
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
rbasakWho's here?19:01
DalekSecHopefully enough.19:02
cyphermoxalthough, brb 2 minutes19:03
cyphermoxso, do we quorum?19:08
rbasakWe need one more I think19:09
sil2100I am around but slightly distracted19:09
rbasakI don't see our applicant here19:15
DalekSecI am here.19:16
sil2100Ah, we didn't know you since you have a different nickname19:16
DalekSecDalekSec/Ukikie/Unit193 are what I'm on as right now. :)19:17
cyphermoxwell, we're not quorate those19:19
sarnoldukelele is the one that I can never remember :)19:19
cyphermoxsarnold: you're here to cheerlead for Unit193?19:20
sarnoldcyphermox: by a happy coincidence :D19:20
DalekSecI don't think sarnold has had to review many of my uploads. :)19:20
sarnoldI have to admit I didn't *know* about it ahead of time, but whatever it is unit193 is applying for, it's probably a good idea :D19:20
DalekSecMOTU, sarnold.19:21
sarnoldI have to admit I would have said you already had that :)19:21
DalekSecWouldn't be the only one that thinks it, but alas I'm only Xubuntu packageset.  20 minutes pass, I presume no meeting?19:22
rbasakI guess not. Sorry :-/19:24
DalekSecFeel free to ask any questions (preferrably in -motu as I've got to go.), otherwise see you in Aug...19:25
sil2100DalekSec: sorry we couldn't review you today!19:26
sil2100DalekSec: I know we do have a bad history of those, but maybe an e-mail application in this case?19:26
DalekSecsil2100: I'd highly prefer not, but might have to.19:27
sil2100DalekSec: if you decide on that we'll do what we can to make sure the absent members ask questions and submit their votes as soon as possible19:28

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