
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'm heading to NC monday/tuesday17:20
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi, Driving?17:38
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yes @_@17:38
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Damn, I wish I were not in a deployment this week or I would ride up wit you17:39
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers That would've been awesome, we need to do another road trip soon!17:40
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I miss the road trips with you guys and they need to happen more than once a year17:40
floridagram-bot<KMyers> True, we should plan something for later this year18:01
floridagram-bot<KMyers> How long will you be @RazPi18:01
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'll be up for 1-2 weeks then going to NY in August for just over a week I believe18:02
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Ok18:02

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