
=== snoopy is now known as Guest35316
Guest35316I am using budgie11:58
Guest35316I am using ubuntu budgie since about one month.  It is light and reactive, furthermore I like gnome apps a lot,  with some modifications....   like vlc media player12:00
Guest35316I just wanted to report a bug I noted:12:00
Guest35316when I ibernate the system or just turn the monitor off,12:01
Guest35316it loses the internet wired connection...  so, I wake it up, it says 'not connected';  I try to reset connection by using or restarting network manager (but it is like it doesn't find the card or cable), do something,  but the only solution is restarting the pc....12:04
Guest35316xfce de doesn't show this problem.   wi-fi  works a bit better....12:04
Guest35316furthermore I wanted to  show this guide to protect dns cache against cache poisoning:  https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-stubby-dns-over-tls12:07
Guest35316maybe also the bar could allow a bit more personalization; from xfce barI just miss the possibility to add more icons and app icons and the way it shows the list of open apps / tasks (allowing you to switch more easily from one to another)12:10
Guest35316have a nice week end12:11
jfbourdeauREGISTER j0shua1929 jfbourdeau@gmail.com17:05
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
=== P1NN3N_ is now known as P1NN3N

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