
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: catfish 1.4.6 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-catfish-1-4-6-released-tp51387.html (by Sean Davis-6)10:50
Spass"Remember window size and position between sessions" thanks bluesabre :)11:00
SpassI always had to make the window slightly bigger when opening Catfish, it was too small11:01
bluesabreSpass: sure thing!11:06
Unit193776798 sounds fun.  Also, but we were in sync. :(11:09
Unit193Debian 90237811:09
ubottuDebian bug 902378 in mugshot "mugshot: fails to start: ImportError: No module named 'gi'" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/90237811:09
bluesabrewhy are they running 0.3.1 in sid? :D11:11
bluesabreI'll take care of that today, most likely11:12
bluesabregot a new catfish to package up after all11:12
Unit193you in pkg-xfce yet, btw?11:14
bluesabreI think so11:18
Spassknome, that UnixStickers form of donation is no longer available, right? https://xubuntu.org/donations/11:44
knomepage updated, thanks11:46
Spassnp, too bad, those stickers were pretty cool11:47
knomeand relatively affordable, but yeah11:47
bluesabreUnit193: you around?11:56
Unit193Not sure mentally?11:56
bluesabreHow do I update pristine-tar after debian/master and upstream have been updated?11:57
Unit193pristine-tar commit ../catfish_8382894.9494021.orig.tar.zst11:57
bluesabreassuming there is no zst file floating around...11:59
Unit193zst is a compression thingy, s/zst/gz/11:59
bluesabreah, gotcha11:59
Unit193zstandard vs gzip, perhaps not a usual example.12:00
bluesabreUnit193: cool, think I got it12:03
bluesabrethe length of those numbers made me thing they were commit refs :D12:03
Unit193OOoooooh, I was just bashing thingys.12:05
Unit193I'm not sure if the version of pristine-tar/tar in bionic is good though.12:06
bluesabreseems like it worked, https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/applications/catfish/commits/pristine-tar12:06

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