
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:21
zmoylan-piall go well yesterday brobostigon?08:06
brobostigonfalse alarm unfortunatly, although she is 4 days overdue, so they might induce her if she gets too late.08:07
zmoylan-pipity, having a birthday on bastille day could be fun :-)08:08
zmoylan-pian entire country is celebrating your birthday :-)08:09
knightwisehey zmoylan-pi brobostigon08:45
brobostigonhi knightwise08:45
knightwiseappears to be a lazy sunday here15:18
* penguin42 yaaawwwwnnns at knightwise15:19
zmoylan-pisome football thingy on i think16:46
brobostigonis there? i didnt realise, i was watching back to the future, :)16:47
zmoylan-pii went for a walk in the damp drizzle... bliss16:49
zmoylan-piafter 40 days of no rain it was a nice change16:49
brobostigonwe have yet to see any here, still scorching and dry as a bone.16:50
penguin42we've had a couple of heavy showers on Thursday and Friday, tomorrow is supposed to be quite wet around lunchtime16:50
zmoylan-pion friday they were saying no rain forecast for at least 10 days but it seems to be changing a little. not much rain but a little relief after none16:51
penguin42yeh the forecast has been very random - on thursday it was showing the weekend as hot and dry, then on friday it changed the temperature for saturday/sunday down to 20c-ish, and it's worked out closer to 24-25 - but then they have next week as cooler16:52
knightwiseman  i wish we had some rain here17:16
zmoylan-pibe careful what you wish for...17:17
zmoylan-pibut they've been dredging back through rainfall records for over 160 years to get to a summer as dry as this in ireland...17:18
zmoylan-piand i'm not sure if that's when it happened last time or the records only go back that far...17:18

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