
bapadunnousernamefn: you may want to google how to get gdb or lldb to correctly find the source code for a program you're debugging btw. I haven't done this in a while so I can't remember, but you should be able to do it.00:00
dunnousernamefnI imagine they're standard debugging symbols00:01
bapaYes, they're in DWARF format and understood by both debuggers.00:01
bapadunnousernamefn: btw, in case you're not aware, ``apt-get source YOUR_PKG_NAME`` is also your friend00:03
dunnousernamefnDoes that give the source code?00:04
bapaKinda hard to debug without source code, unless you like reading assembly :P00:04
bapaalthough you will need to have configured apt to look for the deb-src repos00:04
bapawhich should usually be commented out in /etc/apt/*.conf or whatever the repo conf files are00:05
bapaor via some program if you search for "repositories" or something00:05
dunnousernamefnI'm not using a package, I was just curious about -dbg00:05
dunnousernamefnI'm also trying to debug something I built from source00:05
dunnousernamefnSo that might've been kinda confusing00:06
bapaoh, then that should make things much easier.00:06
tknpanyone else have trouble with 18.04 server not detecting existing partitions on local disks during the install? not sure what it up00:07
dunnousernamefnbecause everything is -fPIC, the addresses are offset by some unknown amount (I think)00:09
dunnousernamefnor maybe GDB really doesn't see any symbols00:09
bapatknp: what partitioning scheme do you have? MBR-style, GPT, LVM?00:09
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bapadunnousernamefn: with -fPIC, variables (and other stuff) use an indirect offset into the ``.got`` section of the ELF file. and the dynamic linker updates where they point to when the library or app loads.00:10
dunnousernamefnI'm not sure what that means, but I think it means "I can't do anything about it"00:10
bapaif fPIC is off, stuff like global variable has offsets hard-coded into the assembly code, rather than generating assembly code that, as I said, refers to the ``.got`` table00:11
bapadunnousernamefn: `readelf -a YOUR_PROGRAM`` is your friend btw :300:11
dunnousernamefnI did use readelf00:11
bapadunnousernamefn: also ``objdump -d YOUR_PROGRAM``00:11
tknpjust some basic ext4 partitions spread across a local disk using mbr00:11
bapait might be a good idea to generate an fPIC and one non-fPIC program and compare the assembly generated with ``objdump -d``.00:11
dunnousernamefnLet me tell you completely what's happening: I'm getting a nullptr, and it tells what function, but I don't get a line number00:12
dunnousernamefnand there are many dereferences there00:12
bapaHmm, this ir probably closer to the realm of programming general, and not #ubuntu-specific support now though.00:12
bapaThough I have no idea what IRC channel would be good for helping with debugging.00:12
dunnousernamefnMaybe ##workingset00:13
bapaI'd guess probably the official LLVM/LLDB channel (if there is one) or the GDB channel maybe.00:13
dunnousernamefnwoah, we have a gdb channel?00:13
bapaProbably. I have no idea what channels are on Freenode.00:14
dunnousernamefnI found it00:14
tknp@bapa sorry, I am using gpt00:15
ironpillowhi all, need help with logrotate. Under lastaction how can I get the filename AFTER dateext/dateformat have renamed the file. I need to pass in the exact filename to an external script. if I use $1 inside lastaction, i am receiving the plain file name /var/log/mylog but I want /var/log/mylog-2018-07-13-1531550948. thanks!00:22
dunnousernamefnaha, I figured it out00:24
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hfpI'm trying to `snap install lxd` in an lxd container running ubuntu artful, but the installation fails with "- Mount snap "core" (4917) ([start snap-core-4917.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-core-4917.mount failed." Any ideas?01:17
chuck__How do I fix "We're having trouble finding that site" problem in Firefox01:20
hfpNevermind, just realized 17.10's EOL is this month anyway01:24
chuck__I never had a problem with the older version of Ubuntu..current version seems very buggy01:24
hfpchuck__: this could be caused by anything other than ubuntu. what does `ping -c3` say?01:25
chuck__says Network is unreachable01:27
chuck__Several web sites seem to work fine01:27
chuck__Links to other sites like Amazon or Lowes seem to crash every time01:27
chuck__Its almost like it lost its ability to automatically link to the DNS01:30
joshumaxI'm hoping since I'm trying to install 18.04 this is the right place. So I have one of those crappy Clovertrail tablets with 32 bit UEFI and I have the strangest problem...after the kernel bootstrap process I completely lose USB functionality. Since the only method of input on these things is USB I basically lose any ability to install a distro on this godforsaken thing... Anyone have any kernel parameters that might fix it?01:43
joshumaxUSB works in reFINd so I'm guessing after a root hub reset the whole thing breaks?01:43
pragmaticenigmajoshumax: does the machine have a current OS on it?01:55
joshumaxpragmaticenigma: Yeah, a horrendously buggy version of Win1001:56
pragmaticenigmajoshumax: Judging but what I glanced through on the web... If this is your first forey into the world of linux, you've picked one really big up hill battle01:57
joshumaxpragmaticenigma: I used to do development on the GNU/Hurd and I already have a few patches in the kernel so I'm not afraid to get messy with hardware :P01:57
joshumaxI'm just trying to avoid having to do a ton of work if it's a simple fix that someone knows about01:58
pragmaticenigmathe install drive has the EFI file in the /EFI/boot directory?01:58
joshumaxpragmaticenigma: Yeah, I have a 32-bit version of grub in there and it boots to grub just fine.01:59
joshumaxThe kernel boots too and loads up a mini ramdisk01:59
joshumaxBut none of the USB ports work, which is a major PITA because these thing only has USB ports. Even the ethernet is routed through the USB controller, so ssh isn't an option02:00
pragmaticenigmaDoes it get to a live instance ? I can't remember if you can boot live drives with UEFI02:01
joshumaxpragmaticenigma: Yeah I can get to a live instance02:02
pragmaticenigmaand usb stays live there?02:02
joshumaxNope. So I can't do much unless everything I need is already loaded in RAM by grub02:03
joshumaxWhich affords me about a max of 1GB of room to play around (assuming I could which I can't thanks to both the touchscreen and keyboard not working)02:03
joshumaxI might be able to get a teensy bit more if I do something crazy like have grub shove the kernel into the graphics SRAM buffer or something but that would only get me about ~4 more MB02:06
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pragmaticenigmanot sure joshumax ... I've avoided all things UEFI like the plague02:17
KrenairWhen will xenial -> bionic do-release-upgrade be available?02:25
pragmaticenigmaestimated date is July 26th, Krenair02:27
Krenairpragmaticenigma, cool thanks, is there a page with this info somewhere?02:29
Krenairis it always following the .1 update?02:30
pragmaticenigmaKrenair: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule02:31
KrenairYeah I saw that02:31
pragmaticenigmanot sure I understand what you mean "following the .1 update" ?02:32
Krenairwell 18.04 is already out02:32
Krenairbut it sounds like the do-release-upgrade enabling of updating from previous versions happens after 18.04.1 gets released?02:32
pragmaticenigmaKrenair: The .1 releases usually contain a mass amount of bug fixes from the initial release. The Ubuntu team holds on the LTS release to ensure as many bugs are worked out so they can also flag it "ready for business"02:34
KrenairI see so this is the regular procedure when making a new LTS02:34
Krenairthanks pragmaticenigma02:35
pragmaticenigmaalso the focus on releasing 18.04 doesn't include generating the upgrade scripts, that comes after the release02:35
TURTLE_FUUCKERi have now been asked to leave #freenode by the dictator mniip and #debian by the clown unit193.02:37
TURTLE_FUUCKERI am still on my peaceful voyage seeking a place to fuck my turtles in peace without being harassed by the sex nazis02:37
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granttrecdoes anyone know how apt knows who has requested a package install etc?03:33
klandestineI just installed ubuntu and can't login via root03:35
klandestineI don't recall seeing anything that asked for a password for root on the install either03:35
TimeDoctoryou're supposed to sudo03:36
klandestineno root account at all?03:36
TimeDoctorusing a root account is bad03:36
KrenairSo the lua-lgi package03:39
Krenair(under artful)03:40
Krenairwrites to /usr/share/lua/5.2/lgi and /usr/share/lua/5.1/lgi03:40
Krenairbut not /usr/share/lua/5.3/lgi03:40
klandestinewhat's the best package to set up wifi on ubuntu?03:41
Krenairbut lua5.3 is available as a package03:41
Krenairklandestine, for me it just worked out the box03:41
klandestineI have a cable connected to the ethernet port03:42
klandestineI'll figure it out...03:42
klandestinenext question is how do I get cinnamon on ubuntu?03:43
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tomreyngranttrec: where do you see apt knowing which user requested a package installation?03:47
granttrectomreyn: /var/log/apt/history*03:47
tomreynoh right. i guess the dameon just records your uid then03:48
tomreynif you're running it though sudo it may just record $SUDO_USER03:50
tomreyni don't know the exact approach t takes, though.03:50
tomreynklandestine: sudo apt install cinnamon  # or cinnamon-desktop-environment03:52
klandestinewill it work on a reboot?03:52
tomreynklandestine: you mean whether this change persists? yes.03:52
tomreynyou will need to choose the desktop environment to login during login03:53
tomreynafter entering your username on the graphical login prompt a little cog should appear, allowing you to set the desired DE.03:53
klandestineI rebooted after install cinnamon-common and when I try to login it just goes to a purple screen with a cursor03:54
granttrectomreyn: thanks I think this is what I am looking for03:55
tomreynklandestine: you installed only "cinnamon-common'?03:55
tomreynwelcome granttrec03:55
tomreynklandestine: why, was the rest already installed then?03:56
tomreyn<tomreyn> klandestine: sudo apt install cinnamon  # or cinnamon-desktop-environment03:57
klandestineno, I take that back. I installed cinnamon-core03:57
tomreynwell, still wrong ;)03:57
tomreynbut it's a step closer already03:58
klandestineI just started the install for desktop envioronment03:58
tomreynyou may want to "sudo apt-mark auto cinnamon-common cinnamon-core" if you previously ran 'apt install' with both of these packages listed on the command line.03:59
klandestinerun that command after cinnamon-desktop-envioronment?04:00
klandestinethat will set cinnamon to the default dm?04:01
tomreynno. selecxting it at login once using the cog will.04:02
tomreynhere's why i suggested running 'apt-mark auto' against these packages the cinnamon-desktop depends on (which you previously asked apt to install): when you 'apt install somepackage' then somepackage is set a 'manually installed', i.e. apt will remember that you explicitly asked it to install 'somepackage', whereas if you had installed 'someotherpackage-which-depends-on-somepackage' it would have marked 'somepackage' as automatically installed.04:03
tomreynthis makes a difference when you later uninstall packages. those packages you didn't seem to have manually chosen to be installed will just be removed if nothing else depends on them.04:04
tomreyni.e. 'cinnamon-core' will be be staged for removal when you remove 'cinnamon' by default, i think. but not if you previously pecifically requested 'cinnmon-core' to be installed.04:05
tomreynmaybe too much detail for now. ;)04:06
klandestineI dont' see the cog04:06
tomreynklandestine: which ubuntu veriso is it?04:06
tomreyndo you mean 18.04?04:06
tomreynthere is no '18'04:07
klandestineI had to look. I just remembered the 1804:07
tomreynokay, i'll try in a vm04:07
tomreynklandestine: is this what your login screen looks like after selecting the user to sign in with? http://i.imgur.com/R5Rhz9V.png04:09
tomreynhere's what i get when clicking on the cog: http://i.imgur.com/Rkvse0I.png04:10
tomreyn(it would look different for you)04:10
klandestineI just installed another desktop manager and rebooted04:10
klandestineI'm following directions on a site I found04:11
tomreynthis can be good, or bad, depends on the site you found ;)04:11
klandestinewe'll find out if it's good...04:12
tomreynif you don't want to do a full reboot, you could also log out, press ctrl-alt-f4, log in there, type "sudo systemctl restart lightdm", press ctrl-alt-f4, logout there, press ctrl-alt-f104:13
klandestineI got it04:14
tomreynnot really easier, and maybe not faster either.04:14
klandestinethe only thing strange (to me at least) is the wallpaper is the debian insignia04:14
tomreynhmm, maybe the cinnamon desktop environment folks didnt change it to ubuntu.04:15
klandestineguess not04:15
tomreynwell, you can most likely change it04:16
klandestineI will at some point04:16
raspi-user3445tgHaving a weird issue with Ubuntu MATE on my raspberry pi. Installed OpenVPN but cannot add config files because I see no such option in the NetworkManager GUI04:23
tomreynraspi-user3445tg: sudo apt install network-manager-openvpn-gnome04:24
tomreynyou may need to logout and login afterwards04:24
raspi-user3445tgThanks I'll give it a try! Not on GNOME but... why not? As they say: if it works, it works.04:25
tomreyni think 'gnome' just refers to gtk (as opposed to kde/qt) there04:27
raspi-user3445tgDNS leaks are another issue entirely though. Something I've had a problem with on nearly every Ubuntu based OS I've used. That's one of the reasons I prefer Fedora. If they fixed that, I'd love Ubuntu.04:27
raspi-user3445tgAh gotcha04:27
tomreynnot everyone uses VPNs for privacy reasons. i guess most people dont. so the default configuration may not take this into account.04:29
raspi-user3445tgTrisquel, for instance, the libre version of Ubuntu is absolutely great. But since it's based on Ubuntu, my VPN constantly leaks DNS requests to my ISP. Just one of those things. Other than that, Ubuntu is pretty great. A much greater software repository than RedHat's, that's for sure.04:29
raspi-user3445tgYes you are probably right. For me I can't live without my VPN on. It's like changing in front of an open window at night, even with the most innocent of things.04:30
raspi-user3445tgIt works!! Thank you so much!! Now to fix those DNS leaks... Oh I hate IPTables04:31
tomreynthere is gufw04:31
jtreminioHowdy folks. I am trying to download all packages in a PPA, for later optional installation of user-defined packages. I _only_ want to download the packages to make them available for later installation, so I am using `apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests --download-only`04:37
jtreminioHowever, some packages report conflicts. Is it possible to ignore this error and force the package download anyway?04:38
lotuspsychjejtreminio: we dont really support adding of external ppa's here mate04:38
lotuspsychjejtreminio: they are a risk to scramble your system04:38
jtreminiolotuspsychje, ignoring it being from a PPA, my main question is simply downloading the packages for later optional installation04:39
jtreminio"Simply" being relative, of course :)04:39
tomreynjtreminio: should work as long as you dont remove the apt source and dont clear the cache, and prevent it from getting cleared automatically04:40
jtreminiotomreyn, yeah, that's what I had hoped, but there's an error https://dpaste.de/d2UX04:41
tomreynnow that's where what lotuspsychje said applies again ;)04:42
lotuspsychjejtreminio: is it possible you can find your needed packages from the official repos?04:43
jtreminioDoes this being from a PPA really matter though? I imagine there's packages in official repos that conflict if attempted to be installed, but I really only want to download the .deb files locally04:43
lotuspsychjejtreminio: apt download packagename or so?04:43
lotuspsychjeor apt-cache, cant remember04:44
tomreynif you're using sury's php PPA, you ought to be read his instructions04:44
jtreminiotomreyn, I had the goal of creating a docker image whenever a new build is released, so a year from now someone can spin up a php 7.2.4 container, for example, and be able to install any of the packages in the PPA at the point in time the image was originally created04:45
jtreminioI understand y'alls avoidance of PPAs in general, but I would have imagined the problem I was running into was more general in nature04:46
jtreminio"force apt-get install --download-only to ignore conflicts and just download the devs'04:46
ovaltradejCan anyone tell me where I can download irc wav sounds for kick, ban, alerts etc?04:48
lotuspsychjeovaltradej: whats your irc client?04:48
tomreynjtreminio: i suggest you talk to Ondřej Surý , maybe the two of you will develop a public service out of it?04:48
tomreynovaltradej: /join #konversation04:51
raspi-user3445tgStrange my VPN connection keeps failing because it is timing out04:51
tomreynraspi-user3445tg: that's before or after you edited your iptables rule set? ;-)04:52
ovaltradejI'm there tomreyn nobody is around04:52
tomreynovaltradej: i'm afraid we can't magically make people appear there04:52
tomreynthey probbaly have some web forum or similar, too, though04:54
raspi-user3445tgI really wish DuckDuckGo was the default search engine with Ubuntu installs, not Google. Also HTTPSeverywhere and uBlock would be a great default ad-on05:26
OERIAS^ Google is love, Google is Life!05:27
raspi-user3445tgGoogle is data capitalism and PRISM05:35
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dzipc_hello , I could not to start into my ubuntu system,and i got a failure msg in grub CLI. It says that `failure reading sector from hd0`, and when I use 'ls' in grub , Iget the msg of (hd0) (hd1,gpt1)... I only have onr HD disk in the computer and which is the hd1. However, which is the hd0 ?06:02
dzipc_why there is a hd0 in the grub CLI, and read failure?06:03
ppfdzipc_: so grub lists two disks?06:04
ppfcan you paste/screenshot?06:05
dzipc_and when I use `ls (hd0)` it returns unknow filesystem06:05
dzipc_wait for a moment06:05
ppftry ls (hd0)/06:06
dzipc_here is the picture06:10
dzipc_In the live CD system, I can only see a disk with `sudo fdisk -l`06:12
dzipc_I really don't know what the hd0 is.06:13
ppflooks messed up06:14
ppfhave you tried reconfiguring grub?06:14
dzipc_It's a server with a virtual RAID6 disk. I have already rebuild the RAID disk, format every data and re-install ubuntu, but changes nothing. I also tried reconfigure grub in the CLI and run grub-repair in the live-CD.06:19
ppfbut booting from hd1 works?06:19
EriC^^dzipc_: there's been a grub bug recently for uefi systems06:22
EriC^^dzipc_: type "ls (hd1,gpt2)/"06:23
dzipc_(hd1,gpt2) is the / dir and all the files can be ls06:24
ppfdzipc_: can't you just ignore this then? :)06:25
dzipc_but it can't boot in hd106:26
ppfwhy not?06:27
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dzipc_what should i do is using `root ` and `kernal` command to set hd1 in the grub?  or use the grub-repair?06:31
EriC^^dzipc_: type "configfile (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"06:33
dzipc_i have typed .and should i reboot?06:37
dzipc_EriC^^: done with it06:38
dzipc_all the same😭06:42
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EriC^^dzipc_: huh06:46
EriC^^dzipc_: after typing it you should have gotten the grub screen (the menu)06:46
tomreyndzipc_: can you tel us more about the "virtual RAID6"? is this hardware raid (if so, which hardware), fakraid?06:52
dzipc_ EriC^^: there is no grub dir in the   /boot06:56
EriC^^dzipc_: aha are there any other files?06:56
cognosco4git clone https://github.com/phracker/irssi-themes06:57
mannyHey, can I install gshell-system-monitor or similar in the top bar without installing browsers or browser extensions in 18.04?06:58
EriC^^dzipc_: do you have a live usb you can boot?06:59
dzipc_yes i have06:59
EriC^^ok boot it and report back06:59
tomreynmanny: i never did this, but this seems to explain how you could: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/76-gnome/283-gnome-shell-install-extension-command-line-script07:01
mannytomreyn: thanks. Anyway, don't you think is a bit cumbersome to have to do all that stuff to just install such a basic and fundamental OS utility?07:06
DesetudeI am running a program in a screen but after dettaching from it like 10 hours ago and reattaching now, I can no longer type in it07:07
Desetudeand force killing it isn't really an option07:07
tomreynmanny: you already have ps and top, i assume?07:08
mannytomreyn: yes, but this is a desktop. I want to be able to check the load when Im not on the terminal.07:08
tomreynmanny: since you'Re asking my personal opinion: IF there is no other, easier, way to install gnome extensions, which does not depends on installing the gnome extension manager browser add-on beforehand (I would not know whether that's the case), then I'd agree, it should be easier.07:10
tomreyn(but we should move discussions to other channels)07:11
tomreynDesetude: maybe it's locked? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/261477/gnu-screen-locked-how-to-unlock07:12
dzipc_EriC^^: cognosco4 ppf  thks for your help. My new SSD have arrived, i will install it and retry.07:13
mannytomreyn: yes, but this is a desktop. I want to be able to check the load when Im not on the terminal.07:13
EriC^^dzipc_: ok07:13
mannytomreyn: sorry07:14
mannytomreyn: what I wanted to say - and I will stop this now - is that I'n not to happy with some Ubuntu 18.04 decisions. For example, file manager now does a fuzzy search when a key is pressed on the whole FS instead of selecting files by name in the current dir. Annoying. Anyway, thanks for the help. I just wanted to express my opinion about it.07:16
Desetudetomreyn: well it looks like to unlock Im meant to CTRL+A CTRL+X and I do that then put in root's pw but it doesnt fix it07:18
tomreynmanny: right, this kind of chat does not belong into this support channel, and i'm the wrong audience for it, too.07:19
mannytomreyn: Ok thanks, sorry for the noise.07:20
tomreynDesetude: i'm afraid i have no oither suggestions07:22
tomreynmanny: you're welcome07:22
tmch2 Hi! I'm trying to install bios grub. I've made a raw partition and run grub-install on it. It boots up, but it only shows the grub console. I guess it can't see the grub config file. How can I make it see the config? Is there an option for it?07:24
EriC^^tmch2: are you in grub> right now?07:24
tmch2Eric^^: yes. if i white "configfile ...", it boots up okay07:25
EriC^^tmch2: ok boot into the install and type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link07:25
envyanyone please help me07:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:39
tmch2Eric^^: http://www.termbin.com/hlo707:40
EriC^^tmch2: type "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"07:41
tmch2EriC^^: http://www.termbin.com/bedh07:45
EriC^^tmch2: type "ls /sys/firmware/efi"07:46
EriC^^does it list dirs?07:46
tmch2EriC^^: Should I be booted into the system I'm trying to boot or the livecd i was installing grub from? Maybe I should try to reinstall grub from the system itself and it will work?07:51
dzipc_i add ssd and reinstall, but into thia cli07:52
dzipc_there ia onlu build-in efi choice in boot menu07:55
dzipc_is only07:55
EriC^^tmch2: it's ok to do it from the live usb07:56
EriC^^tmch2: where do you have the rootfs mounted?07:57
EriC^^dzipc_: are you in the grub> right now?07:57
EriC^^dzipc_: tmch2 you both have the same grub bug, it has a solution though07:58
dzipc_i can't into grub now. It's in the efi shell07:59
EriC^^dzipc_: ok can you boot a live usb?07:59
tmch2EriC^^: it seems to be mounted on / on the system I'm trying to boot08:01
EriC^^tmch2: are you in the live usb right now?08:04
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tmch2EriC^^: yes08:06
EriC^^tmch2: type "mount | nc termbin.com 9999"08:09
tmch2EriC^^: Can I just write what you're lookng for there? I don't have network there.08:12
EriC^^tmch2: can you get an internet connection there?08:12
tmch2EriC^^: I don't know, I've tried copying my /etc/network/interfaces into the livecd, but wi-fi wouldn't work. I guess I'm doing something wrong.08:14
EriC^^tmch2: doesn't it have a gui?08:15
EriC^^tmch2: what does "sudo nmcli dev wifi" show?08:16
tmch2it's not installed08:17
dzipc_EriC^^:  I can boot a live CD but it's so sorry that I have toleave and back in hours . Could you tell me what should i do when i  boot into the live system?08:18
EriC^^dzipc_: try to create a dir in the efi partition /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu and copy the contents of /boot/efi/efi/grub to that dir including the grub.cfg there08:20
EriC^^dzipc_: also since the ssd didnt boot you might need to chroot and reinstall grub or fiddle around with efibootmgr if your laptop is stubborn to boot with uefi08:21
dzipc_now i am in the efi shell.when I installed the system,there is no ubuntu boot choice08:21
dzipc_ok,thanks,i will try08:21
EriC^^dzipc_: check this site if nobody here is available to help http://pchelp.site/topics/post-install-issues08:22
EriC^^tmch2: type "lsblk" is the rootfs mounted somewhere?08:23
EriC^^tmch2: try "mount | grep /dev/mmcblk0" and tell me what you see08:24
YuvalIs there a way to configure apt to use tls1.2?08:25
oerheksYuval,  i think that choice depends on the target?08:31
dzipc_EriC^^:  you are so nice.Thanks very much.08:32
EriC^^dzipc_: no problem :)08:32
YuvalOerheks, I think you are right. Does gpg files contain tls information? Does it have any configuration? I am looking at way to check old linuxes to see if they have tls security problems08:34
oerheksopenssl ciphers -v 'TLSv1.2' | head -4 # this line will tell08:36
Yuvaloerheks thanks08:37
elhoirhello there, which is the best channel to help me with a shell script?08:44
tmch2EriC^^: I reinstalled grub from under the system I want to boot, and it worked. Thank you for your help.08:44
elhoirchannel == IRC channel08:44
elhoirtmch2, ok thx :)08:44
elhoirsuch a quick answer08:45
=== gast is now known as zeddacus
zeddacushi there08:55
zeddacusthe gnome message tray, there is an "clear all" button there, what would be the commandline version of that ? ( clear all messages from gnome message tray )08:56
zeddacuson ubuntu 18.04 LTS08:56
=== bhalithan1 is now known as bhalithan
viranHey, for some reason I need to sudo everytime I want to write a file on this mounted drive [/dev/xvdf1 on /mnt type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=32753,data=ordered)] any idea why?09:06
viranwell, only on the root of the drive09:08
JimBuntuviran, I suppose you mounted that by hand, instead if it being auto-mounted?09:14
JimBuntuviran, that's why then. If you had to sudo to mount, the permissions were likely set based on that.09:15
viranCan I controll that without auto mount?09:16
JimBuntuviran, Well... you could chmod if you wanted to. While I am sure there is some elegant way to manage this, I don't even bother. fatab *may* be an alternative if it's a regularly mounted device.09:17
JimBuntuviran, You are welcome.09:17
JimBuntuviran, if you have a lot of work to do with the root section, `sudo su -` may be of use to you, only remember that you are root09:18
solsTiCeno use `sudo -i`09:23
solsTiCeno need to use su with sudo09:24
solsTiCenow is the time to change PS1 prompt to red when you are root09:25
solsTiCelike root@titan:~# if you have the "standard" color set09:27
EriC^^viran: you can do chmod +rwx /mountpoint09:40
EriC^^then everyone can write to the root dir of the filesystem09:41
solsTiCedid you know browsh ? kind of funny hack for geek: https://www.brow.sh/09:51
solsTiCebut it kinds hurt the eyes to see pixelated images or videos09:53
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solsTiCewhat is kernel livepatch for ? because I still got update for linux-* package with apt update/upgrade. security update ?09:58
tomreynyou dont need to reboot immediately this way.09:59
tomreynlivepatches become effective immediately, kernel package updates on reboot10:00
solsTiCetomreyn: is there a way to know that a livepatch has been applied ?10:01
tomreynbut livepatches can't cover everything, so yuo still want the full patches.10:01
tomreynyes, i just forgot which ;)10:01
solsTiCetomreyn: no problem10:01
tomreynsolsTiCe: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/10/canonical-livepatch.html10:03
solsTiCe`canonical-livepatch status --verbose` may be10:03
solsTiCewell. I was about to remove it but I will keep it given i never reboot my laptop 🤓10:05
tomreynwell, you should reboot it.10:06
solsTiCewell. I better make it sleep instead of letting it on all the time. first. then. reboot more frequently. like once a week10:11
tomreynwhile canonicals' implementation differs from this, limitations should be similar https://github.com/dynup/kpatch#limitations10:11
solsTiCetomreyn: ubuntu livepatch use upstream kernel live patching not kpatch https://lwn.net/Articles/619390/ from dustin blog above10:12
tomreynright, differnet implementation10:13
solsTiCeit is suprising from ubuntu to use something upstram :-)10:13
solsTiCe"It represents the greatest common functionality set between kpatch [1] and kGraft [2]"10:14
solsTiCewell I guess you can go to /sys/kernel/livepatch to see if any patch is applied10:14
jeremiesWhere can you create a new phone number to receive SMS messages in ubuntu ?11:09
xaerohi, i'm trying to build a custom ubuntu live install image. i'm using live-build and wish to include all packages so i have a large, all-in-one offline install image similar to centos's 'everything' iso. i remember there used to be a '--package-lists' option in live build, where you could select minimal, standard and so on. that option seems to be gone nowadays though?11:10
oerheksjeremies, not, just hook up your phone, install some software, and send it over the usb cable11:10
segwentwhy does ubuntu 16.04 only ship openvpn 2.3.10 ? a binary which is over a year old and not even officially supported by OpenVPN Inc.11:12
oerheksxaero, if that was UCK, that project is dead11:12
oerheksthere is Cubic, https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image11:12
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/11:12
xaerooerheks: I'm using live-build from debian11:12
xaerowhich works (or used to?) for ubuntu too11:12
oerheksxaero, ah, ask in #debian then11:12
xaerosince it has a --mode ubuntu option in there11:12
xaerois cubic what is used for generating ubuntu images?11:12
xaeroif so, i'll use that instead11:12
oerhekscubic works, but it can take some time to build11:13
xaerook thanks, i'll take a look at that :)11:14
segwentwhy does ubuntu 16.04 only ship openvpn 2.3.10 ? a binary which is over a year old and not even officially supported by OpenVPN Inc.11:16
oerhekssegwent, no idea there, not sure  2.3.10-1ubuntu2.1 got backported fixes11:18
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:18
oerheksif you need a newer version, file a SRU11:19
ntd1604 shipped with a defective networkmanager/wpasupplicant combo11:19
ntdmany people files an sru over that, nothing happened11:20
segwentoerheks: i can (and do) install from the openvpn repo .. but i am very surprised that ubuntu 16.04 LTS are not *at least* upto version 2.4.x11:21
ppf!latest | segwent11:21
ubottusegwent: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:22
segwentI still do not believe that is justification to not be shipping 2.4.x11:23
ppfit is11:23
segwenti disagree11:23
ppfit's not a question of opinion11:23
segwentopenvpn 2.3 branch *only* exists to provide Windows XP users a solution ..11:24
oerheksif 16.04 would be vulnerable now, i wonder why you are the only one to complaint..11:24
ppfpackages in past releases are "old"11:24
ppfif you want something newer use a recent release or a distrution that's closer to the edge11:25
oerheksso i guess, the version numbering after the name ubuntu stands for backported fixes11:25
segwentthe reason for that is likely that anybody who notices gets upto date version from openvpn repo11:25
ppfubuntu security backports fixes for vulnerabilities11:25
ppfbut there won't be significant version upgrades11:25
segwentok .. i accept your argument but ..11:26
segwentyeah .. ok .. how long is 16.04 going to be a supported version ?11:28
ppfLTS releases get 5 years of support11:30
segwentok .. openvpn 2.3 will be dropped before then ..11:30
segwenti mean openvpn will drop 2.3 before then11:31
segwentso will 16.04 ever ship openvpn 2.4 ?11:31
ppfprobably not?11:32
oerheksas for now; no...11:32
segwentwow ..11:32
* segwent is dissappointed11:32
segwentwell thanks for your help :)11:34
ppfsure :)11:34
segwentdid you know that 16.04 is the official platform which openvpn use for their cross platform build-system ?11:36
segwentthat is the mainm reason i am so surprised that 16.04 still ships ovpn 2.3 .. it feels like a disconnect11:37
segwentbut you have your "reasons"11:38
ppfthat's not really related11:38
ntdsegwent, openvpn doesn't have that many deps11:38
ntdbuild it yourself11:38
segwenti do11:38
ntdthere might also be a PPA11:39
ntdbut IMO ub is getting really bad at keeping base stuff updated. they accumulated 16 months of vulnerabilities before upgrading imagetragic11:40
ntdthey won't update VLC11:40
ntdas you say, openvpn11:40
segwentyup .. dissapointing :(11:40
ntdnetworkmanager in xenial wants to do mac address randomization, problem is the bundled wpasupplicant can't11:41
ntdthey're almost always lagging in sec updates compared to upstream (debian)11:41
segwentwe see quite a lot of NM problems with openvpn also .. the official word on #openvpn is "don't use NM" ..11:42
segwentok .. well i learnt something about ubuntu today .. it is no longer my favourite distro11:44
segwentthanks again :)11:44
ntdyeah, heres to hoping debian manages to get their grub signed for secure boot11:45
ntdwith that canonical has done with Snap and RPI, the writing is on the wall as to where all this is heading11:46
segwenti have not read that wall .. care to elaborate ?11:46
HelloHello World11:54
andy_anybody home11:57
holywateris there a way to remove all packages EXCEPT ubuntu-desktop? the goal is to clean the current install11:58
holywaterone could do with aptitude and merely pressing minus, at the cost of half an hour of processing dependencies11:59
blackflowholywater: some scripting based around lists of packages built from depenency trees could fix it, but note that "ubuntu-desktop" does NOT pull in ALL the dependencies required for a working desktop system.12:03
MrJoneshow can I start a service inside a snap? I want to start the kubelet service12:04
MrJonessnapctl start kubelet just gives me "cannot start without a context", whatever that means12:04
MrJonesit's a classic snap so it doesn't have any meaningful sandboxing or whatever12:04
tomreynhey MrJones, try asking in #snappy12:20
MrJonestomreyn: I did now, although no response so far12:21
MrJoneswhy is there no documentation on this anywhere? --help doesn't mention context, man page doesn't exist for snapctl, official documentation has "how to use snap command" but not for snapctl12:21
MrJonesI already filed tickets for the missing docs, just boggles my mind...12:21
MrJonesdoes nobody actually start the services installed with snap? surely it can't be that hard12:21
zzzoidrunning ubuntu 18.4 and I can't add an app to the gnome favourites launcher12:26
zzzoidif i rightclick on the running app I do not see the option to add favourite12:26
zzzoidhow can I do this? thanks... I have installed the app by downloading and moving to ~/bin12:26
lotuspsychje!rootirc | ar1l12:27
ubottuar1l: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:27
EriC^^zzzoid: try to click and drag the icon to the dash12:29
EriC^^zzzoid: hold that thought, you need to make a .desktop file look here https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/170823/how-can-i-add-an-application-to-the-favorites-section-of-the-applications-menu-i12:30
zzzoidEriC^^, I tried and it doesnt stick12:30
lotuspsychjezzzoid: clean install, or upgrade from..?12:30
zzzoidEriC^^, I also tried to make a desktop file... I can launch the app with the file but I cant drag this12:31
oerheksMrJones, kubelet for coreOS ?12:31
zzzoidlotuspsychje, clean iso install in vmware fusion12:31
EriC^^zzzoid: look at the answer in the link12:32
zzzoidEriC^^, thanks, I had to copy the .desktop file to /usr/share/applications12:36
EriC^^aha cool np12:36
k_szeErm... I can't login either via the graphical desktop or via SSH after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04.12:37
ar1lhow to connect to wifi using terminal in ubuntu12:37
zzzoidis there anyway to get gnome to respond more quickly when I press the special key.. seems like a lag opening the search / activity view12:39
oerheksar1l, not sure why you want comandline, but this works https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/network/network-manager/docs/configure-wifi-connections12:39
lotuspsychjezzzoid: gnome3 is know for bit more heavy overall12:40
lotuspsychjezzzoid: try to tweak as much as possible12:40
ar1lthank you12:40
lotuspsychjezzzoid: install preload, trim down unneeded startup services,disable file search indexing,disable animations,clean junk with bleachbit,..12:41
MrJonesoerheks: kubelet snap for ubuntu 18.04 lts12:42
oerheksMrJones, so you cannot find the manual ? https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet/12:42
MrJonesoerheks: did you even read what I wrote? >.>12:51
MrJonesI can't figure out how to use snapctl, or any documentation for it (man page, "how to use snapctl" in the docs, nothing of that)12:52
MrJonesah right, apparently it's an internal tool @ bugtracker. so that explains why :-)12:53
teapothi, I'm running a process I pipe the output using &> logfile &. After a few days the process terminated without properly finnishing (and definitely not writing out whatever was in the buffer). What could be the reasons, and how do I go about debugging this?12:55
teapotthis is on ubuntu 16.0412:55
EriC^^teapot: run it with strace?12:57
EriC^^teapot: does "dmesg" show any segfaults or something?12:57
teapotno, dmesg shows nothing like that12:58
EriC^^teapot: try to run it with strace -o /path/to/log <program name>12:59
teapotDoes strace come with a significant performance impact? If it takes 4 days now, how long would strace take?13:00
BluesKajHey folks13:01
teapotanyway, I'll run it and see what happens :)13:02
EriC^^teapot: hmm i'd be more worried about the strace log becoming huge13:03
EriC^^teapot: you could strace into it after it's been running for some time using strace -o /log -p <pid>13:03
teapotthat's what I was thinking. It's a shared machine, and I don't think I'm allowed much more then a gig or so extra13:04
teapotIs there some linux foo that only keeps the last N lines of the strace output or something?13:04
EriC^^teapot: is the memory good? no memory leaks in the program?13:04
teapotIt's supposed to be; it's julia which is garbage collected13:04
teapotI saw no real issues with memory so far13:05
EriC^^teapot: hmm maybe you could truncate it yourself13:05
EriC^^tail -20 /log | tee /log maybe that would work, try and see13:06
MrJonesoerheks: right :-) thanks. but I was using the wrong tool anyway, I shouldn't have been using snapctl. explains why the docs on it are a little hard to find13:08
teapotI'll try to get my program to crash sooner by doing some kind of save - load thing; and then strace the result13:09
phogI have a hardware type question not sure if this is the right channel. but i am getting a laptop with hdmi and usb-c, but i wanted to know if it is possible to have 2 external monitors connected this way to laptop? i would need to buy an HDMI to usb-C adapter since my monitors just have hdmi13:11
oerheksphog, we cannot answer until you tested13:13
oerhekstry ##hardware, but it all depends on what videocard, what usb adapter..13:13
dzipc_EriC^^: hello,there sames no efi dir in the /boot,should i use the boot-repair tool?13:15
deerbardHello. I want to install Ubuntu with dual boot on laptop where Windows is already installed. Owner of the laptop Doesn't have key nor installation disc to this Windows so my question is how often dual boot messes with Windows and makes it not working properly? :D If it's a small chance I think I'll take the risk.13:16
EriC^^dzipc_: hmm isn't that the live usb?13:16
teapotEriC^^ : when I run strace with the command "julia runfile &> out3" I get "can't stat ... no such file or directory" and when I try to attach to the pid of a process I started I still get "operation not permitted"13:17
dzipc_oh yes,it's the live usb,sorry13:17
EriC^^teapot: try strace with sudo13:18
teapotI have no sudo13:18
EriC^^deerbard: almost 013:19
deerbardnice, thx!13:19
EriC^^deerbard: which windows is it? newer windows come with the key installed into the BIOS iirc13:19
dzipc_it's the same in the real / dir13:19
oerheksdeerbard, any windows can be downloaded from ms servers13:20
deerbardoerheks, not without a key, right?13:20
EriC^^dzipc_: ok, from the actual install type "cat ....../etc/fstab"  and pastebin the results13:20
dzipc_there is no /boot/efi but /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:21
EriC^^dzipc_: you can use "cat ........./etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999" to send the output to a pastebin directly13:21
oerheksdeerbard, sure, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows7?13:21
EriC^^dzipc_: yes it might be installed in bios mode13:21
oerheksthat number is on the machine, if not, it is illegal :-D13:21
dzipc_so i give you a shell ?13:22
EriC^^dzipc_: no, it only pastebin's the output of a command13:22
EriC^^dzipc_: alternatively you can install "pastebinit" it does the same thing13:22
EriC^^command | pastebinit13:22
deerbardoerheks I have no idea, it was bought from some company, but used. I don't care, not mine :P Wanna spread the good stuff and show Ubuntu to the person13:23
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EriC^^deerbard: if you want, you can backup the mbr before installing ubuntu that way you can always revert it incase you remove ubuntu in the end13:24
EriC^^deerbard: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/path/to/mbrbackup bs=512 count=1    (replace sdX with the drive's letter)13:24
oerhekswell, why should we care too ...13:26
teapotEriC^^ nvm, I think it's working now (I created a script and straced that)13:28
EriC^^teapot: ok13:28
dzipc_there is something wrong with network now😂13:35
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dzipc_EriC^^: this is my disk partition13:39
dzipc_mybe i can reinstall in uefi mode?13:43
EriC^^dzipc_: it's up to you13:48
dzipc_what is the uefi mode different when install? i lookup some website but get different answer?13:50
alikHello everyone. I found an issue with font rendering in Ubuntu 18.04 (16.04 is fine) in GTK apps. I created a question about it on AskUbuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1054779/incorrect-font-glyphs-rendering-in-gtk-applications-in-ubuntu-18-04 but sadly didn't get any response. So I am wondering if anyone here can help in resolving or reporting this problem?13:54
dzipc_EriC^^: when i choose a uefi install ,must i add a 'reversed BIOS boot area& partition?13:57
jlucOh EOL Notice: Artful Aardvark (17.10) will reach End of Life on July 19, 201813:58
lotuspsychje!bug | alik14:04
ubottualik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:04
marcanuyI have a problem with DNS, suddenly a website address started resolving to a LAN IP: host www.myaddress.com gives: www.myaddress.com has address (using 18.04)14:04
dzipc_mybe this is the result14:06
alikubottu: I'm not sure if its bug in Ubuntu or GTK+/Gnome. pango-view seems to render it correctly, so the problem must be on higher level.14:07
ubottualik: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:07
razzleanyone online wtf is this\14:08
DarkSpiritAK47hey raz14:08
DarkSpiritAK47yeah it is irc, it is pretty much dead... & people who don't talk14:08
razzleoh i see14:09
Allie`Well, this isn't a social channel, it's a support channel14:09
benonsoftwareHey, I was just having my laptop connected for HDMI and for now some reason I'm not getting any sound coming from the laptop after I've unplugged it. Although the 'test speakers' do produce sound though.14:09
DarkSpiritAK47or in my experience people who are unable to really help with linux problems as far as this room goes14:09
DarkSpiritAK47not that i have any linux problems but in the past when i did no one here was ever able to really help me14:09
Allie`benonsoftware: silly question, but have you tried rebooting?14:09
benonsoftwareAllie`: Yeah14:09
DarkSpiritAK47guess my problems were to complex at the time14:10
benonsoftwareAllie`: Although I think I just got some sound when you pinged me. But no other programs are playing any sound through the speakers. o.O14:10
Allie`benonsoftware: *ping*14:11
DarkSpiritAK47true allie... god i haven't been on here in forever... even most social ones last time i recall were pretty dead14:11
benonsoftwareYeah, that got sound.14:11
Allie`DarkSpiritAK47: we're all volunteers here; nobody's obligated to help you with your problem, as much as most of us are happy to try. It's not particularly polite to badmouth people in front of them :P14:11
Allie`benonsoftware: curious. what application are you struggling with sound output from?14:11
benonsoftwareAllie`: So far Chrome, VLC and Spotify (they're the only ones I've tried)14:12
Allie`gimme a sec to spin up an ubuntu laptop here and unplug an HDMI cable :)14:12
DarkSpiritAK47does anyone know any channels that are good for social stuff?14:12
benonsoftwareBut I get alert sounds (ie. when I turn the volume up/down or get pinged)14:12
benonsoftwareThanks :)14:13
DarkSpiritAK47nevermind found some14:13
fSharphello, can smartmontools be trusted? my computer is having random freezes and I ran badblocks on my hdd, which gave 0 error14:19
MysticReverieIs it possible to play interactivce ficton on ubuntu?  z5 and gblob files?   programmes like glulxe work ?14:26
MysticReverieinstalling frotz now ,will see if it works14:28
MysticReveriesudo instlaled frotz, but cnat find it in programmes .  out of my depth. any ideas?14:31
sonicwindDarkSpiritAK47, #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss14:36
sonicwindI've only been here for a few weeks, but have been super impressed by the amount of support offered and problems solved.14:38
seven-elevenhow can i install this package to ubuntu 16.04? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bacula/9.0.6-114:39
sonicwindseven-eleven, looks like the latest repository version is 7.0.514:41
ioriaseven-eleven, you haven't found a ppa ?14:41
EriC^^dzipc_: no for uefi you dont need the bios boot partition, if it's asking for that its booted in legacy mode14:42
EriC^^dzipc_: uefi is newer, more organized and slightly quicker to boot14:42
seven-elevenioria, noo not yet14:42
seven-elevenioria, i think this is a ppa https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=bacula14:43
seven-elevenbut where is the ppa link14:43
ioriaseven-eleven,  9.0.4 not 9.0.614:44
seven-eleven9.0.4 is ok too14:44
dzipc_i reinatall and add 'efi system partition' and the grub error occured again,  now i have 2 disks and the grub list 3(hd0,hd1,hd2). i still can't boot now .14:45
dzipc_and i switch uefi to leagacy and reinstall, now i just get a shiing - when startup14:46
sonicwindhow are those PPA results on Launchpad ordered? by latest updated?14:47
EriC^^dzipc_: do you want to install in uefi mode to legacy?14:48
dzipc_both model have errors, so i preffer to use uefi..14:51
EriC^^dzipc_: ok, boot the install in uefi mode and boot the installer using "ubiquity -b"14:53
EriC^^dzipc_: aha ok, is the installer booted in uefi mode or legacy?14:54
dzipc_in uefi model. but what yhe 'ubiquity -b ' mean? where should i set it?14:55
dzipc_after the install?14:55
EriC^^dzipc_: no it was before14:56
EriC^^dzipc_: boot the live usb in uefi mode, choose try ubuntu, then from a terminal type "ubiquity -b" to launch the installer14:56
dzipc_i'll reboot14:57
dzipc_now i install and set partion like photo befor?14:58
dzipc_is this partion ok?15:02
EriC^^dzipc_: yes it looks good15:03
EriC^^dzipc_: is that a 100gb swap there??15:04
ppfmaybe he's got lots of ram15:05
dzipc_ok i'm install now and the intel ssd is fast.15:05
dzipc_almost 256GB  RAM15:06
ppfsweet machine :)15:06
EriC^^*shrug* guess you know what you're doing then15:06
dzipc_ppf: with too much bugs 🙄15:07
EriC^^why would you need 100gb of swap though?15:07
ppfdzipc_: what bugs?15:07
dzipc_after i inatall the CUDA and reboot, i can't into my ubuntu. Now it has took me days to reinstall OS15:09
dzipc_i think the swap is not important now with enough RAM?15:09
dzipc_now should restart?15:10
EriC^^dzipc_: did ubuntu  installer finish, dont reboot yet15:10
dzipc_now installation has finished15:10
EriC^^type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"15:10
EriC^^any link?15:11
EriC^^dzipc_: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt15:13
EriC^^dzipc_: also type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" and tell me if it lists dirs15:13
Sven_vBis there a multiplayer graphics editor for Ubuntu?15:15
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Sven_vB(in the "collaborative" meaning, via network)15:16
EriC^^dzipc_: brb 10mins15:18
dantossRight now im learning how to edit i3wm desktop... can I see your setups? if you have it?15:21
jeremiesTo sign in to microsoft it is required to receive a SMS message to a phone number. Do you know if it's possible to use these services https://www.quora.com/From-what-website-can-you-get-free-temporary-numbers-to-receive-sms-for-verifications?share=1 ?15:21
leftyfbjeremies: that is not ubuntu related at all15:23
jeremiesleftyfb: where can I ask this question ?15:24
leftyfbjeremies: try #freenode15:24
jeremiesthanks leftyfb15:24
dzipc_I'm watching the world cup final and waiting for you EriC^^ 😃15:28
SpaceMopsy1+2x3=??? :-)15:37
EriC^^dzipc_: same here15:44
EriC^^2mins left and we'll fix the pc :D15:44
EriC^^it should take 5mins tops so we can do it in the half time :D15:44
SpaceMopsyKann wer Deutsch??15:45
EriC^^!de | SpaceMopsy15:45
ubottuSpaceMopsy: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:45
EriC^^no problem15:46
EriC^^dzipc_: ok let's get to business15:47
SpaceMopsyBye to All15:47
EriC^^dzipc_: did you run the mount command?15:47
dzipc_here is the result15:48
EriC^^dzipc_: ok, type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"15:49
dzipc_now /mnt is the / dir of system on disk15:49
dzipc_directly run in bash?15:51
EriC^^dzipc_: no need for /mnt/$i  , only /mnt$i15:52
EriC^^dzipc_: type "sudo chroot /mnt"15:52
dzipc_ok now15:53
EriC^^dzipc_: "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"15:53
EriC^^dzipc_: what does "ls /boot" give ? no need to screenshot is there an efi dir there?15:53
EriC^^dzipc_: ok type "mount -a"15:54
dzipc_yes, there is /boot/efi dir15:54
dzipc_mount -a done15:55
EriC^^dzipc_: ok, type  "lsblk" does it say /boot/efi under mountpoint15:56
dzipc_it shows /boot/efi in the sda215:57
EriC^^dzipc_: ok, type "grub-install && update-grub"15:57
dzipc_install device isn't specified15:58
EriC^^dzipc_: aha15:58
EriC^^dzipc_: type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999"15:59
EriC^^dzipc_: "cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999"15:59
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EriC^^dzipc_: apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin16:01
EriC^^apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed16:01
EriC^^dzipc_: ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 999916:02
dzipc_the first cmd16:02
dzipc_remove /boot/grub?16:02
EriC^^dzipc_: it removes the package16:03
EriC^^run them all in sequence16:03
dzipc_it ask me whether should i remove grub2 form /boot/grub16:04
EriC^^say yes16:04
EriC^^match started again btw16:04
mr_louHello all. Is there any news regarding optical disc burners not being detected anymore? :-( It's getting rather frustrating not being able to burn my discs for this long.16:05
dzipc_should we continue ?🤣16:07
EriC^^dzipc_: it looks fine16:08
EriC^^dzipc_: try rebooting into the install16:08
EriC^^be sure uefi is selected in the bios or legacy disabled16:09
dzipc_reboot into install again ?16:09
EriC^^dzipc_: no reboot and try the installed ubuntu16:09
dzipc_so i should boot to check the installed ubuntu in the disk now?16:11
dzipc_how does the match going on? my pc and TV are not in the same room16:12
EriC^^dzipc_: still 2-1 some opportunities for both teams16:12
anikethey i am new16:13
kurt-xubuntumr_lou, are you sure you have disk burning software installed from ubuntu 16.04 forward there is no disk burning software installed by default you have to install if from software center before you can burn disks16:13
aniketno i am using raspberry pi berryboot16:14
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, Absolutely. It used to work fine. Then it stopped working for a while. Found out that was due to a kernel bug. For several new kernels, my burner couldn't be detected. Then the bug was finally fixed in a kernel - but in the very next kernel, it was back again.16:14
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/173767116:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1737671 in linux (Ubuntu) "Blu-ray burner no longer detected" [Medium,Confirmed]16:16
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, I used to just boot on an older kernel. No problem. But recently that doesn't help anymore. :-(16:16
kurt-xubuntuis this a desktop??16:17
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, Yes.16:17
kurt-xubuntuaka tower16:17
kurt-xubuntuget a non blue ray burner for $2516:17
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, No I need Blu-ray.16:18
RumenHello everyone16:18
mr_louHello Rumen16:18
RumenI have problem installing Nvidia16:18
RumenI already tried everything I found in the net ... no success16:18
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, But another user also confirmed it affected him too, and he was using a DVD burner.16:19
RumenWhen I change from Xorg to Nvidia from "Software and updates" it returns to Xorg ...16:19
RumenI try to install Nvidia-340 - nothing16:19
RumenThan Nvidia-390 - nothing16:20
kurt-xubuntui have multiple standard dvd burners here no issue16:20
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, It's embarrasing that I need to burn my Blu-rays on the girlfriend's Win10 machine. (Because our daily "fun" is to tease eachother with our OS preferences).16:20
RumenI got error when I start the computer "Error parsing Nvidia-settings - line underfine" or something like that16:21
mr_loukurt-xubuntu, Hm... I'm gonna try upgrading, see if that helps. Running 16.0416:21
Rumenpurged the nvidia and installed again ... same effect16:21
Rumenchanged the card from NVS 300 to GT730 - same16:21
Rumenreturned - same16:22
Rumenany idea how to fix that?16:22
RumenI suspect some Kernel modules are broken16:22
kurt-xubuntui would suggest backing up all your data and burning a dvd of 18.04 and doing a fresh install16:23
kurt-xubuntuunless you like fixing broken stuff16:23
mr_louI hate fixing broken stuff, which is exactly why I'm still running 16.0416:24
kurt-xubuntuya me 216:24
mr_louWhen I first tried out Linux, it was Arch Linux....    switched to Ubuntu because I got tired of fixing broken stuff.16:25
mr_louHm, sudo do-release-upgrade tells me there are no new release found...16:31
i4I try to create the USB boot w windows 7 under the Ubuntu and after creation with some tools - usb flash not boot16:35
i4I was used the UNetBoot and WbeUSB - this programs creates the boot usb from windows ISO, but after that usb not booted16:36
i4How to create windows usb boot flash from Ubuntu? Which will booted correct?16:36
i4I was tried to use Rufus under wine but Rufus don't see usb flash... I tried to setup usb in winecfg but rufus not see it anymore16:39
EriC^dzipc_: which pc model is it? hp?16:42
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EriC^^dzipc_: i suspect you're booting it in legacy mode16:42
EriC^^dzipc_: in grub> type "echo $prefix"16:42
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Biessieis it possible to generate a folder on my mac desktop that is ideally linked to my linux box default apache2 webserver root folder?17:32
Biessieassuming im on the same network17:32
BiessieLike a shared folder or something17:32
AjvenHello, got problem after installing amdgpu-pro drivier my xorg dont want to start, maybe you could help find problem? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B8ThPvWw2k/17:39
lotuspsychjeAjven: can this help? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux17:44
Biessieor would it be easier to make an FTP login with home folder inside /var/www/html ?17:45
lotuspsychjeBiessie: we dont reccomend ftp anymore, as its an unsafe protocol these days17:46
j4sshey guys17:46
j4ssi used ps and i saw ./script running, how i can find where this script was salved17:46
Biessielotuspsychje : okay so what would be the easiest way to transfer files/folders to the /var/www/html directory?17:47
Biessiethat is secure17:47
j4ssroot     31068  0.0  0.0   9188  1348 pts/2    S+   14:30   0:00 /bin/bash ./script17:47
lotuspsychjeBiessie: im not such an apache expert, perhaps the #httpd guys might be able to help more?17:47
Biessielotuspsychje : It's not really httpd specefic. it's trying to get a type of transfer protocol that so happens to be linked to the html folder17:48
Biessiespecific *17:48
benergyHey guys, I'm suddenly having trouble opening PDFs from Firefox and attachments from Thunderbird. My PDF reader displays: "No such file or directory." Any idea why this fails?17:49
benergyIt only doesn't work with the Evince Snap App.17:51
lotuspsychjebenergy: contact the evince snap maintainer then please17:51
lotuspsychjeBiessie: not sure mate, rsync perhaps?17:52
benergylotuspsychje: Thanks, will do!17:52
blackflowj4ss: try    lsof    for that pid17:56
Ajvenlotuspsychje: thank you I didt, but still got same issue :(17:59
Thi3fSELINUX users, anyone?18:07
lotuspsychje!ask | Thi3f18:07
ubottuThi3f: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:07
Thi3fI apologize, I'm not familiar with the community rules. Anyplace where I can read up would be nice.18:08
lotuspsychje!guidelines | Thi3f sure18:08
ubottuThi3f sure: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:08
Thi3fMuch gratitude, thanks.18:09
lotuspsychjeThi3f: this channel is mostly about ubuntu support questions18:09
Thi3fHmm hmm, I see. It's just that the other channels I visited are silent, even dead.18:09
lotuspsychjeThi3f: an option could be, you install ubuntu and we can start supporting you :p18:10
Thi3fI come to your doorsteps only from a haunt of great destitutions.18:10
AjvenIts possible to somehow check that GPU drivers are correctly installed ?18:10
Thi3fI'm using Mint, Thank You :P18:10
benergyHey, so I'm back. It seems like it's a read-permissions problem with snap apps. Does anyone know how to tell a snap app that it may read-access other folders than its private one in /tmp?18:10
lotuspsychjeAjven: sure from a terminal: sudo lshw -C video18:11
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Thi3fI'm sorry, I just Googled snap app. What is it?18:11
Thi3f(And are we allowed to ask such qestions?)18:12
AjvenI dont understand that system, installed lat amdgpu-pro drivers and its showing me "VGA compatibile c ontroller' with clock 33MHz :/18:12
lotuspsychjeThi3f: snaps are isolated packages from external maintainers, ubuntu can install them18:12
lotuspsychjeAjven: when driver is loaded correctly at bottom should show: driver=....here18:13
Thi3fOh, the .deb packages we custom download, you mean? Didn't know there was a name for these things. Thanks for the info.18:13
lotuspsychjeThi3f: we cannot support mint here mate18:13
Ajvenits showing driver=amdgpu, but why its info about clock 33MHz ?18:14
EriC^^Thi3f: there's a mint specific channel if you're interested18:14
lotuspsychjeThi3f: no, not debs...snaps have the snapd system to download: sudo snap install..18:15
Thi3flotuspsychje: Of course, I understand. I'll keep in mind not to query Mint here. I'm just getting a feel for IRC, that's all. Don't mind me :)18:15
Ajvensorry closed chat :(18:16
benergyThi3f: I've used Mint before, so we could head over to the Mint IRC if you have any questions on that ;)18:16
Thi3fbenergy: Hey, thanks for the vote of support! I'm just getting a feel for IRC(this is my first time using it), but I'll be sure to let you know in case I run into something.18:18
benergyThi3f: Sure thing.18:18
hfpWhen I ran do-release-upgrade, I was told that a number of packages are no longer supported. Does that mean I should remove them? I don't know what most of them are.18:27
linnewbiehey there, new to linux, looking between ubuntu and kubuntu18:27
phoenix_firebrdlinnewbie: hi18:27
linnewbiei see everyone online praising kde basically, but i also see the most renowned distros using gnome as detaul18:27
linnewbiedefault*. what is the reason for this?18:28
phoenix_firebrdlinnewbie: for that you need to know about the difference between kde and gnome18:28
phoenix_firebrdlinnewbie: you need to know why gnome project was started18:28
BluesKajhfp, run sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean18:28
linnewbiei did some research, i see one resembles more a mac like experience, and the other more a win like experience (traditional). One seems to be more streamlined and the other one very feature rich, both on par with system resources18:29
linnewbiephoenix_firebird why?18:29
hfpBluesKaj: nothing to autoremove, 4 packages to autoclean but none match the list given by the installer18:30
linnewbieis see it's a qt being proprietary thing18:30
linnewbieand as i understand, gnome owns gtk, while qt owns qt18:31
BluesKajany ppas, hfp?18:31
linnewbieis it more of a business relations issue that most of these distros ship gnome by default?18:31
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linnewbieis it more of a problem for enterprise distros that kde relies on qt?18:36
lotuspsychje!discuss | linnewbie18:37
ubottulinnewbie: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:37
CarlFKchromium - how do I pin a tab if I can't right click the tab?  (too many tabs, the current one doesn't fit across the top)18:47
oerhekstab pinning, not sure that is an option18:50
oerheksoh it is.. if you cannot go into the mnu, drag that tab from the window in its own window, then set pin tab, and drag it back18:52
oerheks.. or close a bunch of tabs18:53
CarlFKoerheks: Yeah, if I could get to the tab, I wouldn't have a problem.    hmm.. I can streatch the window open larger than my desktop...18:56
oerheksif you would have that many tabs open, there are arrows sto scroll left and right, no?18:56
CarlFKsounds familiar, but I don't see them18:59
CarlFK^PgUp/Down will change the current tab, but it doesn't bring the tab into view19:01
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i4iHi how to create windows 7 boot usb stick from ubuntu 18.04?20:11
i4iAll methods that I was already tried is not working... After reboot bios can't see the usb or just not started from usb if see it20:12
hfpBluesKaj: yes some PPAs20:13
i4iI tried to setup boot mbr with parted and with fdisk20:14
i4iNo luck20:14
i4iThere is no boot sturtup info when boot from usb20:14
i4iNo info no errors - nothing.20:14
i4iJust grub2 menu20:15
XLVi4i, unetbootin20:16
oerheksnot sure it works for 7 .. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu20:17
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EriC^^i4i: there was an old project it might work20:18
EriC^^!winusb | i4i20:18
ubottui4i: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.20:18
EriC^^i4i: did you try asking in ##windows?20:18
XLVi4i, also, you can use rufus in Wine, or just run a winpe if you dont have windows installed on some machine, eg medicat, and run rufus there20:18
i4iXLV, i used already last version of UNetBootIn and create a usb flash with it, but it's not working.20:19
i4iI tried WinUsb WoeUsb now and flash created with this programm don't working too20:19
XLVi4i, yeah, it seems it doesnt support baking windows install usb, only *nix ones.. try rufus on wine or in a winpe20:19
oerhekswell, then use windows20:20
i4iXLV, I tried Rufus under the Wine but this program is not see the usb flash :( and I cannot do anything20:20
i4iEriC^^, #windows is not for my situation, bcs I havent windows OS only linux20:21
EriC^^i4i: they might know about any software that can help you though20:22
i4iAbout software under the Linux os? o.O20:22
EriC^^for instance testdisk can make a windows mbr and it's cross platform i believe, it's worth a shot20:22
EriC^^it's up to you.. just saying it's worth a shot and it is..20:22
EriC^^just be courteous about it and hopefully no flame suits will be put on :D20:23
i4itestdisk is present under the linux I know20:23
i4iI can try20:23
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i4iUNetBootIn on new usb flash drive creates anworkable shit20:37
i4iIn legacy mode I can see only "Default" string and: '/ubnkern initrd=/ubninit' inside20:38
texlaNeed how to install samba as file server between a pc and laptop both running Ubuntu 16.04> all I find talk about sharing with windows which I do not have on these computers20:42
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oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html.en  --- https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-and-configure-samba#020:44
oerheksthat would be a good start20:44
jaltHi, how can I check if any of the PPAs that I added (apt-add-repository or apt-key add) is unverified? (its public key could not be authenticated)?20:45
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oerheksyou would see the name when you update in tty20:46
XLV^i4, winpe.. windows portable environment, boots from USB, executed in ram.. google medicat20:47
xoxoanyone know where i can find a cheap Orange Pi Zero in america?20:47
xoxoaliexpress.com = 21 days to ship20:47
^i4XLV, oh ofcrs, but I don't need a boot W7 from usb I need to instal it20:48
oerheksxoxo, this is ubuntu support, try ##hardware ?20:48
xoxooerheks: orange pi is designed for ubuntu20:48
jaltthanks oerheks20:48
XLV^i4, you run the winpe to run on it the windows util, eg rufus, to create the windows install USB20:48
^i4XLV, damned, it's sounds like strange :)20:50
^i4And I have only one usb stick now20:50
jalt^4: what are you trying to do? (i just got here)20:50
^i4jalt, I need to create the bootale usb stick with w7 and then install that shit to another notebook without any system20:52
^i4Now I spend all the day and still no luck with that20:52
^i4And this is so sad :)20:53
^i4I hate windows and bootable usb sticks already :))20:53
xoxohttps://www.ebay.com/itm/US-Orange-Pi-One-Board-Compatible-Android-4-4-Ubuntu-USB2-0-Port-512MB-SD-RAM/142181809815?epid=1580574322&hash=item211ab23e97%3Ag%3AUbgAAOSw5cNYLV72%3Asc%3AUSPSPriorityFlatRateEnvelope%2191403%21US%213&LH_GD=3&_sacat=0&_nkw=orange+pi+zero+ubuntu&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0 - how easy will it be to install Ubuntu on this thing ?20:53
jaltso you have a linux box and a win7 iso, and you want to install win7 in another box?20:53
^i4jalt, yep20:53
jalti assume you have no dvdrw?20:54
^i4jalt, for this task I try to create bootable usb stick with w7 from w7.iso and then boot from that usb and install w7 to notebook20:54
XLVxoxo, should be fairly easy, it has debian support so it shouldnt be straightforward creating some ubuntu install media for it20:54
^i4jalt, no dvdrw and I cant rememeber when I use it last time :)20:54
StealyerDo you think man will ever break light speed20:55
XLVsure.. with a ion-propulsion fart20:56
xoxoXLV: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Upgraded-Version-Orange-Pi-Zero-Plus-2-H3-Quad-core-WiFi-Bluetooth-512MB-DDR3/392046439803?hash=item5b47c9ed7b%3Ag%3AQhcAAOSwPsBa~m8x%3Asc%3AUSPSFirstClass%2191403%21US%214&LH_GD=4&_sacat=0&_nkw=orange+pi+zero+h2%2B+quad+core&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0%7C0 how about this one20:57
jaltnot sure if installing win7 from usb was officially supported. you may need to tinker with stuff. Still, you can use rufus to burn the iso into your usb stick. to run rufus you need windows, but that is easy: use virtualbox on your linux machine and create a windows vm from the iso.20:57
StealyerIt seems weird. No matter how fast you are moving. Photons always appear to move light speed20:57
^i4jalt, this is good idea, right, but when for creation of usb flash need to install virtualbox w windows... damned20:58
^i4This is linux!!!20:58
^i4Why so hard and not true way :)20:58
jaltthere are other tools, like unetbootin, but rufus works more often.20:59
^i4I use Rufus under the wine20:59
^i4But Rufus can't see my usb stick20:59
^i4And when i configure it with wincfg Rufus can't see it too20:59
jalti don't think wine emulates hardware20:59
^i4We can point the folder in linux and map this folder as a drive letter in wine, but it;;s no work21:00
jaltdon't you have a friend with a windows computer?21:00
^i4I'm out of town :) o computers with windows21:01
^i4Why I can't do this under the linux!21:01
^i4Linux is a powerfull system but I can't create a bootable usb stick w windows... wtf21:01
^i4It's so strange for me21:01
StealyerSure you can create a bootable USB windows device in Linux21:02
jaltit can, it's just not trivial21:02
jaltxorriso will do the heavy lifting, with even EFI support if needed, but it's a pain to setup right21:03
^i4Stealyer, I trust you, but with 5 different ways it's still not working21:03
StealyerHow is the drive formatted21:04
^i4With NTFS and with FAT3221:04
^i4No luck with both21:04
jaltno, you need a bootloader21:04
jaltsyslinux usually works21:04
^i4And NTFS loader is not?21:04
jaltbut you need to make a few other changes because the installer expects a cd/dvd21:04
^i4Why it's working from windows but not working when create it's from linux21:05
jaltit has nothing to do with the host OS21:05
jaltrufus is simply more capable21:05
xoxoXLV: ?21:05
^i4jalt, yes, but it's not wokring for me under the wine21:06
jaltno, it probably will not work under wine21:06
^i4Ok i'll try next one variant and then come back21:06
XLVxoxo, what about it?21:06
xoxoXLV: nm --- https://www.amazon.com/Makerfocus-Orange-Open-source-Development-Antenna/dp/B071YXXPR2/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1531688767&sr=1-2&keywords=orange+pi+zero --- easy to install ubuntu on this?21:06
XLVxoxo, it says so right there in the description, google around21:08
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telisup all21:18
i4jalt, now luck with gpt, i'll try to variant with virtualbox... damned21:18
telidoing a new install on lvm mirror and it wont boot21:18
teligrub does not see lvm mirror21:19
telioh wait i fixed grub last night21:21
telii think it still stuck on mounting the lvm mirror in initramfs21:21
teliwhen i activate the lvm disks and type exit it still wont boot21:22
poprocksWow, my broadcom wireless card gives *very* slow download speeds under Linux (wl driver). I wonder if ipv6 is the culprit21:41
iresfhow to register a domain with .wallet tld  for examle mydomain.wallet ?21:44
jnewtjust rebooted my computer (18.04 LTS), and i have no sound.  when i go to sound settings, my only choice for sound output is "Dummy Output"   i've tried pulseaudio -k and alsa force-reload, but no other devices appear.    cat /proc/asound/cards shows some HDA-Intel and HDA Nvidia and USB Audio for my webcam.   most people seem to have nothing there when there is an issue.21:46
telijnewt: others can prolly help you better, but what does it show for kernel module in use for the sound card you expect to be working when you do a lspci -k ?21:47
jnewtKernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel21:48
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jnewtit seems everything from the command line looks good, but everything on the gui is missing21:49
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telijnewt: seems that way, :(21:50
BarnabasDKwho ever came up with the idea of a lappie with two gpus ..21:51
oerheksjnewt, is this still the cinnamon sound issue after upgrade, and removal of desktops?21:51
jnewtoerheks, nope, using the standard ubuntu desktop, never got cinnamon to work so i gave up.21:52
ducasseiresf: find a registrar that sells it. this isn't really an ubuntu question, though21:52
telimy system does not want to boot off the new lvm install, it dumps me into initramfs where i have to vgchange -ay my lv's, and i have to do the OS lv LAST or it tries to boot off the wrong lv, it seems stuck to /dev/dm-10 so the order in which i activate is crucial to beein able to boot :\ no idea what to change21:55
jnewtok, just followed the wiki.ubuntu.com/Pulseaudio for resetting user configuration, removed the config directory and tried pulseaudio -k and it says it failed to open the files that i removed (obviously) and that D-Bus name org.PulseAudio1 already taken.21:55
teliand i need to do vgchange -ay --sysinit or dm-10 does not get created21:55
jnewtoutput from the alsa information script: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VTvwWJYjn9/  can anyone see anything wrong with my setup?22:07
coolballhow do know the device name of an external usb hard drive?22:12
BarnabasDKpress the window button and type disk22:13
Bashing-omcoolball: Define what you mean by " device name  ". The device can be indetified by terminal command ' sudo parted -l ' . ( one way )22:15
linux_dev-001Hello, does anybody knows why php 7.0 cli is stuck at 7 minutes when getting the time?22:30
Budgii_Can someone help me?22:41
Budgii_i'm trying to install some drivers for a wireless adapter, USB stick. when I do http://faq.apollo3.com/ljames/ubuntu/networksupport/22:42
Budgii_oops, when i do thesudo ndiswrapper -i [driver]  # (moste likely named "bcmwlhigh5.inf" i get an error22:42
Budgii_couldn't open bcmwlhigh5.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 162.22:43
Budgii_how do I get the files into user22:43
=== Budgii_ is now known as Budgii
oerheksyou use an 2013 page .. bcmwl and ndiswrapper.. but it is in the repos https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl22:51
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
bottHi, flyingtoaster23:02
bottflyingtoaster: How's things?23:02
bottflyingtoaster: Glad to hear it!23:03
bottflyingtoaster: name your favorite AI23:03
bottGood for you for knowing about Mycroft! it's one of my favorites!23:03
bottbye, flyingtoaster. Have a nice day!23:03
xoxois it simple to install ubuntu on a Chromebook23:05
xoxoi imagine it is extremely so23:05
brrnxoxo: I think it is. You might have to tinker with the security settings though23:06
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
rodolfopontesHello, how are you ? I'm new to the ubuntu system. I'm having trouble with audio. Could anyone help me?23:17
cjosephI need to compile a modified driver against my current kernel sources. Is there a guide somewhere on how to do that?23:19
cjosephI was originally just going to compile a custom kernel and this guide suggests that if I just need a driver I only need the headers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile23:20
bott[ Kernel/Compile - Community Help Wiki ] - help.ubuntu.com23:20
cjosephbut there's no link provided (furthermore the entire guide is really outdated)23:20
acuhello guys - I am trying access a Windows Screen through RDP from ubuntu 18.04 - is there any worable to do tutorial - of course I tried remmina and krdc but it seem that it disconects a split second after connecting - at this point I am in the same LAN23:21
Guest78697how do i switch from gnome to kde in ubuntu23:21
Guest78697or sorry23:21
Guest78697I mean how do I switch from x11 to wayland?23:21
Guest78697I assume I can do kde + wayland ? instead of gnome + x11?23:22
acuGuest78697, if you have Ubumntu 18.04 you just need to choose at login wayland23:22
acuit has both options23:22
Guest78697hmm wow ok23:24
bottHi, flyingtoaster23:28
bottflyingtoaster: How's things?23:28
bottflyingtoaster: Glad to hear it!23:28
bottflyingtoaster: name your favorite AI23:28
bottflyingtoaster: good choice! that one's my favorite too!23:28
bottbye, flyingtoaster. Have a nice day!23:29
flyingtoasterwhoA! was that a bot I was talking to??23:29
Flannelflyingtoaster: Considering it was your bot, yeah, I think it might have been.23:30
Rahoulhi! I am having issues logging into an ubuntu server machine, it gives me the following error Could not chdir to home directory /home/nicolas: Permission denied23:32
Rahoulls -ls /home/ gives me23:33
Rahouldrwxr-xr-x 45 nicolas             nicolas              4096 jul 15 19:55 nicolas23:33
petrohow to use ctrl-alt-del command for obtaining task manager?  it only pops up log out window23:40
=== anonymous is now known as Guest28537
Guest28537fuckk whoever told me to switch to wayland ubuntu in the login menu , it just froze my computer23:41
Guest28537and idk what happened23:42
Guest28537I had to reboot 5 times for it to stop hanging lol23:42
Guest28537im on an older laptop HP Pavilion i323:42
Guest28537so it was not 'faster' for me23:42
petroGuest28537, do you have an nvidia gpu?23:42
petroWayland & Ubuntu are a mess23:43
Guest28537I dont even think I have a graphics chip23:43
Guest28537think I have a AGU?23:43
petroI can't even try it since my gpu is Nvidia23:43
acuGuest28537, you might need to switch from gdm to lightdm23:43
Guest28537what kind of gpu does it require23:43
petrowhat is your cpu?23:43
acumeans install lightdm and then login in wayland23:43
petroIntel or AMD23:43
Guest28537genuine core intel i323:44
Guest28537what is lightdm? (sorry am a ubuntu noob)23:44
Guest28537linux noob in general23:44
acuRahoul: is it possible that your partition / drive has filled up ? a normal user cannot login if /log or some critical partition is filled - in that case only root can do - but I do not know your particular situation23:44
petroyou need a special display manager to use wayland?!?23:45
petrothat's crazy... I would not even touch it then23:45
petroah, it should work then, 2853723:45
Guest28537where do i find my current display manager?23:45
petrowhat ver. of Ubuntu do you have installed?23:45
petroyou can figure it out from the settings23:45
Guest28537"4.15 - generic" kernel23:45
Guest28537how do I find the v of ubuntu lol23:46
Guest28537uname ?23:46
acuno - you do not need lightdm - I just found out that with certain GPU it works while it hangs with gmd23:46
Rahoulhi just figured it out - did chmod 775 /home/ and it works now23:46
Guest28537oh ubuntu SMP23:46
petrolsb_release -a23:46
petrorun that in command line terminal console window23:46
Guest28537bionic 18.0423:46
Guest28537how do I find the type of gpu I have (cat /proc/gpuinfo doesnt exist)23:48
petrorun this:23:50
petrosystemctl status display-manager23:50
petroit will output the display manager running23:50
petroam I right?  I'm asking the room23:50
petromight show in hardware settings - gui way23:51
Guest28537is my display manager and gpu the same?23:53
greatgatsbylspci -vnn   ?23:54
BriiMy wired connection quit working after trying to install a driver for a wireless card. anyone have any ideas? (currently on windows so I can be on IRC)23:54
petrowhat do you get with this command:  $ cat /proc/cpuinfo23:55
petroI think I need to upgrade to 18.04 soon?23:56
petroWhat's the best way to do it?  I should come here when I'm ready?23:57
petroI'm currently using 17.1023:57
petro uname -r outputs:  4.13.0-46-generic23:57
greatgatsbyGuest28537, the "display manager" is the GUI login, examples are GDM and LightDM.  Your GPU is your graphics hardware.  Try 'lspci -vnn'23:58
petroI'm worried about when it upgrades the kernel and the gpu driver - I am using the nvidia proprietary driver23:59

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