
ubottublackflow called the ops in #ubuntu (petro wants out)19:14
MonsieurBonHi all20:04
YatyatYou need help20:04
hggdhYatyat: please leave the channel20:05
hggdhYatyat: I will help you, then20:05
MonsieurBonapparently Yatyat is randomly insulting people on #ubuntu in private messages: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j4xGPpcq4X/20:05
beowuffThank you hggdh. He also pm'd me with foul language.20:06
MonsieurBonCan I personally block a user from messaging me?20:06
hggdhMonsieurBon: the best option you all have is to /ignore Yatyat20:06
hggdhMonsieurBon: yes, see above20:07
MonsieurBonhggdh, is that a command I should execute, or are you just telling me to ingore it? I get an error when executing it :)20:09
hggdhMonsieurBon: this is an IRC command. Type it in, and you will, from now on, not receive any messages from Yatyat.20:10
hggdhNote, however, that they can change the nick and bother you again20:10
MonsieurBonhggdh, if I type that, I only get usage instructions...20:11
wxlMonsieurBon: try /ignore Yatyat all20:13
MonsieurBonwxl, that worked, thanks20:13
wxlMonsieurBon: anything else you need help with?20:14
MonsieurBonwxl, yes, but that's a topic for #ubuntu :)20:14
wxlMonsieurBon: ok sounds good :) if you could kindly part this channel, it would be most appreciated.20:14
MonsieurBonsure, cu later20:15
wxl^^^ same goes for you beowuff unless you need something else20:15
beowuffI'm good, will leave. He keeps trying to private message me, but I'm just ignoring it. My client apparently doesn't support that kind of ignore...20:16
beowuffThank you!20:16

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