
cpaelzergood morning05:21
lordievaderGood morning06:07
cpaelzerhi lordievader06:07
lordievaderHey cpaelzer How are you doing?06:08
cpaelzerlordievader: fighting my inbox after PTO before it steals my soul :-) so I'd say good06:09
cpaelzerlordievader: and you?06:09
lordievaderDoing good here06:12
cyrils34Hello All07:10
cyrils34I'm new on ubuntu server. I have ha dedicated hosting on Go daddy with Ubuntu server 16.04 (no control pannel)  and i get some trouble for configure my dns and ssl. Did someone can help me ?07:14
tomreyncyrils34: hi, please discuss these issues in detail.07:15
tomreynjust to understand where you're coming from: you say you previously had 'dedicated hosting', so this was a dedicated server / VM, managed by Godaddy (but you probably had a login, just not root access)?07:18
cyrils34on go daddy website i get nothing for manage the server, i get only a button for restart it, else everything is made by ssh07:19
cyrils34and i have root access07:19
tomreynok, so effectively ouy already managed an ubuntu server before.07:20
cyrils34I have follow some tutorial for configure the dns and ssl, but seems i've make some mistake, when i write my domain name on browser www.exemple.com, i get back my ip and not the www.exemple.com and ssl i get NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID07:21
tomreyni will continue to subsitute www.exemple.com for your actual domain name, which i do not need to know for now.07:23
tomreyni will substitue as the ip address www.exemple.com resolves to (as a result of running 'host www.exemple.com')07:25
tomreynyou say "when i write my domain name on browser www.exemple.com, i get back my ip and not the www.exemple.com". does this mean that when you access http://www.exemple.com, does it redirects you to and your web browser shows this address in the address bar in the end?07:26
tomreynso it really shows your servers' ip address in the web browsers' URL bar in the end, are you sure? this is an unusual misconfiguration, if so.07:27
cyrils34yes, i write www.exemple.com and on chrome i get
tomreynso the address hown in the address bar actually updates to the ip address of the server, ok.07:29
tomreyndo you have another linux computer where oyu can run some commands on?07:30
cyrils34i have install ubuntu server 16.04 on my laptop for make some try, so yes i have07:31
tomreynso when you run "host www.exemple.com" on your laptop's ubuntu, does it say "host www.exemple.com has address"? does it say something else?07:32
tomreynanything about "CNAME" or "alias"?07:32
cyrils34its show me an ip but not my hosting server . If i copy this ip to chrome, is open godaddy website where is a page for make a long url to short url07:34
tomreynok, now try this (similar but not the same):07:35
tomreynso when you run "host exemple.com" on your laptop's ubuntu, does it say "host exemple.com has address"? does it say something else?07:35
cyrils34also say exemple.com mail is handled by 0 mywebsite.com.mail.protection.outlook.com07:36
tomreynokay, is this wrong?07:37
cyrils34no this is right07:37
tomreynand it DOES say "host exemple.com has address", right?07:37
cyrils34but is not my address as what i said before, is give an ip and if i go on this ip is going to shortener.godaddy.com07:38
tomreynokay, so what you need to do is to update authoritative DNS for your domain name.07:38
tomreynoh there, too, ok07:38
cyrils34ok, how to do ?07:40
tomreynthis authiritative DNS service is usually run by the comapany where you rent your domain name.07:40
cyrils34i have buy the domain on godaddy only, then after x months i have buy a dedicated server on godaddy07:41
tomreynwhat you need to make sure is that both www.exemple.com and exemple.com point to there.07:41
tomreyni am not a godaddy customer and can't guide you to their web panels for domain management.07:42
tomreynbut they surely have some form of customer support for this.07:42
cyrils34i will tell you what i have wait a little07:43
tomreynalso, none of this has anything to do with ubuntu really (it is not specific to the operating system you run on your server), it's just about the basic workings of how hostnames are resolved to ip addresses on the internet. you should normally talk to godaddy for getting help with this.07:45
cyrils34i have think my problem was with bind07:47
tomreynso you run a nameserver on your server. does it serve as the authoritative name server for your domain name? maybe you want to point us to the tutorial you have been following.07:49
cyrils34the tutorial is a video in french, but i can copy to you the code i've write on the file of bind07:51
tomreyn!paste | cyrils3407:52
ubottucyrils34: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:52
tomreyn(also, i could probably still understand at least the technical information on a french tutorial.)07:53
cyrils34that's the 3 files i've edit08:02
blackflowcyrils34: can you pastebin them please?08:07
blackflowand it'd be great if you didn't obfuscate anything so we can check what resolves where and how.08:07
cyrils34ok wait08:13
cyrils34and just for know, did i get an ssl error because the dns or the 2 problems are different ?08:14
blackflowcyrils34: they're unrelated, the ssl error is about expired or invalid name certificate (you access example.com by https, and the cert is for anotherdomain.com)08:15
tomreyncyrils34: your SAO record, as seen on https://imgur.com/a/bRIjFcM , is most likely incorrect08:22
cyrils34ah ?08:23
tomreynit says ksXXXXXXXXX...08:24
blackflowI understood those are screens from the tutorial, not actual config files?08:24
tomreynoh, that's possible08:24
cyrils34yes, im copying what i have change08:24
cyrils34screenshot is tutorial08:25
blackflowso please pastebin the actual configs you have?08:25
cyrils34yes wait im doing08:25
tomreynyou're not. ;)08:38
cyrils34almost done08:39
blackflowcyrils34: are you.... typing it out? O.o08:39
blackflowcyrils34: you seem to have a different NS entry there. I'm guessing domaincontrol.com is not yours :)08:52
blackflowcyrils34: so what are the NS entries on the domain at your registrar? that's why I asked you did NOT obfuscate data, so we can check the entire chain.08:52
cyrils34the only thing i change is mywebsite.com and change number of ip by XXX08:53
cyrils34all other is what i get08:53
cyrils34in godaddy is write domaincontrol08:53
blackflowcyrils34: your zone is wrong then08:55
cyrils34ah ?08:57
blackflowcyrils34: yes. when your domain name is resolved, your registrar points to IPs in the NS entries. Which NS entries are there? the server you run Bind on, or domaincontrol.com?08:58
lordievaderBrr, wildcard record08:58
blackflowwhoever is listed there, is authoritative for your domain. so either you do NOT have control with that Bind, or you do but your NS entry is wrong.08:59
lordievaderWhat is the actual domain  name cyrils34 is trying to configure?09:00
blackflowcyrils34: also line 11 in the second pastebin does not look correct. That quote looks invalid. Should be  zone "mywebsite.come" { ...; };09:01
blackflowlordievader: well I asked them NOT to obfuscate so I can check it, but no answer to that.09:02
lordievadercyrils34: What domain are you trying to configure?09:02
cyrils34hmmm im not sure to understand09:11
cyrils34did you mean that i need not to configure bind because godaddy do it already ?09:11
blackflowcyrils34: if you want any more help from me (and others here I assume) you will have to start telling which domain it is so we can check. Also you did not answer my question about NS entry at the registrar.09:13
blackflowcyrils34: also consider NOT running a public server that can harm others on the internet, ESPECIALLY not a DNS server which can harm others VERY much if you don't know the basics of DNS.09:13
lordievaderGood point. Do make sure to disable recursion.09:15
lordievaderWe have enough open resolvers on the internet 😉09:15
blackflowit's fun when you combine that with a cheap godaddy 1gbps piped "servers for masses" and turn it into a 1gbps udp gun for hire....09:16
=== TvL2386_ is now known as TvL2386
ahasenackrbasak: how do you usually verify Dropped changes from a delta, in a merge MP? Compare the new (logical) delta with the old one?14:55
rbasakahasenack: yes. I run "git log -p --reverse old/debian..logical/..." in a left window and "git log -p --reverse new/debian..merge-branch" in a right window.15:00
rbasakThen for every commit on the left, I should see it mentioned in the new changelog and accordingly dropped, transferred or modified.15:00
ahasenacklet me try that15:02
rbasakcpaelzer: bug 1487679 came up in my 180 day warning. IMHO, it's not critical. It's a relatively uncommon use case and one where users can be expected to tweak /etc as they need anyway. What do you think we should do about it? Just take it off our backlog? Anything else?15:11
ubottubug 1487679 in nbd (Ubuntu Xenial) "CRITICAL BUG: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job NetworkManager.service/start" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148767915:11
easyOnMehello everyone15:15
easyOnMejust want to ask15:15
easyOnMewhat is the terminal command to implement all the config files in the sites-available folder to the sites-enabled folder15:16
easyOnMeI only have one file containing all the vhosts directives with one main domain and the rest are all subdomain directives15:17
easyOnMeplease help15:17
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah I think it is loosing the high-effort-VS-rare-case15:18
cpaelzerrbasak: I'd be ok to remove it, but OTOH it is a valid case so you might add the bot-stop-nagging tag instead15:18
cpaelzerif you think we would get to it one day15:19
cpaelzerif not, lets be honest and state that we likely don't get to it15:19
blackfloweasyOnMe: I don't know apache tools (and I'm guessing it's apache from your question in #ubuntu), but those should all be symlinks, yes? if so, you can just symlink them manually15:20
easyOnMeblackflow: how do I do that15:24
blackfloweasyOnMe: check the ln manpage  (man ln)  . something along the lines of        ln -s /etc/.../sites-available/foo.bar /etc/.../sites-enabled/foo.bar       -- I don't know exact paths or filenames involved, for each vhost in sites-available that you want to make enabled.15:28
easyOnMeblackflow: thanks man15:36
UssatSo, is the upgrade from 16.04 --> 18.04LTS avaliable at the moment ?15:36
UssatI would like to fun some tests with my test boxes15:37
blackfloweasyOnMe: so if there's more of them, maybe an onliner like this (make sure you understand what this does first):    cd /etc/.../sites-available/ ; for F in * ; do [ ! -L "../sites-enabled/$F" ] && ln -s "$F" "../sites-enabled/$F" ; done15:38
easyOnMeblackflow: I did the first one but it says the file exists already15:39
easyOnMenow I am tempted to copy the file from sites-available to sites-enabled15:39
blackfloweasyOnMe: no, the whole point of sites-available and sites-enabled is symlinking15:40
easyOnMeexactly but the first command did not succeed15:40
blackfloweasyOnMe: but the file is already there you say, linked?15:41
easyOnMeblackflow: what i mean is update the one in the sites-enabled15:41
easyOnMeI did changes in the files in sites-available and they are not update in the sites-enabled15:41
blackfloweasyOnMe: I don't know what you're doing there.  your config _files_ should be in sites-available.   you then _symlink_ those you want active into sites-enabled. the point of symlinks is that you don't end up with TWO copies of the file15:42
easyOnMethe sites-enabled files are still the old versions15:42
blackflowand from what I understand, the tools that manage those, expect and require symlinks.15:42
easyOnMeblackflow: I really do not know man15:42
easyOnMeprobably i messed it up15:42
easyOnMenow I am trying to figure out how to correct what I messed up15:42
easyOnMeany ideas?15:43
blackflowwell I just told you what you should have. if you have files in sites-enabled, instead of symlinks to their counterparts in sites-available, you should fix that first.15:43
blackfloweasyOnMe: btw, this sites-enabled/sites-available paradigm is specific do debian (and derivatives, like Ubuntu)  configuration of apache. it is _not_ mandatory by Apache15:44
easyOnMeblackflow: I see15:45
easyOnMebut my subdomains are not working15:45
easyOnMeall the subdomains keepon saying the error:15:45
blackflowwhich means I'm assuming you're using the default config templates. which means the main apache config file should source from the sites-enabled (not sites-available!) directory for vhost configs.15:45
easyOnMeblackflow: erver certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name15:45
easyOnMeuntil now I not resolve this issue15:46
easyOnMeI am past my dinner time already15:46
blackflowthat's a bit beyond being ubuntu specific and should perhaps ask for help in #apache, on how to configure and use the Apache web server.15:46
blackfloweasyOnMe: is that a public server btw?15:46
easyOnMeblackflow: what do you mean public15:46
easyOnMeyou mean online already15:46
blackflowhosting sites or services available on the public internet15:47
blackfloweg. not in your LAN15:47
blackflowright. so consider NOT doing that until you've learned how to manage Apache properly. Doing this and not knowing what you're doing, on public internet, can HARM others.15:48
npgmI did a netinstall of 18.04 and got everything up and running very well. Realized I need 16.04 though, so made a netinstall usb with that and went to install. First issue: very slow install during the "preparing $package" phase.15:58
npgm Second issue: upon reboot I was dropped directly into an EFI shell. Tried following these instructions, no luck: https://askubuntu.com/questions/597213/bootable-device-not-found-after-clean-install-of-ubuntu-14-04-uefi15:58
npgmNow, I try to boot from the install media again, and the display never comes up, I can switch to a separate TTY though, whats the default login creds for a netinstall iso?15:59
UssateasyOnMe, I would take that down untill you have it configured correctly15:59
UssatJust my opinion15:59
easyOnMeUssat: I see16:02
easyOnMeit is only the subdomain that is not working well16:02
easyOnMethe main domain is ok16:02
easyOnMeand the subdomains are not yet open for use16:02
easyOnMeit is just for testing only16:02
UssatThen I would test on a non live server16:02
Ussattesting in prod is...not the best idea IMHO16:02
easyOnMeI manage to achieve success in my local server but in the public server I just could not figure out what I missed doing correctly16:03
blackfloweasyOnMe: perhaps then start with actual problem you're having? Like, you're doing X, and expect Y to happen but instead, Z happens.16:05
easyOnMeblackflow: that is what I am doing16:05
easyOnMewitht he subdomain16:05
easyOnMebut I cannot figure out how to resolve the errors I am encountering especially the one I just shared16:05
easyOnMethat is the only one left to solve and I am good to go16:06
blackfloweasyOnMe: no, I mean explain here what you have and what you're trying to achieve.16:06
easyOnMeeasyOnMe: oh I see16:06
blackflowfor example, pastebin the errors you're encountering.16:07
easyOnMeI wanted establish a subdomain and like subdomain1.example.org and expect it to show up on the browser when I hit enter16:07
easyOnMeunfortunately it says:This page isn’t working16:08
easyOnMesg.infinityls.org redirected you too many times.16:08
blackfloweasyOnMe: first of all, is the DNS for it valid and resolving to correct IP?16:08
easyOnMeblackflow: yes16:08
easyOnMejust ignore the output for the back up file16:08
easyOnMeit has been deleted already from the sites-enabled folder16:08
blackfloweasyOnMe: yeah and don't put files into sites-enabled16:09
blackflowso, can you pastebin the actual vhost file you're using?16:10
easyOnMeblackflow: I don't but for some reason the back up came out when I did apachectl -S16:10
easyOnMethe back up became part of the output16:10
easyOnMeI also do not know why it became included in the sites-enabled16:10
blackflowprobably syslog with crit(ical) level which is configured to go to console16:10
blackflowwait, that is actually the contents of the file?16:11
Ussatlooks like a serious miss-paste16:18
easyOnMeblackflow: virtual host config for the main domain and the subdomains16:19
easyOnMefor port 44316:19
easyOnMeand port 8016:19
blackfloweasyOnMe: yes, but is that.... no, wait. can you pastebin the _actual_ file?       cat /etc/.../sites-enabled/foo.vhost.conf | nc termbin.com 9999     and post here the URL you get       of course use proper path.16:20
easyOnMeblackflow: its the same16:21
easyOnMei just changed the names of the subdomain and the main domain16:21
easyOnMebasically what you see there that is it16:21
blackflowthat is not a correct apache config file syntax16:22
blackfloweasyOnMe: looks like you copypasted some output of grep or something.16:27
easyOnMeblackflow: no that is the result of apachectl -S16:30
blackfloweasyOnMe: so why don't you pastebin the actual file16:30
easyOnMeblackflow: because our work does not allow us to16:31
easyOnMewe seek help but we are not allowed to pastebin actually files with real names16:31
blackfloweasyOnMe: then how do you expect anyone to help you?16:31
easyOnMeso I changed it to subdomain and maindomain16:31
easyOnMeso I do not get fired16:31
blackflowI can't help you untill I see what your config is and what's wrong with it.16:31
easyOnMeI see16:32
easyOnMebut that is the best I can do man16:32
blackflowbtw.... this is not Ubuntu specific, so please direct all your Apache support request to #apache.16:32
easyOnMethe mainDomain is the dns name16:32
blackflowover and out.16:32
easyOnMesubdomain are the respective subdomain names16:32
easyOnMeok no problem16:32
easyOnMethanks for the attention though16:33
UssatSo, is the upgrade from 16.04 --> 18.04LTS avaliable at the moment ?16:33
tewardUssat: not until the 18.04.1 release16:33
Ussatahh...gotcha, thanks16:33
blackfloweasyOnMe: I do have to ask what kind of work is that where you're not fired and are supposed to touch production machines with zero clue. all this smells like BS to me.16:34
easyOnMeblackflow: it is just the names that are changed man I do not think it really matters that much16:34
UssatYes, yes it does16:35
easyOnMehow so16:35
blackfloweasyOnMe: when you have no clue how to configure apache, and are asking for help, don't assume you know what is or isn't relevant.16:35
easyOnMejust following protocol here man16:35
easyOnMeanyone its ok16:36
easyOnMesorry if it offends you16:36
easyOnMethis is my first job16:36
blackflowI just don't buy it any more that you have a legit help request.16:36
easyOnMeblackflow: I really do16:36
easyOnMethe other day I got a good dressing down for similar case16:36
easyOnMeso just learned some lessons too16:37
easyOnMeanyway man its ok16:37
UssatI assume you have backups ?16:37
easyOnMeyes we do16:37
blackflowwell if you're serious, I'd gtfo of there asap and find a better job, one that offers proper training and supervision, before allowing anyone to prod.16:37
easyOnMeblackflow: I do but I am newbiew who will hire me with no experience at all16:37
Ussatrestore latest working GOOD backup, and test in test16:38
easyOnMeUssat: ok will do16:38
UssatThats MY opinion16:38
easyOnMeUssat: I will take it from there though16:38
Ussatand dont touch prod till you are 100% sure16:38
easyOnMeUssat: no problem16:38
blackfloweasyOnMe: but seriously, find another, more responsible company, before they dump on you the next Equihax and hang you out to dry.16:41
easyOnMeblackflow: yeah in our country here I consider myself lucky man16:41
easyOnMea lot of people here have no work or job to speak of16:41
easyOnMefor me with no experience having this job this is already a blessing to start with16:42
easyOnMedifficult yes, but that is where all newbies start anyway16:42
easyOnMeone year max and I am out of this company16:42
easyOnMethis company is not that big too so they kind of hire people whom they can make the most out of16:43
easyOnMeblackflow: anyway thanks dude for the advice16:43
easyOnMereally appreciate all your help earlier16:43
blackfloweasyOnMe: the problem is not in not having experience. nobody was born with it. the problem is all the rest about it. esp. the cherry on top, of being unable to pastebin a config file, even with obfuscated domains.16:43
easyOnMeblackflow: that was the actually config file already16:44
blackflowthat is not a valid apache config file, so no :)16:44
easyOnMethe name of the file is 000-default-le-ssl.conf16:44
blackfloweasyOnMe: these are:  https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/examples.html16:44
easyOnMeI got it from the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder16:45
blackflowServerRoot: "/etc/apache2"  is not a valid apache config stanza16:45
easyOnMeblackflow: oh so sorry I got what you mean16:45
easyOnMeman I am very sorry16:45
easyOnMeI assume I pastebin the 000-default-le-ssl.conf16:45
easyOnMeblackflow: man really sorry my bad16:46
easyOnMehang on16:46
blackflowthat still wouldn't look like a valid config file. apache config syntax doesn't have   keyword: value    stanzas16:46
easyOnMeblackflow: yeah I agree so sorry man16:47
easyOnMenot to restart this laptop16:48
easyOnMehang on16:48
easyOnMeblackflow: here it is man: https://apaste.info/Bm9W17:02
easyOnMethanks for the wait17:02
blackfloweasyOnMe: I don't see a redirect rule there that could explain that previous error. Did you try cleaning your browser cache? If there was a 301 there somewhere before, it could've been cached in your browser. Also, is there PHP involved that could explain any redirections happening that aren't visible in vhost configs?17:06
easyOnMeblackflow: yes there is some php involve17:06
blackflowand see, if you didn't obfuscate the domain name, now someone could try to connect and see the headers and progression of redirects...17:06
easyOnMei am using .htaccess too17:06
blackflowoh .htaccess, check that too, it's config too17:07
easyOnMeblackflow: are you familiar with codeigniter317:07
blackflowten years ago I was.17:07
easyOnMeblackflow: I am using it now and what I did was just to copy the application and system folders inside each subdomain folder17:08
easyOnMenow to test one subdomain I tried performing the necessary config adjustments but to no avail17:08
easyOnMebut when I did with my local server I got it running very well17:09
easyOnMeblackflow: now I did apachectl -S and the error there states that there is no id matching the server name17:09
easyOnMeso I came to the conclusion that the multiple redirect was the result of the failure to match the cert id with the correct server name17:10
blackfloweasyOnMe: can you pastebin    culr -v -s http://<your domain here> 1>/dev/null      run from a linux machine with curl installed, use proper subdomain, one that results in inifinite redirects17:11
blackfloweasyOnMe: no, SSL certs don't result in http redirects in any way.17:12
blackflowbtw, I typoed up here, it's curl   not    culr17:12
easyOnMeblackflow: ok noted with thanks17:12
easyOnMeblackflow: shall i use https instead of http17:13
blackflowno, use http17:13
blackflowactually do both.   properly configured SSL should have a redirect from http to https anyway17:13
easyOnMeblackflow: do I include the number 1 here:<your domain here> 1>17:14
Ussatya.....we just changed all our internal stuff to be https a,d http redirects to https17:15
Ussatwell, over the last month17:15
blackfloweasyOnMe: yes,   1>/dev/null is a separate param, redirects stdout to devnull.    in fact 1 is not needed,   >/dev/null shold work, but I like to be explicit about those17:15
Ussatwe have an internal CA for the internal stuff17:15
easyOnMeblackflow: ok17:15
blackfloweasyOnMe: because curl will output the fetched site content to stdout, and we don't need that here, only hte headers (with -v) that are output to stderr17:16
easyOnMeblackflow: https://apaste.info/trtB17:20
easyOnMethat is the result17:20
easyOnMesame for the other subdomains17:21
blackfloweasyOnMe: okay that's a 302 to https. now please do https17:22
easyOnMeblackflow: that is https17:22
easyOnMeplease see line 117:22
blackflowoh right... well that's the problem there, you have a redirect back to itself.17:23
easyOnMeblackflow: hang one17:23
easyOnMefor the other subdomains its 40217:23
blackflowHTTP/1.1 302 Found    and Location: https://subdomain6.example.org/17:23
blackfloweasyOnMe: please pastebin the file   /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf17:23
easyOnMeblackflow: for the other subdomains its 403 sorry17:23
easyOnMeblackflow: ok hang on17:24
blackflow403 is okay, means you don't have a permission to view it, but it's not a broken redirect back to itself.17:24
easyOnMeblackflow: https://apaste.info/9hVm17:26
blackfloweasyOnMe: huh, okay, so what about .htaccess files. Any redirect rules there?   RewriteRule   directoves?17:27
easyOnMeblackflow: yeah but when I started configuring subdomain6 this issue occurred initially subdomain6 was also 403 error17:27
easyOnMeblackflow: ok I will pastebin it too17:27
easyOnMeblackflow: https://apaste.info/2lej17:29
easyOnMethat is the .htaccess for subdomain617:30
easyOnMewhich is very similar to the its mainDomain's htaccess17:30
blackflowand that's it, lines 5 and 617:30
easyOnMeblackflow: why what about those lines17:30
blackflowline 5 should have 80 and not 443 in the RewriteCond17:30
easyOnMewhat about line 617:31
blackflowline 6 looks good if the idea is to redirect http to https and retain the URI17:32
easyOnMeblackflow: so only line 5 change back to 8017:32
blackflowI'm not sure about the RewriteBase, I'm a bit rusty in Apache....17:32
easyOnMei see17:32
easyOnMenever mind let's see17:32
blackflowbtw, why is that in .htaccess.... ideally you should not have any .htaccess files. that is useful only for shared hosting environments when you want to allow users change httpd configs without touching the master config file17:34
easyOnMeblackflow: that's what I learn17:35
easyOnMesince I learned using codeigniter17:35
easyOnMeblackflow: by the way we are back to 403 error17:35
blackflowwell at least the cycling redir is fixed :)17:35
easyOnMenow the issue is that it does not use codeigniter's own index file17:35
blackflowthere should be apache error log somewhere, check in there what is it failng on17:35
easyOnMeok hang on17:36
blackflowyou need DirectoryIndex index.php   to tell apache to automatically assume index.php to be the index file, when one is not given17:37
blackflowsee, when you access http://domain.org/   you're technically acessing  /index.html, implicit through DirectoryIndex directive17:37
easyOnMeblackflow: yes correct I agree in fact 403 will not pop out if index.html is around17:38
easyOnMethe thing is the folders for ci such as applications and system are already inside the subdomain6 folder so by right it should look for the controller file right17:39
blackflowand that's a whole new level of problems. configuring PHP for apache. I can't help you there, it's really been a while since I apache'd.   Best ask in #apache.17:39
easyOnMebut it this case it did not17:39
easyOnMeinstead it tried to look for index.html instead of the main controller17:39
easyOnMeblackflow: yeah I went in there but the guys there seem clueless or probably asleep17:40
blackflowTry adding DirectoryIndex index.php   to that .htacccess17:40
blackflowoh wait.... you have Options -Indexes in the main vhost files.... try removing that too17:41
seizoim trying to install ubuntu 18.04 server on an apu2c4 board, need to force it to use serial interface instead of gfx. how can i make changes to the install iso?18:10
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
RoyKseizo: not sure, but something like console=serial(something) in the kernel line might do the job18:29
RoyKseizo: hm - it's not the console that's the problem - it's TTYs - not sure how to enable serial TTYs during instaall18:30
oerheksmaybe a help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto18:38
seizoRoyK: yeah thats what im thinking, trying to figure out how to edit the grub file on the read-only iso / live usb stick18:55
seizooerheks: yeah i found that, most of the info is way out of date :/18:56
npgmI'm having some issues with a USB 3.0 ethernet adapter. The driver seems to be a bit buggy from what I can tell (kevent 12 error msgs). I'm running a fresh 16.04 install. Basically I need a USB NIC thats as reliable and plug and play as possible, the actual speed doesn't matter so much. Does anyone have a recommendation on something to pick.19:03
sarnoldnpgm: I'd try 18.04 before giving up on the thing19:14
npgmsarnold: ya, so given my use case its more cost effective for me to pick something that works, this is for a largescale deployment19:14
npgmif theres some usb 2.0 NIC thats known to have a mature reliable driver on 16.04 thats much better for me19:15
sarnoldnpgm: ah. then *maybe* the 16.04 LTS HWE stack would be a nice medium.19:15
npgmsarnold: ya, thats not an option as well. :D sorry for all the constraints.19:17
npgmis there some place I can look to find a list of _very_ well supported hardware?19:17
sarnoldnpgm: heh, bummer :)19:17
Mystic_Reverieany other ubuntu helps rooms anywhere?  the 'ubuntu'  people are such aloof snobs, im stuc kwith ubuntu and i dread going in there asking for help now.20:32
_KaszpiR_Mystic_Reverie dont' expect better support, really20:34
Mystic_Reverieive had great support in here, when they are around20:35
naccMystic_Reverie: also pleaes don't corosspost20:35
naccMystic_Reverie: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu server20:35
naccMystic_Reverie: you just didn't like the answer in #ubuntu20:35
Mystic_Reverieoh sorry wrong room.  im not corss posting , am asking fo a room that isnt full of nasty snobs20:35
Mystic_Reverieim fine in other rooms, puppy linux ect20:35
Mystic_Reveriesome people in ubuntu had a nasty attitude problem20:35
naccMystic_Reverie: that's not the purpose of this channel20:35
nacc!alis | Mystic_Reverie20:35
ubottuMystic_Reverie: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:35
hggdhMystic_Reverie: please don't go there20:36
Mystic_Reverieget stuffed20:36
Mystic_Reverieu need to learn hpw t otreat people20:36
RagzHi all21:52
Ragzanyone help with server migration from 12.04 to 14.04?21:53
naccRagz: 12.04 has been eol for a while21:55
nacc!eolupgrade | Ragz21:55
ubottuRagz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:55
naccRagz: you are better off reinstalling21:55
RagzThanks guys, only issue is i got word press sitting on it21:57
Ragzand i dont have enough word press experience21:57
Ragztried migrating the dam thing but kept on failing due to one of it plugins which no one supports21:58
Ragzspent most of the day trying to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 but mysql doesnt want to start21:58
Ragzor apache breaks21:58
JanCprobably better drop that extension if you can then...23:01
JanCor plugin or whatever it's called23:02
JanCmaybe replace it if possible...23:02
JanCand do that before trying to upgrade...23:02
sarnoldJanC: ragz's been gone for a while :(23:06
JanCI know23:07
JanCmaybe he/she will come back  :)23:07

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