastboot mode, even though I've verified that the driver is installed and I can see the device with "fastboot devices" [08:17] Is there any known solution for this, or a way to manually install it? [08:34] To all the new people here, welcome! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get your UT journey started [09:01] @thre4dinf0 is the device listed via fastboot devices? [09:01] you wrote that. [09:01] how about manually selecting the device? [09:05] That's what I'm doing [09:05] I've found some others online that basically said that the Windows version is plainly broken, so that's probably the issue [09:06] ohh [09:15] @thre4dinf0 try using ubports installer 0.1.7 [09:15] That worked for me for some reason [09:18] @thre4dinf0 the latest version for windows should work https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/releases/download/0.1.20-beta/ubports-installer.0.1.20-beta.exe [09:18] If that fails, the usual backup plan is to use 0.1.9-beta [09:19] Also I've seen a lot of installations fail due to a bad usb cable [09:19] [Edit] Also I've seen a lot of installations failing due to a bad usb cable [09:20] https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/releases?after=0.1.11-beta [09:21] Yeah i had issues using the latest version at one point and tried 0.1.9 and that didnt work either. But 0.1.7 did [09:37] dgreen was added by: dgreen [09:37] @advocatux, Been using that one [09:38] @advocatux, I'll give it a try [09:38] @Lyokanthrope, R u trying adb method or mir method [09:38] @thre4dinf0, πŸ‘ [09:40] @geotechland, 0.1.9 doesn't work either, I'll try 0.1.7 next [09:42] @thre4dinf0, Can you try to run it as admin? [09:43] @advocatux, I already tried that with the latest release, but sure, I'll give it another try [09:43] Can you try with another usb cable and/or another usb port? [09:44] I'll try it on another PC later, yeah. I'd be surprised if that was the issue though, since I've not had any issues with this PC/Cable/Port before [09:44] Thanks for the help though, I'll get back to you if I still can't get it working later [09:45] Or, I could try a Linux VM I guess, since the installer works better on there from what I've read online [09:45] Okay, but it's better to continue in the Install group https://t.me/WelcomePlus ;) [09:45] Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought this was the right group O.o [09:46] No problem :) [09:46] Thanks :) [09:46] you're welcome :) [09:51] @thre4dinf0, Hmm you are using very old versions, in general the .1.20 should work now also in windows [11:36] alexey70 was added by: alexey70 [11:37] Hello everyone [11:37] I want Ubuntu bionic on one of my phone is this possible? [11:38] Currently Xenial is the latest supported release, so not really. [11:38] And it'll be based on? [11:41] My device codename mido [11:42] @JBBgameich, Mine phone is xioami too. But I am in Android. I want to install Ubuntu in my xiaomi [11:43] @alexey70, This device is also not supported by Ubuntu Touch, but someone started a Halium port for it (https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/71) which means with some additional work you could port Ubuntu Touch to it. [11:45] @Loveisblurred, Albus Wolfric Percival brain Dumbledore [11:46] @Loveisblurred, [Edit] Albus Percival wolfric brain Dumbledore [11:48] @alexey70, Thanks Man. [12:08] o_O [13:11] @alexey70, Er... What? [13:11] er muggles or something [13:11] It's dumbledors full name [13:13] Potterhead. [13:13] Sorry [13:13] Are you shirius. [13:44] @John_athan, No just demonstrating how it works. [14:28] @Loveisblurred please, keep your posts on topic in this group or go to OT (https://t.me/ubports_ot). Thank you [16:57] Camera seems not working anymore on pro5 UT 16.04 devel: it keeps spinning around at app start-up. Any other pro5 owner noticed so? === grumble1 is now known as grumbe === grumbe is now known as grumble [17:26] Consider I just freshly installed Anbox to test it on my phone...could it be related to this issue anyhow? [18:22] I downloaded music in Cloud Music and chose the file manager.....but I can't find the files for the life of me [18:22] not in cache, config and local of cloud music and download manager.... [18:27] It's a known bug and @johangm90 is working on it. It downloads to `.cache/com.ubuntu.music/HubIncoming/../` and should copy it to `~/Music/Imported/year/month/day/` but it doesn't work [18:28] [Edit] It's a known bug and @johangm90 is working on it. It downloads to `.cache/com.ubuntu.music/HubIncoming/../` and should move it to `~/Music/Imported/year/month/day/` but it doesn't work [18:28] See https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xVXJTMqgZX/ [18:30] BTW, you should find your downloaded music in that first directory [18:31] @Javacookies ^ [18:32] but I don't have the music directory on my cache yet because I haven't opened it yet ever [18:35] It doesn't matter, it should be in `~.cache/com.ubuntu.music/HubIncoming/.../` [18:38] Hmm I misread you, sorry. Then I don't know where is downloaded if that directory doesn't exist [18:38] @advocatux, Wow a duck [18:38] @alexey70, That's enough now, the harry potter references were almost funny [18:38] @alexey70, What do you mean? [18:38] Your avatar [18:38] Your pic pro [18:39] FYI It's a penguin :) [18:39] I think he knows, he's trying to troll you. :P [18:40] Yep, and I'm giving him/her the last chance :D [18:40] @advocatux, it's weird...I know they were downloaded but I really can't find them LOL [18:40] they're lost in quantim realm [18:40] Have you took a look to the log? [18:41] [Edit] Have you taken a look to the log? [18:42] I mean in your phone, not the one I pasted [18:42] Last chance means? [18:43] It means knock it off. :) [18:43] nothing really helpful in the log, just the URL of the actual download [18:44] Not `Triggering content-hub import` or something like that? [18:46] ContentPeerPicker.qml has some errora [18:47] like Cannot read property peers of null [18:51] oh well...it's 3am... [18:51] thank you for helping 😁 [18:54] @Javacookies yw. I was trying to download a song but using the filemanager instead of the music app. This is the output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VCH4qPZgcf/ [18:56] yeah same with mine [18:57] Right. Good night !! [18:57] but you are right, the files are temporarily downloaded in the HubIncoming directory of the receiving app [18:58] Yep, let's see what Johan has to said about this issue [18:58] [Edit] Yep, let's see what Johan has to say about this issue [18:58] import doesn't to work though...could be a problem with content hub in xenial? [18:59] I don't know, maybe an apparmor problem? [18:59] (Sticker, 382x512) https://irc.ubports.com/AjpcuBL4.webp [19:00] well for me the content-hub filemanager doesnt work quite well when I try to download any file using the browser or an webapp like Nextcloud. After I select the folder where I want to save the file, it just do nothing most of the time [19:00] [Edit] well for me the content-hub filemanager doesnt work quite well when I try to download any file using the browser or a webapp like Nextcloud. After I select the folder where I want to save the file, it just do nothing most of the time [19:00] Same here [19:05] Yes, that song I was testing is in `~.cache/com.ubuntu.filemanager/HubIncoming/1/` in this case, so the download part works [19:06] hmmm maybe a bug in the new filemanager? it works on mine with the old filemanager but I only tried it in vivid thougj [19:08] and why am I even still awake LOL [19:08] πŸ˜‚ [19:08] @Javacookies, Brains to active [21:22] glyphist was added by: glyphist [21:23] Benji Smith was added by: Benji Smith [21:24] Hi Benji Smith and his clone Benji Smith [21:24] I want a clone, too. Where can i get one? [21:55] Hi Ivan, … I'd start with getting 2 phone numbers [21:55] Then a cloning vat [21:55] you and clone need two phones ofc :) [21:57] Anyone has had any luck with running libertine apps? I have some apps installed but the scope doesn’t work and I can’t find any documentation on how to run them once installed. Even via terminal [21:57] Fill me in, did Canonical discontinue Ubuntu Touch, and now UPorts is a community driven project based of that work? [21:57] @Benji Smith, That would be correct. :) [21:57] Thanks AP [22:11] offtopic: is there any way to have Dekko (not dekko2) in ubports , I was quite happy with dekko (4 accounts working with minor issues whereas 3 of them I do not get them to work with dekko2 😒 ) and switching to ubports 15.04 deleted dekko as it is no longer in the openstore. Thanks for any help while I fill dekko2 bug report [22:11] s πŸ‘ [22:11] @AlexanderPlaza, "ubuntu-app-launch-appids" to get the appid … "ubuntu-app-launch appid" to launch the appο»Ώ [22:12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aouooDea1D0 [22:12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lPzf_MU2Rw [22:12] https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/763 [23:33] Has anyone gotten htop to work on a Nexus 5?