
tsimonq2Bluefoxicy: What source package are we talking about?02:24
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
dokobdmurray: could you have a look at the valgrind autopkg test failure triggered by apport? (note that that might change again with today's binutils upload=09:58
bdmurraydoko: I'd have phrased that as the apport autopkgtest failure triggered by valgrind if you are talking about http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/a/apport/cosmic/amd6416:10
GunnarHjbdmurray: Can you please do me a favor and drop the freshplayerplugin uploads in the bionic and xenial queues. (I'm just preparing new variants which I will propose instead.)16:19
bdmurrayGunnarHj: Sure!16:21
GunnarHjThanks bdmurray!16:24
bdmurraydoko: I retried it and it passed for amd6416:40
dokobdmurray: did you retry for other archs as well? for other packages as well?16:59
bdmurraydoko: retrying for i386 too, is there anything else?17:01
dokobdmurray: at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html I see triggers for valgrind, python-apt, mate-terminal, .... sorry if I'm missing some17:03
bdmurraydoko: Okay I see what you are looking at now and I'll likely just be clicking retry17:05
ubottucyphermox, jbicha, micahg, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, tsimonq2: DMB ping.19:11
dokocpaelzer: qemu needs a MIR for capstone21:20

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