
tsimonq2JanC: That's why I figured he should make his case to an AA :)02:25
didrocksgood morning06:23
dufluMorning didrocks06:36
dufluAlso morning seb12806:43
didrockshey duflu06:47
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seb128hey didrocks duflu07:27
seb128(re)good morning desktopers07:27
jameshhi seb128, didrocks07:27
seb128hey jamesh, how are you? did you recover from the conf & trip back already?07:28
didrockshey seb128 & jamesh07:28
jameshseb128: yes.  It took a while to get out of the airport on Friday night, since it looked like there were two A380's worth of passengers trying to get through immigration at once07:29
jameshplus a flight from Bali07:29
dufluSurely having a flight from Bali just coming in is a given :)07:31
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:33
dufluseb128, was going well, then unwell. Now OK. You?07:34
seb128I'm fine, just day/week just started though07:34
seb128sorry you felt unwell, good that you are back to "ok" at least07:34
dufluI had some very enjoyable food, but possibly something I can't eat. Don't know. So just went and grabbed a pile of boring vegetables07:35
dufluOh, good news though! A significant CPU reducing fix just landed in mutter07:37
dufluseb128, also I think (as suggested by Marco) that we will need to ignore my suggested 18.04.1 fixes. Because the important one hasn't been finalized and merged upstream yet, and we are powerless to speed it up. The only option would be to take the unverified patch07:40
seb128right, it feels a bit late to "force" that in the .1 now07:41
dufluIt's a shame because I had hoped 18.04.1 would solve all the can't boot/login bugs07:41
seb128but on the other side that's not important to have on the iso, upgraders (& new installers who apply updates) are going to get the fix once we SRU it07:42
seb128good morning Trevinho07:42
dufluHi Trevinho07:42
TrevinhoHi duflu and seb12807:42
seb128Trevinho, how are you? had a good w.e?07:42
dufluseb128, I'm still concerned about those users who never get a login screen. Some proportion of them will give up and not bother to find out the workaround07:42
seb128duflu, that's right, those class of issues are annoying :/07:43
Trevinhoseb128: great yes... Exploring the the coasts here, awesome07:43
seb128hopefully that's not of hardware concerned?07:43
seb128Trevinho, where are you now?07:43
TrevinhoSan José, a bit north of Almería07:44
Trevinhoduflu: I agree that's a bad thing... We can still sru and most people will get it working anyway if choosing to update at install07:45
dufluI forget normal people do that :)07:45
TrevinhoIt's a shame, but since the fix isn't exactly stable yet, it's a bit risky07:45
didrockshey Trevinho07:46
TrevinhoWell that's the default no?07:46
TrevinhoHi Didier07:46
dufluNot if you don't enter a wifi password07:46
didrocksTrevinho: duflu: no, they don't, because updates aren't installed, just downloaded07:47
didrocksI was surprised as well when discovering that before going to GUADEC (like, "why don't people are running latest ubuntu-report in general?")07:47
didrocksyou just end up with the .deb in /var/cache/apt/archives07:48
didrocksI guess only security updates are installed right away07:48
dufluIt was a while ago, but also worth noting 18.04.1 will solve the QHD/cairo/ubiquity installer crash07:51
TrevinhoI see... Well, if we can get the guy to finaliza the fix and jonas to ack it quickly we might still have a small window of time, but otherwise... duflu if you're confident with it feel free to prepare a package, with the patch. Personally I don't know enough of that code to ack07:52
seb128didrocks, security updates are not applied before first boot either, are they?07:52
didrocksseb128: I don't know when they are applied, I thought I've seen "installing updates" in ubiquity, but I didn't check at the time assuming all updates were installed07:53
dufluTrevinho, yeah I don't think there's anyone who knows the code for my fix. That's why it stayed broken for so many years07:53
didrocksmaybe it's just wrongly worded or my memory playing with me07:53
seb128ubiquity is confusing :)07:53
didrocks+1 ;)07:53
tsimonq2*cough* Calamares *cough* *cough* ;) ;)07:55
Laneyguten morgen!08:02
dufluHi Laney08:02
* tsimonq2 waves to Laney 08:02
didrockshey Laney08:04
Laneyhey duflu tsimonq2 didrocks08:08
Laneywhat's up08:08
Laneydidrocks: well done :->08:09
seb128hey Laney, happy monday!08:10
Laneyhey seb12808:10
Laneyand to you!08:10
didrocksLaney: pffffff :p08:12
TrevinhoLaney: hi Ilenio (I think could be your name... Like it? 😅)08:12
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:13
didrockssalut oSoMoN, ça va ?08:14
LaneyTrevinho: are you trying to Trevinhoise me?!?!?!08:15
seb128salut oSoMoN, en forme ? bon w.e ?08:15
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:15
oSoMoNdidrocks, seb128: ça va bien, et vous?08:16
oSoMoNhey duflu, Laney08:16
didrocksoSoMoN: ça va bien, il fait beau et pas très chaud, on peut enfin faire tomber la température ici ;)08:16
seb128oSoMoN, nickel, un peu fatigué, ça va que c'est lundi et que je peux me reposer tranquillement à l'ordi :)08:17
oSoMoNseb128, héhé, pareil :)08:19
TrevinhoLaney: hell yes 😋😘08:26
GunnarHjGood morning all!08:51
GunnarHjseb128: Can you please give me a hand as an archive admin with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freshplayerplugin/0.3.9-0ubuntu1 . Build failure on s390x, but there is really no need to build on that arch.08:51
seb128hey GunnarHj09:11
seb128GunnarHj, well "no need" is a bit vague, things should be built on all supported archs unless there is a good reason not to09:11
seb128in which case it's not "no need to" but "can't because <reason>"09:11
Trevinhopopey: hey, I'm notcing even more issues in auto-connect of some snap interfaces (icons and themes) on snap refresh (remember the issue with fonts in telegram)? Same with the theming. Is there an issue to track it?09:15
popeyTrevinho: heya, not that I'm aware of. Might want to file a bug in snapd09:16
Trevinhopopey: is that happening in other snaps too?09:17
GunnarHjseb128: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash is a wrapper to make use of the PPAPI Flash plugin on Firefox. PPAPI is available on Ubuntu via adobe-flashplutin (build only on amd64 and i386) and pepperflashplugin-nonfree (built only on amd64).09:17
popeyI haven't seen it for a while Trevinho09:17
seb128GunnarHj, but the url you gave shows it built on e.g armhf09:18
seb128GunnarHj, in any case if the package does only make sense on some archs then the debian/control should list those rather than use "all"09:18
GunnarHjseb128: True, it has been that way for a long time (and it worked up to bionic) but actually not needed.09:18
Trevinhopopey: I've noticed that adding the usage of the gtk-themes to the snap, we end up on the same issue after few refreshes09:18
Trevinhowell now for theming09:18
Trevinhopopey: if you're on telegram-edge, if you see the X cursor back, that a sign09:19
seb128GunnarHj, again "not needed" is different from "can't work"09:19
popeyugh, I'd definitely file an issue then09:19
seb128GunnarHj, it's "not needed" to build firefox on amd6409:19
seb128but it's preferable to have it09:19
GunnarHjseb128: I suppose we are talking about "can't work" in this case, for the reason I mention. Replacing "any" with "amd64,i386" would be possible, of course, but it's a sponsored upload. So I thought it might be easiest in this case to just let it through...09:23
GunnarHjseb128: The version in cosmic-release has the same build failure on s390x, btw.09:27
czajkowskipopey: would a latest update have removed all my logins from snap applications I use such as telegram and skype by any chance?09:28
popeyIt *shouldn't*09:29
popeyi have only seen that when i had to reboot when my system failed09:29
popeyI have seen that a lot with browsers, where all my cookies are lost if I reboot the computer while the browser is open :(09:30
czajkowskipopey: I've had a weekend of many failed starts after reboot, today I cannot log into skype, and now telegram is looking to be reset up again09:30
czajkowskiI thought I had lost my hard drive09:30
seb128GunnarHj, then it shouldn't be an issue if the current version has the issue, britney only stops regressions09:38
GunnarHjseb128: Hmm.. I was wrong about the latter. :( So, what do we do? Should I prepare patches with only "amd64,i186" in d/control? (There are two SRU uploads too.)10:18
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Trevinhopopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/178190611:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1781906 in Snappy "Content provider interfaces introduced to snaps aren't correctly set up" [Undecided,New]11:08
willcookehi all12:00
Laneyhey willcooke12:01
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Trevinhohi willcooke12:06
GunnarHjHi tsimonq2, the conclusion as regards those freshplayerplugin uploads is that we should better only build on amd64 and i386. I will prepare new proposals, and I think it would be smartest to drop the uploads from the bionic and xenial queues. Can you do the latter, please?14:25
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
oSoMoNdidrocks, I hadn't tested the community theme in a while, it's looking great!16:25
didrocksoSoMoN: yeah, we are getting closer and closer to release it in cosmic :)16:29
oSoMoNdidrocks, looking forward to it16:35
GunnarHjtsimonq2: Please disregard my latest request - Brian M. did it.16:45
seb128have a good night desktopers20:31

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