
xygnal_roaksoax: according to my co-worker, it was curtin_hooks.py that called the yum commands we spotted14:05
roaksoaxxygnal_: which I guess that was a customization since we don't have yum commands on our curtin_hooks ?14:08
xygnal_roaksoax: there are no yum commands in our cutin config or the scripts it deploys14:08
xygnal_which is very confusing because why would we see it as part of curtin hooks if we have NO configs that reference yum commands?14:12
xygnal_ie:  if it was somehow put into the image before MAAS got a hold of it, why would it show in curtin hooks14:12
roaksoaxroaksoax@rivals:~/project/maas-image-builder/contrib/centos/centos7/curtin$ grep -sr yum *14:13
roaksoax1 roaksoax@rivals:~/project/maas-image-builder/contrib/centos/centos7/curtin$14:13
roaksoaxxygnal_: if you have an installation log to see, that'd be good14:14
xygnal_and custom image instead of centos image has the same result?14:15
xygnal_(it's centos but it's custom image type)14:15
roaksoaxxygnal_: yes, it should be (also, you should be able to add custom centos images with name=centos/custom114:21
roaksoaxxygnal_: but a install log would be a better way to understand what's happening14:22
roaksoaxbut from looking at the code, i don't see any commands we run inside curtin_hooks14:22
xygnal_I'll see if he has that or we can re-create it to show you.14:22
xygnal_explain about custom vs centos/custom?14:22
roaksoaxxygnal_: when you add a image with name='', it will be categorized as custom. When you add it as name=centos/customxyz, it iwll be categorized as "centos" images14:23
roaksoaxxygnal_: it wont bring any different behavior under the hood14:23
roaksoaxxygnal_: but for ui/api should better organize images14:23
xygnal_interesting, ty.  feature that existed all of this time?14:23
roaksoaxxygnal_: yes, but IIRC, we fixed API validation that may have prevented from doing so14:25
sentinel-primewow there has been a lot going on today14:31
ebbex_Anyone else here using swapfiles on the filesystem rather than a dedicated swap partition?14:32
sentinel-primei need to redo my settup14:33
mupBug #1782007 opened: [2.5] BMC Enlistment - When the machine commissionins/runs hardware testing, there are no cloud-init event stored <bmc-enlistment> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782007>19:01
mupBug #1782007 changed: [2.5] BMC Enlistment - When the machine commissionins/runs hardware testing, there are no cloud-init event stored <bmc-enlistment> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782007>19:10
mupBug #1782007 opened: [2.5] BMC Enlistment - When the machine commissionins/runs hardware testing, there are no cloud-init event stored <bmc-enlistment> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782007>19:19
mupBug #1782009 opened: [2.5] Rack DNS config Failed to update DNS configuration. <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782009>19:19
mupBug #1782025 opened: [2.5] Adding a machine with the non-PXE mac doesn't commission <MAAS:Triaged by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782025>20:55
mupBug #1782035 opened: [2.5] BMC enlistment - When adding a machine with only IPMI credentials, these get overwritten by MAAS ones <bmc-enlistment> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1782035>22:04

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