[10:34] Good morning [12:11] <_stink_> yo [14:06] morning [14:07] I think I've finished the text for The Medicore Programmer book that I've been writing [14:07] if anyone would like a sneak peek at it LMK [14:07] I still have to edit it before releasing it to the public [14:27] cmaloney: sure, hit me up with a link or whatever, via pm or fediverse dm or ... [14:28] and lemme know how you'd like diffs [14:29] it's available here: https://framagit.org/craigmaloney/themediocreprogrammer [14:29] you'll need an account. Once you have that set up PM me with your account name and I'll add you there. [14:29] issues in the repo would be awesome. [14:30] oh the frama projects are not ones I am opposed to getting accounts on :-) [14:30] so, will do. [14:30] :) [14:36] cmaloney: ok, I'm in as 'deejoe' [14:39] Added. Thanks! [14:42] cmaloney: I'm seeing issues but not any source? [14:44] you currently have guest permissions in a private repo. Does that not give you access to the source? [14:45] Try it now. I gave you reporter access [14:48] aha, now I see the Repository item in the left-hand sidebar. [15:02] cmaloney: ... and, clone! Read the intro using http://deejoe.etrumeus.com/update/reading-markdown-files-at-the-console-using-w3m-via-mime.html and so far no glaring problems. Will set aside the next bit for later. [15:02] feel free to bug me about my progress at any point. [15:04] You can also use pandoc to read the epub / PDF / html files. :) [15:08] heh [15:09] maybe I should have given pandoc billing in that link title, but yeah, that's part of what makes it all go [15:11] I've got another thing, a slightly newer approach but more flexible and more in-keeping with This Modern World Of GUI Web Browsers, I call mdbrowse, in which I feed a file to pandoc, ask it to make an .html file, call xdg-open on that temporary file, and then issue a 'read' as a pause before deleting the temporary file. [15:12] if I encounter figures, I'll fire that up [15:12] nice [15:26] https://plus.google.com/103416921442200060388/posts/NrrqEeVsouf [18:44] saw that on reddit, it works for so many things [18:45] I've got friends into graphic design and I think that's where it started making the rounds [18:45] the award ribbon for "I survived another meeting that should have been an email" is precious too